Fruchter, Henry
Kosher Butcher Workers Meet to Consider Strike ffct Hebrew Butchers Workers' rjsian will meet Friday night, ItM t2, st the Rand School to IfBSider the calling of a strike by |H 8,000 members...
...Delegates from all the Workmen's Circle branches, women's auxiliaries, Workmen's Circle Schools, Jewish Socialist Verband branches and Forward Association, and shop chairmen and executive members of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, United Hebrew Trades and other labor organizations will convene in Town Hall at 7 p. m. Monday, June 26...
...A committee of 12 has been appointed by the Federation of Kosher Butchers to set a date...
...During August and September the demand for house painters Increased greatly since landlords, real estate offices and mortgage companies wanted to have apartments rented and ready for homoseeking and home-coming tenants...
...The strikers then proceeded to onion headquarters to celebrate...
...increase Won A one week's strike last July resulted in a change in the nnlon agreement with the Master Painters Association...
...During a slight improvement in the trade last fall and a short though intensive organization drive the union took in some 4,000 new members and succeeded in organizinz hundreds of new shops...
...Furthermore, the Jewish mssses In Germamny are brutally treated, and are in need of financial aid for adjustment...
...The Amalgamated Meat Cutters' and Butcher Workers' Union is continuing its three weeks' strike sgainst the big packers and independent wholesalers...
...In spite of a very slow winter snd a poor early spring and the fact that finances were insufficient to further this important organizing work, more than half of the new^ recruits remained within the folds...
...The former wage of $8 per day was increased to $9 and the hoars were decreased from 40 to...
...For these things—extending the boycott, aiding the victims of fascism—we must plan at our con* ference Monday...
...Painters'Brotherhood Problems By Isidore Polsteln •"PHE Brotherhood of Painters, * District Council 9, comprising some 10,000 members belonging to 14 local unions in Manhattan and the Bronx, is now rounding out another year of activity...
...Code Disappoints But disappointment ensued...
...Cn this basis, it concludes that in 1929, by merely using the resources we had but failed to utilize, we could have realized the equivalent of $16,000,000,000 of additional national income...
...We rejoice that the underground movement against Naziism and fascism, which is being carried on by the workers and Socialists in Germany and Austris, is proving successful...
...85 hours per week...
...If the union calls a strike, it will he in order to cooperate with the shop owners against the big companies, but the union will insist en a voice in negotiations before its members return to work, even though its contract does not expire till October, according to Joseph Belsky, union secretary...
...During this period of stress, the union has shown some gains though it still has many problems to solve...
...There were sixteen and one-half million such families...
...The present work states that a production level doable the present one could be maintained "year in and year out" without using any better methods than those which industry already knows and is accustomed to...
...The first trial was held in the Williamsburg Bridge Plaza Court on June 9, when Magistrate Cullen discharged Schmid after hearing the testimony of the policeman against him...
...Over 1,000 shop hiinsH have already voted in /ares, Of such a boycott, which folJeee "unjustifiable increases in the wholesale cost of meat" and which pill affect especially the Big Four (Armour, Swift, Cudahy and Wilson...
...It is recognized that still greater production could be secured if sll producers could be brought up to the standard of the most efficient Also, the report points out, further gains may naturally be expected from new inventions snd discoveries, and the general march of technological progress...
...The union has been conducting a vigorous organiking campaign under the leadership of Henry Schwarta, business agent, and Joe Sendaeh, organiser, •nd Sam Schwarta, secretarytreasurer...
...Some of these issues art Involved in the present election campaigns being conducted by various candidates for secretary-treasurer and business agents...
...Tho brutal Hitler regime, which has wiped out every vestige of freedom in Germany...
...Naziism, which has broken and destroyed the glorious trade union and Socialist movements in Germany, are on the brink of complete financial and economic downfall...
...Jewish Labor to Lay Plans For Fighting Fascism S\VER 1,000 delegates representing Jewish labor organizations are expected to attend a conference called by the Jewish Labor Committee to putty the boycott of Fascist-made goods...
...Picketing at tat two Psterson newspapers goes ••practically day and night Labor's Capacity to Produce Far Above Actual Production WASHINGTON.—That the producing plant and labor force of the United States are capable of maintaining production levels much above those attained in the most prosperous period .preceding the crash of 1929, ia'the conclusion arrived at by the economics staff of the Brookings Institution after a two-year study of America's capacity to produce...
...Continuation of a strong and active boycott movement will bring about the complete downfall of Hitlerism and of the brutal treatment of the Jewish and working masses in Germany...
...Scheduled speakers were Eleanor Mishkin of tho Women's Trade Union League aad former Judge Panken (tentative...
...Comrade William Karlin, attorney for the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, defended Schmid both times...
...The report is entitled, "America's Capacity to Produce," and is the first of a series of four studies to be, issued during the course of the year by the Brooking Institution on the subject of wealth and income distribution in the United States and the relation of this distribution to economic progress...
...The present volume is devoted to presenting a realistic picture of the nation's capacity to produce, based upon what was actually accomplished by the major industries of the country during the thirtyyear period from 1900 to 1930, and in particular the years 1926 to 1929...
...The Investigation on which the report is based was conducted by Dr...
...This was made possible by the employed members paying a 60 cents daily work tax and thus cresting a fund of some $160,000, which, as it became available, was used during this organization campaign...
...If we had continued to work at that reasonable capacity, we would have had double the national income that we have had during the depression...
...I> LABOR MOVEMENT IN PERIL, EASLEY FEARS Ralph M. Easley, famous both as champion "red-baiter" and as chairman of the executive council of the National Civic Federation, has again come to the aid of the Communist propaganda department by asserting that the government must enact laws to prevent Communists irons seising the labor movement of the country— an imminent possibility, according to this Master Mind...
...The striker I was originally charged with spilling a tray of food being brought from a restaurant across the street from the factory to scabs who ate and slept in the plant...
...Mass picketing, scheduled to be led by Big Bill Tate, Dempsey's former sparring partner, was announced for Friday morning, with many party members and Yipsels in line...
...By the end of flop...
...During the past two years, they have received :**e very substantial «km end are now aghting for their lives, since the Publishers' Association is out w break tho anion...
...This increase was granted by the employers partly because of their expectation that the NRA painting industry code would include union agreement conditions, do away with cut throat competition and establish for them some assurance of stability in estimating prices to property owners...
...The boycott movement being carried on by the Jewish and folk masses in America has already brought some of the desired results," the committee states...
...IELTMAKERS MEET The Beltmakers' Union held a big membership meeting at Stuyvesant High School Thursday night...
...The general code provided only 40 cents per hour for unskilled labor and had no provision for union standards...
...He advised members of the Government Club at the Hotel Astor to write their congressmen to "do something about it" J The members of the Peterson typographical anion are engaging in a critical struggle...
...Tho Master Painters Association is also preparing to force the issue and prospects for tho near future 1 show a possible development of a strike during July...
...The election takes place the last Saturday In Jons and the future of 10,000 union members is greatly dependent en tho results...
...The cop then swore out a new complaint, charging Schmid with disorderly conduct...
...Umber tho bottom fell sot of tho short season of "prosperity...
...Plans will be worked out to have the entire organized labor movement aid the workers in Germany and Austria...
...The most important step for the Jewish working masses of Americs, in conjunction with the unions of the American Federation of Labor, is to mske the boycott of German-made articles, machines and services as effective as possible...
...Arrested Picket ytcqulrfed...
...There are also many opportunities that the union can take advantage of...
...Or it would hsve increased all famjly incomes below $8,500 by 42...
...The question of making the boycott more effective and also of halting Nazi propaganda in the United States will be discussed...
...If," says the report, "such a betterment in material conditions lay within our grasp in the prosperous years of the late twenties, every alert mini must be driven to ask: 'What was there in the organisation or functioning of our economic system which caused us even in those favorable years to fail to attain it, to say nothing of the margin four times as wide which we are failing today to make available to the satisfying of human wants?'" The answer to this question will be developed throughout the three subsequent volumes of the series, it is promised...
...Because of the renewal of mortgages on property, much public work, including tho outsldes of buildings and hallways, is being done...
...Agsin union standards were imperilled...
...Labor organizations which have not yet sent in names of their delegates are urged to write immediately to the Jewish Labor Committee, 175 East Broadway, so that official delegates' cards can be sent them...
...In many instances, when discrimination was shown sgainst union members by employers in their attempt to drag down union standards, the union was forced to sppear before a trade board...
...Re-DJschoreed.' Fred Schmid, arrested several weeks ago after a dispute in front of the Hygrade Food Products Corporation, Brooklyn, where a strike was in progress, was acquitted last week...
...At present activity Is again reviving in the New York painting industry...
...The Brotherhood also turned to the NRA painting code in hopes that therein lay its salvation...
...As the peak of the renting season was res chad a recession of painting work naturally followed...
...The study is entirely in terms of practical and not theoretical productivity...
...Edwin G. Nourse, director of the Institute of Economics, one of the divisions of the Brookings Institution, an dthe report is signed by him and five members of the staff, sll recognized authorities in the various fields of mining, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, labor and finance...
...There then followed the grim reaper "unemployment" Together' with his pernor, the employer, ho ¦11 pitted the unemployed against the employed in a grim struggle for possession of the "job...
...This, states the report, would have been enough to bring the incomes of all families which were less than |2,000 in 1929 up to that level...
...However, it made ample provisions and permitted many loopholes for property interests and J mortgage companies to hire cheap unskilled painters by the month or year for maintenance painting work...
...The anion will again make an effort to have the Regional Code Authorities include a 85-hour week and $9 wags for the New York trade Incorporated therein...
...This board, comprising representatives of the union and the employers, did not always give satisfactory results to unionists...
...Kosher Butcher Workers Meet to Consider Strike ffct Hebrew Butchers Workers' rjsian will meet Friday night, ItM t2, st the Rand School to IfBSider the calling of a strike by |H 8,000 members in the metropolitan district to aid the kosher butchers' boycott against the large packing plants...
...The three candidates for secretary-treasurer in* eluding the present incumbent are Philip Zensner, as well as John 1. Collins of Local Union 848, and a rfv—minhrt who ia a sayoortar of a assail deal anion...
...The Brookings study, however, deals only with the question of what could be attained by fulltime operation of what we already have...
...Much of this work will also bo continued during and following the regular fall season, thus creating not only more work for painters generally but grsster opportunities for organisation on the part of tho Brotherhood of Painters...
...The new anion standard of $9 for a 7-hour day was a fact for this short period...
...They urged Karlin to press a charge against the policeman of false imprisonment and assault preferred by Schmid...
...The fiveday week has been in vogue sines the great 10-week strike of 1919...
Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 73