Party Notes Manhattan MaralacaM* ¦•IshU Braach «MM West U5th St.) Tuesday. June M, Open Meeting at International House. MM) HIverside Drive, Room A. Martha Koopinau: "The Bugaboo of...

...Circle 16, Kings, 844 Utica Avenue, Brooklyn, and Circle 6, Kings, loV Tompkins Avenue, Brooklyn...
...L. I. D. Conference on War on Fascism This Week-End THE twentieth summer conference of the League for Industrial Democracy, devoted this year to "The Menace of Fascism and War," opened Thursday at Northover Camp, near Bound Brook, N. J. Over 260 delegates, coming from a score of states for the next three days, are participating in discussions led by a score of prominent thinkers, writers, and political and labor leaders, including nearly 100 studet delegates, active in the student strikes against war and military training during the lust year...
...Jay Lovestone, leader of the Communist Party Opposition...
...Voting on delegates to State Convention...
...Important educational matters will be discussed...
...Four ¦yeakers spoke on Is America Going Fascist...
...After a short struggle, the Socialists put the Nazis to flight and the meeting was continued...
...Comrades unable to attend Monday's business meeting urged to send contrlbu Hon for the rent fond at once to Ben Lichtenberg, I860 E. 38th St., Brooklyn...
...Arthur Feller, former editor of the Frankfurter Ziltung and former members of the German Economic Council, now with the University In Kxlle...
...C. Kngelbrecht, aulhor of Merchant* of Death...
...Enrolled voters' meeting at new headquarters, 310 Sumner Ave., corner Monroe...
...Mary Hillyer no doubt does lino work wherever she may be, but rarely in New York, where she never comes to our committee | Mrs...
...and Union St...
...The famous Madison String En^ semble is scheduled for an evening of music...
...The leaders of Friday's program were Dr...
...Friday, June 28...
...Discussion on National Heferendum...
...We admire these comrades...
...181k A. D., Branch 1 (269 Utlco Ave...
...Admission 15 cents...
...Nominations for candidates and plans for campaign...
...Crisis, hnd J. B. Matthews, authority'ion fascist tendencies in the United States...
...should communicate with the Cultural Committee at th«> City Office...
...Socialist Gymnasts Sail for Workers' Olympics in Prague /VN June 16th, twenty-six Bohe" mian-American Socialist gymnasts, accompanied by a party of 120 friends and members, sailed on the He de France to participate in the third Olympic Games of the Czechoslovak Socialist Gymnasts (D.T.J...
...hash, Kenneth Meiklejohn...
...Meeting will be held Tuesday, June 20, Irving Brown, "History of Socialism...
...y A meeting of all Bronx circle educational directors will be held at the Bronx Labor Center on Monday, June 25, at 8 p.m...
...Monday, June 25, 1:30 p.m., regular branch meeting, l.ast opportunity to Vote for delegates to State Convention...
...The next outdoor demonstration by the conference will be held Friday, June 22, at Knickerbocker Ave...
...and Harmon St All male comrades should attend as the committee is certain' that the 'Tazis will physically challenge our right to hold meetings in the Ridgewood district...
...Last opportunity to vote for delegates to State Convention...
...Very Important meeting...
...Regular business meeting Monday, June 25...
...Comrade Frank Balek, a member of the Astoria Branch in New York, who made the arrangements for the American delegation, reports that the Czechoslovak government has not only donated the free use off the State Stadium but has granted a discount of 60% on all railroad tickets on the governmentowned railroads for visiting participants...
...Regular weekly business meeting Thursday evening, June 28, Discussion will take place on referendum submitted from Local New York on Majority and Minority resolutions...
...Charney Vladeck of the Jewish Dully Forwnrd, I^eo Xrsyckl, Nutlonal Chairman of the Socialist Party...
...ilk A. D. (228 E. 10th St...
...We decided to reserve a table at the State Convention Dinner, June 30...
...Hymau Nemaer ejected chairman of the campaign committee and Samuel Smllowlts temporary campaign manager...
...Motion pictures of May Day and No More War parade will be shown...
...The first speaker had started to explain conditions in Germany, when the fascists interrupted with cries of "Were you there...
...Members of the other participating organizations will also be present...
...ftk-lTth A. D. (310a Sumner Ave.j...
...Saturday, June 23, Another Revolutionary Poetry Night... declare this committee non-existent because it is a paper committee with false implications of work done or to be done and created by procedure detrimental to the harmony so essential to the party welfare...
...Phil Heller on "Socialist Trends...
...Nathaniel Pcffer, correspondent and specialist in Asiatic affaire, an...
...DawaUwn Branch (157 Montague St...
...10-month a year revolutionists cannot successfully fight 12-month a year eapJNilism...
...Upper WhI 81 *t Branch <1«0 Wesl 72nd St...
...Meanwhile, some one had turned in a riot call and fifteen policemen and five police cars appeared on the scene wijth long-range rifles and riot equipment...
...All of these groups are affiliated with the Workers' Sport Alliance, with headquarters in Prague...
...Sunday, June 24, 8:30 p.m...
...Wednesday, June 27, card party at headquarters at 8 p.m...
...This outdoor demonstration against fascism was held on the corner of Myrtle and Onderdonk Avenues, under the auspices of the Labor Conference to Combat Hitlerism in Ridgewood...
...While this year the American delegation is composed mostly of Bohemian-Americans, Comrade Balek expressed the hope that by the time the next Workers' Olympics take place the delegation will number among it athletes and: gymnasts representative of the general Socialist movement... the Rand School...
...A serious crisis Is facing the branch...
...The games will take place in Prague from July 1-8, and in addition to the Americans there will be Socialist gymnasts from Finland, Yugoslavia, Poland, Latvia, Austria, Rumania, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Hungary and Switzerland...
...Dorothy I Detier of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom...
...The student discussions on the role of youth in the struggle against war and fascism will be led by Dr...
...Rabbi Edward L. Israel^ of Baltimore, Md...
...Professor Keinhold Niebuhr of the Union Theological Seminary...
...There will also be another ''Cotton Club" sizzling sepia floor show, all under the direction of Mac Liebman...
...Baseball teams have been started in each borough in preparation for the Ulmer Park Young Circle League game...
...Nicholas Avenue, New York...
...Joseph Shaplen, "The Detroit Convention...
...Amicus Most will speak at Circle 3 Sr...
...Professor Droadus Mitchell of Johns Hopkins University, II...
...The hike will be over ground new to most Yipsels and will prove an interesting change from the much hiked trails used in the last few hikes...
...George Streatar, managing editor of The...
...Washington Halghta Braaeh (1130 St... English, Hyman Weiner and Joe Meyerson, Earl Cosywne being chairman...
...Two delegates from eaeh circle are expected to be present...
...Circle 3 Junior Kings, with headquarters in Bensonhurst, has been granted a charter as an official YPSL circle...
...Joseph Schlossherg, secretory-trensiirer of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers...
...The National Drive quota of our branch, though partly remitted, will soon be entirely fulfilled, Judging by pledges made and sums donated...
...11th A. D. Eings...
...The games will be the one democratic Bport meet on the European continent and will serve to keep •live the Socialist work among the youth of the working class...
...A big crowd is expected and the management suggests that reservations should be made early...
...Norman Thomas, Socialist leader and executive director of the League for Industrial Democracy, opened the Thursday sessions with a discussion of the Threat of fascist Domination...
...Friday night...
...Profesor Colston K. Warne of Amherst College...
...I, (, NAZIS FAIL TO STOP MEETING An attempt' by local Hitlerites to disrupt an anti-Nazi meeting in Ridgewood was frustrated last Friday night...
...Bronx lad A. O. At neit branch meeting, Tuesday...
...They were too late, the meeting was in progress, order being maintained by the German Workers' Sport Alliance...
...Tuesday, June 26, Joint meeting at headquarters of Branch 2, nominations for candidates...
...Monday, June 25, branch meeting...
...T.u«iimmt July 4th Week-End A program, probably unequalled in the history of Camp Tamiment, has been arranged for the July 4th week-end...
...Crosswaith is a splendid comrade, but she is too buy and very few comrades have had the pleasure of meeting her...
...2lrd A. D. Meeting June 19 xceptlonally well attended...
...We ask, on what basis was the National Women's Committee chosen and why was it kept a secret from our committee...
...Maxwell Stewart of the Foreign Policy Association...
...There will be an important conference on the work of the Youth Committee against Fascism Monday, June 25, at 8 p.m...
...Mldwaad Branch...
...Monday, June 25...
...MM) HIverside Drive, Room A. Martha Koopinau: "The Bugaboo of Public Ownership...
...Current Events...
...David Cory, guest speaker...
...Norman Thomas...
...The success of the present Olympics is expected to add strength to surviving democracies and trade urtfon movement in general, and particularly to the Socialists of Csechoslovakia, as well as aid our Austrian and German comrades because of the show of international working-class youth solidarity...
...Joel Seldman, Monroe Sweetnnd, Joseph 1...
...lttk A. D. Sidney HerUberg will lecture on "Socialism In the Scandinavian Countries...
...Other cultural plans include skits for the Jamboree, basketball teams, cooperation with the National Office in their play writing contest and a track and field day at Rice Stadium, Pelham Bay Park, I September 9. All circles are expected to discuss and prepare to carry out the program of circle activity which appeared in the last issue of the "Yipsel Organizer...
...Those interest...
...Yipsels dances for Saturday, June 23, will be held by Circle 2, Manhattan, at 1130 St...
...Plans will be outlined for the immediate future...
...Felix Cohen, author of Ethical Systems and Lean 1" Ideals, are scheduled participants in the three-day conference which ends Sunday noon...
...Our comrades made an effort to quiet the hoodlums and they replied by using their fists...
...8:45 p.m., Music Room, Girls Commercial High School, Classon Ave...
...Bear Mountain...
...The Czechoslovak gymnasts, however, will be represented in their full and glorious strength of 137,871 members, and the games will have the full cooperation of the Czechoslovak government, in which the Socialists play such a large and important part...
...An entertainment festival presented by star entertainers and a new production by the Drama Group will be included in the many features that are on the program...
...Anti-Eviction Dance Saturday, June 23...
...There was an audience of about 300...
...With the nomination of Julia Prlmoff for Assembly the campaign is under way...
...Automobile picnic Sunday, July 8. , Villas* Branch (201 Sullivan St...
...Seven years ago over ten thousand comrades from Austria and twelve thousand from Germany participated in the meet, but this year the burden of carrying on rests with small but devoted delegations from the countries mentioned...
...We ask these comrades to repudiate this undemocratic arid Arbitrary imposition on the eomrnjitee...
...Ik A. D, Lowar...
...Sunday, July 8, boat ride to Bear Mountain on S.S...
...Bronx and Manhattan Yipsels wil start from South Ferry at 10 am, and Brooklyn arid Queens hikers from the 39th Street Ferry at the same time...
...Other features include Milton Spielman's Nut Club Orchestra and full facilities for the athletically inclined...
...Speakers, August Claessens, Samuel H. Friedman, organizer of the branch, and Henry Weiss, chairman of the Stuyvesant Heights Unemployed Union...
...The representatives are Mrs...
...Thomas and she has generously offered her home for the committee's general meetings...
...Brooklyn tlat A. D. (2301 Snyder Ave...
...A good collection was taken...
...Mon day, June 25, 8:30 p.m., Mcrrltt Crawford, "Organising the Asoclation of Office and Professional Emergency Employe...
...the last three leaders in '. the student movement, as well as Franz Daniel, member of the nutlonal executive committee of the Socialist Party...
...Every : member of our committee has a deep affection for Mrs...
...Admission by party card only...
...Kings, 6618 Bay Parkway, Thursday, June 28, on the National Convention of the Socialist Party...
...Harry W. Laidler, executive director of the League for Industrial Democracy and chairman of the National Bureau of Economic Research...
...Siegfried Mpschltz, editor of Transatlantic Information Service... Cangrtsslansl District...
...June 26, at 1 E. 167th St., nominations for candidate for the Senate...
...Branch meeting June 25...
...The speakers who spoke in German were Comrades Jungnitch, editor of the Volks-Zeitung, and Walter Creutzmann...
...Louis Hendln and Halm Kantorovltch on "Declaration of Principles...
...Nicholas Ave...
...Alma Crosswaith, Mary Rillyer and Mrs...
...WOMEN'S COMMITTEE PROTEST By Esther Friedman The New York Women's Committee is amazed to find that it is represented on the National Women's Committee of the Socialist Party without our committee being consulted...
...Frederick V. Field of the Institute of Pacific Relations...
...Do they think that they have been fairly chosen on merit or because our committee is neither Militant nor Old Guard...
...All members of the 17th, 18th and 21st Assembly Districts urged to attend special Joint meeting Tuesday, June 26, at 844 Utica Ave...
...Also voting on State Convention delegates...
...We ask the incoming N.E.C...
...But we ask these comrades whether they will permit themselves to be used as an instrument of injustice against many active party women who have given years of time to political enlightenment of women...
...Unless a substantial fund Is raised the branch will be evicted from Its headquarters for non-payment of rent...
...City-Wide Hike of Y. P. S. L. Sunday to Staten Island THE second city-wide hike of Yipsela will be held to Silver Lake, Staten Island, this Sunday, June 24...
...Halm Kuntorovltrh, editor of the American Socialist Quarterly...
...The meeting turned out to be a complete success...

Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 73

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