Charter Commission Begins Work Thomas Moves for Proportional Representation IAN opening advantage for tlie ¦ Soc'alist positions on the; Charter Revision Committee was ;f jcored last week...
...This is something fundamental in nature, much more important than, proportional representation...
...1 f Thomas ..was named as head of ; the sub-committee on Proportional Representation, where it v is expected that his proposals will be of oonsiderable weight...
...It may be unavoidable that Jones Beach—as well as Heckscher Park, Hither Hills and the other fine state parks on Long Island— are rather expensive for ordinary New Yorkers, geography being what it is...
...But by the very fact of his class, his wealth and his political affiliations he indicates that it has not penetrated that those who need relief and gurcease from the agonies of a torrid summer are just those who cannot afford to pay . . . The city is a hell for those who cannot afford those things easily at the disposal of those who have means...
...but to have cool and delightful air conditioning one needs money...
...The city can be a paradise even in the summer for all...
...A. (Jebiner, executive secretary, has sent a letter to Stanislaus I'atek, Polish A'ntl>assador at Washington, protesting against anti-Semitic, activity in some of the larger cities < f Poland...
...The plan advanced by Norman "»mas and the Socialists offers 'Wing on the party list system, •ittllar to that used in German MWIons prior to Hitler...
...It is a beautiful city and a delightful one even in the most torrid summer weather—but you have to have means to enjoy its beauties...
...One must have neans...
...Organizations Line Up to Support Picnic ____________ f jyiORE than thirty organizations have already responded by ordering tickets for the annual Grand Picnic of New York's Socialist and Labor movement...
...Charter Revision Committee was ;f jcored last week when Norman ^h...
...Many colorful attractions are being arranged to provide interesting entertainment at the park...
...members are therefore urged to come as early in the evening as possible...
...The seashore itself is a fine thing—but Coney Island and Rockaway merely duplicate crowded" slum conditions, with hordes swarming over beaches and going "home at night irritated and cross, with squalling babies and petulant children...
...but with means one can enjoy the comforts and the beauties of the metropolis...
...It is expected that the meeting will be opened at 8 p. m, sharp...
...It is also a terrible city under certain conditions...
...Practically every day they pdblish appeals to organize attacks on the Jewish population...
...The charter we" have today isn't such a bad one...
...The letter charges that an organization called 'the "Nara" has been formed for the expres8 purpose of making pogroms in the principal cities of Poland...
...It is all a matter of economics...
...No one, however, will be admitted without showing paid-up membership cards in tlie party...
...L This difficulty is not insurmountiMe, as the Fusion reformists are 'eommitted to proportional reprewntation, and a number of liberal Democrats are included on the Wmmittee.of 28...
...The same Robert Moses whose fine vision gave us Jones Beach and the rest of the Long Island Park system is now Park Commissioner of New York...
...Organizations can secure more detailed information by applying to A. N, Weinberg, aecretary of the arrangements committee, at room 408, 7 E. 15th St., of call ALgoriqujn 4-2fi20...
...Under it, H* ballot is cast for a complete intyWlde slate and the number of Jay^Mates elected is determined by lw» proportion of the total votes throughout the city...
...The attacks on the Jewish population began in the larger cities—Warsaw, Lodz, Lemberg, Wilno, Bialistok, and spread to the provinces...
...and that means parking fees...
...The meeting promises to be one of the most significant gathering* of our local movement and a large attendance is expected...
...Branches interested in securing speakers are ryiked to communicate with the secretary, Comrade Bruno Zamparo, 52-56 Stagg St., Brooklyn, SOCIALIST GUARDS Baseball team meet* Sunday, Junq 10, at 10 A. M., at Macomba Dam Park, lfllst Street end Jerome Ave (Yankee Stadium...
...There are plenty of homes with | air conditioning, in which one need not suffer the torture of the damned...
...For New York can be a very devil of a place when it gets hot and the humidity goes up...
...The limited size of the Auditorium will make it necessary to close the doors Ht a comparatively early hour...
...Most really wealthy people are away in the summer, in the mountains or abroad, at the seashore or at sea...
...Charter Commission Begins Work Thomas Moves for Proportional Representation IAN opening advantage for tlie ¦ Soc'alist positions on the...
...But it will be noted that one of Mr...
...The arrangements committee, of which Emil Bromberg ii chairman, offers all organizations who participate the opportunity of realizing funds for their local treasuries or other special funds by selling thorn blocks of tickets-at extremely low rates, giving each organization the means of realizing the greater part of the income from the sale of tickets to their friends and members...
...I "Broadening and defining the economic powers of the city is a "much more important matter than proportional representation," Thomas asserted, "as far as the future progress of the paty is concerned though the achievements of proportional representation is very .important...
...But to get to Jones Beach one must have a car...
...Socialist* from the Bronx, Manhattan, Kings and other boroughs are invited to attend this meeting and to be ready to present their membership card* in order to enjoy admission...
...The government takes no steps to stop them...
...and on top of that the not-so-low costs there, which means that to enjoy the wonderful socialized playground one must give up a full day and be at least a cut above the level of a wage worker, for a wage worker cannot afford those fine pleasures at their present costs...
...Committee Formed to Train Speakers in Italian...
...It is all a matter of means...
...The resolution, which was passed at the second meeting of the committee last Tuesday, looks forward to the definite inclusion in the charter of such important economic : questions as municipal housing, public relief, and ownership and , operation of public utilities and services, laying down the power of the government in these fields... must not be victim of the crowded, airless and too often insanitary tenements :hat house so large a portion of jur population...
...jjBgf mucn Importance should' XwHRplietd on proportional rep* B^WWfcn,'' Tttortas warned In in interview...
...Tha Jewish Labor Committee protesti against the passive attitude of the Polish government, and demand* that the Polish government shall immediately take all th* necessary stent to stop the anti-Semitic oat* breaks and attaekrupon the Jewiik mastes...
...A City of Dreadful Heat -By w. m. f' IVJKING the past week of torrid weather millions of New Yorkers have begun their annual spell of extreme suffering i f tin heat...
...Socialists know better...
...JEWISH WORKERS DENOUNCE BLOODY POGROMS IN POLAND "TPHF Jewish Lalrrr Committee through B. C. Vladeck...
...On the other hand, the government censors do not permit the Jewish press, especially the Jewish labor press, to publish* full reports of these anti-Semitic outbreak...
...There are two Polish dajly newspapers published in Warsaw entirely devoted to anti-Semitic propaganda...
...But one must be free of slavery to the transit lines with their steaming crowds...
...It is all a matter of who runs the city—and for whom...
...They know that substantially the lame conditions will continue to exist aa long as capitalism does...
...heat to the breeze's of the'sWa or Trills...
...Even ordinary Informative items about these outbreak...
...Joseph Raskin, secretary, and Henj...
...This would be the inclusion of a plank allowing party affiliations to be noted opposite the names of candidates, thus permitting voters to <lit their ballots for principles llther than persons...
...This committee was formed for the purpose of supplying branches that need them speakers and lecturers in Italian, and Italian comtades to help In organization drives in Italian neighborhoods...
...Hearings of the sub-committees will be held at more frequent intervals and will be open to the public...
...However, he pointed out, much of his fight will J h devoted to achieving approval jpf the idea of proportional reptev Station...
...And not so long afterward the same Moses imposed a twenty-five cent tax for parkers in the public parks...
...Socialists wi that there is more to city^govJpnent than efficient administra|JR, maintaining that municipal fMlrs'are closely bound to state )W national policies and parties...
...New York is a beautiful city— in spots...
...At every anti-Semitic outbreak the police appears after the attack has been well started, and arrests, in many cases, all who dare to oppose the hoodlums...
...He has such vision that he h able to indicate the fact that we have the material things needed to make life endurable and wholly enjoyable even in the summer...
...The present charter would not be so very bad if the Socialists were governing "The reformers think that the trouble with the government is that the city has an old charter, and if the charter is fixed the government will be good...
...He is a man of vision, but it appears to be limited by the fact that he is a wealthy man...
...Emphasis should be placed on the proposals for broadening the economic powers of the city...
...Moses' first acts was to evict a lot of squatters from Pelham Bay Park without caring what happened to ihem or where they could find habitations...
...i Among the organizations that have thus far ordered tickets are numerous branches of the Workmen's Circle, Socialist Party branches, Trade Unions, as well as friendly benevolent soeieties...
...Although the Polish government is not officially a part ef the anti-Semitic attack, it nevertheless must be held responsible for these violent outbreaks of anti-Semitism...
...r Although the Hare proportional Itpresentation system is opposed if Socialists on the ground that it tittmpts to eliminate parties and party principles from municipal (lections, Thomas pointed out that ¦with ari important modification this plan might be acceptable to Socialist...
...Several of the old party libers of his committee, it was pointed out, are opposed ot it...
...The government lacks no means to suppress these ' attacks, if determined to stop them...
...In many of the smaller cities the Jews do not dare to show themselves in the streets, or to open and conduct their business...
...Comrades or branches that are in a'position to appeal to Italian workers but are handicapped because of a lack of Italian speakers, organizers, etc.^ will be glad to hear I of the" formation of the Comfptto SocihlUta Metropolitan/) (Metropolitan Socialist Committee...
...mas forced through a re.-oTution calling upon the sub-committee on Plan and Scope to study the broadening and exten' sion of the economic p: wers of the municipal government...
...are confiscated, "The Jewlih tabor Committee, which represents the organised Jewiah labor mattes of tht United j States, strongly protests against the attacks directed against the Jewlrh population in Poland...
...David Dubinsky, treasurer...
...Wedne§day, June 18th, 7:30 P. M., 22 East 22nd Street—Indoo* Drill...
...The Long Island Park System has shown something of the benefits of planned recreation in such resorts as the beautiful playground at Jones Beach...
...Sunday, June 17th—Hold open for full-day affair—Guardsmenwait for further instructions, Attendance at all Sociallat Guard meeting compulsory...
...Meetings of the Charter Revision Committee will be held weekly from now until August 1, when the task of writing the new charter is expected to be completed...
...The puipose of the meeting is to listen to reports of delegates from New York on the proceedings of the Detroit convention...
...Meeting June 14 To Discuss Convention AGENERAL membership meeting of the Socialist Party of Local New York will take place on Thursday evening, June 14, in the Debs Auditorium, 7 East 15th St...
...Though it has a place in our government its chief value is as a builder of the Socialist Party...
...Whether the sub-committee will include these proposals in the charter iB not certain...
...The letter follows: "A special Polish organization called 'The Nara' (Narodova Rohotvicza Oioanizatzia) was foimed, with the slogan: 'Beat and insult the Jews.' Their membership counts many thousands, most of whom are anti-Semitic youths...
...The picnic is scheduled to take place on Saturday, July 28th, at Ulmer Park, Brooklyn...
...A motor car^—or c'ars-*-will help to get away in a~ liurry* frem the streets of shijtfn^iing...
Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 69