PARTY SCORES BIG GAIN IN NORWICH ELECTION II* Party h«m mad* heavy gains r#t it* recent municipal election re*etiving more than 18 per cent of the total vote cast Out of the «M4 ballots cast...
...The nomination was by unanimous vote of the convention...
...N. Y. STATE CONVENTION JUNE 30 The New York State convention Of the Socialist Party will be held at the Labor Temple, 248 East ¦:84th Street, New York City, ininstead of the People's House, 7 . East 16th Street, as previously announced...
...jtjiH terminate with a meetIn...
...Wayne Coantr...
...It is re•ported that one politician alone •spent as much as $1,000 in purNettating votes...
...jurstlnii* und discussion...
...First district...
...Monday, June 18, the nominating convention Is to be held at headquarters, 225 E. Forest Ave...
...Plans are bring rapidly made to have three groups of organizers tour the state in the next few months...
...Railroad Commissioner, J. W. Hembree, Smithville...
...Readers of The New Leader who live In unorganized districts are urged to write to State Secretary J. F. Hlgglns, Box 3IS, Star City...
...Branch One hat theatre party at "Stevedore" June 1ft...
...The state platform will be published shortly...
...The Stale Executive committee will meet In the same hall at 10:30 o'clock In the morning...
...Tammany tatties in the election...
...C. Edwards, Deilas...
...Third District, Walter E. Davis oi Hamden...
...delegate to the Nalonal convention will give a report, -ociils will report on Organization Fund Drive...
...Socialists report a great deal of activity not only In the elfyof Kenosha but also throughout the whole county and are planning on putting up a hot campaign fo elect their candidates...
...Rhode Island The state convention will be* Held 'Sunday, June 17, at 3:30, In Ilia Swedish Workmen's Hall, Providence, All parly members In good standing are eligible to attend the convention...
...Liet Governor, E. M. Lane, Sherman...
...This day has been planned as a day of good fellowship and inspiration, in addition to fine speaking there will be dancing and games...
...State executive committee will meet at the same time...
...Blaine Benedict...
...Three more tennis courts, making nine in all, have been added, as well as two more handball courts...
...The committee also voted to constitute a special committee of three to give a hearing on pending appeals and to report back before, the state convention...
...All members and friends are invited to attend this Field Day and Rally and bring their families...
...Realising that the outrageoua attack en a meeting of over five hundred people, including women and children, addressed by Norman Thomas, was contrary to all notions ef the constitutional rights of free speech and assemblage, the City Council of this city unanimously passed a resolution denouncing the tear-gas bombing...
...That was the decision of the State Executive Committee at a special meeting Tuesday night...
...The keynote speech of the campaign will be given by William M. Feigenbaum, Associate Editor of The New Leader...
...Second District, John C. Chase, Hldgeley...
...John Kuehnl, district attorney...
...M»r|n>P- -.Local...
...The State Auditors for the coming fiscal year are Director of Public Works Teter Brewster, of Bridgeport, and J. J. Kennedy of New Haven who were re-elected and B. Cooperman of New Haven, who will serve his first term as Auditor...
...Comrades who wish to make this year's campaign tbe success It should lie, cooperate by writing to the secretary, Mrs... - m Jield at I'onghkeepsle till* evening...
...Yokom of Buffalo...
...Judge, Court Criminal Appeals, Thomas B. Burns, Ft...
...Branch** Irom nearby towns cordially Invited...
...Sports, music and other entertainment...
...Democracy vt...
...Martin F. Plunkett of Wall ingford and 6ity Treasurer John Shenton of Bridgeport were reelected Committeemen-at-large...
...Leonard Mattson, assemblyman, Second district...
...Resolutions were adopted in, .memory of the.following deceased' •Party members...
...William E, Duffy Is now Working "InVi Fulton County Where he will ntlempl the orgaiil/ntlon of locals In Jolihslown and Gloversvllle...
...Preceding the' convention, the State Executive Committee met in Workmen's Circle Hall in the morning and considered plans for the state convention this, fall...
...West Virginia Nominating petitions are being actively circulated in West Virginia for the following candidates: United Stales Senator, W. E. Aiinon...
...W. Vs., for petitions for circulation in their communities...
...Comptroller of Accounts, J. M. Jewell, Waco...
...The high quality of attractions that have made Unity House popular with vacationists in past years will be maintained this season...
...doinrade Oddie is/* velpet weaver...
...Gilbert Fechner, sheriff...
...Associate Justice Supreme Court, Guy L. Smith, Port Lavaca...
...A bomb, thrown into Lyran Hall while Thomas was speaking, precipitated a riot in which three people were injured as t)he large crowd dashed out of the hall, panicstricken by the spreading gat fumes...
...Democracy" was the subject for discussion at the June 13 meeting of the Socialist Discission Group...
...In 1982, he wse Socialist candidate for State Senator from the 20th Senatorial District After discussion of plans for campaign and organization work throughout the Second District, the convention delegates elected a permanent congressional' campaign committee which is to meet monthly to map out the party's organization and educational program for the district...
...A new member of the State Executive Committee is Dorothy Allen of Easton, who was elected as Woman's Correspondent...
...Carl M. Rhodin of Meriden was re-elected State Organizer and Hester Fcsese of Norwalk will continue to serve as Literature Agent...
...Anton Lazcrwlch, register of deeds...
...Lik-iiI Albany will be represented In the state convention by Edward Aditopoz, nvhenerlidy...
...Walter Fowler, county treasurer...
...June 27-"The Socialist Agricultural Program...
...The local met at Tbe twm»,ff George Tgylnt^tB, friday evening after the Cluessens' meeting to ttevt delegate and alternate lo the (Tat* convention, ROCKFORD COUNCIL CONDEMNS GASSING ROCKFORD, III...
...I The old party politicians did not •refrain from using...
...Committee* are at work making arrangements for entertainment, sports, and fun...
...Street meetings have begun...
...George M. (ilbson will apeak at 11 a.m...
...Details next week...
...Candidates will he nominated for the state and federal legislature and the convention will decide whether or not to run a candidate for the vacancy in the Detroit city coucil...
...The position of New York State delegates to the national convention who opposed attacks on the American Federation of Labor and who opposed concurrence with the report of four of the American International Congress delegates was unanimously approved, as was also the position of the New York State delegates . who opposed the Declaration of Principles as adopted by the Detroit convention...
...The ticket follows...
...There are also a number of county and state senatorial petitions which are Increasing each day...
...Prospective student* arc urged to send their names lo G. G. O'Kane, (21 Walnut Ave,, Fairmont, W. Va., who is secretary of the school...
...Rocky Hill, Mlddlefleld and Portland during the next few weeki...
...Party Notes Wisconsin Kenosha, — Kenosha Socialists named a full county state ticket at a county convention...
...Frecse Re-elected as Conn...
...The State Executive Committee will hold another meeting shortly for the purpose of hearing reports .from the preliminary committees' , ef the state convention...
...O. M. Jeffreys, Ona...
...Many votes West bought with cash and cigars % order to prevent the workers front voting Socialist...
...Guy Lockwood of Kalamazoo Is already busy In the field and reports excellent progress especially In the northern peninsula...
...Included in the list of artists who will appear daring the coming season are Toscha Seidel, Alia Nazimova, Molly Picon, Sigmund Speath, Isa Kremer, and the Hall Johnson Choir...
...Second District, Kenneth W. Thurlow of East Lyme...
...The new member elected to this office is Devere Allen of Wilton...
...The convention will be held In Bridgeport in September...
...New York «.ta*o-U)r«anlnr...
...Mayor McLevy, John Shenton, Bridgeport city treasurer, and Albert Boardman were speakers at a large mass meeting and campaign rally in the Norwich Town Hall...
...The full ticket follows: Governor, Geo...
...The tour of August C!a«**r4...
...UNITY PREPARES FOR NOTABLE SEASON The official opening of Unity House, Forest Park, Pa., will take place June 22nd...
...Fourth District...
...Anne Kimball, 3 Jay St, Boston, stating the evening they can give each week to speaking or otherwise helping at these, meetings...
...A stale Slatform Is to be adopted and candl ntes nominated for governor, lieutenant-governor and attorney-general...
...New leader readers living within driving distance, farmers, union workers, unemployed and all Socialists are cordially Invited and urged to attend the picnic of the St, Louis County Socialist Party July 4 In the spacious picnic grove of the Creve Couer Farmers' Hall on drive Street Road, lust west of Ha Has Road In Crevt Couer, St...
...Sixth District, Lee Harper, Charleston...
...Michigan The state nominating convention will be held at Battle Creek Saturday afternoon, June 30, and Sunday, July 1. The convention headquarter* are the local headquarters, 17% S. Capitol...
...Congress, First District, ' H. L. Franklin, Fairmont...
...Socialist, candidate .for Mayer oft rPwklrk in ,1033...
...In the evening...
...The Socialist vote -would have been much larger had 'It not been that the party nominated only half of the ticket...
...Harry A. Mueller, assemblyman...
...In connection with the convention plans, the committee also heard a report from the State Secretary -of the party, Arnold E. Freese of Norwalk, that in every part of the state increased interest in the Socialist Party has been shown within the last few months...
...Mcrlden wlU hold Its annual picnic at Htimlln's (.rove, flsual, a splendid program or sporls...
...Party Field Dan/ Sunday the SeciaMet Party of Middlesex County will launch its Election Campaign at a Field and Rally, ca be held on Sunday, June 17th, at the Danish Home, Metuchen, N. J. At this rally the voters of Middlesex County will have the opportunity to hear the Socialist candidate for Governor, Herman F. Niessner of Camden, and the candidate for United States Senator, John S. Martin of Newark...
...State Treasurer, William Plampin, San Antonio...
...Clifton Edwards, old-time Socialist, was named for Governor by the Texas Socialist* at a recent convention...
...When guests appear at the opening of Unity House they will find that nothing has been left undone to add to their zestful and restful vacation...
...Bertha Blatt, Ft...
...The Socialist Party had the suppert of local Polish and Greek organizations...
...Commissioner of Agriculture, Oliver Williams, Lorena...
...H. M. Shelton of San Antonio will probably be chosen...
...The slate ticket will lie nominated and a state Silatform adopted...
...Sunday, June 17, Nomination of the district congressional candidate, discussion of campaign' strategy, finance, Socialist education and orKiiiilznllon...
...A nodal and dance for memlieri and friends with old-fashioned dancing as a feature will be held at Socialist Hall, 600 West Ave., Saturday, June 16...
...Edward Dwyrr, coroner...
...State Secretary NORWALK.—The State Office of the Socialist Party has made known the results of the state-wide membership referendum for state party officers for the year beginning July 1. For State Secretary-Treasurer Arnold E. Freese of Norwalk was re-elected to serve his third consecutive term...
...Attorney Genersl, F. W. Hubbard, San Antonio...
...mHUabeth if...
...The newly formed 20th Congressional District consisting of Bexar County (San Antonio) will have a candidate for Congress, but he has not been officially nominated yet...
...Branch 1. — At the biannual election of branch officers Melvtn lUshop was elected chairman, Isobel Weatlierstone, secretary, and H. Anderson, treasurer...
...New Britain...
...1 The newly elected officials of the Boston city central committee are John Brook* wheelwright, organizer: Mrs, Call Kimball, secretary, and Abe Kalian, treasurer...
...Francis King, state secretary, reports that five new branches have been granted charters during the past few weeks...
...The police have been instructed by the Council to attempt to trace and arrest the persons responsible for the outrage...
...Ray .Newklrk/ *,»ember of the State-XJonunittaeJ ffbd Otto L. Endree of Utica...
...A new fleet of boats and canoes has been added for the present season...
...The First District Congressional Convention will be held at V. F. W. Hall, 252 Main St., New Britain, at 3 p. m...
...Friday evening, June 22, a| liMft Main Ave., Andrew P, Wltlel and fieorgt H. Goehel, two of the delegates from-New jersey to the National Convention, will report...
...He is a keen/student ef economics snd soeisl problems...
...Committeemen elected to represnt Congressional Districts are as follows: First District, Harry Rosen of Hartford...
...New Jersey PiMsle...
...A special Invitation Is extended to all young men and women workers to come, either singly, in couples, groups or clubs...
...Boston.—The second annual picnic of Metropolitan Boston will 1m- held at Bubson Park, Welleiley, on July--4th under the auspice* of rhe lto»ton city central committee and the Metropolitan Federation...
...Arthor Wllmot, clerk of circuit court...
...It to generally known that a meeting was held In a nearby hall, where fascist manifestations were disguised nudes "patriotic speeches...
...Seven of the district brum Ilea of Lroat Bridgeport have comfileted arrangement* for a big picnic to le held at Kuhn's drove, Ttmxl* Hill llonil, Fiilrlled, on June 24...
...Launching an intensive drive 'for Socialist organization in Eastern Connecticut, the Socialist Party nominated E. Oddie of Lisbon for Congressman from the Second District at a recent district convention held at Workmen's Circle Hall here...
...The law requires that we must secure ten thousand signers to our subscription petitions, and we must file with the proper authorities one day before the primary election, August IS...
...The world-famous Ruasion Socialist Nikolai MorosofT, who as an active member of the antl-Czarist organization of terrorists spent 28 years in the cells of the SchlUatelburg fortress, celebrated hie 80th birthday on June 7...
...refreshments and speaking has keen ar—H—a C C Edwards Rung For Governor in Texas SAN ANTONIO.—Geo...
...PARTY SCORES BIG GAIN IN NORWICH ELECTION II* Party h«m mad* heavy gains r#t it* recent municipal election re*etiving more than 18 per cent of the total vote cast Out of the «M4 ballots cast in the four electioa precincts, the Socialist Party 'polled 90S votes for Comrade Al"htrt Bosrdman, candidate for spsyor...
...Louis County...
...Missouri Bt Louis...
...U. S. Senator, W. B. Starr, Cisco...
...Thomas then continued the mats meeting on the street outside the hall, despite the efforts of the authorities to disperse the assemblage...
...Topics for future meeting* al SO* Weal Ave., Norwalk, are: June 20—"The Sorlallit Platform...
...State convention at Jefferson City on Saturday and Sunday, June 16 and 17...
...Plans for a Rand School of Social Science extension class to begin In the early part of the fall now being formulated...
...Sam Elyasch, county clerk...
...1 > Maesachnectts 8taU Convention.—The state convention was held over the week-end al New Bedford...
...The throwing of the gas bombs is attributed to fascist elements in the city...
...Public Instruction, Mrs...
...General Land Office, R. D. Tomlinson, Gruver...
...Everything is now in good shape for the Summer Labor School, New River College, Montgomery, W. Va„ on July 1 for a period of from one month to six weeks...
...Fifth District, Paul O. Grossenhacher of New Milford who was recently nominated as the Socialist Congressional candidate from that district...
...Third District, f, E. Davis, Bristol...
...Fourth District, City Clerk Fred Schwarzkopf of Bridgeport...
...Connecticut Stat* Chairman Martin F. Plunkrtt will be actively engaged lit Hold organisation work In Mlddletowi, (Cromwell...
Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 71