Freedom Is Won For Two Wronged Men T W O remarkable cases were decided during the past week, iii !noih of which prominent Socialist attorneys figured prominently. In N e w Vork Charles...

...g a n i z e l by building trades unions in Pennsylvania and N e w Jersey, denounces the housing bill as "essentially a reactionary measure for the postp-nement and prevention of real housing...
...I was held incommunicado for about an hour by men who refused to s a y what the charge was against me...
...Th» result is that instead of ell.dive criticism it is a quarrel, tat mortars tossing eighteen thousand words a' each other...
...Since then, labor's resentment at the failure of the NRA to increase employment and give the workers representation on code authorities has grown stronger, and !: being concealed with difficulty...
...at'the end, in the one case a lynching or an execution, at the very best, a long jail sentence...
...and I have met plenty...
...The situation was reviewed'in these col urns last week...
...Clarence W. Whitmore, chairman of the People's Unemployment League of Baltimore, with thirty branches, brought greetings from the league...
...Darrow made his report to the White House May 4. If he could have handed it t> the newspapers the same day, his charges would have been a national sen...
...Two veternns of international Socialism and former leaders of our movement in France died on April 1. One—Calvignac—aged 80, was the Socialist mayor of Carmaux from 1892 till 1922...
...Hroadus Mitchell of the f a c u l t y of Political Economy of Johns Hopkins University was chosen candidate for Governor at the s t a t e convention of the Socialist Party held here...
...If, as the crowd told us afterwards, we had been less well knows we would have been badly beaten up...
...Daniel Coit Oilman, first president of Johns Hopkins snd long a devoted Socialist Party worker, was chosen as candidate for United States Senator...
...The v hole defense was based upon tht L.cts, nothing elt-e...
...Upon concluding his plea, Solomon went directly to the platform across the street from the court's building and faced with ar sea of tossing red flags told the vast assemblage of the argument he had just conducted...
...But-by careful and intelligent preparation the facts of the insults heaped upon him by the Southern "gentleman" were determined and corroborated by^the dead man'* brother, who testified that the cab-nan had done exactly right in derendingi himself...
...It was "bungled" so badly that Terzani is free, Art Smith i.nd Moffer are in jail and the Khaki Shirts virtually destroyed...
...In Panama theru were all the ingredients of a possible Dreyfiis c a s e - - m i ! i t a r y plans, national jit ters, a Jewish officer who lied r a d i o ' friends at home...
...I'l Panama there is no doubt that Corporal Osman'g race was the basis of the -infounded suspicions against him...
...in the other, a martyr in jail for 20 years...
...He thought of that himself, but decided that the report wus made to the President and the President should handle the publication of it...
...L. H. Lacey of CumDerland for Controller, and Irvin Middlekauff, Hagerstown, for Clerk" jf the«Court of Appeals...
...I found signs of the vigorous growth of labor organization among the steel and refinery workers . of the great industrial | area which stretches from Gary to Chicago...
...Miss Klisabeth Oilman, daughter of the late Dr...
...Of these troubles, the threatened break with organized labor is the most serious...
...Meanwhile, Anderson went on with the meeting, which after twenty minutes was broken up l>j two successive sets of tear gas bombs, thrown without warning at an orderly meeting in which wert women and children...
...Harry L. Hopkins, Federal Relief Administrator, says that onefourth of the 4,000,000 families on relief rolls is identified with the building trades...
...In both cages race prejudice wan an important factor...
...Christian County "Justice" • HAD a taste of what passes for justice u * Christian County, Illinois-—note the naawl Douglas Anderson, Socialist candidate for Congrsai in the district, and I were making the second of t series of brief speeches, some in t h e open air sag some in halls, in the more important towns in tat district...
...Roosevelt's personal popularity continues, but there is a lot of talk and some action about the necessity of some independent political action through a new party...
...Much money has been raised, one element has damned other elements as traitors and scoundrels, while insisting upon running things its own way and having complete charge of every detail of the case...
...Its report was sent t» President Roosevelt May 14...
...I know of no city in the> United States where ther • arc not at l e r s t one-third of the l u i l d i n g trades workers on t he relief rolls, and a, f a r larger number are still unemployed," he says...
...Nevertheless, the effect of the criticism was not altogether killed...
...Much doubt is expressed as to whether many persons will *o into debt to improve their homes or build new ones while their incomes remain small and uncertain...
...If the former incident had occurred in the South there is no doubt what the outcome would h » \ e ieen...
...And there, toi;, by emphasizing th...
...Hi did, however, lecture me on the speech I made at i meeting over a year ago in which I had said that I he should be superseded in a certnin murder trial ia which he was clearly prejudiced...
...Now, there are t w o ways of handling such incidents...
...Roosevelt Doesn't Say The Word (Continued from Page One) ment in the "capital" or "heavy" industries, particularly the "key" building industry, vvhich in normal times is estimated to employ 2,500,000 persons, directly and indiroctly...
...Also, the record stands for anyone to form whatever conclusions there are to be drawn...
...The Darrow Report (Continued from Page 1) over on Darrow in the backstage scuffle for publicity...
...The personnel of the board was, it is understood, l a r g e l y picked by Nye...
...By Norman Thomas TIMELY TOPICS r . H i u u i e i i i n i u io E D I T O R of The N ew Leader: I Khali have to omit Timely Topics this week because on the day they should be written my schedules required me to drive 275 miles and make three speeches in Illinois...
...There has been an enormous amount of agitation over the Scottslioro boys...
...Stirring resolutions were adopted and a fine campaign was planned...
...One cannot help but think of the Terzani case...
...Subsequent eventl proved I was right when the victims of his persecution were acquitted...
...Anderson and I expect to bring both criminal and civil action against one at least of the deputy sheriffs, a man named Betterton...
...The pent-up wrath threatens to boil over at any time...
...It frJHit 25 delegates to the convention, including both white and colored...
...The heavy industries have been the worst .sufferers, in the main, from the long depression and i t will take more than optimistic wo...
...The following state officers were elected: William Munroe, Cumberland, chairman...
...In N e w Vork Charles Solomon won acquittal for a Negro taxic a b driver who had struck an i n t o x i c a t e d Southern "gentleman" in s e l f - d e f e n s e , the assailant subsequently dying...
...He pledged himself to a vigorous campaign on the party's platform...
...About all the l aw there is in the county is in tb* guns of the deputy sheriffs, ugly customers pais by the coal company...
...The appeal was argued in the Appellate Division on May 1st in the building of the court on Madison Square...
...It will take money, lots of money...
...T h e other—Duo-Auercy-^-aged 78, was active in the Socialist movement for over 50 years...
...The result was that the NKA spent t h ; following two weeks pg> paring a complete answer to hit charges...
...Undoubtedly the heavy goods industries will be greatly benefitted if the building industry can be even partially revived...
...and that isiwhy Waldman made the long, tedious trip to Panama to defend the man without a fee...
...Anderson was then arrested...
...It is impossible to give too much credit to Comrades Waldman and Solomon for their fine, brilliant and courageous work...
...And the case litis become, not at defense of cruelly wronged victims of insane prejudices but a propaganda ease...
...The * b e a u t y of this fertile country in springtime is dimmed by the s e r i o u s drought which, if it continues much longer, will save AAA the trouble of starving us into prosperity...
...In the one case a great agitation might have been staged, much money raised, demonstrations held, and there would have been another came cclibie...
...Everywhere the relief problem is serious and inadequately met...
...One o f t h em w a s T a y l o r v i l l e , scene of many labor troubles, a town and a county in the grip gf the representatives of the Peabody Coal Co...
...Samuel M. N e i - stadt, Baltimore, secretary...
...The proposed Governmentfinance 1 home repair and modernization campaign will give some employment, but it is "small stuff," such as piintin,?, repair and remodeling and builders do not expect a great deal from it...
...While the argument was being made, marching tens of thousands of workers swung past the building, and the strains of revolutionary music could be heard in the dignified court room...
...As the "b'-ain trusters" cast about for some means to retain the confidence of the voters against the November balloting, troubles of the NRA multiply, with the row over the Darrow report just now to the fore...
...Socialists I enough economics to think very little of the anti-trust laws even in the gjod old "Teddy" Roosevelt trust-busting day*, ^specially now in t h e e r a of real experiment* wOS and New Dealing of the Fifth C ' i. At any rate, no Socialist ev*J s a i d : "Le us ,-etur • E ypt...
...President Green of the American Federation of Labor followed up his criticism of the NRA for f a i l i n g . bring further re-employment with a sharp attack on Congress leaders for blocking action on the Wagner labor disputes bill, the Connery 30-hour bill and other labor measures...
...This money quite likely will be ooured out in great volume in the immediate future, along with, direct relief, payments to farmers for curtailing crops an 1 ther outlays...
...acquittal of men in danger of cruel injustice...
...It needs 147...
...Revival will be a tough job, however...
...The National Recovery Review board was appointed as a kind of a compromise when Senators Borah and Nye, progressive Republicans, started to lay down a barrage a g a i n s t the N R A in the Senate several months ago...
...In the cub driver case and the Osmiui ease the dofiyise sought for one thing only...
...The White House has only to speak the word and the labor bills would be passed...
...It i s this sort of thing that we have got to fight throughout the country, whether in the Imperial Valley in Callfornia, or in Illinois, or anywhere else...
...If the signatures are obtained, the House must vote on the measure and there is said to be a good chance it will be approved...
...Darrow and Mr...
...and even in New Vork things might have been made hot for him...
...It will be one of t he chief problems of the Socialist convention to face this situation wisely and tret the best out of it...
...All this trsveling and speaking is interesting and encouraging from a Socialist standpoint...
...The remainder of the ticket incudes William A. Toole, veteran S o c i a l i s t , propagandist, for Attorney General...
...Charles S. Bernstein, Baltimore, editor of the Maryland Leader, and Kenneth Douty, Baltimore, state organizer...
...In either ease angry factional quarrels between different points of view as to how the defense should be run, with the lives of two men almost totally forgotten...
...The poor fellows arc importnnt figure" . . . hut they are still in jail...
...And the Labor Housing Conference, or...
...The repo'-t adds that "ore may a s well dream of makinf war ladylike as making competition fair...
...The Communists sought to make another "agitation case" out of it, and on the very day of Terzani's acquittal their paper carried a bitter attack upon the defense for "bungling" it...
...Any Negro-who raided a hand against a white man, no matter what the provoetohion, would have Icen lynched...
...And by con entrating on that single objective justice was one and the men a "quitted, as was T rzani...
...Finally the State's Attorney, a^ man named Coals, appeared and released us—still without exStiSnatios and without g e t t i n g t h e promise he sought from ui not to hold any more meetings in the county...
...Any good publicity man would have advised 1-im to g i v e copies of the r port to t h e press associations, at least confidentially...
...Freedom Is Won For Two Wronged Men T W O remarkable cases were decided during the past week, iii !noih of which prominent Socialist attorneys figured prominently...
...This would Rend the bill directly to the President, putting him "on the spot" with a vengeance...
...facts and only i h e facts W a id men won Osmun's freedom...
...The taxicab driver had been vilely insulted by the Southern "gentleman," and had struck only when the latter mo.cd up -n him bre.ndish.ing a gin bottle...
...In the supplementary report written by Mr...
...In Michigan automobile production and hence employment are already over the peak and on the downward slope of the hill...
...Red Flag Law (Continued from Page 1) The anti-red flag law reads: "A person who shall display or expose to view the red flag in any public assembly or parade as a symbol or emblem of any organization or association, or in furtherance of any political, social or economic principle, doctrine or propaganda, is guilty of a misdemeanor...
...Professor Mitchell is a popular teacher, and has been a lecturer at the Rand School in N e w York...
...But the White House says nothing...
...And that is why the Jewish Daily Forward took up the case and aroused the Jewish people to the defense of the victim of race prejudice...
...the defense was clean, straightforward and efficient...
...S. M. N e i - stadt was secretary of the convention...
...On the 30hour proposal, there is some chance that it will have to make a decision, not on the Connery bill but on the Black bill, which passed the Senate last year...
...TLe theory underlying the codel of f a i r competition upon which th* NRA is based is declared by th* Darrow board's majority report » be "merely a resounding and illosory phrase...
...These gentry arbitrarily refused to permit any public meeting in Taylorville, When Anderson and I nevertheless began the meeting i n front of the Court House, I was at one*, arrested by the ntost ignorant and bullying typt of deputy sheriff I have met...
...A Marxian Socialist and a friend of Jules Ouesde and Paul Lafargue, he was one of the organizers of the French Workers' Party till 1905, when the present United Party was created...
...While the hand of a Socialist may be seen in that part of tb* report, it is safe to assume that no Socialist is responsible for th* s u g g e s t i o n to return to the antitrust k . v s and mu!te them P*rt of the "new deal...
...Hut there is something to he said also for the point of view in approaching cases of that kind...
...In Panama Louis Waldman won acquittal for a young J e w i s h non-commissioned officer Court-martialed on the charge of sending secret plans of fortifications, presumably to the Soviet government...
...to do anything for them...
...Thompson it is declared that it is impossible to go back to unregulated competition and that therefore the alternative is to foll ow the NRA, which, the report maintains, leads only 11 " nopolf sust ' oil by government," or V adopt the Darrow pi n of tocidUM ownerthip and control...
...AAA still tends to encourage organization, but there is a marked and steady decline in the popularity of both NRA and AAA...
...Over 75 d e l e g a t e s attended...
...The floodgates of publicity were opened by that report and one it s a f e in venturing the guess that they will be kept open for some time to come...
...There is a petition in the House to bring the Black bill to a vote and as this is written, the petition has 135 signatures...
...M. L. Polin of the Maryland Leader was ^chairman and Dr...

Vol. 17 • May 1934 • No. 65

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