THE EDITOR COMMENTS CURTAILMENT ONLY TEMPORARY! THE need for more space this week for discussion of the declaration submitted by the Socialist convention to referendum curtails the Mmber of...

...They got the denial—and breathed easier...
...The union is being called a "hunky,"' a foreigners' union...
...Club, here, the weelfof June 25th...
...leaving it to the General Executive Board to decide when and where and in what industry the fight fpr it should be waved...
...The employers, in violation of the agreement, refused to abide by the decision, and the workers left the shops again...
...Interesting debates took place also on the reports of the resolutions committee, on the question of week work or piece work for the garment industry, and on the question of a Labor farty...
...Dlffor on NRA In the debate on the officer*' and committees' reports, a great many uncertainties were revealed and diverse opinions expressed when the question of the NRA came up on the floor...
...Free refreshments will be served...
...THE need for more space this week for discussion of the declaration submitted by the Socialist convention to referendum curtails the Mmber of columns devoted to labor news...
...The strike also affects shops In New York City, Yonkers, and Newark, N. J. In some cases, the strike has been called against manufacturers having no agreement with the workers, to compel union, recognition and the adoption of union standards...
...The spectacle presented was a* though the International is still in a sortf of infant position, trying to make up its mind to whom it should pay allegiance... Woodlawn, the Gulf States Steel Co...
...Members of the Socialist Lawyers' Association...
...But the zephyr that blew over Washington ¦H» subeided was • faint premonition of the gale to come...
...Professor Maynard C, Krueger, department of economics, Univet...
...the union is disgusted with the regional board's tactics of delay and confusion...
...As a result, the entire convention was forced to move out...
...The third member of the board agreed upon was the Secretary of Labor of Connecticut...
...Lawlor expressed confidence in the outcome of the struggle...
...We're never sure whether a paper like the New York Mirror is more anxious to discredit the strike or help build up the Communists as a "menace" and a newspaper asset: "STEEL UNION 'REDS' TO SEIZE UNION AND CALL STRIKES...
...The convention authorized the General Executive Board to proceed with a range of strikes covering many parts of the country and seriously challenging the open-shoppers in the cotton and garment industries, knitted garments, underwear, etc., in the entire United States and Canada^ A very important feature of the convention je4Pf^'H> nt?ht against race diseri*rm?TUon...
...Max Winter, former vice-mayor of Vienna and a prominent Socialist...
...But the temper of the workers is fiery, the spirit of the unions—especially the recently acquired members—is combative...
...President Roosevelt is rushing another of his many-pointed plans a la auto industry to prevent a strike, to appease both men and "masters," to gain credit for the administration and to squelch unionization of the industry...
...There is no work being done in the shops at this time, he declared... Bessemer...
...Workers in Godsden and Birmingham steel plants maintained an attitude of silence which will enable them to swing into the walkout movement or detach themselves from it— much to the bewilderment of the bosses...
...TO WELCOME DELEGATES Delegates of Dressmakers' Union Local 22 returning from the recent I.L.G.W.U...
...The delegation of Local 22 vigorously protested and moved out in protest...
...Strike Ties Up Hat Shoos in East Determined to secure for themselves a wage in excess of the minimum provided in their code, over 4,000 hatters, members of the Men's Hat Department .of the United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers' International Union, have walked out on strike...
...There are 3,000 workers alone in the Gadsden plants...
...The principal companies involved are the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Co., with about eight plants, the Connors Steel Co... Godsden and the Republic Steel Co...
...The impression one got at this convention was one of many-sided activities and enterprises...
...These miners use large quantities of ammunition in the coura* of their work In the mines and certainly not all of It has been used in drillingholes Jn the rock...
...Object Lessen The convention's original headquarters was in the aristocratic Medinah Athletic Club on North Michigan Avenue...
...Congressmen were stirred to the depths of their hearts and pockets jft™ rurnor* that something so sensible, so logical, so "radical" was j8J5f_*° bo done...
...Also, week work was adopted as the basis of operation and principle...
...At the convention there were such paradoxes presented on the floor of the convention as to have speakers like General Hugh Johnson, Regional Director of the NRA Rosenblatt, Governor Horner of Illinois, Mayor Kelly of Chicago on the one hand, and Frank Crosswaith, Norman Thomas, B. C. Vladeck (with Jay Lovestone on the side) getting ovations from the delegates...
...This convention will be the largest in the history cf the American Federation of Teachers, since the membership has tripled this past year and 80 new locals have been chartered...
...It will come 5rM» organized movement of workers and farmers and professionals, ^fflybe in the distance...
...It was the 35th year of the existence of the International, and the reports presented to this convention covered a vast field of activities, reporting an increase in membership of from 40,000 two years ago to 200,000 at the present date, with organizational activities on the up-grade...
...Activities will follow the lines taken in the coal strike two years ago, when the Pennsylvania Socialists collected and distributed tons of clothing and provisions and thousands of dollars in cash through commissaries of the unions themselves...
...The magic word "Socialist" explained it all...
...LAWYERS ASTOUND STRIKE LEADER THE meat companies are hiring scabs and thugs to intimidate the strikers...
...The lfith annual convention of the American Federation of Teachers will be held at the Medinah Michigan Ave...
...Who are you, anyway...
...Civil War Seen As Steel Strike Call Nears By Jack Schulter BIRMINGHAM, Ala.—Like the shroud of coal dust that blankets this city night and day, the threat of a major steel strike appears imminent as both sides in the class war gird for battle...
...It is not the function of The New Leader to "hope" that a general strike will be called regardless of conditions or hope of success...
...Michael F. Greene, president of the Men's Hat Department, and also of the International Union, is actively engaged In making plans for a' vigorous prQjgartfoi*' of the strike...
...In addition, delegates raised among themselves over $1,100 as a contribution to the Austrian refugees, following a speech by Dr...
...If the plants Intend to continue operations during- tile walkout, » miniature civil.war can be expected to be brought in...
...HP4>t the winds blew chill for a while...
...On June 1, he declared, the annual agreement between the union and the employers expired, and the workers demanded that the new agreement provide for increases which he said would amount to about 30 per cent above the wages they were receiving...
...He explained that In Danbury the hats are made in the rough, and are completed in the New York factories...
...Lawlor declared...
...News had come that the Federal Emergency Relief JMBinistration was planning to use federal funds to aid the jobless §iHAVINjG THE UNEMPLOYED OPERATE IDLE FACTORIES...
...convention in Chicago will be welcomed at Amalgamated Temple, 21 Arion Place, Brooklyn...
...and instructions voted by the workers back home...
...The strikers of the Danbury shops called off the strike when the employers agreed to submit the points in dispute to a Board of Arbitration, consisting of three, one to be named by the employers and another by the union, the two to select the third...
...Socialists," the lawyers replied...
...The board decided to grant increases to the workers averaging about 20 per cent...
...The seats of the mighty ^"trembled...
...They scurried hither and thither for confirmation HM«ri»l...
...The workers returned to their shops...
...Prominent educators and labor leaders will attend...
...The convention went on record favoring a Labor Party by an almost unanimous vote...
...The minority report, presented by Charles Zimmerman, manager of Local 22, while agreeing that Labor should take advantage of all opportunities offered by the NRA, placed main emphasis on Labor achieving results-through its own efforts and organization, rather than depending on outside or governmental agencies...
...If a strike is called, The New Leader and the Socialist movement stand ready to throw all their Resources behind the strikers and to help unstintedly in every way...
...Majority and minority reports were presented...
...From their squalid hovels studding the black hills, Negro and white workers are at last emerging to demand an unheard of request here-^reeognition of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers...
...FreeJ" Shepard echoed...
...The rank and file of the membership will determine whether the iational executive board will be empowered to negotiate with the manufacturers for the 30-hour week...
...This corrects last week's caption...
...The delegation wanted to help the strikers and offered it* services—free...
...Union officials, most of whom are young men, claimed that in some plants no worker would agree to even carry the petition around...
...Restrictions had been placed on the Negro delegates, segregating them into separate apartments, using special elevators, etc...
...Tax systems will be discussed and an education program developed...
...In addition to dancing, there will be a program by the Union Mandolin Orchestra...
...Most of the mines here are not owned by coal companies but bj steel companies which use them if their massive refineries...
...Local meat cutters are also out on strike and many A. A P. grocery and meat stores are fee* log the effects...
...And the storm is near.' It ?Kl «ome as a gracious grant from the administration...
...We're defending one arrested strike picket and we're ready to get on the job for the union...
...Other features good and not so good at the convention were the flirtatious attitude shown to all shades of opinion...
...Relief and defense for striking steel workers in the walkout which threatens is being set up from central offices here by the Socialist Party, with Sarah Limbach, secretary of the Socialist Party of Pennsylvania, as secretarytreasurer, and Leo Krzycki, national chairman of the party and head of its labor committee, as chairman of the relief and defense committee...
...The last local to bo chartered is Bremerton, Washington, Local 885...
...To Fight Fascism Other resolutions that were adopted without debate were an anti-war resolution, one defending free speech, one protesting the breaking up of Socialist meetings in Illinois, and one calling upon the officials of the A. F. of L. not to be in any way associated with the National Civic Federation, ana a host of other resolution* progressive in character...
...The celebrations were well interspersed with serious activities...
...They're going tack home now ready to take up anew the problems of organization and consolidation—holding what they have gained and pushing the Ight in new fields...
...Delegates Back From ILGWU Convention By Delegate-Observer THE I. L. G. W. U. convention, just held in Chicago, was at once a celebration of victories as well as an anniversary...
...Prepare Relief Machinery for Steel Strike PITTSBURGH...
...He cited the textile codes as an example...
...The majority of, small stores have .algned up, bat, the larger chains persist In...
...In Danbury, where about 2,000 of the 4,000 hatters areemployed, the strike occurred in May, when the workers presented their demands...
...In Bessemer there are 8,000 miners who have been out on strike for five weeks demanding wage increases fron $1.00 to $2.84 a week...
...The minority also insisted that Labor should present its demands to the code authorities, but under no circumstances should be represented on those bodies...
...Militia, privately armed police and the local constabulary patrol the surrounding counties of Avondale and Bessemer, locations of some of the richest iron ore mines in the world...
...Sound organization of the teach* ers to meet their responsibility and federal aid for relief in the present emergency will occupy a major part of the program...
...Helptd Union Grew ' President Dubinsky defended the majority report...
...Meanwhile, George W. Shepard, vice-president of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of America (A...
...The strike leader understood how it happened that legal services were offered free, Incidentally, the case of the six Socialists arrested for defying Jotorious Judge Faber's anti-everything injunction against the bakers' Itaion has been postponed...
...The refusal of the employers to concede the demandslof the union was met by the calling of a strike...
...The main differences between the two reports seemed to be whether Labor should participate and seek representation from the code authority, and the general tone to be given to the labor movement by way of the appraisal of the NRA...
...WORE POWER TO THE STEEL WORKERS.' AS The JJew Leader goes to press, a special meeting of instructed delegates is assembling in Pittsburgh, America's steel center, to decide on a nation-wide steel strike...
...The International probably has the distinction of being the only union which has in such forceful way demonstrated its readiness to fight against any discriminations against race, color or any other prejudices which permeate the American scene, being equalled in this respect only by the Continental Congress and Socialist Party conventions...
...We^tpublish in both the Labor Section and the regular section accounts from observers on the ground of the situation in the steel district Again, as in 1919, the masters and their organs are beginning to lay down a heavy smoke screen...
...Teachers to Consider Schools' Plight at National Convention CHICAGO...
...The theme of the sessions will be "Educational Recovery," with particular stress on the responsibility of the teachers in the plight of the schools...
...The only employers in Danbury who have accepted the arbitration decision are the makers of Mallory and Emerson hats, Mr...
...HOSIERY WORKERS TO DECIDE THE American Federation of Hosiery Workers closed its fruitful anuual convention at Reading this week with the decision to subpit one of the most important projcts to a referendum of the membership...
...The convention also demonstrated its readiness to fight fascism the world over by starting out to raise a fund of $50,000 for anti-fascist activities and setting the example by giving the initial contribution of $0,000 towards this fund, which aids the anti-fascist movement in Italy, Germany and Austria, and particularly the underground trade union movement in Germany...
...the bosses are trying to minimize the walkout, at the same time that they are spending lots of money to smash B; the Big Four in the packing industry is planning to house and teed scabs—and men and women continue to augment the strikers' ranks...
...F. of L.) tad organizer of the strike, got the surprise of his non-radical life tte other day when a delegation of self-confessed lawyers walked into his office...
...Mike Tighe, 12-year-old president of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, awaits the gathering of representatives of 400,000 Iteel workers, who will confer and then decide on whether the workers will again engage the lords of steel and finance in spectacular battle...
...the rank and file workers and their spokesmen are heralded as Communists getting their orders from New York revolutionary moguls...
...Only the convention can decide that, on the basis of reports from the delegate...
...He did not deny that Labor must organise to gain any advantages under the NRA, but he stressed the fact that the NRA has by itself helped Labor a lot...
...And lawyers...
...Charles Solomon and the Socialist Lawyers' Association are defending them...
...Although clerical and shipping department employees almost unanimously signed the petition, few signatures were gotten from the plant workers...
...Practically all of the union shops in the Eastern area are completely tied up, Martin Lawlor, national secretary of the department, announced this week...
...Gulf States company officials passed petitions among their employees in an effort to ascertain those against the strike, which has been tentatively set for June 16th...
...The decision of 'the board was to be final, and would be accepted by both sides, according to the settlement...
...SOLONS SHIVER AT SANITY jDLOOD ran cold in Washington this week...
...Comrades will note that iaeustrial work—all the work of the party—must go on even though the Declaration of Principles is being vigorously debated and even though the proponents and opponents of the declaration are preparing for battle...
...For ten days the delegates have been threshing out the problems of the union in a forward-looking and militant way...
...Needless to say, credit is due in this case to the prompt action of the entire General Executive Board, with President Dubinsky at the head, for grasping this opportunity to give the labor movement an object lesson, in working class behaviour...
...Birmingham steel workers themselves could not predict today whether, the threatened nationwide strike wil extend into this deep Southern territory...
...Say, what's the racket...
...Though they are the weakest in all the codes, still they have given Labor a 40-hour week and a minimum wage of $12 to $13 to compare with the 55-hour week and a much smaller minimum prior to the "code...
...The affair, arranged by the Union Social and Educational Club of Williamsburg, will be a solidarity dance and entertainment...
...Birmingham lodges of the Amalgamated have not been informed from their national headquarters as yet whether., or not they will be expected to join without 0k mittlng this question to a vote * the membership, but .with wages and standards of employment as they are, it is hardly probable that they will not walk out...
...He also indicated that the union, with all iti efforts, could not have succeeded without NRA m becoming the strong union that it is today...
...Thus the workers themselves Will pass on'what the workers will be called upon to do...

Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 70

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