List Government UiUant Little Nation Have WE Depression Letwey 9 State flnan1,000 kroner have been r the SUte noting work ireaTS. And, asurea called tecessfty of consequent I*...

...I, therefore, look back with pleasure on a time when the work has certainly been hard, when a rearrangement of ideas has sometimes been necessary, but when I have seen my party stand unshaken, and united in the resolve to retain the leadership on democratic lines...
...This slogan would be as sterile as the other one...
...His answer was that Sinclair has some very fine slogans...
...yfy f%ently considered the use of "blessed words" in the Socialist movement but did not exhsust the subject...
...The report also discusses "The Unemployment Bill," "Working Women Magistrates," "Provisions for School Children," "Peace Teaching in Schools," "World Peace and Cooperation," "Disarmament," "Fascism and Democracy," "Trade Union Organisation" and a host of others matters, largely local, in pretty much .the;/ order named...
...We believe that Sidney Webb coined the phrase, "the inevitability of gradualness...
...Naturally this has occasioned considerable question among the wom<en who have been doing the work in the women's groups hers...
...Funds for a utility rate fight and an aldermanic investigation into city departments have been refused by the tax board, although the Socialist administration has been authorized by the Board of Aldermen to undertake these matters...
...They have been hard years for the working classes, but, thanks to the organisation work had the solidarity of the last two generations, the Danish working class is loyal/and politically mature...
...All that we have In the two slogans Is opportunism on the one hand and imposslbillsm on the other...
...Meanwhile, the I.L.P...
...There s a question as to the power of the respective boards— the Board of Apportionment and Taxation, and the Board of Education—over the school budget...
...Through opposition and difficulties, due, in many instances, to the retention of sn Upper Chamber, which is otherwise incorporated than our own, and with a different majority, we have had to fight our way, often only to be forced to resign ourselves with what patience we could muster...
...Its slogans generally accord with this pattern and in dogan'iorm It captivates pseudo-radicals...
...Inseparable from political leadership is great responsibility... engaged in bitter warfare with tho Communists, who denounce them In terms of unmeasured abase, and with the Labor Party...
...but the Socialists hsve contended that education should not be made the goat for follies of past city administrations and politicians...
...British Lefts Are Still Further Split With the secession of the Independent Labor Party from the British Labor Party two years ago, a period of intense confusion began on the left fringe of the British Socialist movement...
...A comrade tells a story of a new Socialist who thinks | thst he is s militant revolutionary...
...and they call for a Socialist revolution to be accomplished "by tho enlightened democratic assent of the majority of the people...
...Assume a complete Socialist administration of a city and a corporation teaks af municipal franchise...
...Here it is: "Destruction of the existing class '$ple, by all means, i.e., by energetic, relentless, revolutionary and international action...
...I'd vary much like to ^Bbw^ ^rvH^s5BMsfls\ £ a?^(rtfifc)9R Iwnj^ 3Fa^jh a ¦m with Hi (Jesses and its other work...
...It is sn old habit that is cultivated by other movements...
...In the ^modern period the Communist movement haa been terribly afflicted with it It lives on "blessed words...
...We have also carried out an effective democratisation and control of the banking system aid of shsrehold companies...
...In the underground days of our Americsn Communists those "blessed words" were very much in demsnd...
...This election, however, disclosed unlimited confidence in the Government on the part of the electors, and gave to Social Democracy a further advance of 60,000 votes...
...The two captalist parties tried their best to prevent the legislation necessary to regulate the money market and imports, thus forcing us to dissolve Parliament (the Lower Chamber), and to call a new election in November, 1932...
...As might have been expected, the policy we followed has been keenly opposed by capital, i.e., the Conservatives and Liberals...
...benefits, accident insurance, unemployment insurance, and child maintenance and old age pensions...
...It pledges itself to advocate Socialism "as an ethically superior system...
...While the Board of Education is an elective body whose acta are responsible to the electorate, the tax board derives its authority from the state legislatures) The same tax board is the chief obstruction to the realization of the policies of the Socialist administration...
...An especial effort was made, therefore, to regulate and produce work, with the happy result that gradually employment increased, and, in spite of a noticeable increase of population, the number of unemployed felf to 97,000, or 60,000 to 60,000 less than at the same time last yeaif...
...Norman Thomas, Mrs...
...Those promoting the Independent Socialist Party appeal to those Socialists "bewildered and disgusted by the would-be revolutionary antics of the I.L.P...
...t In 1883 the International Working People's Association, American section, adopted the Pittsburgh Manifesto...
...Sorry, I can't give more details now, but I want to have a word to say about our own Women's Sections...
...If Comrades Thomas, Crosswsith and Hillysr are villing to take an active part in the work of' the women's groups, we welcome „thcm, and well 1st them hsve whatever honors and glory go with the Job, suit of the secession of the Lancashire Divisional Council from the I.L.P., and thevresignation of John Paton, general secretary, from that party...
...We have modernised the educational system and county council legisIstion, and upon a more democratic basis...
...Neither Esther Friedman, nor Sarah Voloviek, nor myself who wars present in Detroit, "were nonsuited, and we were Just as surprised as anybody, except perhaps the comrades who were appointed...
...Another "Inevitabaity" IklOW, in meeting the slogan of Sidney Webb there sre *^ comrades who have been content to merely sneer at his slogan of the "inevitability of gradualness...
...But after the shifting of power from one class to another, the new society is not completed at one stroke...
...Every strike contributes something "to the development of class-consciousness and without class-consciousness the realisation of Socialism is impossible...
...That confusion is now become worse confounded by the establishment of an "Independent Socialist Party" as a reLonger School Term for Bridgeport By Abraham Knealer jJRIDGEPORT, Conn-Mayor McLevy...
...that the results of the elections be respected...
...This Anarchist document included a classic example of "blesBd words...
...We have wished to maintain "the government of the people by the people" to the same degree as we now enjoy it, but we wish also further to develop this policy, and under the same democratic principles that are law with us today., New movements have arisen, which have tried to find rdot in Denmark, which take advantage of the democratic system to undermine democracy in favor of dictatorship...
...In addition to the dwindling I.L.P., the IJ.P„ the C.P„ and othar left-wing fragments, there is also the Socialist League, seeking to take the puce of the LLP...
...within the Labor Party...
...All employees have been working on a reduced salary basis dur-, ing the past three years,, but this year the tax board attempted to effect a further salary cut, placing the burden on the education department The Socialist administration fought the efforts of the tax board, with Jack C. Bergen, the lone Socialist member of the Board of Education, pushing the fight for a 40-week school year...
...Frank Crosswsith and Mary Hillyer as the New York members of the National Women's Committee...
...More "Blessed Word...
...To gradually fit them for this task Is a duty of the Socialist movement Take another example...
...Of edunse, the crisis policy is far from the only feather in our cap...
...and we have been confronted by many an unexpected problem...
...We have carried out conspicuous reforms in social legislation ensuring, among other benefits, adequate medical treatment, sickness and disablement tbmen Meet in ssion I* Helens report of for the past hoai of the ake our aci sick with M Women's Party, all of »e "Victory I ft now beexclusive of Labor Party Guilds and »don," says s landmark has stimuli throughin deserves the propor»labor adit per cent Mllors era pil last eonBJTjf DelePjffyonth 1933 "Women's Conference" and "Should .Married Women Take Paid Employment...
...Both art essentials of social and economic history...
...We now possess 42 per cent of the total votes recorded...
...Editor's Corner Review of and Comment on Events Here and Abroad, Critical and Otherwise -By James Oneal...
...But please don't ask me why these comrades were appointed...
...Maintaining a 40-week term will mean exceeding\the budget allowed for the school board...
...Comment would be superfluous...
...The answer to this was more blessed words in the slogan, "Socialism in our time," a slogan which we considered in this column a few weeks ago...
...and we have prevented the further lowering of wages and of social expenditure, which was instituted by the former government...
...When a revolution has been successful by the shifting of power from an old ruling class to a new one there is a sudden chsnge, not a gradual one, from the old order to the new one...
...Neither by itself is in accord with the process of history because each street** but on* side of the historic process...
...That decisive change is revolution, whether it is accomplished peacefully or otherwise...
...Evolution and revolution are not mutually exclusive of edth other...
...But they're not going to fool us...
...Then Upton Sinclair, now seeking the Democratic nomination for Governor of California, became the subject of discussion...
...I only want to say that I am rapidly coming to tho conclusion that some people, for some reason, are interested in causing at much dissension and ill-feeling in as many quarters as possible...
...An English Import A NOTHER example had its origin In England and was imported by some Americsn Socialists...
...It is correct in presenting one phase of social evolution, but it is, also fsulty because it stresses only ont phase...
...and that the majority enjoy the right to govern...
...There is still a long period of reorganization and adjustment, intricate problems of reconstruction that can only be gradually realized...
...but despite these difficulties we have reason to look back upon the time that has passed as a period not unfavorable to the consolidation of democracy...
...The Socialists contend further that it is up to the tax board to find funds for the full school term...
...WVshall continue the good work, and shall look to the future with stout hearts and a good faith...
...We have been on our guard against these, and demand, unconditionally, that such elements keep to the letter of the law, that we may retain peace and order in our community...
...The Socialists must grant it of refuse it Whether it doss one or the other—and it certainly will not grant it—it win not <pm, Igstollim, it must lei within Us limited rang* af pass*** eg *Jf amtartt, bat its legislation will not soastfttoto Isitollsss, Its logisletissv will be of the gradual type, not sessesi of choice bat tmrt cause nothing else is within its range of limited pow#.' It ii either that or sterility and "blessed woreV of any kind will not change this basis fast...
...our coworkers, the Radical Left, registering some 12 per cent...
...We were even forced into an election at the most critical period of the crisis, when regulative measures were a question of life or death to the farming population...
...This Is due not to human choice but because of the external circumstances that determine the rang* of action that human bings can take...
...the letter being borne entirely by the State and by the various county councils concerned...
...Every society that is doomed for extinction accumulates a series of gradual changes which prepares the wsy for the final and decisive change...
...broke a tic vote ot the Board of Education by deciding in favor of a 40-week school year instead of a 37-week school year...
...The NEC has appointed Comrades Mrs...
...We entered upon an entirely new phase in world conditions, and have had sometimes to lay a new course when such became imperative...
...Out of regard to the difficult financial situation under which trade and industry have been forced to work we have had to prevent dstracting trade union disputes in cases where the organizations in question were unable to come to an amicable settlement...
...List Government UiUant Little Nation Have WE Depression Letwey 9 State flnan1,000 kroner have been r the SUte noting work ireaTS...
...And, asurea called tecessfty of consequent I* 4,000,000fk diminishm effected a ¦Danish in¦ increase in Ir years we pyment befcpresd, cul(888, with a pit 200,000 hands, or 43.5 per cent of the working population...
...Whether the tax board will do so or will seek to test its powers over those of the Board of Education in a court fight has not been msde known yet, and probably will not be for several months...
...Now I wo: 't propose to dissipate ay energies in the conflict whkh is now raging la the fatty...
...To reject it entirely would be to substitute for his "blessed words" more blessed words which would take the following form: "The inevitability of suddenness...
...The Board of Apportionment and Taxation had appropriated enough money to conduct the school system for 37 weeks for the current fiscal year, constituting a reduction in the pay of the school teachers in excess of the salary reductions received by other municipal employees...
...What did this militant revolutionary think of Sinclair...
...Even those who sneer at the gradual phase of historic change sdopt this course by engaging in activities that gradually prepare the working class for "the final conflict" They work to wrest concessions from the ruling classes, to Improve the lot of the workers so that they will be intellectually and otherwise St for tho final phase of .the evolutionary process...
...Other administration policies have also been opposed by the tax board, all under the pretense of "lack of funds," while the awarding of unnecessary and exorbitant contracts to firms, of which the tax board members are themselves ^ owners or officers, finds ready approval with the board...
...Both are Utopian in that each is one-sided...
...Sidney Webb's coinage represents the opportunism that has been typical of the Fabian Society since its origin...
...That is to ssy, after a revolution in society has been effected,* this revolution is followed by another period of gradualness...
...If the workers were so rapine that they never struck against capitalist exploitation, ws may be rare that they will never be fitted to flght for their own emancipation from all forms of class rule...
...The new convert is .convinced that in the West the party Is more revolutionary thsn in the East...
...We commend this to those who are in the market for "fine slogans...

Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 73

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