What Labor Wants

Green, William

What Labor Wants by William Green President, American federation of Labor TPHE honored architect of the " American Federation of Labor was accustomed to sum up the aims of Ijbor succinctly...

...Exchange puts' finished products in the hands of consumers...
...The Government has set about the task of planning and managing our national enterprises and its action marks the beginning of a new era...
...There is always a basis for human action...
...It is obvious to all that we cannot continue to permit individual managers of business enterprises to continue to decide their policies without consideration for the consequences to the general business situation...
...ith the requirements of the American standard of living established and mainta ined...
...These relationships make obvious the purpose of the company union...
...What is produced must be marketed in order to keep the currents of money and credit moving steadily throughout the whole structure...
...Economic Planning Urged The Nation's experience with mass product ion...
...It belie,'es it is not only possible but highly desirable for men t.o work~togtt h1!r for eotnmou betttfment "clpat 1JleD w Id prefer to compete with each otlfer in ' ghinr: s er . ce rather than in gaining control oyer other men's lil·es...
...be hpt Oft a self· respecting basis j aa...
...institutions has hindered the development of mutual relations...
...This demonstrated the need for balance in the economic structure of the Nation and the iimpossibility of having such balance unless we planned to that end...
...I The most urgent demand which I Labor makes upon our economic I system is the right to earn a living I and to feel secure in the exercise of that right...
...human nature and the principle of growth...
...The workweek must be adjusted so as to balance changes in production and technique . Labor does not have adequate representation and voice in the administration of the NBA...
...Trade associations and unions under government chairmanship were to originate codes which were to become laws for industries...
...This means that 6 families in the upper bracket have nearly four times as much to live on as one thousand families in the lower bracket...
...This faith r:ives Labor coura2'e to join in the common effort to develop the agencies and the...
...Unemployment Insurance We urge also a federal unemployment insurance system which should provide for a federal tax of 5 per cent on payrolls and grants-in-aid to states that provide state-pooled systems, benefit payments fur a maximum period of not less than 26 weeks, with payment amounting to not less than 50 per cent of normal wages, and up to at least $15 a weak, with a waiting period of 1 week} Labor believes that employes should not contribute to unemployment funds because they pay in lower incomes during depression and in higher prices by which employers cover the costs of their contributions...
...It if this human urge for the realization of higher standards of life and living which influences workers to abandon individualism and individualistic efforts in their relationship with employers and management and unite for the purpose of speaking and acting collectively...
...The working people of the notion appreciate the blessings and benefits of liberty, freedom and democracy...
...It asks recognition and aeeepta1l1:e of this right b)' employers and protection by the government agailUlt violation or in· vuiOll of this rirht...
...Such I employe has a prior claim to reI employment before new workers axe added to the payroll and to a maintenance income during unemployment...
...When, in some degree, physical needs are cared for...
...In comprehending the consequences of this change in production, we must bear in mind the fact that engineers estimate that one powerhour is tho equivalent of 10 manhours in production...
...Labor is fully conscious, of the fact that a great economic change is taking place and that the nation is passing from the absolutism Of individual control of our industrial and financial life to a broader supervision of these social agencies on the part of the people through their own government...
...When work is obtained and wants are satisfied the worker and his family begin to think about and wish for other things.' They yearn for 'ttS enjoyment eC sf SSirS abundant life...
...Continued insistence on special privileges by investor groups will drive even American wage earners to radical methods and agencies...
...Labor beI lieves that it should have the same right as management to offer I amendments to codes of fair pracI tice, which experience shows bring* I more desirable results...
...No industry should I lay off or dismiss an employe I without due regard for those equiI ties which the employe has estabI lished by investing months or I years of productive, work...
...Exploitation of Labor Labor sought to promote government of industry from within as opposed to political regimentation or a dictator's edicts...
...One industrial engineer who studied this problem of distinction found that in 1917, when producing workers got SI.00 for goods made, overhead people got another dollar for various services leading to the sale of the product to consumers...
...The only hope workers have to secure a voice in fixing the work contract is to apply the principle, "in union there is strength...
...Until f forbidden by law they forced men and women to sign away their right to union membership as a condition of employment...
...The Right to Bargain I The right to bargain is the keyI stone to Labor's program for adI vancemest, not only because it will I bring opportunities for higher J standards of living but because it I is an opportunity to develop a I body of practices recognizing I Labor's egnities which have their I roots in Labor's production service...
...But instead of accepting employees' right to organize in unions to negotiate work agreements collectively, the more powerful employers have done everything within their power to prevent workers from belonging to anions...
...However, employers have been unwilling that employees should exercise the right of holding elections...
...This sort of a situation is an unfortunate background against which to mass an army of 10,000,000 unemployed while denying the employed wage earners the right to organize to bargain collectively...
...Money and credit are the lifeblood of business because they are necessary to exchange...
...Men first were content to satisfy hunger, then they sought shelter, with a growing concern for clothing...
...In addition the very size of our prductior...
...The hope and the salvation of Labor ties in democracy...
...Then each amendment can be considered individually, since the old- age pension bill, itself will have safely become a law...
...If the 30-hour week, with maintenance of established wage standards, is made the basis of employment and industries geared to these levels, the forces of production will be released on a higher level, able to sustain greater production...
...ne 011& It asks that all work...
...It asked for hearings and representation and made factual presentations on its proposals...
...for those to whom an opportunity to earn a living is denied and for thoee who have lived beyond the productive period...
...The National Industrial Conference Board serves as its statistical agency...
...Out I of 549 codes, only 23 provide for bona fide labor representation...
...I This legislation seeks to create an independent board in the Executive branch of the government to promote equality of bargaining I power between employers and employes and to prevent any person I or company from engaging in unI fair labor practices affecting the I free flow of commerce...
...30-Hour Week Vital Because unemployment had not fallen below ten million during the past three years and the codes did not affect this dead level, Labor proposed the 30-hour week asi a practical remedy for unemployment...
...Old Age Pensions To gi\ e wage earners more of security...
...After considerable discussion and the pansge of t«ii amendments in coalition with the Democrats, the Socialists in a tactical move, in coalition wits the Republicans, moved for reconsideration and rejection of the amendments, to leave the bill at it emerged from the lower house This was done because the Socialists wanted to insure passage of an old age pension bill an i make amendments after they were sure the act itself was already en the books...
...In no instance did Labor seek domination or special privilege...
...They have maintained spy systems so as to keep employees in a constant state of fear...
...Looking at the economic structure as a whole the principle of balance is inescapable...
...To more than tan million persons without employment, food and theKer overshadow other wants...
...Upon 28 others there base been appointed Labor - Administration members without vote—v?_ si a result of provisions in the code itself and 15 as a result of administrative orders...
...It wants Child Labor aboli"hed pt'rmanently and • wage standards commensurate...
...Labor advocates a monthlypension of not less than $50 a month for dependent persons over 60 years of age...
...intellectual and spiritual cravings assert themselves and individuals rise to higher levels of living...
...The 30-hour work-week would provide work opportunities for several millions unemployed and give an impetus that would absorb the, remainder...
...This board may hold elections ir> order that workers may determine their collective bargaining agency when disputes arise...
...Then Public Resolution No...
...Labor does not believe that the workers now employed can continue to support this large army of unemployed indefinitely...
...If the bill went back again, in amended form, the whole bin might be killed by what is known as "disagreeing action" between the two houses...
...Labor urges a federal old age contributory pension system to which employes are eligible at 60 years of age and old age assistance for those who cannot accumulate pensions...
...The Conference Committee serves as a clearing house for company union experience and as a guide for its promotion...
...Here we have the facts of...
...The principle is one which Labor emphatically approves, self-government in industry, to be j further supplemented by collective bargaining for specific business undertakings and areas...
...Labor urges the immediate consideration and passage oi° the Wagner Industrial Disputes Act...
...First the National LaI bor Board was created by ExecI utive Order...
...They have discharged employees who had the independence to exercise their right to union membership and haws developed black-lists so as to prevent these workers from finding employment anywhere in their industry...
...They have even gone to the trouble and the expense of organizing employee organizations which have some of the outward forms of unions but function as an agency of management...
...They need to learn to think in terms of one great national production undertaking with individual industries .transportation, wholesale and retail trade, as phases in producing the things the nation needs...
...They cherish these vital principles as a priceless heritage which must be protected and preserved at all costs...
...At the time when this country most needed an effective labor movement, industrial executives were dictating the distribution of earnings from mass production industries and were I steadily increasing the proportion | going to averhead allotments...
...Amendments proposed by Socialist Representative Jack C Bergen to improve the one time model but now considerably crippled bill received some support, although they failed of passage...
...It believes I also that no code should be extend[ed or imposed upon Labor without I a hearing, as happened in the case of the Automobile Code...
...This is the answer to those who inquire why workers sacrifice, engage in strikes and fight and struggle, first, for the recognition of their right to organize and, second, to bargain collectively with those who solicit and use their training, skill and service...
...Uniformity of wage rates, hours and working conditions is an essential basis for fair competition within the industry...
...It believes that the way to democratic Ih'inlt is to extend privileges and rights to the underpriYilegedthe jP;reat masse s of wage earners and small salaried workers...
...Employers have vehemently protested that shorter hours would bankrupt them...
...As soon as the NRA began to function, it was obvious there must I be a tribunal to which Labor could carry violations of its fundamental right to organize and bargain collectively...
...The National Steel and National Textile Labor Relations Boards were created under the same Joint Resolution...
...For that reason it opposes dictatorship whether established under the guise of the proletariat or of the autocrat...
...They have invented the formula of minority representation for collective bargaining so as to minimize any advantage to a majority vote for a I union...
...It ub the richt to representation and participation in aJ{encies aud de<isiolUl wbere issues which affect ita iIlteresta and welfare are determil'led...
...As a result of such factors, although Labor had the legal and moral right to organize in unions and to bargain collectively, they were debarred from any opportunity to exercise that right...
...Atter the bill is passed in the form in which it emerged from the House (as is expected), the Socialists will attempt to havS amendments raised in the Judiciary Committee, to improve and strengthen it...
...whereas in 1932, when producing workers sjot one dollar, executives got $2.30...
...Old age comes to all and as the life span lengthens, the number of the nation's aged, without incomes or means of selfsupport, has steadily increased...
...The problem we have to meet in fixing the work-week is to balance the rate at which industries use power, which is the key to productivity...
...This is one reason why 36,000 families (1/10 per cent of all families) with incomes of $75,000 or more have an aggregate of 9.8 billions of dollars, while six millions (or 21 per cent of all families) with incomes of less than $1,000 have a total aggregate amounting only to 2.6 billions...
...It is only just that rates of pay and working conditions should be acceptable to those who work...
...What Labor Wants by William Green President, American federation of Labor TPHE honored architect of the " American Federation of Labor was accustomed to sum up the aims of Ijbor succinctly and graphically, thus—"More, more amd ever more...
...By uniting, workers can agree upon uniform conditions of work and send a representative group to take the matter up with the employer...
...Can America afford to be without a strong, constructive, aggressive Labor movement...
...The first move toward a planned1 economy designed to establish a partnership in industry was the enactment of the National Recovery Act, which moved toward balance in industry by providing for the organization of industrial managements in trade associations with exemption from anti-trust regulations, and with guarantees to wage earners of the right to organize in free trade unions and to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing...
...They have invoked the courts to prevent orders for elections from being carried out...
...44 of the 73rd Congress set up the National Labor Relations Board...
...The organizing headquarters of company unions is the Conference Committee made up of the personnel executives of the largest industrial corporations...
...The business structure broke down creating an army of unemployed that exceeded 13 million in 1933 and has not since dropped below 10 million...
...The keystone in its prOCl'&Dl at all times is the right to organize and bartrain c:ol~tively...
...both p~lic in private, shaD be forced doW1l to pauper stand a of life an...
...Adequate and competent labor representation should be provided for at every point of administration...
...helped precipitate the catastrophe of 1929...
...The test of this way of dealing with this problem lay in the administration of the NRA and in carrying the principle of balance into the organizations of administrative machinery...
...AH stages of this cycle of growth aze in evidence today...
...Violations of 7A I It also hears cases of code violations when Section 7 (a) is involved and serves as an appeal board for cases referred to it by its regional boards...
...Labor wants adeI quate representation on every code authority on equal footing with all I other representatives...
...One amendment sought to remove the $3 head-tax on every person in the state between the ages of 21 and 65 to finance the administration of the bill...
...where, the Socialists feared, v5o bill in its amended form migh b>defeated, since similar amendments had already been defeated in the House...
...individualism Obsolete Individual workers can only go from employment office to employment office asking for work and taking it on whatever terms the employer offers...
...In the Senate the Socialists sought again to amend the bill, as did the Democrats...
...Yet in each case of shorter hours), industry has adjusted and reached higher production and more profitable levels...
...If the bill were to pass the Senate with new amendments it would then have to go back to the much rapre conservative Hoase...
...Labor is urging federal old age pensions and unemployment insurance...
...The use of power has increased 50 per cent in 10 years...
...The old * * age pension bill passed the lower house of the Connecticut General Assembly last week with but one dissenting vote and is new up for a vote in the Senate...
...It insists that eultut'al and recreational oppor· tunities be crea ted in all civic centl'rs so that Il'is' ure gained a s a result of tKhnic:al improvement may be made as a"ailable and profitable to the in · dh'idual and the ~ ation as are the hours utilized in earning wages in mills, mines and factories...
...The equities created by the Investment of intangible labor power must be formulated and established as common practice in industry if we really wish to have democratic institutions...
...It .. b that edueational opport unities be made freely available to all and designed to meet . the needs of all...
...Workers who aspire, who are idealistic and in whose lives have been planted the seeds of culture, art and a keen appreciation of the finer dungs of life join together and cooperate with each other for the realization of their common pnrpose and ideals...
...It asks that society make provillioDl...
...Its proposals were reasonable and practicable...
...Green's Summary of Labor's Demands WHAT Labor wants...
...technical changes, the pyramiding of industrial control through holding companies, the mounting fortunes of the few and the steady decline of the workers' share in the value created by manufacture (approximately a decline of 20 per cent between 1921 and 1931...
...The fundamental principle of the code method was essentially collective bargaining under government administration...

Vol. 18 • April 1935 • No. 17

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