Strike Movements Stir Basic Industries
Strike Movements Stir Basic Industries As the New Leader Goes to Press Workers Act On a Wide Front A S The New Leader goes to press things are humming in every _ sector of the labor field. Many...
...Laboi and Social Interests... textiles and in many sections of the garment industry...
...Every Socialist Party, in those countries whose Constitution permits the formation of coalition cabinets—which means everywhere democracy rules—will sooner or l a t e r be faced by the concrete problem: Shall we o r shall we not t a k e p a r t in the government...
...These latter are Van dervelde, without portfolio...
...They have had periods on WEVDt and a week or so ago they had a big and enthusiastic membership meeting at die Star Casino up in Harlem...
...Every tiny economic gain will build up t h e morale, lead to the consolidation of efforts that make possible f u r t h e r a n d g r e a t e r gains...
...I.tickock was active in the industry as long ago as 1915 and 1916...
...strike is merrily going on... the retail stores of New York and in the bak e-shops . . . . The New Leader would like to give fuH details of every fight that workers are entering, for only in that way can a picture be painted of the United Sates in the third year of the New Oeal...
...The Belgiai " cabinet, headed by Van Zee land (of the Catholic party) contains besides himself rm Catholics, four Liberals, and fivi Socialists...
...Unemployment had assumed frightful proportions and nothing was being t done to combat it...
...It may he a government beaded by a capitalist prime minister, or it may be one headed by a Socialist...
...Our Chicago comrades tell us that their answer to that insult will be the greatest May Day demonstration, in cooperation with.large sections of the labor movement, thev have ever staged...
...Frightful housing conditions almost before t h e g a t e s of t h e Royal Palace...
...Abramowitsch in the Bronx Friday, April 12th Raphael Abramowitsch, distinguished international Socialist and member of the Executive of t he Labor and Socialist International, will speak F r i d a y night, April 12, a t the Bronx Labor Center, 809 Westchester Avenue...
...I All constructive work is slow by ' i t s nature and no millennium will i be ushered in...
...There is also a strong article, "A Company Union or Your Union...
...Our comrades point out that they find no fault with t h e personal qualities of the members of t h e preceding 411 niisaent, bat t h a t they were totally uaaMe to distinguish between the public welfare and t h e interest* ef the banks...
...He will work in New Jersey and Pennsylvania...
...Incidentally, we pass this information on...
...the Building Service Employes are busily engaged in consolidating their gains'after recent industrial battles...
...AS The New Leader goes to press we learn that Bakers' Union Local 507 of New York is on strike against the Hascomb Baking'Co...
...Everybody in Belgium ia now likely to learn that there is in fact a very great difference between public interests aad private, aad we c a n confidently say that with the inclusion of five members in the Van Zealand sum—apt t h e Socialist P a r t y of Belgium has reached a high point in it* struggle f o r political power and Oka jape* cipation of the workers...
...I t was a iife-anddeath matter to t h e proletarians, who compose the vast majority of the Belgian Socialist Party...
...Our Chicago comrades inform us that Gilbert, as head of the police force of the State's Attorney's office (district attorney to you), was long a relentless foe of labor...
...Many of the battles being waged, or being prepared for, are noted in other columns of this issue, but it would take a far bigger paper "than The New Leader just to list them all and give some few details...
...What will our bread cost next week}" ia a far more pressing problem to the povertystricken working people in Antwerp and Brussels t h a n endless debate on theories and tactics...
...And now Mayor Kelly places him in charge of the city's police...
...a crushing military establishment, and general disregard for the workers' elemental human rights had made life almost unbearable to t h e men, .women and children of the working masses...
...I t will also be a very good objectlesson to t h e worker* n e t y e t adherents of t h e Socialist Party to see how t h e Socialist* discharge their duties in the cabinet, and how the Catholics and Liberals discharge theirs...
...It's a pity...
...A large crowd is expected and comrades a r e advised to attend early to secure seats...
...Spaak Transportation, Posts, Telegrapl and Telephone...
...The union reports the appointment of J. T. Luckock as general organizer...
...The New Leader goes to press we are handed a copy ^f the first issue of the fine paper of the International Pocketbook Workers' Union, with a front page spread declaring war against low wages...
...Our only principle is to do and d a r e for the advancement of labor's interests, i f these rights a r e furthered by pur . t a k i n g p a r t in a coalition with our worst political enemies as p a r t n e r s , we will do it...
...FERA strikes are going on everywhere, and everywhere the Socialists are in the front line trenches of the battle...
...I n either case it i s , a m a t t e r for t h e Socialist P a r t y to decide, shall they take part or shall they decline...
...The paper also reports a big 7-A victory against Kesnick Bros, in New'York and Holyoke... Man Public Works and Reabsorptior of the Unemployed...
...Secretary Cohen of the New York Cleaners and Dyers informs us that a city-wide strike is in prospect...
...Back them up if and when it comes...
...Why Socialists Joi ned the Be I g ia n Cabinet DRUSSELS...
...They t r i ed to insult them by p u t t i n g de Man on Public Works instead of on Finance, where he properly belonged...
...and meanwhile the N.B.C...
...Tee CeeHHea Problem The logic of events—the inexorable and constantly aggravated economic crisis—forced the Catholics and Liberals alike to swallow t h e b i t t e r pill...
...A few cents added to t h e wages here, a few cent*- off the cost of milk them sad t h e prolet a r i a a s will rally to their party as never before...
...No question of political principle is involved for us...
...Now our Belgian comrades are 11 in a position to a c t with decision...
...The Catholic p a r t y made insistent a t tempts to maneuver Spaak and de Man o a t ef t h e line-up...
...niggardly appropriations for public services...
...miserable wages and high prices of all necessities...
...Comrade Abramowitsch's subject will be, "World Fascism, Russia and the War Danger...
...They are not crating on their laurels...
...Any a c t hostile to the working class will cause t he resignation of the fire Socialist members and t h e downfall of the government...
...the electrical workers . . . the struggles in the coal fields and in the Deep South . . . the awakening of large sections of the labor movement . . . the demand for a 30-hour week...
...The battle-lines are forming in rubber and automobiles...
...The Socialists own, so to say, a third of t h e stock in t h e new government, and no important measure can be taken, and no important omission allowed to pass without their a p proval or consent...
...A S The New Leader goes to press we learn that in Chicago the workers are bitterly fighting the appointment of Captain .Gilbert as chief of'police of \that city by Mayor-Kelly, "friend" of labor...
...that we haven't the room...
...The New' Leader goes to press we feel almost swamped with ™ the vast amount of material we wish we had room to print...
...Remember . . . you really don't need a biscuit...
...The alternative to t h i s government was a government of the bankers, for the b a n k e r s , by t hi bankers, whose main job won hi have been to see t h a t government in t h e i n t e r e s t s of t h e upper capitalist class shall not p e r i s h from t h e face of t h e e a r t h. I Up until t h e l a s t moment the capitalist politicians did everyt h i n g they could t o prevent this cabinet with its five Socialist ministers from taking office...
...And every step forward, adaeihrr won b y the unions o n the industrial field or by the p a r t y en the political field, will make possible the building up of a g r e a t war chest for the titanic struggles soon to come...
...Their slogan is a 36-hour week,-a $30 code mirtfomtm for skilled workers, and security on the job...
...Let their energy be a lesson to you...
...they tried to remove Telephones and Telegraphs from the j u r i s d i c t i on of Spaak, which would have left him with little influence, since t h e r a i l r o a d s a r e now, t h a n ks t o the former reactionary policies, no longer under direct State ownership...
...I f we believe t h a t the r i g h t s of labor a re better served by o u r standing outside the government and allowing t h e capitalist's politicians t o sheet* der the whole responsibility for t h e i r own f a i l u r e s , we will do t h a t . And nobody will be permitted to decide for us what we a r e to dot I n the case of Belgium, the Socialists decided to t a k e p a r t v a i n ly because they saw t h e chance of introducing measures of economic betterment in the present lot of t h e workers, whose standard of living had been sinking to always lower levels under the reactionary regime of t h e Theunis government which preceded...
...B u t from the begin; ning our representatives in the cabinet will work for the amelioration of the workers' MfsJMJI of living...
...Sou dan, Justice...
...even earlier...
...Until now t h e building of a war chest has been almost impossible because of the universal and extreme poverty of the working class, from whom we draw our support...
Vol. 18 • April 1935 • No. 15