Strike Threat Wins Gain For Textile Workers; Oil Labor Gets Concessions By Observer Our Washington Correspondent QKGA„NIZKD workers in two great 'industries— oil and cotton textiles—won...

...More than 4,000 people jammed Masonic Temple to welcome the union leaders... many butchers and meat imployees on strike, the deof meat supplies to rehotels and restaurants is crippled and business has feeling the effects keenly, •s call attention to the fact mployees average only $18 It, with wages of the Big lackers much lower than the litpendents...
...In return, the United Textile Workers called off the strike, scheduled for June 4. Textile labor's larger voice in code matters is to be given by appointment of a representative of employees on the Labor Advisory Board by the Secretary of Labor...
...President MaMahon naturally put the best face on the agreement...
...A system of conference is established, with [ provisions for arbitration, if need[ ed, at the end of negotiations on a I basis to be determined by the chief executive of the oil corporation and the head of the American Federation of Labor...
...1 The Regional Labor Board is at¦japting to intervene, and has •Hkcd the union to confer...
...Last week a nation-wide strike loomed, called by the United Textile Workers of America in protest against a 25 per cent curtailment of machine hours in the cotton textile mills...
...Furthermore, he agreed to investigate hour and wage conditions in the industry, with a view to correcting evils of which the workers complain...
...The oil workers may find they cannot obtain justice without strikes, in which case undoubtedly they will stop work...
...Reprekrtatives of the big packing houses m Swift, Armour, Cudahy and Won, as well as independent meat tftiesalera, are also invited...
...Textile experts here say a strike would have worked right in with the production curtailment plans of the textile industry, which has a large surplus of goods unsold...
...One victory the delegate*'have already won without leaving the Windy City—although not exactly (Continued en Page Three) Hat Union Board Cites Outstanding Membership Gains pHICAGO.—The membership of ^ the Cap and Millinery Union is double what it was in its most pcosperous period, and four times as large as it was during the worst period of the depression, President Ma* Zaritsky informed the general executive board in session last this city...
...What the union wants is real collective bargaining, and over 100,000 members are willing to do battle for that right...
...Stickel is right...
...In the words of a rank-and-file committee, "all hell will break loose" if the bosses don't give in...
...Union demands include union (cognition, closed shop, a 40-hour leek and a living wage scale, forkers in flour houses serving lit packers are also being urged o strike...
...It is difficult to see what more they could have gained by a strike, at this time, if indeed they had gained as much...
...Now this exposure is to be made without the losses and suffering of a strike, it is pointed out...
...In the meantime, they have made gains without striking and are given an opportunity to extend and strengthen their organization against a time when it may become necessary to do more than negotiate...
...To Fight en All Frosts The establishment of a single international union in the headgear industry, as a result of the amalgamation of the Cloth Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers' International Union with the United Matter* of North America, has made it possible to wage a fight on all fronts...
...But it marks progress, the textile workers believe—and they | ought to know more about it than their armchair critics...
...The strike in the nation's cotton textile industry, which waa to have started Monday,* was called off by the i United Tsitlle Worlcsrs 3,500 Meat Workers Out On Strike JAVER 3,600 meat workers in New p/ York City are out on strike Hjtywing the call of the Amalfjitauited Meat Cutters and Butcher Iferkera of America, AFoL affiliHK Effective peaceful picketing is nut conducted by the union in Mwhattan, Bronx and Brooklyn...
...In addition, membership of the Cotton Textile National Industrial Relations Board is to be -increased by one representative of employers and one representative of employees...
...ijISprade Altman pointed out that ijjWS time a new policy regarding •jWlst activity in the unions hnd iip» followed, resulting in the folJP't achievements: helping win "M?Wry for the progressive forces \m£* dressmakers' union...
...Carolyn Wolfe of Los Angeles, J. Uchitel of Cleveland, George Baer of St...
...To Get Greater Voice As a result of a series of conferences between the textile workers and General Johnson and other NRA officials, Johnson agreed to give employees of the textile industry more of a voice in code operation and administration...
...The situation in the cap industry received special treatment, and plans were made for the launching of a nation-wide campaign to unionize the industry and improve the conditions of* the workers...
...It will affect thej few smaller markets, since the union itself has established the reduction in hours by collective tnd individual agreements with the employers...
...Concessions won by the textile workers are of the most importance, as they affect an entire industry...
...Summarized, the decisions were: To call a general strike in the cotton dress industry for a 35-hour week and other conditions, the date to be left to the discretion of the incoming general executive board...
...There was no strike threat in the oil industry beyond the potential strike which looms whenever "Brother Capital" and "Brother Labor" sit down to negotiate...
...k thousand packing plant and Wdyards workers are on strike • Oklahoma City, forcing a virtual rtmdstill of activity in the "Pack-) isjwwn" yards...
...As a matter of fact, maay textile mills would have actually welcomed a strike as an excuse to shut down altogether...
...This to be investigated and reported on within 10 days...
...To call a general strike in the blouse industry, in the Chicago white goods industry, the Baltimore, Montreal and Toronto cloak industries, the Fifth Avenue specialty shops...
...and numerous internal disputes 'JSP** unions...
...President Thomas F. McMahon of the United Textile Workers and othejr officers hailed the agreement aa marking the "beginning of a new day for the rttton textile workers...
...Heretofore, the company union ha$ been dominant in the industry...
...Every umbrella Worker is urged to attend the affair in Debs Audtiroum, 7 East 15th St., which building alio houses the headquarters of the onion...
...What increase, if any, if wage rates is possible...
...Demands include $40 'imk for boxmen, $36 to $38 for tftn, $85 for drivers, and $28 for nfcri...
...There is no indication, that they have even remotely savored of a revolutionary aim...
...The onion is conducting a vigorilttnonstration against the concerns, and the meat men eady sending in hurry calls lice "protection...
...These are the main things for which labor everywhere has been fighting...
...The textile workers asked a straight 30-hour week, instead of the 40-hour week set by the code, with no reduction in pay...
...But the steel workers have learned from the autofnohile settlement, and they're on the job...
...Is it less than 80 pef cent Reviewing the phenomenal' adVance of the organization, the control it now exert* in all millinery market*, the numerous struggles that had to be »aged to establish union conditions and recognition, President Zaritsky declared that the goal of a completely unionized industry is now in sight, with the workers enjrying benefits that had been their aim ever since the founding of the organization 30 years ago...
...Announcement was made that under the new code for the millinery industry, final action on which will be taken next week in Wash-1 ington, the 36-hour week will be made effective...
...Not much of an incrase in labor representation, the carpers will say...
...The chances are that Mr...
...The Wilson and knwnr companies and the Oklakcu National Stockyards Commif are affected by the walkout • (Continued on Page Two) Welalist Leagues Weigh Activities...
...Entertainment will be offere...
...Oil Labor Gets Concessions By Observer Our Washington Correspondent QKGA„NIZKD workers in two great 'industries— oil and cotton textiles—won concessions this week without striking, though in the case of textiles a strike w^as threatened...
...By a decision of the international executive board, the organization of all workers in the men's hat industry and in the cap industry will be undertaken in the near future, while drives are being mapped to complete the millinery workers' organization by unionizing the smaller millinery markets...
...One representative of the employees is also to be appointed labor adviser to Government members on the Cotton Textile Code Authority, the goversing body of the code...
...To Probe Conditions The investigation of labor conditions will be made by the NRA Division of Planning and Research, in conjunction with the revised Industrial Relations Board.1 The investigation will include: What productive machine hours ar.e necessary to meet normal needs...
...Paul, Minn...
...Some of the itter have already signed up...
...The Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel aijd Tin Workers, A. F. of L. affiliate, spurred on by a convention decision to fight and by a rank-and-file sentiment that will shy aft no obstacles, is going ahead with plans for a general strike June 16...
...The same thing applies to the textile workers...
...To call a general strike in the knitted outerwear industry in New York when contracts expire July 15, with non-union groups both there and in Philadelphia to be affected... a good band, juvenile performers and the Rebel Arts Players...
...This investigation and report, of outstanding im-1 portance to the textile workers, is to be made within 14 days...
...Among the markets inrived are the Fort Lee, the Westchester (Bronx), the West Washington, and the Fort Green (Brooklyn...
...Wbot Price Strike...
...It will similarly result," they said, "in the exposure of the evils in the industry and create the machinery for an unbiased investigation of conditions, including wages, hours, machine load and code violations...
...It will stand by its own "employe-representation plans," which mean_x0mpany unions and the open shop...
...If they find the agreement made with Gen...
...6. W. Sheppard, international rn organizer, reports that 30 wholesale plants, 40 wholesale (dependents and 150 independent •alers are tied up...
...The first two days of the board meeting were occupied with the receipts of reports from members coming from the various centers...
...1,1,.' .¦ '„ 'ii Steel Strike Threatens as Bosses Resist WASHINGTON...
...In the steel industry, however, where a tremendous growth in unionism has kept pace with a similar growth in the militancy of the union, refusal of the magnates in the steel and iron industry to consider the union's claims for recognition put a stop to all efforts at conciliation...
...Map Out Program |\N enthusiastic delegation repref* senting eight Socialist Leagues In New York City Unions met refttntly to evaluate their accomplish¦tnts and to plan for the future...
...On Thursday evening the entire board went to Milwaukee to be the guests at a mass meeting of the new local there, and on Frldajsl night the members went to Cleveland, where a mass meeting and a banquet was arranged in honor of the delegation...
...What winning of the undisputed and unqualified right to collective bargaining may lead to In the end is another story...
...Numerous strikes had to be waged, some prolonged and bitterly contested, but all resulting in victory for the union...
...Johnson does not redress their grievances, they can take strike action, when the time seems most propitious and success is most likely...
...N. Spector and Max Goldman, representing Millinery Locals 24 and 42, and S. Hersbkowitz, representing Cap Makers Local 1, New York City...
...Steel men are adamant and some observers expect the President to attempt direct intervention, as hdid in the automobile dispute, with a special board similar to the auto , industry's, in the offing...
...Chief gains from a strike at this time would probably have been an exposure of labor evils in the textile mills, union leaders say...
...locals OrowlM Los Angeles and Milwaukee arej the newest organizations, while the growth of the Chicago locals ( since the general strike of last summer reflected in the attendance' at a mass meeting held in honor of the board...
...Despite the militancy shown in recent strikes, they have been purely and solely to gain the right of collective bargaining, the right to have a "say" in hours, wages and working conditions...
...We are particularly fortunate in gaining our ends without a fight...
...leadrM.«*** %ht against a former ..JW*M oft the bosses who tried iJygytwa.' leadership in the mjjkook workers' union...
...President Green of the A. F. i of L. hailed the agreement as a "treaty of industrial peace" and said it provides machinery for the stttlement of disputes" in such a manner as to secure justice for the workers without compelling ' them to resort to strikes...
...Campaigns were mapped out among workers of various nationalities covering diverse angles of the women's garment industry in a far-flung determination to bring as many toilers on women's apparel under the union's jurisdiction as possible...
...Louis, J. Roberts and S. Winn of Chicago, and M. Bergstein of Toronto reported for their respective cities, while reports were received from locals at Montreal, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Atlanta, Ga., and St...
...Is Green Too Optimistic...
...Repot after report showed the spirit of loyalty which enabled the onion to overcome every obstacle...
...It is of interest in connection with oil workers' agreement that R. H. Stickel, -representing the union, said that "labor In the oil industry can feel for the first time that it has gained the objective for which it has been striving...
...In April of this year the paidup membership approached the 30,000 mark for just the cap and millinery dspartmenta, fhe growth of the membership, the board was told, was accompanied by the unionization of every one of the large millinery markets...
...J*bor committse had also '¦¦¦•tvaluable aid to the taxiMany General Strikes Ok'd By ILGWU (By Special SUIT Carmpoiidriil) £HlCAUO.—The biennffcl conven^tion of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, having listened to a full measure of speeches of every kind, got down to business in its second week...
...The union has a herculean -job on its hand when this convention ends, but the spirit of the delegates seems to be so mighty that no task assigned can frighten them...
...Drawing room revolutionists who love to advise the workers struggling for a living in the shops, factories and mills, will say the workers should have gone on strike...
...This objective is the assurance of its right to be heard and of a fair decision on its demands...
...The American Steel and Iron Institute ia determined not to recognize unionism...
...The agreement, between the Consolidated Oil Corporation, holdiag concern for the Sinclair companies, and the revived International Association of Oil Fields, Gas Well and Refinery Workers, sets up machinery for the adjustment of disputes without strikes...
...To organize Chinese dressmakers in San Francisco, Mexican and Japanese garment workers on the ('oast, and native needle workers in Porto Rico...
...Louis Hendin...
...In some cases, the degree of unionisation is 100 per cent, while.In no center...
...Facing Nhe threat of huge strikes in two major industrial fields, steel and textiles, the government succeeded in averting one—the textile walkout...
...Green may be unduly opti¦ mistic...
...Only this, they contended, would prevent widespread suffering among the textile workers during the twelve weeks the curtailment program will be in effect...
...Fourteen members of the board, representing all the major millinery centers, attended the sessions, which began on Monday and concluded on Thursday...
...To call a general strike in the corset and brassiere industry, and in the house dress trade...
...helping (plssts racketeers and gangsters • * toooklyn painter's local...
...If it bad been the beginning of a busy season, a strike would have been another matter i and might have meant big gains for the workers, if backed by a strong organization and efficiently conducted...
...mA Altaian, secretary of the labor Jjaamittee of the party, reported •Mesne of its major activities durXy** Pafit four months under the ii<Nfcanship of Dr...
...UMBRELLA UNION DANCE A dance will be run this Friday night (June 8) by the United Umbrella Workers' Union (Local 19,104 AFoL) to raise funds to continue the union's successful organization drive...
...Your columns aren't big enough and broad enough to give anything like a detailed story of what has been happening here unless you get out a special supplement on the convention, but you must take note of the following highlights: Organization drives and general strikes were ordered or sanctioned in half a dozen industries and industrial centers...
...In the oil industry, concessions won by the workers affect only the 15,000 employees of the Sinclair companies, but they mark the first agreement on a national scale between employers and independently organized workers in' the industry and may be the entering wedge to many similar agreements...

Vol. 17 • June 1934 • No. 68

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