LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Urges Teachers to Resist Onslaughts TO THE EDITOR, ' And now another .lary cut for teachers appears imminent — this time in the form of a payless Christmas...
...By Pawl A. Ratmussee STAUNTON, 111...
...Miss Campbell was determined...
...Only after hours of insistent determination on the part of the grievance committee, and after the arrival of a committee from Local 4 (on the West Side) was relief finally granted in the form of food and rent...
...New Yet* City...
...Illinois Federation Growing The rottenness of the city's relief system as well as the effectiveness of the organised unemployed were strikingly demonstrated on Friday, June 15, by a series of events in and around the West 44th St...
...A new chairman will be elected...
...Reports of progress from all over the state in building up this militant unemployed federation were heard by the executive committee...
...The editors of the city's daily press and of liberal magasines have been visited...
...A, Snyder, Msnag* 8, SltORB, Bxefunvo SuperTtser...
...We can gain infinitely greater strength if we align ourselves with them, our staunchest supporters...
...Prst.1 B, Qottesman, Secretary- m WHITE GOODS WORKERS' _ll«0* Local 02 of I.L.G.W.U...
...Our first concern is the most efficient and honest use of every dollar spent on such social services as health .education, etc., and the expansion of these services to meet the increased demands of the depression...
...Seers' larvi Rmll Thanen, Ree...
...The field organizers told of how relief allotments had been, in several cases, increased from 80% to 150%—with single men's budgets in at least two localities being over $7 per month...
...Leon Hattab, 1 Manager...
...Morris Rosenblatt...
...About 30 federal unions have been organized in Detroit, about 25 in the automobile industry...
...William Collins came from Yonkers, and Alexander Mark from Trenton, N. J., where he had been organizing for the A. F. of L. While Collins has received his share of publicity, not much has been said about Mark...
...Iarns» I. McGrath, Secretary-Treasurer...
...US' UNION...
...Joa Abraroowits...
...I. A. Barkinsky, Sec'y-Treas...
...Auto Workers to Open First National Conference Today DETROIT...
...Therefore we, the Women's Joint Council of Greater New York, condemn the issuance of this injunction and pledge all our energy and moral and financial means to support Local 505 in its fight...
...Last Friday the grievance committee of the Association of Unemployed Single Women, Local 20 of the Workers' Unemployed Union, took her case up at the relief station...
...New York City...
...Salvation Army, where she was taken in...
...The campaign for 300,000 signatures gathers momentum...
...It is understood that the matter of forming an international union will also be brought up...
...Herein lies the greatest appeal of the Teachers Union for me...
...Unemployed unions and farmers' organisations will espe' cially be represented...
...Joint Boscut lag Board meets every Tuesday elgM st 7O0, Board meets every Tuesday night st 8:00 tn the offlce...
...A new program of relief demands, backed up by a threat to call a state-wide strike of all relief workers, Alliance locals and other sympathetic groups if their demands are not granted, was drafted by the state executive committee of the Illinois Workers' Alliance at its meeting here recently...
...Frank Srkol...
...This is the first time in the history of the United Automobile Workers' Union that all the locals scattered throughout the country have had an opportunity to meet together to formulate plans for future action...
...Teachers Union Pleads for State Aid to Education Because the calling of the special session of the state legislature has been delayed until July 9, the Teachers' Union is extending the final date of its petition campaign, requesting Governor Lehman to provide the full quota of state aid, to June 80...
...k---— CAP MAKERS UNION...
...Preparations are being made to feed and house unemployed delegates whose organisations cannot pay their maintenance...
...Two weeks ago she was discharged, penniless, from Fordham Hospital, where she had undergone an operation...
...Business Agent, Morris Relstt Secretary, Samuel Mlndel...
...N. Y. C.-J...
...SOS West 14th St...
...Z. U Freedmau, President...
...Tho first general conference of tho United Automobile Workers of America, an affiliate of the A. F. of L., has been called by William Collins, organiser of the union...
...One night Mark said he was going to hold a meeting in the suburb of Hamtramich in the Polish Veterans' Hall...
...n. Y. Phona Tamp, kin* Square 0-54*0...
...I held up my hands to the audience and shouted, "Comrades I Remember that Tom Mooney is a member of the A. F. of L.I" After a lot of noise, the Communists left the hall and others from the street came in nad a meeting was held...
...Slgmund Perlmuttrr, M«j> Sec'v...
...She was shunted from one place to another and finally back to West 44th St...
...All meetings ar* held at US Second Avenue...
...L. Blegel, Chairman...
...She tried to see all the high officials of the relief administration, but in vain...
...President, Robert Glass...
...Joint Board meets every Wed', nesday evening in the Council Room si IIS W. 40th St...
...LOn«acre5 5100...
...Chairman of Eiecotrtj Board...
...24 West 10th BL, N. Y. Meets every 3rd Sunday JJ month at Stuyvesant High School, u* St...
...Regular meetings every second and fourth Tuesday at Arlington Hall...
...The sessions will be held in Socialist Park (Sinking Sprin), Reading...
...Collins has had charge of the A. F. of L. office here but Mark has been out in the field...
...Offlca and headquarters...
...Whereas this injunction deprives members of Local 505 and employ-' ees of the firm from defending their rights as human beings and as workers...
...Vice Pres., Stephen To. basko...
...Managerat Abraham Miller, Secretary-Treasurer...
...j MAKERS' UNION.—Of flees: 231 WmI 40th St...
...He was warned that his meeting would be broken up by the Communists...
...The repeated onslaughts on our salaries, the many curtailments in educational opportunities and the continual lowering of educational standards during the past few years are only one phase of a tremendous and powerful campaign waged by big business and financial interests to starve and wreck the social services of the community in order to evade their fair share of taxes...
...Local units will follow the state committee in vigorously condemning the Federal Homestead Subsistence Act as peonage and wage slavery of the worst kind, revealing the brazen and cruel intentions of the New Deal Administration...
...As fast as the Automobile Labor Board handles one strike, another breaks out Some of the organizers claim that the auto magnates have wanted a general strike called so that they can smash the union in its inception...
...She wanted to live in her own room with a chance to buy her own food, and applied for home relief...
...All workers who need relief or who have difficulty or delays in getting relief are urged to communicate with the Workers' Unemployed Union, ,22 East 22nd St., Gramercy 5-9145...
...Patrick J. Hunion, Vice-President...
...Pontiac has about^ve locals with about 11,000 mlmbers, Lansing three locals with over 10,000 members, and Flint, with five big locals, has a membership of about 38,000...
...1, Tel., Orchard 1 MM.—Regular meet, tngs eYery 1st and 3rd Saturday...
...Bast of ted Ave...
...Phona Wis...
...However, a strong section of the rank and file still feels that a general strike should have been called...
...churches, libraries...
...Union Directory BONMAX...
...One of the principal speakers will be William Green, A. F. of L. president...
...City's Relief System Pilloried...
...Sure enough, when I arrived at the hall it was packed by a howling mob of about seven hundred people, mostly Polish, and Mark was on the platform with beads of prosperation on his forehead...
...What is needed right now is a strong district union consolidating the plant anions together in the Detroit district, and an international union which would combine all the automobile workers together in the United States and Canada...
...also a 30-hour maximum work week at union wages which in no case may be less than 05 cents per hour...
...Phone TompkUt Sq...
...Una 0-7784...
...These are the parents of the children whom we teach in the public schools...
...bureau informed her that because she was living in the Salvation Army she could not get relief...
...II Weal Uta St...
...Mark's Place...
...Local M, I.L.G.W.U...
...Local 86...
...Unanimous action of the state committee protested the brutal treatment of the unemployed demonstration in Hillsboro, 111., at which women were gassed and 14 men jailed on the fake charge of "plotting to overthrow the government" because they dared to ask for more bread and work...
...Phillip Kapp, Sec'y-Treas...
...How Auto Industry I* Being Organised DETROIT...
...7 Fast lUb It Phone Algonquin 4-70SJ...
...The Teachers' Union is circulating tho petition among u.any important sections of tho city's population: the labor unions, colleges, schools...
...7S BwJ* way...
...Phone Algonquin 4 30471 MM- Kxeeutlvs Board HhU Bvery Tut...
...All party and YPSL members who arc on laboring relief jobs are asked to come Saturday, June 23, at 2 P. M., to 7 E. 15eA St...
...adequate financing of the state set-up will be sought to permit officers to travel mors frequently and extensively on organisation problems and to sot up vigorous district organizations for organisation propaganda and educational work...
...P»*JJ Chaises 3-I7S8-S757...
...It ,js also high time that we recognized our best friend", the rganized American labor mo\ jment, which brought the public schools into existence and which has consistently stood for higher wage standards, for educational expansion and for increased support for education...
...Executive Board meets every Tuesday evening, I P. M. Manager, N. Spector...
...Letters have been written to members of the state legislature and prominent individuals...
...These first two meetings were called by Frank X. Martel, president of the Detroit Federation of Labor...
...This was done at 0 F. M., though the usual closing hour for the relief stations is 5 P. M. This case makes clear tiie fact that only the united and determined struggle of the unemployed can make headway against the banker-dictated relief policies of the city, combined with the bureaucracy and red tape of the relief administration...
...It is high time we teachers recognized the basic economic ; tagonism between ourselves and the greedy interests that exploit us both in our capacities as workers and as consumers...
...Treasurer, ' Albert Helb...
...Thus far they have fared very well in a community which they dominate completely through a banker-governor, a subservient legislature a d a "well-advised" mayor...
...It is imperative that every member attend...
...She lost ber job some twelve months ago...
...Local 2, International Pur Workers Union...
...While the grievance committee was struggling with the relief authorities, Miss Campbell fainted...
...Homeless and weak, she sought shelter at the 10th Ave...
...This aggressive champion of teachers is the only responsible LABOR orgapization affiliated with the American Federation of Labor...
...Ed Ootu* man...
...The purpose of the conference, according to Collins, is to offer to the delegates a plan for forming an executive committee, representing the auto workers, to work with him in close contact with the A. F. of L. Tho executive committee, should the plan be accepted by the conference, will be elected by the delegates to the conference and chosen by them...
...Ntw York City...
...In July, two national organizers arrived and took charge of organizing the automobile industry...
...Executive Board meets even Monday...
...TO THE EDITOR, 'T'HE writer attended the first two meetings called to organize auto workers at the Labor Temple, in Detroit, in June, 1933...
...A. F. L. and V.J...
...The first regular convention of the Alliance will me^t July 28 and 29 in the Staunton Labor Temple...
...Their immediate release is being demanded by the I.W.A...
...Still there was no change on the part of the relief authorities...
...The conference is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, June 28 and 24, at the Fort Wayne Hotel...
...NECKWEAR MAKERS' UNIOnTSS 11010, A. F. of I...
...C. H. Iron Worker* to Meet A special membership meeting of the Iron and Bronso Workers Union, Local 455, will bo held Friday, June 22, at 8 P. M., in Room 608, 7 East 15th Street...
...lames P.Redmond, Vice-President...
...Home Relief Bureau...
...Board of Directors meats every Monday , evening...
...a______ AMALGAMATED Clowns jrouiu or America, Nsw York Joint Board...
...parents', civic, fraternal, political and teacher organizations...
...Nomination * for officers will bo made...
...Phone Chelsea 5-2141 David Dublnsky, President AMALGAMATED LITHOGRAPHERS OF AMERICA, New York Local No...
...Nathan Sapersteln, Chairman of Exec...
...Delegates from the locals in St Louis will meet brother delegates from Flint and Pontiac, Detroit delegates will discuss the situation with union representatives from the East, acquainting each other with the different conditions existing in the numerous auto plants...
...Local No...
...WOMEN DEFY INJUNCTION The following resolution was adopted by the joint council of the Women's Union Label Clubs of the bakers' international union at a meeting held in Brooklyn recently: "Whereas Judge Faber has granted a temporary injunction against Local 505, restraining members of the local from picketing and from acquainting the patrons of the Standard Baking Company with facts which caused the strife between the employees and the firm...
...This is done to make possible the maximum response to the Teachers' Union appeal to the citizens for support in its fight for the necessary additions funds for education...
...phona Wisconsin 7-1J70...
...C4* strike Settled SOUTH BEND, Ind.—The 18day street car) strike which has paralysed car and bus transportation in this city and Mishawaka and inter-urban motor coach service to northern Indiana and southern Michigan communities ended when the street car motormen's union signed an agreement Wednesdsy, settling the dispute...
...Treasurer MILLINERY WORKERS' UNION, Local 24...
...7-SOlt Executive Board meets every Thursday at the offlce of the Union...
...Secretary i Joseph J. O'Connor...
...1. Offices, Amslltbooo Bldg...
...L. Hoi lender, t, Catalanoltl...
...New York...
...80 W. S5th St...
...Sec'y-Tress, Ales Roses Organisers, I. H. Goldberg, A Mendelowlts, M. Goodman, Lney Opprnheim...
...STagg 2-om Reg...
...An ambulance was called, and the ambulance doctor learnedly announced that she needed food and rest...
...I Baal tanVSt...
...Phone Wst...
...nplown office, SO W. 37th St...
...Any workers who can help in organizational activities are also urged to come around...
...Leon H. Rouse...
...Tillie Campbell is about fifty years old...
...WAITERS' * WAITRESSES' UNlOJ, Local No.l...
...SamM '. O'Brien, James P.Redmond and Jeans I. Buckley, Organisers...
...Secretary at Bxecutlv* Board...
...Delegates have been chosen by the 150 locals of the union now operating in 17 states, representation being based upon dues-paying membership...
...Saul Hodos...
...Relief was still denied, but the grievance committee insisted and fought for Tillie Campbell's chance to live like a human being...
...meetings, 1st and 3rd Mondays...
...Albert E Castro, President...
...Louis Stolberg, Asst...
...The new program does not oppose "work relief but demands minimum budgets of from $55 to $106 per month, all to be paid in cash, and to be in addition to such necessary services as medical, hospital, and dental...
...M. Karasick Is president and S. Slngermaa secretary of the local...
...Cloth Hal, Cap and Millinery Workers' International Union, Downtown office, 041 Broadway, pboas Spring 7-4548...
...International Ladles' Garment Workers' Union...
...The primary concern of good citizens is NOT tax reduction in the name of a false economy...
...Maurice W. Jacobs...
...049 Wllloughby , Ats., Brooklyn...
...T. 2»0-7th Ave, M. Gottfried...
...Pennsylvania Workers' Federation to Convene READING, Pa.—Great interest is being displayed in the convention June 23 and 24 of the Workers' Federation of Pennsylvania, state division of the National Continental Congress of Workers and Farmers...
...Several other meetings were conducted, despite the fact that the Communists had mad threats that no F. F. of L. meetings would be held in Hamtramich...
...Secretary-Treasurer stew YORK TrPOORAPHICAL UNION No...
...da* Night la the Offlrs of Iht Untoo...
...Secretary Oscar Sturm reported a new chartered strength of 97 locals in 30 counties, with requests and contacts from dozens of communities...
...The authorities at the West 44th St...
...It St...
...0. Off* and headquarters...
...Credentials now on hand signify five hundred or more delegates will attend the two-day conclave...
...LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Urges Teachers to Resist Onslaughts TO THE EDITOR, ' And now another .lary cut for teachers appears imminent — this time in the form of a payless Christmas vacation...
...We pledge ourselves to inform the consumers of bread of the conditions prevailing in the firm and to further continue this work in a manner that will restore the bakery workers to a decent position in the ranks of labor and enable the families of the workers to enjoy a decent standard of living...
...Sec*7 to Exec...
...Hundreds of inquiries have flooded the federation office at 705 Walnut St., Reading, seeking information on affiliation and attendance...
...Julius Hochman, Gen...
Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 73