Promotion Department Notes of Local N. Y. ty Hoary Pracfctar CAMP EDEN ACONSIDERABLE number of inquiries have come in regarding Camp Eden, and I am glad to oblige our comrades by...

...Tuesday, July 17, <Mst Sillier Ave., Cluis...
...Party nemher* In New York City arc again Tiiilnded that those who want one or ilore do/en of eggs from Die crate, dedged by Delegate llelsler of lirlr bounty as his rontrlhutlou, should leave heir orders with The New Lender or he State or the City oirlcc...
...Harry Elmer Barnes writes on "The Aryan Myth Again," and Henry Powers records the fate of culture under the heel of Naziism...
...Maybe you're right...
...Red Navy on the Hudson By the Diszy Press Agent There may still be somewhere a Socialist who does not know that on Saturday, August 19, the Red Navy will steam up the Hudson for a day's outing, but that individual must be blind and deaf as well as lacking in joi de vivre, elan, Gemiitliehkeit, and common sense, for the opportunity offered is actually the vent of a year...
...Fierro was the philosophical young Italian radical who was murdered by Frank Moffer, a Khaki Shirt thug, at a meeting in Long Island City, July 14, 1933, when Art Smith, would-be American Mussolini from Philadelphia, tried to drum up some business in New York...
...22nd A. I...
...Psychology Clinic nl' the Air...
...It is a fact weliknown to the United Drive director that on May 1 the quota of the 12th A. D. was oversubscribed, but the pledget were made by people who work for a llvtM am Mind to make their MTW4Mvt# hi wtontMp Installments Fafeoa •¦Mars fa laa toMor erf Picnic The Falcon Builders, in conjunction with the Women's Committee of the Socialist Party, will run i bazaar at the Socialist Picnic at Ulmer Park on July 28...
...UWia Seventh *Ti BROOKLYN Downtown Branch...
...The .negotiations were completed some weeks ago and a considerable sum of money was invested in various improvements in the camp...
...Cluremont Parkway and WiishliiaSJsB Ave., Itronx...
...MANHATTAN Jllli A. D. Meets 2nd and 4th TurglMK of month at 01 Ave...
...Kast Klatbush Branch...
...H. ICverylMlf welcoine...
...Send coiitribiillons to A*' ruham Coiian, 17.1 Fast llroadwuy, N, f» llth-llft A. D. Saturday night iMK Party at heaili|uartrrs...
...July It 3:15 p.m...
...linn-let Ayes, songs...
...III lleiulrlk lie l.eew...
...n p.m...
...My good friend George Steinhardt, one of the most active spirits in the 8th A. D., Bronx, as well as devoted worker in many other important Socialist institutions, has this to say in answer to my criticism of the 8th: "The first time our noble branch couldn't raise too much dough, you shoot us, a la Hitler, with lead type...
...William J. Robinson, is off the press...
...Meet at Field No...
...The two-deck excursion boat Doris has been chartered for the day...
...SnTnloe Lnraiid discusses "Nervousness mid Neurotic...
...A copy of Nt»r> man Tliomas' latest bfaik, "The Chaise Before Us...
...Street Meetings SATURDAY, JULY 14 Alliemiirle lload ami l-'liithiish Avfllrooklyn...
...foldberg oil "A Socialist Interpretation of the News...
...Although the good ship Doris is licensed for 160 passengers, only 125 tickets will be sold, so that roomy comfort can he guaranteed...
...8:311 Jamaica Night in "The Heart tit New York...
...An attempt to hold Comrade Thomas responsible in any way for the activities or his branch when he is exhausting himself and his resources in the work of the Socialist Party is an extraordinary attitude to find in a Socialist...
...Fried man, The New Cruder Iteview...
...I Imse Interested should nieetlft 8:l.i p.m... I llibels Itrook Park...
...Promotion Department Notes of Local N. Y. ty Hoary Pracfctar CAMP EDEN ACONSIDERABLE number of inquiries have come in regarding Camp Eden, and I am glad to oblige our comrades by outlining at length the new arrangement under which the camp is functioning...
...JUxfaW* (iieen whs uomliiHted for State Aa> • semhly...
...Ilerinuii Siiltzumn, otMfaV Y.P.S.L Notes Two essay contests for Ylpsela arc...
...1:1.1 "Tile Virginians," niiile (|liMiiet, Tiiu., July 17 N u.m...
...Also Dorsha and Paul Hays...
...i-esaful, ludancc of t".1 UUota frumjpy branch for tnlted Drive raised...
...Smith and the actual murderer were apprehended, and they are now doing time in Sing Sing...
...Features of the Week on <isiu> WEVD (iiM...
...8:4.1 Cliiiilolle Tmihiir.y, violinist...
...Without prejudice to other Socialist and labor summer institutions, we felt that the demand for summer accommodations was so great that Camp Eden could satisfy a definite need among the rank and file...
...THURSDAY, JULY II llth St...
...If history ever records your name it will say: George Sylvester Viereck preferred" darkness to light, falsehood to truth, hate to love, prejudice to reason, a world of slaves to a world of freemen, and will brand your memory with one word: Shame...
...mum which should be greatly surpass...
...Husiness meetings to lie loafl 117 Montague SI., July 111 and W at M§' p.m...
...July 15 II a.iii...
...Irgunlsing u local Mlddletowu will lie 111 principal tusk...
...Hecenl dunce) Ma...
...8:1.1llcleiK- l.niivln, contralto, unit lCugruc llyrfm Morgan, baritone, "lllil 'I line I'll vorltes...
...Then, to make doubly sure, get your ticket frftm any of the following: Organizer Gilbson, Meyer Gillis, Selma DeKroyft, Henry Exstein, David Ftnwkk or Paul Union, or •end your reservation to Room 504, Memorial Meeting For Antonio Fierro A memorial meeting will be held Saturday night, July 14, to commemorate the life and mark the first anniversary of the death of Antonio Fierro, first victim of American fascism...
...I'lciile Sunday, Jatf i.'i...
...The stale serreiiry reports that only about ime-lhlrd f what is due on Convention assessment stamps lias lieen turned In, and hat it was necessary to draw from ther funds lo nirrt the expenses of the late Convention...
...Itronx and Manlialluil Socialists invited...
...Singing of revolutionary songs .ill be another feature, Rockland County...
...2nd A. l9k i'iaiis are tiring made in roiiJuntfMKr with the Zlld A. D. for Automobile fls» lug to Jones lleiich on Sutiday, July-ft, llcservatlons may he made by c-oituiffJaV eating with Comrade Welsbeig, III lfja> man Ave., Dickens a-19Ml...
...10: to House lliiiiiesini, poetry...
...Jacob l.lsl, Psychology Clinlm of the Air...
...H p. ill.--"Jewish liventa or tin- Wick...
...Monroe M. Sweet mid Jr...
...Anna I'aul, soprano...
...That's the spirit, George...
...he eonhict over the Declaration of ITKV clples...
...attended meetings III Its ilstorv last week...
...8:1.1 "My Hoy," sketch...
...K:i:> WI'.VO University of the Air, Dr...
...We earnestly urge all members and sympathizers to avail themselves of this opportunity to enjoy a fine vacation for very little money...
...Take IM* lliglou Ave...
...To Comrade Gerber By Florence Gold Julius Gerber's remarks in The New Leader of June 29, in connection with the 12th A. D. quota show a small spirit...
...The stale committee neets at Allium on Sunday...
...July ID, h( 8 In the home of ail I...
...But remember, Henry, our branch has given to Austrian victims, has supported Bronx activity, loaned sums to the Bronx Labor Center, bought all the assessment stamps in sight—with very few exempt stamps...
...i demelltr (iiKllo...
...Monday, July 1(1, 30.13 StflBwin- St.: (ieorge II...
...They are at present collecting money to help send Falcons to the Children's Colony of Camp Eden...
...Attractive musical programs have been arranged...
...Incidentally, a special children's camp is part of the features of the camp, and the price for the season is only $115... all wltli 1IIII-- diirlrulty...
...Week-end accommodations are offered for only $3.50...
...e • e An Important street meeting will he held at hnlekerlHH-krr Avenue uud-Sarrr Street, ItriHiklyii, under Joint auspWN of Ihe Italian branch of the 13th gM llth Assembly Districts ami Clnle 8, • • • j The rowing party at Van CnrtlaW* Park which waa rained out leal Majjlii day will be held instead Saturday, A 21...
...The Socialist Party al Ihe preMg* limn Is faced with a choice between Msf fihllosophles of Socialism syniboll/eil fey...
...Forward Hour...
...Meitheck singing leading roles...
...UNITY HOUSE Attracted by the many recent improvements and the programs of high artistic quality, Unity House is proving to be the mecca for an ever increasing number of vacationists...
...The spirit which permeates the guests is an excellent one, and the expectations are high for a very successful summer season...
...It was felt by the City Executive Committee that the camp was ideally situated for satisfying the summer needs of the large number of party members whose modest earnings prevented them from going to more expensive places...
...Says Eldridge: "George Sylvester Viereck-—your speech (in Madison Square Garden) is a mass of lies, sprinkled with particles of truth, like strong condiments to hide the foulness of the meat...
...lor County Judge and .iimigulc...
...The county nmiiuil plrle will .be held al Valentine's I'arm, lobbs Ferry Hiiuil...
...8:4.1- Patricia O'Coiuirll, soprano...
...IjicuI Tompkins County held me of the lies...
...The county ticket bus been selected a follows: for Assemblyman, A. Itatten f New City...
...K p.m...
...IHth A. I)., Branch 2. Members of WfJ -branch ure supporting Local :i(XI ugullgB llugby Theatre...
...BRONX Amsl«smsl«d Cooperative Branch «M meet Monday, July 1(1...
...Prominent apraltefc Coniiiides residing III locality ure urfjlsl to lie on hand...
...It is important for comrades and friends of the Falcons to contribute merchandise for the bazaar...
...Next week-end Tchaikovsky's opera "Mignon" will be presented, with Dora Bovchoer and Ann...
...The sale of lliese tickets means the support nf mi local circles, Ihe league and Hue ,lu> clallst Purty...
...Hrl., July !»¦-3:1.1 p.m...
...4:3(1 Samuel II...
...The winning essay will be printed In the Anierleuii Socialist Quarterly and the winner will receive u year's subscription to the A SO...
...addressed III local and made a -enort na the Stale Convention, Hist...
...Thura., July II-r 1:311 p.m...
...Milady, style talk...
...8:1,1 Sherry mill Mange...
...Sveusaon of Nunuet: or County Clerk, .land Schwulm of few City ami for County Treasurer, Vllllam VV, Davit ot Nyark...
...Ili.KI Maln-I llorsey's "Stars of "Tomorrow," juvenile program...
...Btata (oatantlon PUdesa Camp rumlment has not only paid lis pledge if $30 made ul the Stale Convention llnuer, hut has sent III IS additional or the atale campaign fund..., the Detroit Declaration...
...linger Cornell, Jucoh Axelrgst, F. Ilshkln, A. liold, I...
...loebef, .luck All...
...This la u iiifcH...
...Solomon Will dlacttSa die Detroit Declarallon...
...Nicholas Sns lav.iky, baritone...
...conolsllng«f 58 organlxeil circles, at the youth see...
...It will leave Lynch'* Pier at 79th Street and the Hudson River promptly at 10 a. m. And then for twelve hours there is nothing on the program but fresh nir, sunlight, breezes, good food and refreshments, singing, dancing, swimming, and finally a moonlight sail home to the accompaniment of soft music...
...I anticipated such letters...
...llraiirhTs arranging a demonstration against ItC ami fascism on l-'rhlay evening, JulyA> at the corner of Hlverdnlc and SiiragMK Aves., llriMiklyii...
...Halm Knntorovlleh, Ml»k ray llorou and (ieorge Streator will fa the Judges for the contests which will end September I. • e • The following resolution was receitgW passed by the Kxerutive Committee «S the Creater New York Federation of fke Young People's Socialist League I "The (iNYF of the YI'SI...
...Trying to raise funds for head, iiuarters...
...1(1:1.1 Prank l^iforese, hnss...
...Louis I...
...Hon of hte Socialist Party III New Yollk Is vitally roneerneil with the theiirelMal position of the party...
...So mark the date, August 19, on your calendar right now...
...Open air meetings aajo nickeling on Friday night, July ill, *M Salurday./.luly II...
...The Falcon Builders are planning to erect a fitting monument to the memory of our beloved comrade A. I. Shiplacoff, in the form of the establishment of the A. J. Shiplacoff Camp for Falcons...
...However, here is a check for $15.75 morel...
...It was realized by the Socialists engaged in operating it that the most desirable objective was to make it a Socialist camp in the fullest sense of the word...
...Already several outings have been arranged to the mutual satisfaction of all concerned...
...Buses leave New York weekly, the fare being only $2 round trip... well as to make payngMMl Tor Detroit (/invention Journal ad-W* ti»i incuts of their branch-1...
...I" Symposium...
...After his acquittal...
...ular meeting held July 5. NninlnatsWt made for Congress, Senate and lifesembly...
...You have made of truth a wooden handle with which you may lift the burning cauldron of falsehoods without blistering you fingers...
...111 "American lie volutions," ilriimntle sketch...
...Meeting Ihursday veiling...
...It will in executive committee, officers and luli-eomuilttees, and will dispose of -eferi urea of the State Convention, In-ItidhiK ri ports of committees on Con dilution, Wonien'a Aactlvltles, Youth Activities, and Organisation, Finance and Campaign...
...A financial settlement was made with this comrade and the Socialist Party was officially invited to enter into a joint arrangement for the operation of the camp...
...and Ave...
...We strongly urge all iiiemMM of the YI'SI...
...Norman Thomas was chairman of the defense committee that thwarted the Khaki Shirt plot to railroad Terzani and that secured the confession 'of the actual murderer...
...July i'X...
...July II X a.m...
...Two topics an given the Junior Ylpsela to choose freak "The NHA and Socialism" ami "IIISee, Mussolini and Stalin...
...Mllnily's Style Hi view," Coiirml und Trciuoiit, piano duo...
...We really give until it hurts...
...Since many children cannot afford to pay more than $15 far two weeks, the Falcon Builders will pay the difference...
...HUMANITY IN DISTRESS The second number of Humanity in Distress, the anti-Hitler and anti-fascist magaine edited by Dr...
...The meeting will be held at the People's House, 7 East 15th St., and the speakers will be Norman Thomas, Luigi Antonini, Arturo Giovanitti, Siegfried Lipschitz, Actios Terzani, and Herbert Mahler, who will act as chairman...
...H—P.thel Kriivunt, uiprano, mill dura lllunkinuu...
...lames mid athletics will be ill eeted by the Finnish brunch In I'nrt Ihesler...
...nioi-rucy and Soclullsm" will lie fH* topic of contest for the senior circles...
...H The Niitlon ltintlotorlHl Hoard...
...City dilutee Series, l,ouls Waldman, state < 11 Ji 11 ¦ i in ¦ l ill tile Socialist Party...
...Every article strikes sledgehammer blows in the "war on Hitlerism, and all other movements born of ignorance, bigotry and brutality...
...The Falcon Builders are a group of members of the Socialist Party who engage in raising funds for the Falcons...
...Town of firrriiurgh, Smlay...
...All contributions should be sent to the Socialist Party, 7 East 15th Street...
...H::iU Mlinine Sal/cdo, poetry...
...Among the artists who will appear this week-end are Cyril Towtoin...
...A one net play .III be Presented by New Hochelle Ylncls...
...Pretty soon we give more again...
...UNITED SOCIALIST DRIVE A deluge of letters swooped down upon me as a result of my publicly criticizing certain branches for inactivity in connection with the Drive...
...For some years past the Jewish Socialist Verband conflicted the camp under a semi'partnership arrangement with a private individual...
...Do two things, baild the Socialist Party ami got Mb* for Tko New Party Note* 4 ____ '.ail City Central OaaaaUtM will iiweoW Wednesday, Juy 18, a IVople/s Hottaf, OrfSwrsaUen and Propaganda i allUi will meet Monday o p.m...
...Despite the fact that the murderer was promptly identified by Atljos Terzani, intimate friend of the slain man, the police arrested Terzani on Smith's orders, and he was tried for the killing...
...Nicholas Suslavsky, baritone...
...TIIKSDAY, JULY 17 2nd nnd Dllmars Aves., Astoria, L. f. l-meilch Stelnberger...
...lo 9__W 150S, People's House...
...All who have visited the camp this season are enthusiastic about its natural beauty, its improvements, and the excellence of the food served...
...H. Ilranrh has Ja> gun Intensive election campaign...
...II, Munhattan...
...subway, White Plains IJfcja, ' to £lHth St...
...I^aal and branch ccretarles are again reminded nf Hits ssessment...
...Especially noteworthy is the article by Paul -Eldridge, former collaborator of George S. Viereck...
...Coiiiinlllee Is aejjjtv In iirranglug street meetings, (ha*** being applied for by recently orgaialBfaV ,'lrd 7th A. D. Ilninch...
...4 :3II -Actors' Dinner dun...
...Ithaca... the Moaholu Parkway station of Ihe Jerome Avenur-WoodlaMM mininiuiu of eipaua...
...21st A. D. Kings...
...Party Progress New York State Mate Committee...
...Ileporls of »Starter Coliventloil...
...l'h-nh- arrangi-mcuts...
...8:1.1- "Mght III Vienna," musti, talk...
...Sol lilnkln, violinist...
...It) Council Ine Soclul-ICcoiiomlc F.diicatlon, tit I k. Wed., July IH 1:1.1 p. in...
...Take llus to I'lliliets llrsggk Park...
...Organism JW urged lo be prepared to settle eSlgM pletely for Atastrian Relief StamataW report fully on United Socialist llMfii activity...
...Jneoli I.IhI...
...interesting lectures will be held...
...Convention Htama-e...
...Augaaa) r.laessens and David Kaplan...
...The rate is $11 per week...» lug held under the sponsorship of the Clly YI'SI...
...Sveiinaon, Palmer Ave., Nunuet...
...8 : 11 Foreign Alliiir* Forum ; lurliil llrnry iiml ICdward Peterson, violin unit zither...
...Ilranch illcellaaj Monday evening at Colby Acadesttiv lledford anil Snyder Aves...
...Whateyer the excuses are, however, the fact remains that the national and local office need the money and the quotas must be met...
...Fjlucutlonal Committee, "ft...
...All those interested can secure the fullest information by telephoning either to the Socialist Verband office at 175 East Broadway (Drydock 4-4972) or to the Socialist) Party office at 7 East 15th Street (Alo-one-uin 4-2020...
...QUKKNH Astoria Branch...
...and of the purty or NSW York and throughout the country «%• orouily lo support the new l)eelaralSBaV nnd to work for Its adoption by aja overwhelming vole aa a step towaM building un aggressive, revolidlonoNr JkalallsT l'arly.'~ • « • An unusual, spectacular event of a*, preredenled Importance and en)nyingM Is being planned for Sunday, August 0, All Ylpsels are Instructed, warned oasiadvised not lo make conflicting plana for Ihe dale of this event...
...o o * The last meeting of the City r.eiiteal Committer voted to tax every Ylpeel ent ticket for Ihe I liner I'urk iilriilc to b» held S .lurduy, July 28...
...The price per week for adults is only |16...
...William K. Duffy ¦ as lieen devoting the week lo Port lervls and Mlddlrtown, Orange County...

Vol. 17 • July 1934 • No. 77

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