Harry Moses- - -Producer of Distinctive Plays

Harry Moses— — —Producer of Distinctive Plays Ms C erreat Success. "The Old I Maid." Wlas This Year's Theatre Accord Mr. Harry Moses, producer of j "The Old Maid" at the Empire | Theatre,...

...Gifford Pinchot, whose interest in conditions in the coal mines is well known...
...Columbia Pictures Celebrates 15th Anniversary Columbia Pictures, which won eight of the 1934 Motion Picture Academy awards for "It Happened One Night" and "One Night of Love," marks off its fifteenth birthday this month...
...The Cohns were New York boys who had gone to work at an early age...
...William Boehnel, critic of the World-Telegram...
...On the stage at the Fox the newrevue is headed by George McQueen, who serves as mastev of ceremonies...
...B. B. Ginejer Roqers-Wiliiam Powell on Albee Screen—New 7-Act Staqe Show Ginger Rogers plays "Watson" to William Powell's "Sherlock" in "Stsr of Midnight," the current RKO romantic mystery drama at the Albee Theatre this week...
...Henry Daniel...
...the quadruple somersault ai the Yacopis...
...his organization is actively enraged in aiding the under-privi»ged children of hospitals and rphanages...
...Andre Sennwald, movie critic of the New York Times...
...in other words, it I seeks to recreate upon the stage I something of the atmosphere and I the essential feeling of life in old ] New York a hundred years ago...
...the thrilling aerial perch offering...
...Harry Moses, producer of j "The Old Maid" at the Empire | Theatre, easily comes by the dis-1 traction of being: one of the most remarkable figures to emerge in I the American theatre in recent J years...
...Speakers will be Mrs...
...of the Warkmi rs and the Antaleks...
...KIND fiADY As nearly a perfect play as one I could imagine, in its field, is "Kind I Lady," which opened at the Booth I Theatre on Tuesday...
...Moses newest production, is, if advance 1 announcements are to he believed...
...The most successful play re-J ferred to was, of course, "Grand I Hotel...
...Judge M. A. Musmanno of Pitt.-fcurgh...
...Kind Lady," written by Edward I Chodorov and adapted from one of I Hugh Walpole's stories, is based upon the methods of a gang of...
...Before mirrors they unfolded in the dance the weird pattern and breath-taking mystery of the Far East...
...co-author of "Black Fury...
...I It took daring of a rather high I order to present this esoteric and I amazing production to the public I and to back it with a substantial outlay...
...Three Pennsylvania miners will be guests of honor...
...a Popeye cartoon, "Beware of Barnacle Bill," and "Good Badminton...
...as never before...
...Kind Lady" is a well-knit play I that seems to have been written I for Grace George...
...Never has she appeared to better advantage...
...Seldom has I such a highly concentrated drama j been written: there is not a word I wasted and the successive climaxes I are tense and gripping...
...Stein-Virgil Thompson operetta or I what have you which drove many j of the intelligentsia into orgiastic frenzies of high praise and which I either charmed, puzzled, bewildered I or completely be-devilled countless thousands of other theatregoers...
...He has been active in the theatre 1 lor a period of exactly five years...
...The Fox Steppers, Ben Nelson's orchestra...
...which is being adapted from W. R. Burnett's novel of the same title...
...In those five years he has accom-1 plished these three things: Produced one of the most successful plays presented on the American stage in the last twenty-1 fire years...
...A seven-act vaudeville bill supplements the feature film...
...the circus fever...
...They issued a Hollywood news reel, "Screen Snapshots," and a series based on a popular comic strip of the time, "The Hallroom Boys...
...Gillette's leap from the dome of the Garden...
...Discovered the most unique individual talent revealed on the I English-speaking stage in the last I Ave years...
...Stuart and Lash, the two cracked nuts...
...It I is an attempt to evoke upon the I stage the substance of dreams of I far-off things...
...and the I supporting cast, together with thel direction, were flawless...
...Both had had a good deal of experience in the movies...
...something quite different also...
...ThV bizarre and daringly "dif-1 ferent" stage .production referred I to above was "Four Saints in Three Acts," the Gertrude St...
...For a] period of many months they hold...
...It was their policy not to maintain an expensive salary list of stars but to hire or borrow them by the picture, not to build up chains of theatres but to concentrate on economical production...
...with Leslie Banks, Edna Best, Peter Lorre and Nova Pilheam, is the feature film attraction at the Fox Brooklyn Theatre this week...
...Chuck and Chuckles, and Billy Wells, and "The Four Fays" round out the stage show...
...It is this quality that gives "Kind Lady" power that cannot fail to thrill an audience expecting something novel in the theatre...
...Ella Logan, who scored so successfully at the Casino De Paree and in "Calling All Stars," is the headliner...
...After completing their engagements they return to New York...
...The symposium has been planned because of the considerable public Junior Reliet Affair A dinner-dance sponsored by unior Relief, Inc., will take pi see Bnight, Saturday, April Z7, in the Faldorf-Astoria's Starlight Roof...
...The engagement closes Saturday night, May 4th...
...the stunning thrill of the repeating cannon, from which Hugo and Mario are fired in great arcs the length of the Garden arena...
...They were responsible for the tactics which caused Columbia to forge ahead, especially during the depression, this company's most prosperous period...
...Sponsored the most bizarre, the I most daringly "different" and the most widely discussed stage pro- j duetion made anywhere in the»J world in a decade...
...At the ¦roadway Trans-Lax The Broadway Trans-Lux Theatre presents this week W. C. Fields m "The Dentist," which is considered one of this comedian's best short comedies...
...The Old Maid," Mr...
...the great massed liberty horse finale...
...her as a prisoner, disposing of her priceless paintings, forcing her to sign checks, etc...
...I Very few nostalgic plays of this I description have reached the Amer-1 lean stage in recent years...
...The unique individual talent ] which he discovered was that of I the flaming and irresistible Kath-1 erine Hepburn...
...Art Landry and his Hotel Commodore Orchestra with Ann Butler...
...They expect this number to be their outstanding feature in their | repertoire...
...these are but a few of the outstanding features that have capacity audiences volleying their approval at every performance...
...not a wild gesture or a raised voice...
...crooks who subtlely gain pos-1 session of the home of a retired, I elderly woman of means...
...These specialties with one-half hour of the latest news of the world completes the program...
...As a result, Columbia was one of only two film organizations to show a profit during 1932 and the first to restore the general 50 per cent industry pay cut...
...The Man Who Knew Ton Mnch" Mystery Thriller at Fox B'klyn—New Staqe Revue "The Man Who Knew Too Much...
...The Circus Stays on at the New York has...
...Black Fury," the Paul Muni starring picture fur First National which has been breaking records at the Strand Theatre ever since its world premiere, is now in its third week there- The film has been receiving the acclaim ef press and public since its opening...
...On the contrary, the drama and acting are pitched low...
...All this is accomplished without the melodrama that accompanies thrillers...
...Albert Maltz, author of "Black Pit...
...Gil Lamb with Marian Belett, the dancing comedians, and three other RKO acts complete the stage offering...
...It was formed in April, 1920, by two brothers—Harry Cohn, now president and head of production, and Jack Cohn, vice-president, in charge of the New York office...
...Practically an un-1 known actress, she swam into I Broadway fame overnight by her J impersonation of the central role I in Mr...
...Rose Hobart, Michael Gold, William Troy of the Nation will contribute a letter as will the anonymo...
...Theatre Union Sponsors Timely Symposiurn as "Black Pit" r iad "«och rwry" A controversial symposium on "Black Pit," the Theatre Union's coal mine play, and "Black Fury," Paul Muni's coal mining picture, is announced for next Sunday evening, April 28th, at the Belasco Theatre under the auspices of the Theatre Union...
...Moses' production of "The I Warrior's Hudsand...
...Time seems to increase her graciousness and charm...
...Creotinq a New Dance Reports from Paradise Beach Casino, Nassau, West Indies, speak of a new sensational dance created by Fowler and Tamara, which they called a mystic Persian Fantasy, a very exotic, rhythmic movement which is the result of a world-wide study of East Indian*and Hindu customs...
...Michael Curtis directed "Black Fury" from the screen play by Ahem Finked and Carl Erieksou, both of whom are now at work on the next Muni starring film, "Dr...
...This Pete Smith sport short presents George "Jess" Willard, the national badminton champion of America, in one of the most grueling and fastest net games ever filmed...
...Forsythe of the New Masses...
...With thrills, surprises and sparkling freshness, the Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey Combined Circus is-, delighting great audiences in Madison Square Garden in this, the 3rd week of its engagement...

Vol. 18 • April 1935 • No. 17

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