Party Notes ^ California Local San Francisco will hold n "weleonie home "linmiiirt for delegates to the national convention from that area Thursday, June 14, at 6:30, nt party headquarters,...
...54 0,961 Emma Henry...
...The candidates for N.E.C...
...M. Shall I<1...
...The vote for all candidates follows, with number of delegates and votes represented in parallel columns: Prank It...
...88 7,567 Herman Nelssner...
...41 4,646 John Panzner...
...Krzycki received 12,209 votes, with some scattering votes for Norman Thomas and a few blanks...
...votes representing a membership of 18,413 were cast, and election was by majority vote...
...50 5,977 John C. Packard...
...An Invitation to BRS has been extended to It...
...Other speaker...
...The annual picnic,of the Itav District SWference will be held Sunday, .tune 11 In Alvarado Park, Richmond, Gal...
...49 6,427 Jasper McU-vy...
...The votes cast represented 15,497 members, with 7,749 necessary to elect...
...and members, of Ihe state executive committee, who are holding their meeting In San Francisco the same week-end...
...l-ocal Onondaga elected officers for the local and delegates and alternates lo the state convention, us follows: Win...
...121 14,528 Darlington lloopes...
...93 10,435 John l'amnrr...
...Suturduy, June 10—Discussion on the results of the national convention, led by one of the delcgutes...
...August C.laessens has been In IWbestcr, Geneva...
...62 8,402 Forrest Wallace...
...48 6.190 James I...
...iliirducke as alternates lo (he slate convention... Is possible Hint the place 'for tonight's meeting may be shifted to Oneida... 12:20 p. m. New Jersey Essex County Local will bold u general membership meeting ut county headquarters, 1085 Uroud St...
...30 3,671 John McKay...
...67 8,802 Lillth M. Wilson...
...Autos and trucks will leave San Francisco party headquarters...
...PaUnon.—The monthly social of the Central Branch drew u full house May 26...
...The NewN.E.C...
...5 384...
...45 5.958 Al Benson...
...79 M01 Murray Huron...
...48 6,340 Devere Allen...
...A pleasant day was spent In hiking and singing...
...Sunnier, secretary j Willlumcttii C. Thompson, financial secretury-trcusureri John A. Johunsen, literature agent...
...lltlrn, II: Schenectady, 15...
...The three following, Murray Baron of New York, Glen Trimble of Massachusetts, and Herman F. Niessner of •New Jersey, were declared alternates as well by the N.E.C...
...on "Should We Stand for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat...
...Saturday, June 30—Business meeting...
...They Will •"•port on the deliberations of Hie rongntlon...
...48 6,200 McLevy ran tenth, but was a few rotes short of the necessary majority, and a further ballot was taken between him and Albert Sprague Coolidge, who was eleventh...
...State Organisers.—Wllllum K. Duffy Is In Troy nnd Is eviiecled to proceed to Johnstown nnd Gloversvllle after completing work In Rensselaer County...
...Plcnln will murk the kick-off of a.Wt*-wld« tour of Mllen Dempster, , Sj™n«fe for Governor, who will be ? principal spcokor...
...Auburn, Syracuse and Oswego Ibis week, nnd is expected to be in Cortland on Saturday evening...
...meets every Friday evening at party headquarters...
...128 15,351 Norman Thomas...
...Poughkeepsle, 10... its meeting on Monday...
...82 9,200 Albert S. Coolidge...
...84/ 7,461 George R. Klrkpatrlck...
...John O. llufT, John N. Washburn and Karl .1...
...will be no admission nor parking 'aifge...
...91 10,339 Sarah Mmbuch...
...All party members are Invited to attend...
...lloland Rurdlek, chairman...
...Oswego, 12...
...In the election for members of the N.E.C...
...Lowlier, organizer...
...Continued from Page Five) Socialist International, and a member of the N.E.C...
...Frank Crosswaith of New York snd Devere Allen of Connecticut were elected alternates to the...
...huiihiii, delegates to Central Committee at Ijirge...
...Newark, on Tuesday evening, June 12, for election of county officers, county secretary, organizer, treasurer, and six members of the county executive committee...
...69 8,103 Franz Daniel...
...for most of the time during the last fifteen years...
...89 7,681 Olen Trimble...
...Chiirney JJJfJJJ...
...A. Alan ('.lark, member Ji the state executive committee, and «, E. Porter, head of the party's literature, and speakers' bureaus...
...Jersey City llranch will h<sU a general discussion meeting Wednesday, June...
...Water town, 13...
...109 12,650 Dr...
...They were the only, candidates out of a list of eleven to poll a majority vote...
...Dnurlug will be free...
...On the run-off Coolidge won the place by a vote of 9,646 to 8,621...
...30 3,453 K. O. Welk...
...81 8,741 Devere Allen...
...92 10,420 James Oneal...
...80 8,773 Daniel \V...
...will be Jesse ffi*J*>ck, of Stockton, candidate for M^ffSmnt-Ooveriior...
...96 10,550 Powers Hapgood...
...Dorothy II...
...Autos will also meet the Uth Street train, at San Publo and Solano Avenues, Albany, from 9 a. in...
...Golden Gate and Strlner Streets, at 9:30 a. m., at low rates...
...Ills schedule for nexl week will be: Oneldn, 10...
...80 8,442 Frank R. Crosswulth...
...I.nwbrr and John A. Johunsen as delegates, nnd Earl J. Rnasrh and Gregory .1...
...received the following vote, the first figure representing the number of delegates and the second the votes they cast: Muynurd Krurger...
...Paterson Y.P.S.I...
...74 10,088 Louis Waldman...
...The Centrul Brunch announces the following program for Junr: Suturduy, June 9—A guest speaker will lecture on the City Manager form of government...
...B. Charney Vlaileck, who will In the stale nt the time, has been tiled to speak Sam White, manager •f the ClnakninkiW I-ocal of San I'ranJUco and member of the state excruw' eommlllee, will net ns rlinlrmun...
...Rome, .11...
...Sunday, Muy 27, the Joint trip of the Paterson and Pussulc Y.P.SX.'s was made to the Mldvulc cunip of the Nature Friends...
...Party Notes ^ California Local San Francisco will hold n "weleonie home "linmiiirt for delegates to the national convention from that area Thursday, June 14, at 6:30, nt party headquarters, Golden Gntr nnd Stelnrr Streets, Delegates who will be guests ?f honor are Mllen Dempster, candidate »r Governor...
...13, at 256 Centrul Ave., Jersey City, at 8 p. ni...
...New York State Syracuse...
...Suturduy, June 23 — Monthly social evening...
Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 69