Fruchter, Henry

Promotion Department Notes of Local N. Y. By Henry Fruchter UNITED SOCIALIST DRIVE NOW that the national convention is over, 1 want to urge all branches to make a last effort to bring the...

...Tursday, Junr 19...
...8th A. D. (220 Fast 10th St...
...3:30 p. 111...
...The Young Communists lost their enthusiasm when II appealed that they were In a inliiorltv and could not control the committee...
...Purpose to raise balance of United Socialist Drive quota...
...Dance to be I'o...
...Plans for building up Hie athletic phase of the Young Socialist movement are being pushed under the leadership of Athletic Director Irving YV...
...12th A. D.- An enrolled v6ters' meeting will be held this Friday evening...
...will consider the quertion of the best plan for utilizing Comrade Winter's personality and services in the cause of Austrian relief," and the Executive Secretary is requested "to get in communication with the 'Winter Committee' in New York for this purpose...
...June 13, 8:110 p. m., in the Band School, 7 Hast 13th St...
...A meeting will lie held in (he home of Cella Soman, II Hast 11181b St., on Friday...
...Ben Sllagilloll has been chosen contact man in the unemployid anion in our district...
...unless otherwise Indicated...
...I Further news of Msy 3(1 demonstrations comes from New Brunswick, N. J., where four students, our, from Rutgers College and tbrrr from thr New Jersey College for Women, were ejected from a Memorial Day paradr because thi cars in which thry were riding bore, in addition to right American dags, two signs reading: "We Students Want Pence "We did not want any peace propagauda in our parade," said the head of the paradr committer, despite his previous permission for thr group to participate...
...Bridge parly at hradquartrrs on Wednesday, Junr 27...
...The other youth groups continued In the committee ami paraded with Ihr Y.I'.S.L...
...Nlcotrl--3:30 p. IllVillage Branch, 2111 Sullivan Street...
...Branch meeting Monday, June II, 8:30 p. 111...
...The rates for camp accommodations are as follows: $16 per week for adults...
...June II, regular branch meeting, voting for delegates to the slate convention...
...8:30 p. in., at thr Party Order, 7 ICast l.dh St...
...Admission 35 rents...
...Herman Salt/mull will be the speaker...
...Branch executive committee niecta every Thursday evening at 7 o clock al lieadiiuartrrs... 8:30 p. m. Admission will be 2j cents...
...Empire Day Now Peace Day in Socialist London | ONDON...
...Socialist Forum Calendar (All meetings begin at 8:30 p. m...
...When the Labor *¦* Party controls the London County Council patriotic holidays are used for peace talks rather than for imperialist propaganda...
...Tuesday, Junr 28, Sldnry Hrrtibrrg will lecture on "Socialism In Scandinavia...
...Receiving a majority vote, Mrs...
...Merrill enrolled voters' meeting- 12th A. I...
...Socialist Party branches and members in possession of these stamp books are urged to settle for them with the least possible delay...
...All comrades are urged tn attend...
...And that's another thought for New Yorkers, especially with a liverful of warships in their backyard...
...A. G. Prichard who was on the committee which proposed the change, "denotes militarism...
...Sam Irlrtliiinn will be chairman, and another well-known speaker will br present...
...STATE CONVENTION DINNER The state convention will be held in New York June 30th and July 1st, and a dinner for the delegates and friends has been arranged, to be held at Labor Temple, 243 East 84th Street...
...Plans for the celebration of the new "Commonwealth Day" were listed in a circular gent out from County Hall...
...Branch will have a "Suppereltr" nn Saturday evening, June 10, ut which May Day paradr movie will be shown, and Boss Kaye, wellknown singer, will render several solos...
...Prominent leaders of the movement are expected to lead the discussion...
...Circle l...
...Thursday, June 21...
...Meeting of Circle Organizers, Juur Iff...
...1 Party Notes NEW YORK CITY City Eircativt Committee meeting nil Monday, June II...
...A gym class will be held at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 2111 Siiekuuiii St., Brooklyn, on Thursday, June 14, at 8 p. in., and every follow lux Thursday following that...
...Jacob Bernstein: "A Critical Analysis of Capitalism"- Fast ITatbush Branch, 53!l Fast Hath Street, Brooklyn...
...Shetpshead Bay (2061 Ave X...
...Admission 15 rents Flee refreshments and entertainment...
...Branch meeting .Monday, June 11, 8:30 p. in., at headquarters...
...June If, 8:30 p. in...
...A meeting of all unemployed Ylpsels will I,- held at the Hand School this Saturday at 2:30 p. in...
...The Labor Party, with its Socialist idealism, made a point of substituting the word "Commonwealth" which suggests the welfare of all for the former and more nationalistic name of the day...
...and President St...
...Julia Primoff Named For the Assembly Mrs...
...Final settlement cai all outst ending tickets...
...The very word Empire," says the Rev...
...JUNE II Herman Saltzinau: Topic to be announced- lith A. 1...
...Discussion on thr Darrow report on the NBA...
...Jamrs Oneal will Irrturr...
...Directions to the Brooklyn lerry: Churrhr Ave...
...8:30 p. in., short business no cling...
...The Y.C.L.'Ss-"appeal tn the lY.I'.S.L...
...BROOKLYN Mldwood (Mill Kings Highway, Boom ."ill.-Business meeting Monday, June 11, 8:30 p. ill...
...Brighten Beach Branch (1113 Brighton Beach Ave...
...In connection with the Austrian relief drive, it is noted with satisfaction that the tour of Comrade Max Wint,er of Austria will receive the cooperation of the National Executive Committee...
...Primoff's nomination was made unanimous... the Bronx Ijibor Center, Wis West Chester Ave., Bronx...
...I 'Inns for the future Include a city wide trick meel to be held September <| a) Hire Stadium 111 I'elliiiiu May Park, and also activities in other sports...
...Instructions and assignments for activity will be given !Iii-iii at that time...
...Itepurl of canvassers...
...Three candidates were named, Mrs...
...Ballots tn be on hand, also ballots for election of delegates and alternates to the coming stute convention...
...Voting on referendum and for delegates to the state convention will take place...
...It i.« anticipated that the dinner will be well attended and that an interesting program will be arranged...
...Tuesday, June 12, discussion of national convention by William M. Felgeiibauni and others...
...Thursday, June 28...
...i * Activities fur the summer mouths are being pushed under the direction of die new activities committee consisting I' Bid) Parker...
...Voting for delegates to state convention...
...Hi riant XI...
...Will C.hasan...
...Empire Day," an annual holiday for the glorification of the might of the Empire, was celebrated in London County Council schools this year as "Commonwealth Day..., short business meeting to bo followed by discussion on the resolutions of the national convention submitted for referendum... Saturday evening, June 9, ut HI Plerrepont St...
...June 8, at 8:311 p. in...
...Comrade Soman will lead a discussion on a topic of vital interest to women, BRONX 2nd A. D. (1 Cast lti/tli St.I...
...The camp will be under the management of H. Feldman, who for many years has had experience in conducting hotels in the Catskill Mountains and Lakewood...
...Branch, 083 Allerton Ave., Bronx...
...and Loiran St., one block from Highland Park...
...Village (201 Sullivan St...
...Italian Branch to Honor Memory of Matteotti Sunday The tenth anniversary of tb/ assassination of Giacomo Matteotti by the Italian Fascisti will be commemorated by the Italian1 branches in New York city Sunday, June 10, at 3:30, at the headquarters of the tillage Branch...
...All out for ihr anti-Nail street Hireling at Ave...
...Very important...
...6th A. D. 1083 Allerton Ave...
...Speakers: Prof...
...wl" mnt ,,v,1>' "liter work at (drli* Cuniinrrrlal High School, Clasion Avr...
...Mh-"lh A. D. (310 Sumner Ave...
...and Ave...
...They were told to regard their conduct for the day as a family affair, and not as an opportunity to give vent to feelings of racial •uperiority...
...With competent counselors, excellent food and other accommodations, the camp offers very attractive rates for children without the attendance of parents...
...Bigular meeting Tuesday, June 12, at 8:311 p. ill...
...Nlcotrit and Jacob Panken...
...Sinn Tnlniiirh, Jerry Coleman, Hal Draper, Alev Itet/kln, Pllll Heller and H. (1...
...Those Interested will meet in front of the Y.M.C.A...
...Every branch should accept a substantial allotment of tickets...
...There will also be nominations for branch ofllcers...
...Monday... the Hand School...
...anniversary dance will be held at Hit 1'tlea Ave., near Church Ave., on Saturday, June 23...
...Meeting of Manhattan Borough ('.nun cil al thr Baud 'School, June 0, at 2 p. in...
...Boosevelt Ave., near Main St., Flushing...
...A' °.l >M,I» »«y l'ii-kwny)._A sroclal meeting will br hrld Tuesday, June 12, at which Comrade llroiirberg, drlegate to the convention, will report... 11 a. in...
...Notes The second city-wide League hike will be hrlil Sunday, June 21, to Silver Lake, Statin Island...
...children with parents, $10 a week...
...Efforts are being made to make this the grandest affair of its kind, and visitors will enjoy the finest program of entertainment...
...A special Children's Colony is an important feature of the camp, for children 7 to 14 years...
...School teachers were requested not to introduce any jingoism into their celebrations...
...Branch, Fthlii Culture Society, .'pllll First St., Brooklyn...
...It need hardly be emphasized that all loyal members of the party will respond to the call for financial assistance and will return their subscription lists as quickly is possible...
...Do not forget garden party mid dance Saturday, June 10, for flic rent...
...Reservations should be made in advance to insure best accommodations...
...220 Fast I (it h Street...
...Downtown (157 Montague St...
...Bianch officers are urged to make immediate returns of all .money in their possession...
...The price per plate will be $1...
...X. This series will continue until July...
...Klein: "I'ronleins of Culoii Organization"- 8th A. I...
...Branch, 226 East loth Street...
...Cirrle I. Sr., Bronx, the oldest circle In the Bronx, will celebrate ten years of Socialist activity with a tenth anniversary daurr on Saturdav, June .'Ml...
...Comrade Primoff, who is a fine speaker, is a member of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, of the League of Women Voters and of other forward looking organizations...
...week-ends, $3.50 per day...
...l.nro led voters' meeting will be held on Monday, Juno IN, 8:30 p. in., In the new branch headquarters al thr above address...
...Domenico Saudlno Is In charge' of arrangements...
...Voting on national referendum and delegates In the state convention...
...LOCAL NEW YORK PICNIC The annual picnic of the party will take place at Ulmer Park on July 28...
...Meeting of Manhattan and Brooklyn industrial Directors at thr Rand School, June \t, at :i p. in... Jamaica Ave...
...Promotion Department Notes of Local N. Y. By Henry Fruchter UNITED SOCIALIST DRIVE NOW that the national convention is over, 1 want to urge all branches to make a last effort to bring the Drive to a close by collecting their quotas as promptly as possible...
...State Secretary of New York, will be thr principal speaker...
...JUNE 12 Jacob Bernstein: "A (ilinipse al the Union of .South Africa" — Flushing Branch, Boom 221, Terminal Building...
...Herbert M. Merrill...
...Final balloting on delegates to Hie state convention...
...Brooklyn, will likewise hold a celebration dance, although it Is somewhat younger than Its Bronx sister...
...201 Sullivan St...
...A "ten-Star" celebration is promised at the cost of Jij, rents a star, or 25 cents altogether...
...Voting for delegates to the state convention and on majority and minority reports will take place...
...Comrade Abraham Weinberg is in charge of its arrangements, and all branches have been circularized in that regard...
...A series of open-air lectuces Is being held everv Thursday evening ut the corner or least 22nd St...
...Ilasehall practice for Hrooklyn Ylpsels will he held this Sunday, June III...
...Professor Nlcotri will deliver the principal address in Italian and Jacob Panken will be the principal speaker in I English...
...Julia Primoff, active worker in the Benaonhurst branch of the party and chairman of the Unemployed Union of Bensonhurst, was named for Assembly by th* 16th A. D. Brooklyn at a large and enthusiastic meeting Monday night...
...Branch meetings are held on the tlrst and third Momlavs at Til Fast Math St...
...After Hie uuit>-splitting role of the Young Communist League played in the attempts In arrange a united Youth Demoiislrutlnn against war and fascism on May ,'l(l In New York, news of their tactics 111 San Francisco are particularly Interesting, showing once again thrlr lack or sincerity In appeals for "lulled Fronts...
...I" . Beginning Monday, June !• • ..r?n.r...
...17th-lSth-20th A. I...
...For it was a desire to enlarge the British Empire that caused the building in the nineteenth century of the British Navy...
...Bronx, will hold a dance on June 9th at 34">1 dies Place in the auditorium of the Sholoni Alechlm House...
...Lowea (th A. D. (1137 Ward Ave...
...7(h A. D. 1789 l-.lsnrcrr Place...
...Far members only...
...Thr hriiijrh nicrts rvrry Monday_ rvriilng In lis new lv do .arVrs...
...This yearly picnic has become an important institution in our party and serves the financial and social needs of our membership...
...8:311 p. in., business meeting...
...School children, formerly encouraged to wave flags and sing "Rule Brittania," were told to make it a day of rest and encouraged to spend the day with their families...
...Branch 1 1269 t'tiea Ave...
...alio moving pictures will be shown of thr May Day and No More War "parades...
...1 Thr representatives of the Y.K.I...
...of San Francisco for-a united parade on May :ill was answered In llielnHlniiatlve and hy an appeal to uoii Stalinlte Communist youth groups, church youth groups and student organization* In join tin- parade committee...
...Brooklyn and Querns Yipsrls will meet either at South Fenny or ill the 3!»th Street Kerry at III ii...
...AUSTRIAN SOCIALIST RELIEF It is gratifying to report that the branches of the Workmen's Circle throughout the country are responding splendidly to the Austrian itlief appeal...
...Junr 8, at 8:30 o'clock, in the lvthical Culture Society Building, 500 First St...
...Women's Section...
...Who withdrew from the united front were Dave Lynns anil Olela O'Connor, renegade .Socialists who Irft thr Y.I'.S.L...
...A boxing class will be held along with the class under the direction of professlonal boxing instructors...
...City Central Committee meeting on Wednesday...
...A resolution which received the unanimous approval of the national convention in Detroit reads, in part, as follows: ". . . The incoming N.E.C...
...Circle U, Sr...
...18th A. D...
...CAMP EDEN The official camp opening will take place the week-end of June 23rd...
...FRIDAY, JUNE 8 (lertrude \V...
...Begular branch meeting Tuesday, June 12, al 8:30 p. in...
...A. and 7th St...
...Further inquiries may be addressed to the Socialist Party, 7 East 15th Street...
...June 9, red strawberry festival, 8:30 p. m. Sunday, June 10, Mutteotti memorial meeting, commemorating tenth miniversary of MattcotU's assassination...
...Brunch meeting Tuesday, June 12...
...A special program of music and entertainment is being arranged, as well as a discussion of problems affecting the Socialist Party...
...Primoff, Harold Siegel and Sarah Frank...
...Up to date only six branches have fully met their quotas, fifteen have broaght in substantial portions thereof, and more than half of the branches have done very little toward meeting their responsibility...
...FRIDAY, JUNE IS Herman Saltzinau: "l-ossons to Be Learned From the Furopeun Situation" 8th A. I...
...Their Mrs...
...August (ierber will report on the national convention...
...A small number of Austrian stamp books are being returned by branches who have made direct donations before, but the majority of the branches are sending in relief checks...
...MANHATTAN tth A. D. 190 Ave...
...street ear to last Mop or the Sea Uracil or West Fnd Miiiway to lltlth St...
...lrlday, June 22, no meeting...
...Camp Eden is easily accessible to New York, not more than an hour and a quarter from Grand Central Depot...
...JUNE 10 Mattentti Memorial Meeting Jacob I'ankeii and I'rof...
...because the .Socialist Parly refuted to Join a unllcdj lonl with the Communists...
...New York anil llronx Ylpsels will inert to hike over this new territory at South Ferry at III ii...
...Branch meeting Tuesday, June VI, at 8:30 p. ill., at liead<|uarlers...
...Thr enrolled voters In thr dlstrirt liuvr hern canvassed and a large turn-out Is expected...
...After thrlr maneuver of attempting to bring In enough non-youth Communist groups to gain control, thrv Irft the committee and held thrlr own demon stratlon..., as Ihey wish...
...ami then walk Ihree blocks east...

Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 69

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