Are We Really United On the United Drive?

Fmchter, Henry

Are We Really United On the United Drive? ly Henry Fmchter M > previous articles on the " * United Socialist Drive were written in an impersonal, dignified mann«r, entirely befitting...

...Discussion meeting, Saturday, May 26, 8:30 p. i n . , on "Pacifism and the Clasa War...
...Harry W. Laidler, 319...
...Monday, May 28, regular branch meeting, voting on the referendum...
...Nevertheless, with resolution and intense loyalty to our movement the sum of $75 has already been sent in...
...Martha Safranoff, 34...
...Amicus Most, 134...
...Ill Branch meeting Monday, May 28, at headquarter...
...Steven Harry, snugs...
...Meetings held weekly...
...Mobilization plans for the May soth demonstration(singing, etc) will be part of the hike...
...Congn hsl.iiiiil Series Congress•nan J. II Sinclair...
...Voting will follow discussion...
...A few days ago checks came in to the credit of Sunnyside for an additional $1.67 and $4, and we are .expecting any day for a jump to higher figures...
...One large table at the dinner was completely taken by . large group, chiefly non-Yipsels| of the Ladies' Garr >nt Shipping Clerks' Union...
...Ml lady's Style Itevlew...
...The laal meeting of the preaent Ijibor Committee will lake place Saturday, May 26, al 1 p : « . The Meciftlve committees of the So, ialiat leagues are Invited to attend this meeting...
...Voting on referendum...
...10:15, "Thjf Union Assembly," talk and music...
...The pamphlet Is available at the Rand School Rook Store...
...Party Notes NEW YOBK CITY Labor (•aaaaittM...
...Memoria' Day the day of military display—will become a lay of protest inst war and fascism...
...5, Clement...
...Louis Waldman, 297, and B. C. Vladeck, 293...
...Samuel il...
...7th A. D. (789 Bagmen Place).—Enrolled voter*' meeting laat Tuesday, at which Matthew Levy spoke...
...Edward Lcvinson, 123...
...SUNDAY, MAY 27 Frank II...
...8: 1^, "A Night In Franic-j^tOiir), "li...
...tweeu 166th and 167th Streets...
...r know to MMWlar which comrade made the donation and to which branch quota the donation is to be credited...
...importance of the drive and will help us with their contributions...
...Friedman: "Songs of the Revolution"—Mldwood Forum, Room 51, 1401 Kings Highway, Brooklyn...
...The vote for alternates was: William Lowber, 154...
...Maurice Miller, 8. Queens County—Anna Bercowitz, 92... the No More War Parade —a thousand Young S< ir...
...With the arrival of the Youth Committee Against Fascism buttons, Yipsel* should *pur their effort* to gain supporter* for the Y.C.A.F...
...Several plays and a puppet show wll be displayed...
...10:45, Hill Bower...
...Esther Friedman was elected alternate by a vote of 779...
...Matthew*: "War and Fasclsm"Vlllage Branch, 201 Sullivan St...
...Attractive potters advertl*lng Ihe V.P.S.L—about two by four feet are available In thr City office for 15 • cuts, two for a quarter...
...The vote for the o'.her candidates was as folows: Reinhold Niebuhr, 155...
...Street meeting Monday, May 28, corner St...
...Sunnyside Branch, while unable to raise its large quota at one sitting, is thrilling our office with substantial checks every few days...
...A Militant Pamphlet The "Militants" of the Socialist Party of New York have issued a pamphlet entitled "Towards a Militant Program for the Socialist Party of America...
...Helen Pickenbach, 62, and I. Menkes, 20...
...I hope in my next article on the Drive to announce an increase far beyond the sum already raised— $1,118.67, and to make special reference to other branches actively engaged in meeting their quotas...
...Among the branches which stand out for their vigorous drive the following cull for special attention: The Astoria Branch, which raised its quota of $50 with a snap and bang, at one :.ffair, and then turned to other important questions of organization...
...Max Frankle, 25...
...and 126th St...
...David Breslow, 73...
...Three hundred Yipsels and their friend., filled Brown- ille Labor Lyceum last Saturday and made a success of the Yipsels * v n - ner and Symp.sium...
...Nicholas Ave., be...
...Hoom 7. 600 W. 126th St...
...Bridge party Saturday, May 26, at headquarters...
...talks lly oulstiintliug dancers...
...Morningside Heights may have been the residential section of rich people, and for all we know it still harbors a considerable number of well-todo...
...ili| > | i i i i l i ' n i i i i '; i unit Opera...
...Vote for the other candidates: Samuel A. DeWitt, 406...
...Ellis Sulkonen, 66...
...5:45, "Musical Clttea" llosiillc Housniun, eoniposer...
...The Morningside Heights Branch, which sent in $75 on account of its quota, is deserving of special mention...
...10:30, HlppiMlrome Grand Opera, Friday, June 1-4:30 p. in...
...Mary Fox, 169...
...8:30, JiimiitCa Night In "The Heart of New York...
...An affair was arranged, with appropriate entertainment and speeches...
...After weeka of hard work by the members of the branch, the Ocean Theatre strike was finally won by Local 4. Stagehands, and the manager of the theatre Is now employing union help...
...6:30, "inimi Mnrelies On," driimatlr sketch...
...Samuel Friedman, 143...
...and on top of that came across with $53...
...Weekly bundle of New Leader* being d i s p o s e d Of...
...700 Y i p U paraded May'Day—800 Yipsels took par...
...drama and music...
...Red Falcon Flight to hold charter party on Saturday, May 26, 2 p. m , at I'.'/ Montague St... 16 a. ni...
...5:15, FJIzuheth Andres, coutrallo...
...I'elham Parkway line of the I.R.T...
...10:30, Hippodrome (irnnd Opera...
...near Main St., Flushing, I . I. FRIDAY...
...6, Clement...
...Ruth Shalleross, 32...
...Hen lllu••••iiIn I K . The New Leader Review...
...A diarusaioo will take place ol the events of the laat live month* on the party's lahor work...
...Martha Koopman: "The Bugaboo of I iridic Ownership"—7lh A. I > Branch, 789 Elimere I'liice...
...MONDAY, MAY 2( Leonurd'Lazarus: "Organizing Queens llu* Drlvef*"—21*t A. D. Urunrh, 2307 Snyder Av,e., Urooklyn...
...Edward Levinson...
...G. A. Gerber, 319...
...10, North Queens In 'The Heart of New York... ill*, cuts plan* for building and strengthening the Manhattan organization and coordinating and intensifying Ylpsel activity...
...BROOKLYN Dawntawa (157 Montague St...
...Branch meeting Tuesday, May 29...
...Delegates in New York and Richmond Counties (five to be elected): Algernon Lee, 361...
...Class on Mondays at 8:30 p. m. Regular meeting every Tuesday...
...Mobilization meeting for the May 30th demonstration at Mitchel Square, 168th St...
...Every member must be present Monday, May 28, at 500 St...
...City Organizer Bob Parker, Executive Secretary Ben Fischer and other* will speak...
...Emil Brombcrg 250...
...James Oneal, 65...
...Branch 1 (269 Utlca Ave...
...Kirby Page, 6...
...Theatre Union Forum...
...rnatclli, Kdltor, Jewish lli.llv Bllllelln...
...Theodore Shapiro, 120...
...I am getting to the point where I am worried...
...Following elnaely on the ateps of New Itm-helle, Yonker* has been admitted Into the Y.P.S.L...
...Maurice Miller, 1. Alternates—William M. Feigenbaum, 293...
...Entertainment and dance Saturday evening, June 9, In the Church basement, 101 I'll 11 <-limit St...
...MANHATTAN t th A D. (»5 Ave...
...Ice cream featival Saturday, May 26, at headquarter...
...i-ts, wear'rig blue jhirts and flying red fla(?s, must demonstrate May 30...
...8, Millie Hull Program- Cnnrud and Treinont, piano dun...
...T I'KSDAV, MAY 26 E. J. Lever: "Organized Consumer*"— Moriilng*ld« Heights llranrh, Hoom A, International Houae, 500 n i v e n l d e Drive...
...Purpose to raise balance o f brunch quota for thr L u l l e d Socialist Drive...
...But unfortunately the majority of the members of the Socialist Party are poor, unemployed, suffering from the same sense of insecurity which marks millions of workers elsewhere...
...Evelyn Young, 69...
...Simon Berlin, 339...
...NEW YORK'S CONVENTION DELEGATION The following were elected deleg a t e s to the National Convention from New York City: New York City — At Large, Frank _ Crosswaith was the onlv candidate and received 1,302 votes...
...t t h A. D. (167 Tompkins Ave...
...N:15, "Old Time Favorites"—Helen Bishop (sopruuo), Ilelenr Ijinvln (eoiitnilto), Eugene Hymn Morgan (baritone) | 10:15...
...The comrades meet at the I'elham Parkway station of the Leilng ton Ave...
...8 p. m...
...John* Place...
...Comrade Urblner 1* making plan* for a membership drive...
...18th A. D...
...1580 Washington Ave., Saturday, May M. Lower tth A. D. (1137 Ward Ave...
...Alexander Kahn, 240, and Jack Altman, 216...
...Joseph Glass, 73...
...The pamphlet is divided into three parts, the first section discussing the need for a new orientation of International Socialism, especially stressing the limits of democracy, the probable necessity for resorting to extraparliamentary methods in achieving power, and the essential role of the dictatorship of the proletariat in retaining power...
...I. Fried, 11...
...Edwin Koppel, 130...
...S a t u r d a y . 1-4:15 p. m . Kitty r. -ni...
...Village (201 Sullivan...
...Mi.lwo.d (Room 64, 1401 Klnga Highway).— Important branch meeting Monday, May 38...
...Vote for the other candidates: Jack Altman, 150...
...The concluding section of the pamphlet charts an immediate program for the party...
...Joseph Glass, 38...
...Morris Herman, 333...
...Mary Hillyer, 27...
...New branch In :trd /Hi A. I...
...No effort should be overlooked to gain supporters for this highly Important organization...
...Robert Koeppicus, 58...
...a* Circle 1, Westchester, with eighteen new members...
...Jacob Panken, 316...
...11th A. D.—Important business meeting affecting future activity of branch...
...unless otherwise Indicated...
...Entertainment by Rebel Arts players...
...May »•- 4:45 p. m„ Harriet Ayes...
...Iaabelle Friedman, leader...
...QUEENS Par R o c k , way (1861 Mott Ave...
...Samuel H. Friedman, 49...
...Leon Gilbson, 142...
...8:15, "My Hoy," sketch slurring Jennie Moseowllt... Henry Fmchter M > previous articles on the " * United Socialist Drive were written in an impersonal, dignified mann«r, entirely befitting the pages of The New Leader...
...Vote for the other candidates: Nathan Chimin, 203...
...A considerable number of donations have come in from New Leader readers, unaffiliated with any party branches, and due credit has been given them...
...I'hll Heller: Tonic to be announced— 16th A. D. Brunch, 6(118 Hay Parkway, Urooklyn, Jacob Bernstein: "The> Critical Analysis of Capitalism"—Flushing Branch, Room 221, terminal Building, Rnosevell Ave...
...Alternates: A. C. Weinfeld, 105...
...The Threet Cheers...
...I do not at the moment of writing know who is responsible for the odd 67 cents...
...being formed...
...Samuel Block, 28...
...But after examining the income of last week, I am disjwsed to throw formality to the winds and start 'getting personal" with my comrades...
...Tuesday, May 2!> 8 p. in., Herman ll...
...Admission, 25 cent...
...Following the dinner, Hitler, Mussolini, Dollfuss, Father Coughlin and Hu.y Long in the persons of Eddie Dawley, Mike Arcone, Fritz Eisner, Al Levy and Murray Nathan discussed in an informal manner ( in Arc-one's case, in I t a l i a n ) 'ie merits of ' T eism, the Hope of the World" and their personal qualifications as the greatest man of all time...
...SATURDAY, MAT 16 J. 11...
...Harry Liehtenbi-» 7. Alternates — August Claessens, 378...
...IIKI'III and Our Changing T i m e s ," Bishop I i o n i is J. MrConnell...
...Kings County (four to be elected) —Charles Solomon, 340...
...Starting at 134th Street and St Nicholas Avenue at 12:30, the YP3L, Spartacus Youth, ( . ' - o n a nist Youth Opposition, Communist League for Strug !c (Youth Sect i o n ) , Student League for Industrial Democracy, Young Circle League, Young Poale Zion, Vanguard Youth, Pioneer Youth, Youth Committee Against Fascism, Student Conference Ag-» F a s c i s m , and the New York Conference Against War (Youth Section) will parade through Harlem to HOth Ueet and Fift' Avenue...
...I « i Red banner with white lettering "Down With Fascism I" at the parade laat Saturday...
...Its quota is a very large one, but we have already credited with $69...
...Murray Baron, 158...
...8:45, 'The Dance and Our Changing limes...
...1:30, "Half Hours with Shnkespeare"— 1.1 mini ii'oi/i- and Associate Players...
...But after examining the various lists which have been turned in, I am convinced that a considerable number of comrades strained every effort to raise as large a fund as possible among their friends and comrades...
...BRONX The quarter* for the WHTRMFTUSD Danre have been changed to the Juliette Mansion...
...We hope other readers will recognize the...
...10:30, "Around the Samovar"—Zlnolda Nlcollnu, soprano: Simon PhlllpuM, balalaika artist, and / i n n ' s (iypsy Orchestra...
...Discussion of the majority and minority resolution...
...Features of the Week on (231 m.) WEVD (1300 K.c...
...MAY 1 Beta I.ow: 'The Problems of the German Social Deiuneracy"- 8th A. D. Branch, 220 Kusl loth Si...
...Louis P. Goldberg, 81...
...6:30, Conrad and Tremont, two-piano duo...
...The Upper West Side, slow in starting, is all set for a record...
...Elizabeth C. Roth, 334...
...Falcon group, led by Mildred Geblner, meets every Wednesday at 4 p. in...
...With a total quota for New York of approximately $7,000, we have thus, far raised $1,118.67...
...Open-air meeting* Friday* at Eastern Parkway and Cilia Ave...
...Those who know where It la or aaw It after the parade, please inform Jack Altman or Ben Senltaer...
...Nirholaa Ave...
...Hippodrome Grunil Opera...
...Open d i s c u s s i o n meeting en Tuesday, May 2», in Hoom A, International House, 500 Hiverslde Drive...
...Ed Koppel, 136...
...Wilho Hedman, 295, and Max Delson, 161...
...Louis Hendin, 248...
...Ronald Duval, 22...
...The second part briefly reviews the hlitory of the American party, and the "emergence of the Left...
...Chattel Slavery" — 3:30 p. m. — People'* education Forum, 2005 7th Ave...
...i i l m s singer...
...5:45, "Tin- Virginians," male q<[IUIl lit...
...No Speeches, No S ytnpoaia, No Cauri" will be the feature of the lint city-wire League hike, Sunday, May 27...
...The vote in New York City for delegate and alternate-at-large for t h e State of New York was: Delegate, Norman Thomas, who was the oply candidate, received 1,373 votes...
...YPSL's Join Big Memorial Day Peace Demonstration p L O S I N G the Y.P.S.L...
...Socialist Forum Calendar (All meetings begin at 8:30 p. ni...
...Samuel Block, 49...
...Martha Konpman: "The Bugnlion AT Public Ownership" _ I „,i Flatliush llranrh, 530 K. 05th St., Brooklyn...
...Margaret Lamont, 74...
...The vote for the others follows: I. Minkoff, 159...
...The stage was set for a stimulating, interesting evening, and with the assistance of August Claesscns, Samuel DeWitt and others the trick was turned...
...Harriet Ayes, soprano...
...At least one should be hanging in every Yipsel and party headquarters...
...Branch plans to have,a supper at which the May Day parade movie will be shown and a well-known Socialist will apeak...
...i n k A D.-Branch meeting Tuesday, May 28, at home of Comrade Fiehandler, 31* West HWth St...
...Thuriday, May 31-4:45 p. in...
...Julius Gerber, 355...
...Ther speakers will protest the fleet maneouvers scheduled f >r the following day and war preparations, the deportation ' o f f >ur young German workers into " jrmany by the Hollm d go -eminent, the attack by Legionaires l a s t May 30 on six Yipsels a t Mitchel Square and the slaughter of Cuban workers and stddents...
...Max Delson, 150...
...Bradford Young, 67...
...Branch, 864 Suiter Ave., Brooklyn...
...Amicus Most, 129...
...May 17 11 a. ni., Forward Hour...
...Crouwalth: "Wage Slavery v...
...Marningaida Height...
...Murray Baron, 124...
...May 18-4:30 p. ni., Actor*' Dinner Qui), ill i n l i n n of Dm In Hardy...
...The world premiere of the Traveling Labor Theatre before a trip through seven state* will take place the evening of May Seth at the Washington Heights Labor (.enter, 1130 St...
...Theresa B. Wiley, 630...
...More poster* will follow thla one If It I* a "sell out...
...Other unions helped 'ie success of the dinner in the preparatory stages...
...and Broadway, Tuesday, May 29, at 8:30 p. m. Mm Festival and Dunce of circle 8, Srs., Kings, at the Amalgamated Temple, 11 Arlon Place, Brooklyn, Saturday, May 26...
...Congressional campaign being planned, also canvass of enroled Socialist voter...
...calendar ^ for May—which opened with an inspiring May Day Labor Demonstration and hag been crowded with parades, demonstrations, a banquet, etc.—will be a mighty united Youth Demonstration against War a i r ism on May 30...
...With an initial sum of $18.75 a few weeks ago, it followed it up with another $14.70...
...Brighton Baach (1113 Brighton Beach Ave...
...Membership meeting Monday, May 28...
...A general membership meeting of all Manhattan Yipsels will be held immediately following the hike at the Harlem headquarters at 3005 7th Ave...
...The three delegates from Ll'onx County will de definitely decided on by Saturday, May 26...
...Speaker unit topic to be unnnunced— 22ml A. 1...
...David Kaplan, 83...
...drniiiu and music...
...Canvas* o f 3rd and 7th A s s e m b l y District* being undertaken...
...I am confident that the Upper West Side will promptly fall in line among the "big shots," for this sum is far, far from the designated quota of this center of wealth and affluency...

Vol. 17 • May 1934 • No. 65

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