A.F.L. in Crisis Over Industrial Unionism
A.F.L. in Crisis Over Industrial Unionism Split in the Federation Is Feared; Lewis Leads Insurgent Movement Winers and Others Demand More Action in Mass Production Industries—Executive Council...
...The meeting, officially opened with an introductory address by Ephim Jeshurin, chairman of the Convention Arrangements Committee, Was noticeably stirred by the inspirational address of Joseph Weinberg, President of the W.C General Secretary Joseph Baskin, who followed, a short greeting from Abraham Cohan, received a tremendous ovation for his energetic and impulsating- presentation...
...None will be made...
...A strike of 50,006 cloakmakers in New York and vicinity after the expiration of existing collective agreements on June 1, has become probable as- a result of the stand taken this week by the Merchant Ladies' Garment Association, the organization of jobbers...
...The strike was begun on April 30th...
...has gown a seed for the future, that in the YCLA the Workmen's Circle has a vital, active youth movement alert to the world about it and imbued with the very soul, aims and ideals of the W.C...
...thirty-five years of tremendous changes in our civilization and yet here was the W.C...
...At the same mat, hi the face of the fascist reliant, they continue their campaign aiatUMhstad slanders again t the tedabats...
...Then it developed that Mssswshrrf'n former secretary, *bt remained in Germany as a aaaasr ef the Communist Party, sat to reality a police spy...
...Some forty YCLA delegates march behind an impressive color guard...
...Nagler stated that conferences with the other three employers' groups in the industry, the (ndust...
...Socialists who preach the inevitability of fascism aad exaggerate its importance o ¦ t a i d e ef] the countries where it has ac...
...sttl sns are keeping in the frahiiisnil helping with advice dhtctien wherever they can, f? Ifclmg their time...
...And I am convinced that in Germany fascism faces inevitable destruction...
...He expressed the opinion that eireamstance* as they appear at the present moment make it not unlikely that the process of moral, political I and economic disintegration of the i Nazi regime may take at least another two year...
...Thia holds tree of all countries where democracy ia firmly rooted...
...For the ***** they are gathering the or'"halion and power for this great ^jWMade Seger took occasion to **BsW the conception so popular 9 parlor-bolshevik circles— HROSption of which the British :****unist de hixe, John Strachey, *M"eing exponent—that there ^j** o*e choice before humanity, 7"S0a or Communism...
...This JLfkia being done principally by Zg0g dements...
...We Socialists «e ne* la*and So force developments artificially...
...So with bands playing, W.C...
...What holds true of the automobile industry applies with equal force, it is declared, to other mass production industries...
...The revolutionary Ismaggnng operations as well a* the distribution system hi GerI many are oreanized and connected I with tree Geraaea efficiency...
...Nearly a thousand subscriptions for The New Leader were secured by the speakers who praised the paper for its struggle on behalf of the workers of America and its effective dissemination of Socialist propaganda...
...reported .and judger...
...Study it and express your opinion without delay, if you are interested...
...HereP">*> these groups operated as jj...
...Delivered by B. Block, it summed up the extensive year's work ol the department throughout the country, touching on the various lecture tours, open forums .etc...
...Has President Roosevelt decided whether he will reduce the wages of organized labor...
...As fasunple ef Recklessness As so example of what he termii Cissinimi t recklessness, Comad% Seger cited the case of the {aimer secretary of Willy MuenHdMrf, former Communist leader, wht ettsped from Germany and is ¦mw reading in Paris...
...from the city poor farm in cityowned trucks...
...Otto Levingson, Dr...
...IwiiaiiiiiM, uf...
...sn this connection, I have had aaa amusing incidents with Comssaati and their friends in this entry...
...Automobile unions up to this time hhve been local unions directly affiliated to the American Federation of...
...Their offer to negotiate on wages and hours is obviously meaningless...
...ha said...
...Dillon said: "The poll was as expected...
...The organization committee report was rendered by L. Dinnerstien...
...j^Tkrwcrt Brings Action j, *-*nt the threat of secession was * without effect upon the exeeJh* canneil was clearly indicated W*as»a«y whan after many f—**» of delay the council aur**,*« the granting of a charter fit** international anion of auto***** workers, and • similar charthe rubber workers...
...this is no yearly check-up...
...Big Convention of W.C Gets : Under Way 35th Anniversary of Groat' j Fraternal Order Brings Hosts to Great Garden Meeting...
...Abramowitaefa, Rudolf Rocker of the Freie Arbeiter Stimme: B. Gebiner of the Jewish Socialist Verband...
...Vladeck received a tremendous ovation as did Judge Jacob Panken, who also spoke...
...Line for the Los Angeles Sanatorium...
...The workers have confidence in the A. F. of L., bat they are being held back byeoafusing craft divisions...
...Philip Nemoff, G. Darrell O'Neill and Edwin Smithauser...
...The candidates are permitted to employ a slogan on the printed ballot, and are using the slogan quoted above...
...The Hitler regime is being isolated internationally," he said...
...Flrwr Action Demanded Expert observers of the situation, entirely friendly to the American Federation of Labor, and who are anxious to see the unity of the labor movement preserved, feel that the secession movement may not materialize if the executive council and the international unions concerned perceive the gravity of the situation and fall in line with the San Francisco decision and the grim realities of the situation...
...General Motors owns the Chevrolet company., ' More than 30,000 employees are idle because' of inability to - obtain transmissions manufactured *in".thei Toledo plant: ;' Frank- pil)«n,c representative ;of the A.,*F...
...The close cooperation between school and Young Circle League was emphasised...
...On the est* nomic field and on the legislative field the camp fires are1 burning and thousands arc on guard for human progress and human liberty...
...It have come here • hMp fight German fascism by sfijiag to organize American sensaeat against it...
...Their policy is the old Bismarck ian policy —to build up a strong military machine in order to use it not for making war, which may well lead to the defeat and destruction of Germany, but as an instrument of threat and blackmail against the rest of Europe, an instrument with which to wring concessions...
...Everything will depend upon developments...
...Lewis and Mr...
...i . • --¦Phe-executivecouncil of the Federation, which has...
...Another alternative is that the conservatives, realizing the grave risk of war and revolution, may before long be compelled to seek contact with the democratic and old trade union elements as a means of facilitating a more or less rapid political change, having for its purpose the ultimate elimination of Hitler and his party...
...However, final word on this question must come from him...
...The conservatives and professional soldiers do not actually want war but they are nevertheless preparing for it...
...The printers are actively backing one of these bills, H. R. 7442...
...Here's a bit of news for printers...
...Lewis was laid on the table by the executive council...
...Quiety, persistently, systematieI ally, without undue publicity, without subjecting the comrades t#a» necessary risks qr endangering the I work of Socialist reconstruction, I the German Social Democrats are I at work — underground, in plants I and factories, everywhere where I the possibility presents itself at I permeating the -German people I with contempt and detestation of I the Nazi government...
...of 'lT, Sfrith* which the Toledo strikers are affiliated,,declared .that,the...
...No Concessions to Hiler...
...According to Mr...
...raer'c*n automobile Rgjat* are located...
...As a striking illustration of t h e ' failure o f the executive council and certain internationals concerned to carry out the San Francisco mandate, attention is called to the situation in the automobile industry...
...No concessions to Hitler Germany," Comrade Seger declared...
...Lewis Leads Insurgent Movement Winers and Others Demand More Action in Mass Production Industries—Executive Council Yields and Grants International Union Charters to the Automobile and Itubber Workers (gat Witorial on Last Page) WASHINGTON — What may W^eve to be the gravest crisis ¦ eke history of the American la|« awtcment since formation of p Jt F. of L. more than a half Ifffrry ago...
...The first two sessions of Monday, May 6th...
...the recognition demand...
...where future . work may be planned and decided...
...Green, the automobile workers BOW have 176 locals, numbering between 40,090 and 50.000 workers...
...An elaborate luncheon ¦was given in the afternoon at the Mecca Temple for all the delegates Hitler's Downfall Seen As Discontent Grows...
...Should the internal situation become so grave as to leave no escape outside of a foreign diversion, the conservatives and the professional military clique, too, may decide to stake everything on war...
...IfsW than 6,500 unionists and friends paid honor to the labor msrtyr, who hsd been killed by the ss« wone of the truck owners mvaHsp in the strike of 300 warehoessnfit The men struck for union rsnM nition...
...In connection with the problem of the forces making for the disintegration of Hitlerism, Comrade Seger emphasized the importance of the international factor...
...acceptable to the workers...
...There is also a plant demanding police protection for peaceful pickets in strikes...
...A Jurisdictional Dispute Both Mr...
...They wish to avoid it, if possible, but they are resorted to feel that to permit matters to remain as they are, to fail to take energetic action on the all-imporant problem of organization of the mass production industries would entail a peril that may well mean the decay of the entire labor movement...
...The Hitler regime can never be appeased by any concessions...
...Lewis was George L. Berry, president of the pressmen, with David Dubinsky, president of the International Ladies' Garment Workers, absent in Geneva at a meeting of the International Labor Office, it was declared that should the threatened secession movement take actual form, the United Mine Workers would not remain alone...
...An important part of the report was devoted to the W.C...
...That is the purpose the German Social Democracy has set for itself...
...Before the executive council adjourned it had before it an invitation from the Father Coughlin forces to join in the Economic Security League movement...
...Just it the Communists tried to force aw recklessly under the repubftt Sad thereby contributed to the siveat of Hitlerism, so are they sew continuing to pursue an adrestarut policy, quite oblivious to tht saaeeessary sacrifice it entails sal the discouragement and disjJbttssnment it sows...
...The demand for a ruling on the dispute presented by Mr...
...To do MtmM sseaa to lay such eleataM aeen to capture by the seeI mace and the destruction ef j if arts at reconstruction of the gsftmeat...
...Germany is practically ready for war today," he said...
...The council assembled on T^aafftjr and remained in session lapgl|b«t?the week...
...They have also proclaimed their intention to seek a "united front" with the other employer factors in the industry .to compel the union to surrender gains fundamental to the welfare of the workers and of the industry itself...
...The jobbers, however, appear to be yearning to get back to the old catch-as-catch-can conditions of utter irresponsibility...
...Oar local _mmt'^— are restored...
...The one weak spot is England...
...This is the first of a aeries of meetings which is scheduled by The New . Leader and the local b r a n c h e s for, every...
...Cause aplenty for rejoicing...
...Green said JH ** *«tion will facilitate the **.¦«» organization in both indusS*'^*in enable the automto extend their activ•ffcnBBrt Canada' where a number HaLL°_^1...
...In a Statement following the vote in Toledo, Mr...
...On the other hand the nonNazi, conservative elements in the government, represented by such men as foreign minister Von Neurath, know full well the grave peril of war for Germany...
...Whas is lacking is heavy artillery and certain other equipment...
...Because Sears, Roebuck and Company have their big catalogue printed by the R. R. Donnelly and Sons Company, nonunion...
...organized' farm section' & the United, States...
...This charter will cover all auto workers except tool makers and pattern makers...
...H .R...
...Auto Strikers Continue Fight In Toledo Plant Reject Chevrolet Company's Offer by Large Vote as Unsatisfactory—Insist on Union Recognition...
...These two paramount reforms made it possible to eliminate materially the cut-throat competition in the industry and to control work conditions in the shops...
...While the only other member of the council who voted with Mr...
...You oaast ijht an evil by proposing • sshrtitute another evil in its J...
...Union officials in Cincinnati and Cleveland, where strikes are also under way, have let it be known that the walkouts would continue...
...Woe to Europe if the Nazis succeed in this purpose...
...My best information is that it will take another eighteen months to complete the preparations...
...Declaring that the Merchants' Ladies' Garment Association deliberately broke off negotiations with the union for the renewal of the collective contract, Isidore Nagler, General Manager of the Cloakmakers' Joint Board, and- Vice-President of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, reiterated the position of his organization that the union would sign no contract unless it contained the present terms of contractor limitation and jobbers' responsibility for work conditions in their contracting shops...
...union recognition, wage increases and extra pay for overtime and holiday work hareing beer...
...I have become quite convinced as a result of my experiences and observations ia thia country that fascism cannot possibly strike any serious roots in the United States...
...We will try to work cut a cooperative wage scale with the unions...
...Let me quote questions and answers from a press conference by Secretary of the Interior Iekes: Question: In your opinion, what wages will be paid on PWA and other projects under the works relief bill...
...Ickes: Where contracts have been let under the present plan, PWA wage scales will set the example...
...possibly, the International Typographical Union, as well as the dissident unions of...
...schools, 2,000 strong bedecked in red kerchiefs, strode through the aisles as a living testimonial to the great accomplishments of the Educational Department in its maintenance of the many schools...
...He was happy to I note both the progress of the anil* I Hitler cause in Germany and the I almost complete lack of sympathy I with fascism which he observed ia I America, even in conservative circI les...
...Garment Strike Brought Nearer By Jobbers They Seek United Front of All Employers Against Union—50,000 Workers Ready for Showdown...
...Another executive council item of more than passing interest is this: John L. Lewis sought to gain for the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, which is the old Western Federation of Miners of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone fame, complete jurisdiction over all workers in and around metal mines, without success...
...demonstrating and celebrating at an awe-inspiring mass meeting...
...Determined to gain th* most i m p o rt a n t objective for which they are fighting, striking employees of the Chevrolet Motor Company's plant here I have voted by 1,251 to 605 to reject the five per cent wage increase offered by the company and to remain on strike until recognition is granted...
...In circles quite loyal to the A. F. •f L. it is frankly pointed out that the poor showing made by the A. F. of L. in elections conducted by the Automobile Labor Board, while due in part to the composition and policy of the board, is actually to be explained by the store important fact that the workers have been bewildered by the number of A. F. of L. craft unions in the field...
...Charles Solomon, warmly greeted, represented The New Leader...
...The Intermediates, 450 strong, young, lithe, active and alert...
...This was steppe...
...The owners and IfcSa agents had themselves appointed deputy sheriffs in order that they might carry weapons, and H ea» as a result of such action that Moreneey was slain...
...A!» though the strike was conducts...
...The tumult had barely subsided when younger voices, faster steps, smiling faces emerged from under the arena door to bring down the house...
...For this reason, said Comrade Seger, the regime may ultimately seek escape in a foreign diversion —war...
...Brown emphasize that the Smelter Workers' Union, like the United Mine Workers, holds a charter from the A. F. of L. to organize all workers in its field, irrespective of craft, and that the separate agreement concluded by the craft unions in question with the Anaconda Company was a violation o f the charter...
...young men and women, the membership and delegates of the Young Circle League, youth section of the Workmen's Circle, proudly marching through the arena in a colorful array of red flags and banners...
...For a time the city authorities were transporting strikebreaker...
...But we have neither that Bar auflhation to argue with lean, Ohr only immediate task is tht SSStrsction of the Hitler reft...
...It is a powerful and potential factor in the Youth Movement holding great promise...
...The office committee report given by J. Rothman summed up the resources of the organization and touched on the successful but difficult work of this very important committee...
...The Two Alternatives "It must be remembered, however, that this, too, is a dangerous policy...
...Lewis and Thomas H. Brown, president of the Smelter Workers, successor to the old Western Federation of Miners, twenty-two craft unions affiliated with the Metal Trades and Building Trades departments of the A. F. of L., made a separate agreement last summer with the Anaconda Copper Mining Company, leaving 6,000 striking workers of Mi...
...Henry Fruchter spoke for the Naturalization Aid League and Dr...
...just ended- its quarterly meeting, voted to- issue a national charter to automobile workers...
...They are convinced that the American labor movement will stand or fall on the one big question of organization of the mass production industries...
...It is ne exaggeration to say that I the history of revolutionary stragI gles know* ne neck well-organized I and gigantic campaign of proa I aganda as is now being waged if leer German comrades Comrade Seger, who returned to I New York last week from a very I successful anti-Nazi propaganda I tour of the United States, which I took him to forty cities aad en> I abled him to present the anti-fasIcist case before scores of than* I sands of Americans, expressed I himself as highly gratified with the I results of the tour and the taI formation, direct from Gerasanf, I which awaited him upon his return I to New York...
...That is the purpose we labor unceasingly to accomplish...
...of the Socialist Party, vigorously called for intelligent action against war, fascism and other capitalistic oppressions...
...flags and banners waving the assembled rose as one in wild acclaim as the officers and the elected delegates paraded to their seats...
...Nagler further declared that the Merchants' Association terminated the negotiations on April 8, before the union was given an opportunity to present its suggestions for improvements and modifications upon the current agreement in the industry...
...Algernon Lee, H. W. Laidler ef the L.I.D., and Block of •Cue GRT...
...jubilation—then the delegations from the distant portions of the nation and finally the members of the forty-odd branches of the YCLA in the Workmen's Circle itself...
...tJ . ! * The Garden Meeting ¦ ^•The ' opening of 'th*- convention tob«w* ttepnghtitt week of May wm'V'Hir w ?STace, 69 W. 66th St...
...The 35th Jubilee Convention was off to an auspicious start...
...Directors' Report The National Board of Directors' -report was given by I. Cohen and ^greetings were heard from VicePresident Elias Lieberman, Baph...
...A great deal win depend upon Che international situation as well as upon the internal situation in Germany, ha said...
...The aim of the German Soon Democrats is, first and fore•*s«te restore liberty in Ger**SSt Por this the German SoJ^Vare ready to go into battle *"* the moment comes...
...Greetings From Various Organizations This day's' geetings included messages from David Mayer of the Polish Bund and B. C. Vladeck speaking for the Jewish Labor Committee...
...Brown's organization out in the cold...
...An address by B. Charney Vladeck concluded the program...
...T i e rubber unions have made similar advances, he said...
...the ¦company's intention to meet...
...We aw ne* intend te follow the reckless policy of the Cesamnaof tSyji'itliMMSi 9Wm wm'h* ^^aatances and the realities of —. Jtastisn guide as...
...It would be reckless to prophecy...
...With a national union in the field, it is expected the impetus toward organization will be greatly accelerated...
...The second day found the thousand delegates acclimated to the task before them, listening intently and taking notes of important passages...
...The Internationale blares out again and another parade begins, a new element is entering into the proceedings and demonstration of this 35th Convention...
...Concessions to Hitler mean a betrayal of the true, the better Germany, a betrayal of the German workers, of democracy, of Socialism...
...One thing is certain: the Hitler regime cannot endure...
...To be sure the internal psyj etiological effects of the Hitler govi ernment's rearmament policy can: not endure indefinitely, while the > regime's failure to cope with the i extremely serious ecnomic situation, which does not and cannot under the circumstances show any improvement, is turning an ever increasing number of people against it...
...Building trades workers, attention...
...tsnecrocv Is the Aim asked what the aim of the Gerna Socialists was with respect hJhe regime that may succeed ¦Jkt, Comrade Seger said: "^haee who speak of another SSnanhip to succeed Hitler and ¦Jet this their slogan are quite saesl af any sense of reality...
...The printers score in the news again...
...Socialists Gather Force Social Democrats Strengthen the Lines and Restore Their Organizations in Great Underground Campaign Against Fascist Regime, Seger Tells in Interview—"We Are Ready" ,.' ______ ¦y John •ewers HERMAN Socialism » re! ing a vast tsndsagreaaiat JMtp» , agenda against the Hitler regime, and wall1 fling far the opportunity when it may be able to deal a death blow to Socialist deputy ia the* BBS tag, told The New LsadoT yesterday While Hitler and his busediate Nasi clique are fmttpifiit the day when tbe Geraaea workers hope to striae aawWtMfca hard against the barbarians aad j sadists bow in power ia Germany, I Comrade Seger said...
...preferential employment tot unionists and higher wages...
...The Sanatorium Committee report was given by chairman Golding, and supplemented by Drs...
...No agreement on wages and hours is worth the paper it ia written on if control of such wages and hours, through contractor limj Station and the assumption of re sponsibility for contractor shops, does not go along with it...
...the Grievance Committee was given by chairman Z. Halm...
...The strike ended in complete victory for the men...
...faces lit up with W.C...
...Except for those two highly skilled trades we shall have aa industrial union in this giant industry...
...Had he succeeded it would have dealt a mortal blow to the so-called Anaconda agreement, under which the A. F. of L. Metal and Building Trades Departments have negotiated agreements covering all the crafts in those depart ments...
...Workers in the Buick plant at Flint have been waiting for the result of poll before patting itno effect their own strike threat of several days ago, when they postponed strike aetion at Mr...
...It must be remembered that both A. F. of L. unions and company unions polled a very small percentage of the votes, the overwhelming majority of the automobile workers voting for affiliation with neither...
...The military organization, the aviation service, the chemical service is ready...
...Dillon's request, pending the Toledo poll...
...Tbe anti-picketing ordinance was fathered by a member of the City Council who is also secretary of the Merchants', Manufacturers' and Employers' Association, antilabor mouthpiece of the organise...
...d that the charter.* were because "the Federal » the two industries have g*j ^***h*d a point where they "* speiate autonomously...
...Sprctml C Thr lieu lemdn) TOLEDO...
...The thanks was extended to Joe Plecarpo, member of the State Executive Committee of the party, who appeared on behalf of the party before the labor assembly to propose a joint public meeting of all labor and friendly organizations to protest the anti-picket ing law recently enacted by the CityCouncil to curb the activities of tbe strikers...
...The c r a f t unions assert also that in concluding their agreement with the Anaconda they had stipulated that their members would not return to work unless a settlement was concluded with all the strikers...
...He demonstrated that in the YCLA the W.C...
...By S id Q. Cohen QVER 22.000 members, dcle" gates and friends stormed the doors of Madison Square Xjarden Sunday afternoon to participate in a great spectacle of Workmen's Circle activity and strength, a hope and promise for the future—a parliament of the "Red Cross" of the Labor Movement—the huge 35th 'jubilee Convention, of the Workmen's Circle, t ' ;^t.is.oniy once a decade that this gftpt- i oefcanizatum, the greatest Jewish...
...At the same time, it is pointed oat, in extenuation of the executive council, that it is, after all, little more than a clearing house, and that the decision rests fundamentally with those internationals themselves immediately concerned with the problem...
...He emphasized the position of the German Social Democracy that any concessions to a Germany ruled by Hitler would mean only the strengthening of the fascist regime...
...We are ready...
...Will they be held in check, and how long...
...Comrade Soger cited list I fact that no less than SNJN copies of the party's chief prop agenda organ, "Soziahiaiscbe Aktion...
...The party's program calls for a county-wide publicly-owned electric light and power plant, a municipal coal yard, a municipal milk depot and wide extension of the public health service...
...began to take shape lM''t|Sa, rvcek with the convoca§fo sf the regular quarterly meetthe Federation's executive tsfcatQ...
...P«/»L-J Mmttmu Wist* racRca meeting vr an aaa Maw Readers . r=- •—«•-rr -'¦ ¦ ¦ PITTSBURGH.—An eager audience jammed the large adWjjipji High School auditorium to hear Jasper McLevy, fist So* ipfclf* t Mayor of Bridgeport, Conn,, and Doctor George W; Hartmaa*v^*fpas> feasor of Psychology at the Pennsylvania State College and contributor to The New Leader...
...From the Benefit Department report by chairman Spinrad it was learned that over $300,000 were spent last year for sick benefit...
...Norman Thomas, representing the M.B.C...
...This is no passive summation of organisation...
...No official announcement has been made...
...Yon can^ tgudmeX an illegal, underground ^ggajsstion and propaganda with UffwmU well known for their SofLjkn activity in the past...
...The men are determined to stay out until ¦recognition.-is* granted...
...The jobbers are particularly determined to destroy the principle of limitation of contractors and revert to the old game of cutthroat competition on prices, with all the consequences this would entail for wage and work standards...
...The election is on a non-partisan basis, but the five candidates named by the Socialist Party are waging a fine fight and the party is doing everything in its power to publicize their Socialist affiliation...
...The candidate are Katherine Avalloni...
...The Present Situation As regards the position of the Hitler regime at the present moment, Comrade Seger expressed the view that it has been both '¦ strengthened and weakened in re' cent months, strengthened among J the middle classes and fascist youth I because of its defiant rearmament i policy, and weakened by its ecoI nomic failures...
...James Midland, chairman of the union strike committee, declared he was not prepared to say what the union's next move will be...
...Recognition Won After Long Struggle Warehousemen in Stockton, CaL, Win Big Concessions After Long Strike —Socialists Aid ¦y S. S. White «. Thr firm ;¦»./¦• OTOCKTON, Cel.—The Socialist *^ Party was thanked publicly for its aid to striking warehousemen here at a meeting recently of the San Joaquin County Labor Council...
...dominated in questions of foreign policy by Rosenberg, is that England will stand aloof from the continent, that she will not assume definite obligations...
...My reply invariably Us: I have not come to this coun*J to argue with critics or to disss the past...
...That is -the crucial question...
...The Education Committee report featured the Wednesday's session...
...labor-fraternal order "in the world, marshals 'representatives of all Lit* forces throughout the Uiwted.- "State's and Canada , into pne.inclusive and constructive convention -where past • activity .may be...
...If England would make it quite clear that she is definitely aligned with France and Soviet Russia against Hitler Germany, Hitler's game would be lost...
...J]* >'**r^ dissemination of this conception, in which bath fascists aad Communists eagage far their own respective political purposes, as a dirty trick," Comrade Seger said...
...What will happen then is the big prob! lem...
...These unions, in the event of a split, would form another federation, which would seek affiliation with onions to be formed in the great mass production industries...
...Comrade Seger took sharp issue with the view entertained by some Socialists that concessions must be made to Germany on points involving errors and injustices of the Treaty of Versailles...
...SMverberg, vice-chairman D. Monnoson...
...I have not S« afgbtest hesitation in saying Sat tf toawrrow it should become mmdmhf te resume, in part at least, umt jagrrr of open political acgefty «ar ssovement will emerge fcja ssjaer the surface as if it had guar disappeared...
...fake "boating" to free ISt impression the strikers sanctioned violence...
...W. "S.' Knudson, executive vicepresident of General Motors., in charge,of the situation;'has given jarffwsfepat...
...In all these industries the triumph of labor organization depends, it is pointed out, upon an honest, determined application of the principle of industrial unionism...
...As aa illustration of the work | being conducted by ear Geraaea I comrades...
...Lieberman also stressed the fine cooperation between the Schule movement and the YCLA...
...And I am gratiSj W say that I have found this SaSawat to be overwhelmingly UBh»t Hitler...
...The children of the W.C...
...Green said that ^gf"** itteeting of automobile hV w°"ld be called until g» Sanation in the automobile m¦*jt, now marked by several "2** and stoppages, clears up...
...were devoted almost entirely to various greetings from representatives of different organizations and movements...
...Good Battle Waged By Socialists in West New York Election WEST NEW YORK, N. J.— Under the slogan "Socialism Eventually—Why Not Now...
...lieved temporary power for reasoi is peculiar to these countries ah ne are pouring water on the mills of our fascist aad Communist enemies...
...This is ia addition to the JMJriea I of thousand* of copies of other I publications and propaganda ssaIterial smuggled by the tsriaaate I into Germany...
...Neting of the rubber union *"*»ms is to be called shortly to 5«rt the new organization in industry...
...the building trades...
...The propaganda is fastended te weaken the faith of the people everywhere in democracy ia order te facilitate its destruction...
...Through its counsel, Samuel Bl umber g, the association has openly proclaimed its intention to seek such revision of its present agreement with the union as would, in the opinion of spokesmen of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and the Cloakmakers' Joint Board, mean throwing back the industry to sweatshop conditions...
...The result corroborates the position of the American Federation of Labor in its insistence that the labor policy of General Motors is unsatisfactory to the great majority of1 their employees, and overwhelmingly repudiates the contention of the corporation that their compromise proposal was...
...Other industrial unions include the United Mine Workers, the United Textile Workers, the Commercial Telegraphers, the United Brewery Workers and one or two other trades...
...The conservative and professional military elements are not enamored of Nazi policy...
...Among the organizations mentioned who would be likely to sapport the United Mine Workers, are the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, the Brewery Workers, the Pressmen's Union, and...
...There is but one way of dealing with it — its complete isolation...
...This is how realists interpret the situation...
...Boston, and the secretariat for the convention consists of Evanckv...
...Te this we are devoting all aataat and energies...
...industrial and...
...Since then it has affected SO other plants of the General Motors Company in various cities, where plants have been closed through strike* or stoppages...
...The elements moat acta ¦ this work are "new blood," aasg, vigorous, loyal, determined...
...However, accurate information is to the effect that the council will not join in the Coughlin movement...
...There are two bills in Congress for the purpose of requiring railroads to use printing instead of the cheaper planographing for all tariff schedules...
...There wril be no move to reduce wage scales until1 the President announces it...
...Nevertheless, it is felt that the executive council, as the highest authority of the Federation between conventions, should have shown more determination in the matter and a more definite inclination to bring moral pressure to bear upon those internationals who stand in the way of the purpose clearly expressed by the San Francisco convention...
...This is one possible alternative...
...Those close to the situation maintain that the urge for organization into bona fide unions among the automobile workers is very great, and that all that is necessary to translate this urge into organization is a proper form of unionism which would enable all the workers in the industry to come into the fold of one big union...
...Clash in Smelter Industry The immediate question which has brought the insurgent movement in the A . F. o f L. council to the fore is the request placed bef o r e the council last January to rule that the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, an industrial organization in the copper and iron ore field, should have jurisdiction over all workers in and about these mines, irrespective of craft...
...by the vigorous protest of the Socialist Party and the labor unless Many Socialists marched on Mar 1st in the funeral proceesiea mm R. C. MOreneey, slain picket...
...the Socialist Party is waging a fine campaign for Commissioners in this municipality of 40,000 working people across the river from New York...
...A committee to bring about such a "united front" has been elected by the jobbers...
...employers of the ctiy...
...It would be a aake, however, to interpret thia ? t» at ran that the older comfghm sad leaders hsve been pushi asise by oar youth...
...Tobiash and Lilliput of Mew York...
...Labor, technically known as Federal unions...
...The Reichswehr command is likewise opposed to any reckless war adventure...
...The YCLA Happy facese, jubilant children, proud fathers and mothers...
...7442 was introduced by Congressman Gray of Pennsylvania...
...Those interested in the unity and progress of the labor movement hope that the secession movement may not materialise and that it will be averted by a timely realization on the part of the executive council and the craft unions concerned of the importance of the problem and the urgent need of abandoning small craft interests for the sake of the larger aims of unionism...
...anions under direct ausm*<* the \ F. of L. William y. president of the A. F. of L-, !j...
...I'Wi'Jf 11 f what a number of 4* largest and most powerful iBMlt affiliated with the Federatim -mejsrd as failure to cope ¦che problem of orae mass production tqjct movement ha* *ted m the exec>r the formation of strial anions which EH^Pafced* from the Federation sas lead the way for a veriuble nutation in the organization and ptisy of American labor, -'•'mmding the revolt against what ¦¦sracterixed by the insurgents ¦Molation by the executive coun¦kd certain internationals of the ¦jlraUea's San Francisco convening mandate for an intensive or¦Pntion campaign in the mass Induction industries is John L. fisv, president of the United Mine Inkers, the principal industrial Ka within the A. F. of L. sHae insurgents have indicated a tfcang inclination to lead the seces¦Imini mi nl, leaving the remainKamft unions within the FederaHfc nnless the executive council flat the craft onions standing in Hm way of effective organization Bhs-mass production industries— SiNwbiles, metal, rubber, steel, ahmiuuiu, etc.—strike out upon a Mb clear-cut policy designed to PR in end to craft jealousies and •trew craft interests now barring Hi road to the attainment of the Panose set forth by the San FranIt k believed that the die may •teat st the convention of the L., to be held in Atlantic Wt ¦ October, when the question d hdnstrial versus craft unionism * .paeeted to dominate the pro•Hamgs above everything else...
...In clarifying further the union's position, Nagler declared: "After years of an auction-block system sustained by the jobber, which brought chaos and demoralization into the cloak industry, we succeeded, in 1933, in checking these degrading conditions by introducing contractor limitation and by imposing upon the jobbers responsibility for work conditions in their outside shops...
...The hope of the inner council of the Hitler party...
...It would not,-be surprising if the .Toledo, poll.were, to lead to a further spread of the strike movement...
...At various meetings I Masked by spokesmen of these assents to explain why the Ger¦L-Social Democrats did not do this or that...
...In my judgment the result of this poll makes it obligatory upon the management of Genera] Motors to immediately adjust themselves to a changed order by proceeding forthwith in negotiating lirectly with the accredited representatives of the American Federation of Labor in an effort to conclude and execute a mutually satisfactory agreement...
...We ajjfco reestablished a central gUggt between the local organises* throughout Germany...
...The craft unions involved in this charge m a i n t a i n , however, that their charters antedate the charter of the smelter workers, which was i s s u e d in 1911, under Samuel Gompefs, and, therefore, remain in effect...
...Question: It is understood that the President for the past week has been studying a plan to get organized labor to reduce its wage scales in order to extend the life of the works relief bill by saving that money...
...My tip to printers is that these bills need a lot of backing if they are to be got out of committee...
...Ickes: The President is studying a plan to reduce wages of organized labor...
...16 of Chicago has launched a nation-wide fight intended to induce union printing of the big price and "picture book...
...The high command of the Nazi party is definitely determined op war...
...J "A ' holiday • and labor carnival prevailed...
...Sr*** to figures give, oat by Mr...
...printed ia K arW>ae...
...peaeeably, the bosses staged ess* era...
...England must make Hitler Germany understand that she stands ready to cooperate all the way with France, Soviet Russia and the League of Nations in keeping the peace of Europe and resisting the aggressions of Hitler Germany, which are aimed, first and foremost, at the despoliation and dismemberment of Soviet Russia, then at the destruction* of France, and ultimately of England...
...The chairman of the first session was Dr...
...Labor's whole conflict covers a wide front, ft may well be wiser before it is, narrower...
...are being distributed weekly in Germany...
...ing the decision of the J~Te council granting inter^HR^hrters to the automobile SS1™**' workers, Mr...
...v < « ¦ I u i trXaaiHr tfc.WrW ^AiSBINGfoM^Tofi^htrwe find the*American Federation of I^tbof- planning • re?ff: tattle .'to .wi^ajn5*^»Wdifi^l^^lPMi ^trtpmafoik" workers,' while m To4edortbeHday has witnessed IwilJoting which may end-the strike in that city...
...il Council of Cloak and Suit Manufacturers, inside employers, the American Cloak and Suit Manufacturers, contractors' group, and the Infant Coat Manufacturers' Association, are scheduled to take place during the next week...
...Thirty-five years have come and gone...
...For the present Hitler is to all intents and purposes their prisoner, but the power and influence of the ruling Nazi elements is still very great, and these elements are bent on war...
...This was one of the most successful and enthusiastic meetings that the Socialist Party of Pittsburgh has tad since campaign time...
...The convention meeting through 'the week wfll have heard reports from all the activities and departments of the Workmen's Circle so that future plans may be resolved in view of past accomplishments...
...As soon as las caaiier would cross the frontier kuk into Germany he would be MMd...
...That ends the quotation...
...poirof the Chevrp>T let strikers did not Mpta'a* a surprise...
...this is a vital demonstration to the labor movement and the world in general that here breathes the very heart of radical thought and opinion, here are young and old, men and women to give of theirs in this struggle for a better place in which to live...
...Typographical Union No...
...Tashman and Hardwood...
...A Sober View At the same time, however, Comrade Seger—with tree Gormen Sotial Democratic sobriety am net venture to predict when Der fey for the Socialists would arrive...
...was staged in the -huge - Garden, bedecked with red banners,' placards and Arbeiter Ring insignia...
...Such, in brief, is the situation confronting the American Federation of Labor...
...In this respect our comrades of the British Labor Party, who may form the next British government, should he quite clear in their minds as to the responsibility of England and their own responsibility...
...Kaadan of the Jewish Schools of Poland, and Rubash of the" Palestinian Labor movement...
...Meetings are being held nightly and much literature is being distributed, in which the success of the Socialist administrations of Milwaukee and Bridgeport is emphasized...
...They are chafing under the legitimate obligation for labor conditions which all the other employer groups in the industry have observed, and demand that they be put again in the privileged status of free lances, that would make it possible for them to underbid and outsell every other manufacturer in the industry...
...He declared also that "before we can complete our organization in the automobile field, the government must do away with the National Automobile Labor Board," Those who speak of secession are, of course, not unaware of the gravity of the move they are contemplating...
...There can be but one policy for the free nations of the world to facilitate the internal destruction of Hitlerism...
...On the other hand, there is the problem of the internal situation...
...It s long time the secret MBUlrpt on arresting every courier east by the Communists in Be assj to Muenzenberg," Cornnet fcgti explained...
...And pencils flew fast as Elias Lieberman, chairman oi the National Youth Committee, gave his report of the activity and accomplishments of the League during its short existence...
Vol. 18 • May 1935 • No. 19