C., By S.
"RED CROSS" OF THE WORKMEN'S CIRCLE A FRATERNAL BENEFIT FOR NEEDY MEMBERS By S.C. THERE is a steady stream of unfortunates coming into the Forward Building headed for the seventh floor...
...2. Discussion...
...maintains a staff of 43 district physicians... C. | AMONG THE WORKMEN'S CIRCLE INSTITUTIONS rW,WE W.C...
...The Social Service Department of the Workmen's Circle was founded on July 15, 1928, under the able guidance of Miss Rose S. Ash...
...Wednesday at 2 p. m. a lupcheon is being tendered *to the delegates at the Mecca Temple...
...The Agenda of the 35th Jubilee (W.C...
...15 Years of Medicine In the W.C...
...Arvy request for aid resulted in immediate service...
...One of the youngest institutions of the Workmen's Circle, the Social Service Bureau, has handled some 8,000 cases the past year and given of some form of relief to 80 petcent of them...
...he is out of work . . . Hew can he manage...
...and boasts the latest type of ofg|| ment...
...The situation was met with all possible speed...
...2. Report of the National Organization Committee — Discussion...
...The Workmen's Circle Sanatorium at Liberty...
...Today the total assets of the Workmen's Circle aggregates to the sum of $6,200,000 in cash, mortgages and bonds...
...Of this radical education in the W. C. schools Friend j Philip Geliebter, director of the I Educational Department, has this j to say: "I do not think it advisable ; or proper to teach children the doctrines and theory of Socialism as1 such...
...It evajHj once more the indispensihie iflj the Workmen'* Cirele plays in present day-to-day life of the j*9§ ish worker...
...Convention BULLETIN: The Women's Committee at the Rand School will hold a reception Tuesday afternoon ia honor of the wives of the delegates to the Workmen's Circl* 35th Jubilee Convention, now being held in New York...
...If he is single, he pays .only 77 cents...
...The Pawling W.C...
...And in conjunction with thUdH ference an interesting exhi)M|H of the works of W. C. school ekSdren opened May 3 at the 1m Young Circle League CettfoBfi Union Square West, New la* City...
...2. Election of National Officers...
...There are W. C. high schools, or Mittel Schulen, in Toronto, New York, Detroit, Philadelphia and Chicago, where the graduates of the elementary schools may continue their education...
...In the last fifteen years, the Workmen's Circle has contributed close to a million dollars to aid various labor and progressive institutions, including the following: $80,000 to labor unions...
...In the past year the Department has served 4,369 members, among whom 451 were sent to hospitals, 696 to places of rest, 165 were aided in matters of compensation, 225 sent to camp, 424 sent to clinics for medical aid, 829 were given employment, and countless others aided in getting licenses...
...The organisation rightfully ranks among the million dollar fraternal orders which are well capable of supplying the needs of a vast membership...
...3. Report of the National Youth Committee—Discussion...
...The small tuition fees, together with the local school committee which is really a parents' organization made up of W. C. members, manages to supply the rest with personal contributions and income from various affairs...
...With its Dental am division, it is manned by 13 aut» j tors, 3 nurses and 22 epeeiaUao...
...There will be tea and refreshments...
...2:30 p. m.— 1. General report...
...2. Introductory address by the Chairman of the National Executive Committee, Jacob Weinberg...
...The schools are governed by individual local school committees which are centralized through a central committee and the National Educational Committee...
...W. C. Socialization of Medicine Today, fifteen years after its inseption, the Medical Department )f the Workmen's Circle functions ts one of the most important units if the Order in New York...
...3nch member contributes $*1.27 per quarter towards this service which provides health insurance for himself and his family...
...The W.C...
...chairman of the Convention Arrangements Committee...
...7 East 15th Street, at 2:30...
...THERE is a steady stream of unfortunates coming into the Forward Building headed for the seventh floor which terminates in the little lobby outside of an unimposing door bearing this simple inscription ia English and Jewish: -Social Service Department...
...I need !m job" . . . phones ring . . . voices argue . . . the girl leaves . . . with a job . . . Another woman followed Her husband, breadgiver, had met with an accident . . . "Wouldn't you please try to . •-She left with a faint glimmer of a smile...
...2:30 p. m.— 1. Reports of the various tommittees...
...2. - Report of the National Executive Committee—Discussion...
...25,000 to The New Leader, Wecker and .similar Socialist publications...
...3. Closing of convention...
...Tuesday, May 7th 9:30 a. m.— 1. Report of the Distributing Committee...
...operates seven summer camps in the U. S. and Canada, without profit, for the benefit of its members...
...4,000 9MNM tienta are treated yearly, hnnoNei of them coming from neighbedaf state... a country where enough is produced to feed the entire world ? The time will come when there will be no need for-a Social Service . . . the government itself will be a gigantic service department, established by, and providing for, all worker... Madison Square Garden, New York: 1. Official opening by E. Jeshurirr...
...3. Greetings by Abraham Cahan, B. C. Vladeck and Joseph BaSk-in...
...In the 24 years of its existence some 4,000 patients have passed through its doors, close to 90 per cent of whom have been permanently cured...
...And so many lives were spared...
...Many families were even given direct monetary assistance...
...The W.C...
...3. Report of Credentials Committee...
...Camp alone, which accommodates 1,300 people, is valued at more than a quarter of a million dollars...
...a Jewish Socialist atmosphere...
...It was the fateful winter of 1919-1920 when influenza rampaged through thickly populated centers, resulting in thousands of deaths and an equal number of permanently injured...
...By S.K...
...NEW YORK was in the throttling throes of an epidemic relentless in its course and raging through the country like wildfire...
...Opening of the convention Sunday, May 5th, 1 p. m...
...This exhibition is feattgEj the literary and artistic aceakpli-hments of school children ftpfc the various sections of WorinoeVj Circle activity...
...A Jewish Socialist Training In the 103 schools which extend as far north as Toronto and Winnipeg, as far south as Texas, and even penetrate as far west as Los Angeles, Calif., the Jewish child is taught to read, write and speak the language of his father...
...history and the labor mm...
...This total is the smallest number of expulsions since 1918...
...what we_do is rather to interpret the courses of history, literature and current events in the light of the Socialist eye...
...The yearly income of the order is close to $1,000,000 with fiscal expenses falling a few hundred thousand dollars short of this sum...
...May fth 9:30 a. m.— 1. Special session of the Funeral Committee...
...The masses must be reached...
...2:30 p. m.— 1. Report of the Benefit Coram ittee—D i scussio n. 2. Report of the Office Committee—Discussion...
...When the Workmen's- Circle marches, -with banners flying and bands playing, to participate in* a May Day mass meeting or a Hitler, protest demonstration, small lithe feet respogyi quickly to the strains ©f the "Internationale" as youthful, excited voices blare its tune in defiance of oppression, in anticipation of an ideal...
...provides adequate cemetery and funeral provisions for the entire family of'a member...
...15,000 to the Rand School, Brookwood and other labor colleges...
...A woman entered, apologetically, afraid to tell her Ttory . . . Her child . . . her only child was suffering frqm a mental disorder...
...2. Discussion on the reports...
...For the year 1934 it is remarkable to note that only 4,037 members left the ranks of the Workmen's Circle for some reason or other...
...THE Workmen's Circle today boasts a recorded membership of close to 70,000 distributed over some 710 branches in 38 states of the Union and cities in Canada...
...The W. C. spends about $50,000 yearly toward the maintenance of the schools...
...2:30 p. m.— 1. Report of Rules and Regulations Committee...
...time, money and energy ta fS worthy cause of child education...
...Wednesday, May 8th 9:30 a. m.— 1. Report of the Sanatorium Committee...
...The chronic sufferer, r»t# : red here, has at his command 4» cialized treatment for a price awtenaily reduced...
...Monday, May 6th At the St...
...The primary way to reach them is to aid them materially and, as a result, pave the way for cultural development...
...The W.C...
...2. Greetings, from representatives of various organizations...
...The children are given a new slant on things about them...
...Over a period of one year the amount of money paid out in sick benefits alone totals to some $310,0O0...
...4. Election of chairman, vicechairman and secretary...
...This does not include the direct aid given needy members since the onset of the depression which sum alone is well over the $250,000 mark...
...Upon the meager shoulders cf the Workmen's Circle Medical Department, scarcely four months in existence, fell the heavy task if ministering to its members...
...X-ray, bone specialty and men's and women's diseases, offering its 16,000 affiliated members —with their famines 65,000 to 75,000 persons in all—the finest medical • ervice at a cost of no more than 77 cents quarterly to a single member and $+r3^ to a family...
...ApproxiaaNV 7,000 members are examined % ] specialists ,n their offices anaeafe and about 400 operations are «ri formed eaeh year...
...100,000 to HIAS...
...cne may actually see the spies** work done by the many children ii the Workmen'* Circle schools...
...3. Report of the National Board of Directors...
...ment are on display together dK magazines, drawings and diaftkpf| all from the hand and brain •faM students at the W. C school...
...Voted down by the membership, •ertain New York members decided that their locality needed medical reform...
...May 11th 9:30 a. m — 1. Report of the Election Committee...
...I quit school, my father's not working...
...The students here are adolescent young men and women, who can already appreciate the defects of their civilization...
...The W.C...
...Eaaia*ta»#IJ| Recently the Educational Depot ment of the Workmen's Circle ail a successful national conference o the Philadelphia W C Labor as stitute in commemoration of JM|H years existence of the *cbeHH| Philadelphia...
...The movement started in 1915, when i resolution was brought before the Chicago convention to establish t National Medical Department...
...New York, one of the major organization benefits, -• consists of a group of up-to-date buildings costing well over $650,000 to build...
...The yearly maintenance of this vast enterprise runs over $100,000...
...40,000 for famine relief in Russia, and thousand- of dollars to hospitals, orphanages and con1 vatcscent homes...
...These children of the W. C. school, or Schule, are the pride of the elder members who are doing ncble work in aiding and abetting the education of their children in other than the capitalistic schools of America...
...One room into which thousands enter gloomily to return after a short interval with a smile of hope . . . a gleam of salvation...
...he had gotten out of her control . . . she would even now suffer- him to be placed in a proper institution . . . the director negotiated to have the child placed in a psychiatric ward . . . the mother left silently...
...Each member pay* t* cents per quarter included in ."a* membership dues...
...The reception will be held in the studio of the Rand School... the patieat's bedside...
...It has helped thearji time of need and distress...
...That is where tbe"Jtj| ical Clinic comes into the ptetafti Located at 401 Broadway,' fRj Center is one of the most modae of clinics...
...The conference SH greetings from the various often of the W. C. as well as repreeSH atives of the different committee...
...The Medical Department of the W.C...
...In addition, it boasts 115 youth clubs and branches and 33 women's clubs with a total membership cf over 6,000...
...We were curious to see and hear the stories of the different people entering the haven of the Social Service...
...4. Musicale—Workmen's Circle Choir and symphony orchestra...
...a thread on which to cling to this world which, although theirs, is pitted against them...
...a young girl seats herself at the desk...
...and an up-to-date Health Center, with a staff specializing in surgery, denti try...
...2. Election of Distributing Committee which Rail detail delegates to the following" committees : a) Resolutions Committee It) Directing Committee c) Press and Educational Committee d) Organization Committee e) Sanitorium Committee f) Benefit Committee g) Election Committee h) Committee on Reports i) Convention Committee...
...The "Mittet Senate" The school system does not stop, however, at the elementary school...
...Friday, May 10th 9:30 a. m — 1. Reports of the various committees (continued...
...A man strides across the threshold...
...This so-called "Vervaltung" is the governing hod}-, and is responsible to an eager and interested ! parents' association, or "Eltern Yerem," which meets regularsjfl hear reports about the scaoaUflj tivity...
...It owns seven cemeteries in and around New York alone, with a gross area of 600,000 square feet, valued in the neighborhood of a half million dollars...
...New York City t- divided into 13 districts, each served by a physician who charges no fees for visits either to his office...
...Incidentally the past year's death benefits totaled well over $200,000...
...maintains 100 Jewish elementary schools, 6 kindergartens and 5 high "schools with an enrollment of 6,000 children, at an annual cost of $225,000...
...2:30 p. m.— 1. Report of the General Secretary—Discussion...
...Treating the Inempiojed And what if a member is aaaatt to pay for certain specialized a# vices for which there is a fti* For this contingency there ia 4H* General Fund for the UntuiullOd which was instituted by tad Wki partment...
...20 consultant specialists in the treatment of heart, lungs, stomach, eye, ear, nei-ve and skin...
...In New York the Mittel Schule meets every Saturday and Sunday morning at the Rand School under the direction of Z. Yefroiken...
...Hi sibly the patient needs special tail treatment...
...The Workmen's Circle boasts a highly efficient Cemetery De» partmelft which adequately serves the needs of the membership in times of acute grief with inexpensive funeral provisions...
...Oar Own "Kranken-Kaaae" S. Koner, manager of the MoV ical Department, in a reeent atUe> ment, emphasized the fact thayU Department is much akin in prfc> ciple to the socialize<i "Krarua* Kasse" of many foreign conntrA It diffeis from these" systems tm in the fact that the members *» port It instead of the governing and employers...
...Rising from this idealistic dream, this m'titutiun today has succeeded in crving adequately 235 bramrw'S in New York, or approximately 65 .jer cent of the city memberi-hip...
...Sanatorium at Lib* erty, N. Y., one of the finest -and best equipped of its kind in the country, is valued according to conservative estimates at over $500,000...
...Vital Facts and Figures...
...The Department is bow an institution of great import, as essential, if not more so as any other Department of the Workmen's Circle...
...that the old method of selecting branch physicians wa* archaic, and that they were going to institute a Medical Department "n New York on a socialized plan but primarily promising to serve the needs of the members...
...he has an old father . . .very old and with the depression ne can't . . . the old man is now a happy inmate of the Home for the Aged...
...2. Report of the Educational Committee...
...we wished to see what was done for them . . . we entered and sat down in a corner to observe quietly...
...Miss Ash has estimated that during its brief existence it had rendered aid to more than 15,000 members...
...Jewish history and literature is laid bare ! before him, an appreciation of which lends to a more profound feeling of the Jew—his life and radical tendencies...
...Nicholas Palace, 69 We* 66th Street: 9:30 a. m — 1. Election of Credentials and Rules and Regulations Committees...
...Here, too, under able guidance, they continue their Jewish and Socialist education with courses in history', literature and biography, as well, as advanced courses in the history of the Labor and Socialist movement...
...2. Discussion on the reports...
...Schulen" 105 Schools Where the W. C. Child Receives a Jewish Radial Training—Where the Adults Meet in a Culture Center...
...she was being aided...
...For in the W. C. Schule, which is under the supervision of the National Educational Committee, the child is given a basic training in Jewish as well as a socialistic background for cultural and intellectual development...
...The children of the W. C. schools are marching...
...70,000 for the relief of victims of the last war... view of the fact tkauH flourishing and princely AlaalH school system has vainly aueajbj such a parent interest, aoaa^^H cause it is to these parentaaB the schools owe their existaneifB W. C. is therefore indeed I'll...
...Should families need aid in a country where millionaires thrive...
...Essays, on W(k% ature...
...Last year oool 1,000 persons received material '«#¦ sistanre without the ouston^fj stigma of charity...
...W. C. Setae...
...The newly organized machinery swung into action...
...The list of activity ia indeed An imposing one . . . but is it necessary...
...2. Reports of the various committees—Discussion...
...In the short paflSof its, existence, the - WorkawiJ Circle Medical Department hast* deared itself to thousands aC«K| members...
...these members who are rtnmfr...
...70,000 to the Jewish schools of Poland...
...Incidentally, a year's, stay at the Sanatorium is worth . $2,000, for which the member pays less than $2 yearly, making it unquestionably the best insurance buy in the country...
Vol. 18 • May 1935 • No. 18