Promotion Department Notes of Local N. Y. ¦y H««ry Frucbttr United Socialist Drivt IT will interest comrades to know that the total amount raised on the United Socialist Drive in New York...
...As a disciplined section of the movement, the Y.P.S.L...
...Wtdaasday, Jaa* IT 18th A. D„ Kings, Bay Parkway and 88th St., Brooklyn...
...10—Hippodrome Grand...
...Some branches have already sent in $3 and $5 for such listings...
...10— Symposium...
...We in New York, therefore, in turning over approximately $600 are within a hundred dollars of balancing our account...
...Ask Coordination of Work With Unemployed Centralization of Socialist work with organizations of unemployed workers was asked by a resolution of the party's convention at Detroit...
...Having balanced the rent budget temporarily, the act will return os>Sunday, August 19, with newer and more splendid features intended to balance the expenses of the biggest Congressional campaign in the branch's history...
...Sondor Lorand, "The Primitive Mind...
...2) It must develop an aggressive economic policy...
...2nd *nd Oilman Sts., Astoria, L, I, 'Amicus Most...
...Algernon Lee was toast master and he read the roll of the students, and each rose and bowed...
...But a more serious evil was to follow...
...On the occasion of the official dedication prominent speakers will attend...
...45 per cent be allotted to the local raising the fund, 10 per cent to the State Organization and the balance of 45 per cent to the National Office...
...Local New York comrades had agreed to open their homes to them for a week—and in passing, they are to be thanked for their comradeship and helpfulness...
...Admission to an Falcons Is ree...
...At Various meetings of the organizers definite pledges were made which supported us in our decision to print a complete list of all branches...
...Thars., Jan* 28—4:30 p.m.—Milady's Style Review, Garfield Swift, baritone...
...Speakers to be...
...10:15—Hippodrome Grand Opera, Wed...
...Bernard Rlrkln, Roger Cornell, August Gold...
...others have not as yet responded...
...6:30—Conrad and Tremont, two-piano duo...
...They talked about poverty to people who were not poor and about starvation to people who were well fed...
...and Albemarle Road, Brooklyn...
...An entire page was printed in the journal carrying greetings from all our branches in the Greater City...
...Because they were not of the masses and because they had no practical work to do, they had plenty of time for discussion, for theorizing, for hairsplitting...
...Take it up as a special business at your next branch meeting...
...Ssiarday, Jans 28 Flatbush Ave...
...Rally to Union Square My d! Spankers will be aaaewneed nest waek...
...10:30—Hippodrome Grand Opera...
...It, or the idea of it, is constantly breaking out among the younger • members of our party...
...Jans 28—3:30 p.m.—Theresa Rushkls, soprano...
...Its last appearance*' the "Comrade Ball," was voted to be the best affair put on by a branch in New York by two hundreds enthusiastic participants...
...It will take the form of a boatride with dancing, music, refreshments (including the famous Red Special punch) and good solid food...
...The decisions of the National Convention were democratically arrived at and, at present, remain the policy of the Party...
...The Austrian workers will welcome •very dollar of assistance which we can offer them...
...It is only by fighting ' with tho working class that we can build an effective and class-conscious American Socialist movement...
...It is impossible" to give the spirit, the flavor, the stride and momentum of the Institute in this brief statement...
...Tees., Jans 88—8 p.m.—City Charter Series, talk...
...I visited the camp the other day and was thrilled to sua the finishing touches being put t to this splendid Meyer London structure, a building of beauty and j comfort, an appropriate memorial ' ts a gnat Social 1st The aeeom-t modationt in...
...Juda and Jack Altman, Harry Lopalln, William Gomberg...
...8:15—"Ballads of Yesterday," Helen Bishop, soRrano...
...8:15— Mario Ovldlo, baritone...
...I am extremely anxious to secure the cooperation of stenographers and typists who wish to contribute a few hours' services to the party in connection with the forthcoming campaign petitions...
...All Falcons are Instructed to meet at th* Rand School at 3 p.m, so that we can all so ovtr to?ether...
...An effect* Ive answer will be given to the reign of terror Inaugurated by Police Contmlasione O'Ryan and kit fascist methods...
...and Bay Parkway at 8.-30 p.m...
...Tremonftand Prospect Aves., Bronx...
...Equality of opportunity had been made a fetish, arid belief in it was universal...
...8:15—Ethel Driggs, soprund...
...Convention Journal I hope that branches will promptly send in their donation toward the National Convention Journal advertisements...
...I am arranging to have this work done during the evening hours and would welcome word from any Socialists who wish to assist us in this respect...
...Open Air Meetings Friday, Jin* 22 Pitkin Ave...
...It is expected that within a week a complete accounting will be made of every dollar received in this Drive...
...St;pa of Old Court House, Central Ave., Far Rockoway, L. I. Jean J. Coronel...
...8:30—Mario Ovldlo, baritone...
...Tharsday, Jaa* 18 Sheepshead Bay, E. 22nd St...
...Promotion Department Notes of Local N. Y. ¦y H««ry Frucbttr United Socialist Drivt IT will interest comrades to know that the total amount raised on the United Socialist Drive in New York City is $1,626.27...
...I am hoping in the next issue of The New Leader to have enough space to publish a complete list of all donations...
...Gerald Mlrate, pianist...
...Conrad and Tremont, piano duo...
...The party Itself will take plaee Saturday at 2:30 p.m...
...A treat Anti-Faaclit Rally hi being planned for Union Square by the Local Now York for Wednesday, Joly 4, at 11 a.m...
...There was no collection,, no tips, just a gettogether sad welcoming dinner...
...Act now...
...The New Leader Review...
...July 4th Anti-Fascist Rally at Union Sq...
...10 —Esther Friedman, "Women and Socialism...
...Julia Prlmoff, Hjrman Nemser, Harold Slegel...
...San., Jan* 24—11 a.m.—Forward Hour, music and sketch...
...State Convention Dinner We must exert ourselves to make the dinner a magnificent success...
...It is interesting to note that a number of comparatively poor and weak branches have done splendidly in meeting their quota several weeks ago...
...I am sure that this week-end cannot be spent more advantageously and at as low a cost as at Camp Eden, Cold Springs, New York...
...Bertha H. Mailly and the Women's Committee of the school were responsible for securing the lodgings...
...Braneh officers and party members are reminded that very few branches have as yet completed their quotas...
...Campaign Petitions...
...Led by Daniel DeLeon, people of this type went in for dual unionism and managed to antagonize the organized part of the working class, the only part which could have been reached by Socialist thought...
...Several branches have already made reservations of individual tables for their branches...
...8) It must emphasis*-Hs ultimate aim, its work for reforms must be definitely subordinated to the establishment of a cooperative commonwealth...
...Features of the Week on (MI at) WEVD UIM K...
...But the concepts of the Germans were as foreign as their dialect...
...The meeting will also raise Its vote* against International fas* eism whererer it has raised ts agly head...
...10:46—Bill Dowers, Negro baritone...
...The week-end at beautiful Camp Tamiment, June 22-24, will wind it up...
...Bat, Jan* 88—6:30 p.m.—"Labor Marches On," dramatic sketch...
...At the time of writing over $800 has already been given to the State Office for immediate transfer to the National Offlice Fund . As is known, fhs arrangement under which the Drive was conducted was that...
...Its resolution follows: "The Socialist Party recognises the organization of the unemployed and relief workers as fertile fields for propaganda and education...
...Jan* 17—5:45 p.m.—Elisabeth Andres, contralto...
...I am thinking only in terms of a limited number of hours' work, which task, if spread among a large number of secretarial workers, will save the party a large sum of money...
...To this land, with this psychology, Socialism was brought by German immigrants speaking an alien tongue or speaking English with a foreign accent...
...This pamphlet is on sale at tho Rand Book Store for 5 cents and can be purchased wholesale for $$ - a hundred copies...
...The incoming National Executive Committee and its labor comwiittee are hereby instructed by - this convention to coordinate and direct the work of our members among tho unemployed and relief workers...
...and Am boy St...
...Besides Comrade Lee, Larry Davidow of Detroit, Harjy W. Laidler, Louis Waldman, Bertha H, Mailly, Jack Afros, and August Ciaessens spoke at the banquet...
...Camp Eden Meyer London Dedication On Juno 28rd and 24th, there will take place the dedication of a Meyer London Children's Pavillion at Camp Eden...
...We Invite all our friends, all the comrades of the party and all our parents, to come down and see our exhibit of what we have been doing during the post few months...
...Steluway and Jamaica Avea, (Astoria Branch...
...of Greater New York, regardless of the position it may have on the new policy, is determined to carry out the instructions and decisions of the duly constituted bodies of the Party...
...Milady, style talk...
...Please see to it that your branch sends in its donation—from $1 to $5, depending upon its financial standing...
...can only express contempt and disdain...
...The students have spoken most enthusiastically of the Institute, every one who has looked in on it, seen the students, or had any contact with them has been equally enthusiastic...
...The first part of the exposition deals with reasons why the masses of American workers have thus far refused to accept the idea of the class struggle...
...8:15 p.m.—Hippodrome Grand Opera...
...About 150 were there, including Adolph Held, David Rubinow and Julius Gerber of the Board of Directors of the Rand School...
...Letters were read from Frank Crosswaith and John P. Burke indicating their regret and inability to be present...
...and F.E.RJL, by assisting them In thsir daily struggles...
...In this event that certain comrades mislaid or lost the book, there is only one way of disposing the matter and that is by sending us a check for $5...
...At thla meeting the Declaration of Independence will bo read and the disregard of tile rights of the workera exposed...
...88th St...
...Outstanding so far has been the masterful, historical talk given by James Oneal on early American labor history...
...Sunday night was ¦ the official beginning of the Rand School Institute...
...There will be swell entertainment, some brand new games, refrsshicnto and a good Uaoc guarantied, Panken Outlines Course for American Socialists in Pamphlet •"THAT the Socialist Party in * America has been held back by European catch-words and that what we need is an American approach to American workers is the main thesis of "Socialism for America," a pamphlet by Comrade Jacob Panken issued June 1st by the Rand School Press...
...All will be covered in a longer article next week...
...We are by no means nearing...
...The president of the school addressed himself to the subject for discussion: "Socialism and the American Working Class...
...Man., J«n* 15—4:30 p.m.—Actors' Dinner Club, direction or Doris Hardy...
...and it will accrue to the credit of branches if they arrange such table reservations...
...At the same time the NRA has helped to bring about a tremendous increase in union membership and has created a situation in which workers must fight in an organized way^in order to defend their very existence...
...A I great many improvements have been made, an enlarged dining hall, new bungalows, improved roads, a new lake crib...
...Write or telephone f jr your reservation to the Socialist Party, 7 East 16th Street, New York, or to Camp Eden, 175 East Broadway, New York...
...5:45—"Musical Cities" Rosalie Hnusman, composer...
...X. Youth RallyT Falcon Notes Exhibit and Party June 23 at M Bast 22nd Street I The long awaited and long heralded cltywlde exhibit and party will take Slace this Saturday...
...8:15—"Paris in New York," music, talk...
...Order your tabje...
...Even today Americans feel that they are all equal and that they all have equal opportunities for individual betterment...
...Helene Lanvln, contralto...
...All Flights and uldcs are asked to see that their materlal gets down in ample time, Friday If possible, Saturday before noon at the Iciest...
...It is obvious to all Socialists that they* must either return the stamps or the money involved...
...The price per book is $5, covering 60 stamps at 10 cents each...
...We hope to act as hosts to all the delegates who attend from sections other than the Greater City and wc are preparing a program of interest and entertainment...
...Under these new conditions, the author contends, the Socislist Party must shake itself free from its inherited slogans and methods and must go to the workers with an unadulterated Socialist message couched in American terms...
...Jan* 21 La Salle and 125th St., Manhattan...
...8:30—"Scottsboro Case," sketch...
...and Unas Highway, Brookmn...
...Now the depression has created large-scale poverty and suffering, has brought home to millions of American workers the fact that they are a class with special disabilities...
...Austrian Relief Stamps My last week's appeal for settlement of the outstanding Austrian relief stamps brought satisfactory responses from many comrades within the party...
...Ben Senitser had the happy idea of securing food contributions for the banquet...
...What the nature of this message should be he suggests under three heads: (1) The Socialist movement should be the spearhead in the struggle for democracy...
...and Ave...
...These young, fresh faces were as welcome as June weather and all the facilities of the People's House and the school were theirs...
...Six hours on the water including the moonlight (attention: Yipsels) sail home will bo added to six hours at one of New York's finest bathing and recreation resorts...
...For these individuals, the Y.P.S.L...
...a complete balancing of our accounts in this respect...
...Y.P.S.L.SOCORES ALL TALK OF SPLITS A sharp criticism of talk of splits within tho ranks of the Socialist Party was leveled by the Central Committee of tho Greater New York Federation of the Young People's Socialist League in a resolution adopted Saturday by a vote of 84 to 7, as follows: Since tho Detroit Convention of the Socialist Party, some individual party members have made certain threats which, if pursued further by these individuals, can only result in a defection in our movement...
...Taasday, Jans 18 /tSui St...
...THE RAND SCHOOL INSTITUTE A BIG SUCCESS Beginning Friday, continuing on Saturday and ending oa Sunday evening the Rand School was the mecea for over 40 students from 13 states...
...the high calibre of the talks and the discussion generally in every class/ all of which will be covered in a subsequent story...
...Individually and as an organisation the Socialists should strive to daserve tho confidence of tho unemployed and relief workers, Including P.W.A...
...4:30—William M. Felgrnbaum...
...So their movement remained small...
...The only persons attracted were intellectuals, without masses behind them, intellectuals who were taking no practical part in the struggles of the workers...
...Duval, Koopman and others...
...Jack Karro, Noah Walters...
...David /£rflilni, Sum Stelntsltt, Lois Katiowiu...
...5:45—"The Virginians," male quartet...
...8:45—University of the Air, Dr...
...After picturing economic conditions during the earlier period of the republic, the author continues:' "The idea of equality was impregnated...
...this dormitory are for almost one hundred children...
...Finally," we arc told, "it Is important to underscore that theorising, hair-splitting discussion of possibilities and probabilities within the Socialist family leads nowhere...
...Every Socialist should take advantage of the opportunities which such groups present to educate those workers as to the necessity for the socialisation of capital...
...The youth of the Socialist movement of Greater New York is determined more than ever to preserve the unity and integrity of our organization...
...Eugene yron Morgan, baritone: 10:15— Marlon Klarfleld, soprano...
...And this dual unionism, continued by the I.W.W., is still with us today, still bedevils our actions and muddles our thought...
...Nqw, at last, they are ready to listen to the Socialist and to understand Socialism, including the idea of the class struggle...
...I am hoping that many of our comrades will make reservations at Camp Eden for this opening week-end and will witness this dedication and at the same time enjoy the rich experience of a week-end at the camp...
...Julia PrlmoflT, Andrew Demma, Meyer Drucker, Hynisn Nemser...
...Famous AgL Returns By the Dizzy Press Agent The famous balancing act put on by the Upper West Side Branch last May it scheduled for a return engagement...
...The price, ladies and gentlemen, is only $1.50, the tenth part of $15, and represents the biggest enterainmont value is Party history...
...6:30—Patricia O'Connelf, soprano...
...Tables will seat ten comrades, at $1 per plate...
...8:15—"My Boy," sketch starring Jennie MoscowlU...
...We look upon thess few individuals who because of disagreement may attempt to foster a split in the Party as traitors to tho cause of Socialism...
Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 73