Y.P.S.L. Exposes "Borers From Within" CHICAGO. —Two former memberi of tho Young People's feeialist League who recently fained the Communist youth organisation were merely following .Sp...
...The South Side Branc hwlll meet Wednesdays, 8 P. M., June 27, at 122 Clinton Place, from which It and other branch members will march In a body to Harries Restaurant to Join in honor of the election of Charles Manhoff, one of Its members, as County Secretary...
...The State Convention will open at 10 A. M. Saturday, June .10, at Labor Temple, 243 East S4th St., New York...
...Among other plans are the County Picnic, July 29...
...Platform and resolutions were patterned closely after the National Convention and some minor changes made In the Constitution...
...The branch will meet the second and fourth Wednesdays these months...
...Brlre Lipscomb, Springfield...
...Over 300 active party workers, including many of the young people who proponents of the Declaration have declared are unanimously for it, attended...
...Do two things, build the Socialist Party and get subs for The New Leader to help build It ' Boost THE NEW LEADER I Party Notes Indiana Marian—The following ticket ha* been nominated: George Gleger, Mayor...
...These officers and Matilda Alexander, Purdy...
...As a disciplined section of the movement, the Y.P.S.L...
...Bdftor of the Newark edition of The forward...
...Johnalawa.—State Organiser William E. Duffy has been engaged In Johnstown and Gloveraville this week...
...A secretary la to be elected by the SEC...
...There will lie sports, entertainment, dancing, and a good time for all...
...If they have failed to achieve prominence in the course of their 'boring from within' activities, they commit a breach of discipline...
...Salaasanca.—The local wilt be represented at the State Convention by Lloyd R. Foster as delegate and Ernest K. DeLong as alternate...
...Resentment against certain features of the proposed Declaration, confined originally to the party circles, has gained momentum among unions that in the past have worked whole-heartedly with the Socialist Party...
...j. A. High, Joplln...
...Well-known speakers have volunteered to travel to other cities to address meetings at which the Declaration will be analyzed...
...Manhoff being a delegate by virtue of election as County Secretary...
...they were engaged during the last year in 'clarifying' the policies of the young Socialist movement...
...Secretary, Chas...
...They are class-conscious and though they may disagree with some of the policies adopted by the Detroit convention, they all understand the crying need for unity and solidarity within a working class party in order to build the labor and Socialist movement into an effective instrument for Socialism in our time...
...or S.P...
...The Communists are bringing every force into play in order to create the impression that disillusionment with the Socialist movement is rampant among the Yipsels...
...The secretary of the publishing group, Dora Deutschman, alias Katnerine Hill, was proved to be a Communist sent into the Y.P.S.L...
...CrowIcy, Hosencranz, Wlttel, and l.itchman constitute the County Executive Committee...
...It is revealed that last Tuesday at a meeting of the United Hebrew Trades, with a membership of more than 200,000 in New York, with only one dissenting vote, adopted a resolution declaring that the Declaration, if approved, W>H drive even sympathetic labor organizations into a hostile position...
...Frewiborf.—The local will tend Wm...
...Was held last Tuesday night, at 1085 Broad Street...
...They will include a delegation from Connecticut, headed 'by Mayor i Jasper McLevy of Bridgeport...
...Lists containing the names of party members known to be .opposed to the Detroit action have been Used to insure the widest possible distribution of the leaflets, and names of individual party members are being added daily to the list of active opponents to the Declaration...
...When they are brought up on charges and must answer for their actions to democratic bodies representative of the membership, they announce that they are being persecuted for their 'united front beliefs and activities.' Feature articles by these 'new' converts are prominently displayed in the Communist press...
...Srlinectady, l^wla Tonks, delegate, and Charles W. Noonan, alternate...
...in this city...
...Among other speakers at the meeting were Dr...
...either to resign or be expelled...
...Massachusetts Boston.—The annual picnic of the •Socialists of Metropolitan Boston will ti« held July 4 at Hanson Park, Wellesley...
...Similar meetings are being arranged in other cities...
...TO HONOR B." COHEN -The Jewish Socialist Verband of St Louis, Mo., will give a banquet in honor of Comrade B. Cohen, manager of the St...
...For delegates to the State Committee, Rosencranz, Haus, Heck, Agnes Martin...
...The Y.P.S.L...
...the National Office issued the laUowing statement: '"Announcement of the fact that Joe Zameres, formerly of California, and Dick Farber, of Hartford, Conn„ have openly and officially joined the Communist Party and the Y.C.L...
...A convention han/iiiet will be held at Labor Temple following the first day's session/ Sekonoetady.—August claessens lectured Jn the High School Auditorium last week, discussing the problem of unemloyment, and was very well received...
...The New York delegation, with Louis Waldman, Algernon Lee, Charles E. F. Cassidy, Alex Kabn, Carl Parsons, Louis Hendin, Jacob Panken, anci possibly Abraham Cahan, will lave on a special train, arriving in Philadelphia for the opening of the conference...
...Missouri At the convention In Jefferson City, June IS and 17, the following SEC whs elected: J. T. Phillips, Kwlng...
...The, new/ officer* are:—Organiser, E. H. Haempf...
...S. R. Kovltz, Kansas City...
...Comrade Cohen, who will be sixty years old June 24, has done splendid work in tin Jewish Socialist and Jabor ri.ovement Reservations for ,the dinner should be sent to L. Schainblatt, 6834A Westminster, St Louis, Mo...
...between now and November, and also the building upof The New Leader circulation...
...D. Alleman to the Slate Convention as delegate, Henry Johnson alternate...
...The youth of the Socialist movement of Greater New York is determined more than ever to preserve the unity and integrity of our organization...
...No member, who It not on exempt stamps, is in good standing without at least on* Convention stamp affixed to bis anerobtrtfaip book...
...Individual party members from practically every state, and other friendly organizations, have sent to the committee simjjar warnings and appeals to the membership to defeat the Declaration...
...It is expected that when George E. Rpewer of Massachusetts, chairman of the committee and who will head the Massachusetts delegation, calls the conference to order at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel, more than 200 of the more prominent party leaders and active workers in the Eastern area will be oresent...
...This impression win not bear scrutiny...
...Louis NewIon, St...
...A successful campaign and a food vote are anticipated...
...Locals anal branches are requested to remit to tha State Office all money which has beta collected on the sale of Convention assessment stamps...
...Treas., If...
...While the various committees have been rapidly working to complete the organization which they are confident will defeat the Declaration, the issues that are involved are being brought to the attention of the party members in a series of pamphlets, the first of which appeared this week, entitled "The Crisis in the Socialist Party...
...As devoted friends of the Socialist Party, we hope the majority of the membership will vote it down...
...The Declaration now before the membership is a contradiction of all that Socialism has stood for...
...S. Good, City clerk...
...Shrariling, St...
...t Do two things...
...Because we are interested in the success and advancement of the Socialist Party, and of Socialist ideals, we support the efforts of those who have organized to defeat the Declaration...
...Build the Socialist Party and get subs for The New Leader to help build it Reports of Two State Conventions Reports of two Socialist Party state conventions—those of Wisconsin and Massachusetts—have been crowded out of this issue for lack of room...
...A congressional organization has been formed m the 43rd district...
...Kansas City...
...Graham, Columbia...
...Fred Gamp, brll, Guy Wood, Otis Patterson, City Counrllmrn...
...Brack 1.—At the last business meeting the branch decided to hold two meetings a month during July and August...
...Convention BUasps...
...in no way surprised the Young People's Socialist League...
...Pennsylvania delegations from Philadelphia, Reading and Philadelphia, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and the District of Columbia...
...New Jersey Newark.—What proved to be «ne of the most "exciting and largest attended' meetings of Local Essex County...
...If they are prominent, they resign...
...The Yipsels are part of the Socialist Party and stand by the labor and Socialist movement...
...Don't arrange anything else for July 4. Information can lie had by either writing or telephoning Metrorlitan Federation of Socialist Party, Joy Street, Boston...
...J. Flynn...
...As holders of membership cards in the Y.P.S.L...
...As 10,000 copies were being poured into the various Eastern states, another pamphlet, prepared by Charles Solomon, was being made ready for publication...
...a New Jersey delegation, headed by George H. Goebel...
...to disrupt our ranks, and she was expelled...
...Paul Prelsler, St...
...This matter is urgent, as railway fare will have to be advanced in tome Instances for delegates to reach the Convention...
...Morris Gllcman is In charge and requests that oil those who would like to participate either as speakers or to help arrange the meetings, get in touch with Mm as seen as possible...
...M special business meeting was held at the home of the local secretary and representatives to the State Convention Were selected...
...Wlttel *rid Lltchman were elected...
...The State Secretary requests that all branches consider eligible candidates for nomination...
...Michigan Delegates to the State Political Convention June 30 and July 1. at Rattle Creek, wishing accommodation should apply Immediately to Francis...
...Two former memberi of tho Young People's feeialist League who recently fained the Communist youth organisation were merely following .Sp nsual "fiVe" adopted by Cominniit stool pigeons and "borers gross within" in the Socialist ranks, according to the National Office mt the .P.S.L...
...After hearing reports of officers, and discussion of recent happenings In the county nad state, an election of officers was held, the results showing a practically new set of County officers, County ^Executive Committee, and Delegate*, to the State Committee...
...Their medium for carrying on this 'clarification* was a magaslne called 'United Struggle,' the first issue of which was actually produced in the Young Communist League office in New York...
...For these individuals the Y.P.S.L...
...Whenever an important issue arises, such as the Madison Square Garden scandal of February, or the recent Detroit convention of ' the Socialist Party, the tactic employed by the Communists is to order one or two stool pigeons working in the Y.P.S.L...
...and a Newark Rand School the coming fall aod winter, in addition to an aggressive campaign of outdoor and hall meeting...
...We have always supported the ideals of democratic Socialism," the resolution declares...
...They will appear in an early issue...
...Wayna Canty.—Park meetings are in full swing, each week at Pingree, Clark, and Perrfco Parka...
...of Greater New York, regardless of the position it may have on the new policy, is determined to carry out the instructions and decisions of the duly constituted bodies of the party...
...has adopted the following resolution: Since the Detroit convention of the Socialist Party, some individual party members have made certain threats which, if pursued further by these individuals, can only result in a defection in our movement We look upon these few individuals, who because of disagreement may attempt to foster a split in the party, as traitors to the cause of Socialism...
...Louis Jewish Daily Forward, on Sunday, June 24, at 1p.m...
...The first of a series of party meetings to acquaint members with the issues involved and to assign them to one or more of the activity* conducted under the general direction of Louis Hendin, execu;itwe secretary, wss held last Sstur'$*>9 at the Pennsylvania Hotel, New York City...
...Martin Lerhnrr (Chairman), Moplcwood...
...can only express contempt and disdain...
...H Gnebel, and Comrade Bernstein...
...City, and f continue in session two days...
...New York Stat* ConronUoii.—Additional delegates and alternates filed since last wee kare as follows: Watertown, Orley Tooley, delegate) Utlca, Newton R. Jonea, delegate, and Oscar Brrkowltz, alternate) Cayuga County (Auburn), O'llagen, delegate) Oswego, Waiter M. Grose, delegate...
...tauls Relss, Geo...
...King, Siale Secretary, 228 E. Forest Avenue, Detroit...
...F. Hickok...
...Friendly Unions Line Up Against the "Declaration" ¦y Marx Lewis WITH .committees actively at work in ten states, in which the bulk of the party membership is located, the National Committee for the Preservation of the Socialist Party will complete its or-1 ganization in the Eastern area on Sunday, June 24, at a conference in Philadelphia and press westward for Middle Western and Western regional conferences in its nation-wide drive to defeat the Declaration of Principles adopted at the Detroit convention...
...I Unity of Party Is Demand of Y.P.S.L...
...The decisions of the national convention were democratically arrived at and, at present, remain the policy of the party...
Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 73