Who Betrayed the Unity Of Revolutionary Youth? IN spite (if all efforts of the Young People's Socialist League, an attempt to forge a genuine youth united front against war and fascism lias...

...The fact that "National Youth Day," on the admission of Markjs, was "begun hy the Young Communist League," the fact that in fhe jninds of most "National Youth Day" is known as a "Communist affair," did not prevent the Communists from insisting on this name and this name only...
...23rd A. I), i-Mil Siiekliian St.I...
...3) Problems of Organization...
...It was made clear, after heated discussion, that this was not a meeting of one group extending admission to another group, hut a JOINT CONFERENCE, a true united front of f ico conferences...
...Let us all think of this drive in terms of both the coming national convention and the propaganda work to be done following that convention...
...INSTITUTE PLANS ARE BEING PUSHED No final date has been fixed for the closing of applicants for scholarships to the Rand School Institute, bu' those who may want to avail themselves of this unusual opportunity to spend a week in New York City and study at the school aie urged to write in at mice...
...The last question was that of a name...
...Millwood, »ll.7...
...bast IJatliush, t.'i...
...Leroy Bowman...
...It regards you as a provocateur, an agent of the entmy, desperately seeking to secure a foothold within the ranks if the working class, in order-to carry on your disruptive tactics...
...The local partyYlpsrl coinnilttrr meets al 1H7 Tompkins Ave...
...Kill Conitresuonal District IS 11 I Ilea Ave.I...
...discussion period, Charles Haskel...
...Jackson Heights Hi.inch, tfl.ltl...
...MANHATTAN 121 h A. D. |7I Irving I'hiccl...
...Anti-fascist Organization to be Formed...
...th St...
...The real reason, apparent to all present, both for this line and for the statements of Patterson, was that the boys are Trotzkyites and that the official Communists have so far abandoned the principle of labor solidarity as...
...A joint meeting of the two conference to arrange :i united front demonstration was ngrecd upon anil called for May 15...
...HrownsTlllo Unit, Women'a Section...
...anil I2...
...It was not unity they wanted but an increase in the numbers of I'll KIR ((inference...
...branch Hireling Tuesday, May 22...
...Because of the strong Nazi sentiment in the section the Queens County committee of the Socialist Party has instructed all party members to be on hand to form a nucleus of the audience and to protect sympathetic bearers from Nazi hoodlums who may try to create a disturbance...
...137 Moll" tugiie St...
...opposed the slogan...
...Ht'NDAY, MAY 20 Ivan (ilasgow : "CoiisjiiiiciV Cnnncratlvr and the Negro" People's IJluriilional ITiruni...
...mid Avr...
...The Socialist Teacher, Edwardi Gottlieb...
...It regards many of those in your united front as of the same character...
...They were ready to accept any name not stigmatized with a sectarian character as was "National Youth Day...
...ltr|Mirl on liazuiir, national drive...
...enrolled voices will be canvassed by party members anil urged to subscribe to The New Leader...
...They insisted that all organizations march under the name of their conference, the National Youth Day Conference...
...II IjisI IIS7th SI.I...
...New branch for Ihr : 1111 - 711 i A. I), being formed...
...Members to meet Sunday, May 20, id 111 a.m., at Ihr Lyceum...
...Ill Wake Ave , near ller/l SI.....-ganlzcd by Minnie Weisberg, will upprcciltc receiving books, desks, chairs, .....giizlnos, pamphlets, etc...
...Willard vs...
...The meeting will be held Friday, May 2oth, at Myrtle and Onder dunk Avenues, and it is expected that it will be a stirring demon stratioii of sentiment against the things that Nazism stands for...
...A committee was sent to appear before the Youth Section of the American League Against War and Fascism in order to arrange a joint demonstration on May .'Kith...
...lllll Kings llighmiv...
...A substantial fheck went to the National Office last week and it is hoped that another one may go forth this coming week...
...On this point there could lie no compromise...
...Dlcbilorslllp C. I...
...IN spite (if all efforts of the Young People's Socialist League, an attempt to forge a genuine youth united front against war and fascism lias come to naught because of the sectarian attitude of the Youth Section of the American LeattMe Again-t War and Fascism, domffiited entirely In members of the Young Communist League...
...the Y.P.S.L...
...Party Notes C'itv Executive I'm mittee Tuesday, Mav 22...
...When a petition of protest to the Dutch Consulate in New Yuik was drawn up, the Communist Party ignored the request for indorsement and the International Labor Defense definitely refused an offer for united action...
...August Tyler: •'Counter Itrvolullons and Knsrism" Sunyside branch, 1913 bird Axe., Sllnnxsiilr...
...discussion and question period led by Mrs...
...Normal Children and Maladjusted Schools, Dr...
...Speaker mid loplr to hr aniinuuced— I5asl ITalhush brjlirh, M0 bust 95th *(•¦ Brooklyn...
...He refused to divulge the source of this information...
...the first hitch arose over the selection of a chairman...
...Lower 6th A. I...
...The probable results of the acceptance of this invitation can be inferred from the fact that the delegates to the Lovestoneite youth group to the May 13th conference were not seated...
...Westchester Avenue), branch meeting Tuesday, Mav 22...
...All comrades living I" thr neighborhood of IHilgewn.nl and members of branches there are urged to get ill touch with this committee...
...Kiintorovllch Topic In he annouiiccd Downtown bniucb...
...itMKlit.Mi Uracil, *l...
...Hull Westchester Avenue), branch meeting Tuesday, May 22...
...While preparations were being made for this demonstration, the Y.P.S.L...
...Morris ItrrniHii lYorkxillr branch!, tr...
...23rd A. II., Manhattan...
...boom 31...
...May 18, at headquarters of Suuiiysble branch, l!M...
...luster Avr...
...Mm nlngsi.lc Uriah!*, tin...
...educational program will follow business meeting...
...Hie Will TIM I'M SI) Dance will be held on May 2I> at the headi|uartrrs...
...Nicholas Ave...
...David P. brrruherg delivered interesting lecture last Thursday evening, l-'.iilerbiiiinirnl and dance Saluiibiy evening, June...
...Ainili'.anialed Cooperative Houses ISO Van Cnrlliuiilt Park South...
...ile: "Democracy vs...
...The convention will be held May 31st, June 1st, 2nd and 3rd, and it is expected that New York will send in addition to its official delegates a large number of visitors...
...L. I. ¦ MONDAY, MAY 21 Charles Snlnmon: "Essentials of Socialism" • Social Service C n iii iii 1111'«', WiMiibow M. 15...
...People's Reading (enter...
...1'pper Went Side I lllll West 72ud SI.I...
...It was lue, solely, to fear on the part of he Stalinites that a real united 'rout would destroy, once and for ill, their official myth that the rroups in the Memorial Day Comnittee are "social-fascist betrayers if unity...
...Socialist Forum Calendar (All meetings begin at 8:30 p m., unless otherwise indicated...
...The cat was now out of the bag...
...l-'eldman's home...
...When it was pointed out that "Defense of the Scottsboro Boys" was also a specific slogan, they answered, without further explanation, that their position had been stated and could not he changed...
...Ma) 2.1, act Kllil Westchester Ave...
...William M. I'elgeiib.iuiii: "Iloinl lo Power" bllh A. II...
...Leaders Split National Youth Day Unity in Committee...
...A last desperate attempt was made to salvage the united front, Lerner of the American League Youth Section was called...
...Ilth A. 1...
...Mmningsidr, t'J.'i...
...QUEENS Queens County Committee...
...A large number of branches, however, have as yet failed to report any income on the drive...
...Pith 21st A. II...
...M. Crawford, t-'i...
...Comrades should selllr for bazaar llckets...
...The Parents' Function in the School System, Dr...
...Patterson, speaking as the representative of a "nonpartisan organization," also took the occasion to announce that the "leadership of the I.L.D...
...t'pprr Wist side, »69...
...West Bronx Unit, Women's Section...
...Pure, unprincipled distortion...
...to refuse to cooperate in any action for the defense of revolutionists, believing in principles opposed to the sectarian line of the CP...
...22ud A. II...
...May 21...
...Sheep.head Ray 121)111 Ave...
...in Ihr branch hcadipiarlers, Kll t Ilea Ave...
...All who wish to attend are urged to coinniujiicate at once with Etta Meyer, 7 East 15th St...
...The Youth Committee for Memorial Day raised the slogan for the defense of the four German youths...
...Although this vicious statement by Patterson placed a serious obstacle in the way of a true united front, the Young People's Socialist League, together with the other ¦ vganizations, decided to waive the point in the interests of true unity...
...Joint Meeting Ih-ouv County Conttail lee...
...After the proposal of the National Student Luague had been rejected, a motion was made to make every possible effort to combine the two demonstrations scheduled for May .'10th...
...Socialist Sunday Schools, Samuel II...
...Speakers will he James Oneal editor of The New Leader...
...agreed, and decided to combine this demonstration with their Memorial Day demonstration, drawing in as many other youth organizations as possible...
...Miinliiiltnn, till...
...I. II...
...Then there will be conducted visits to see the sights of the city and the movement in the afternoons, and a number of symposiums and discussions in the evening...
...The Y.P.S.L., Sparatacus Youth, and Communist Opposition speakers pointed out clearly that they and the many organizations they represented had not dOnte to JOIN the National Youth '.TJay Conference but to organize a UNITED FRONT of the two conferences...
...2) Problems of Propaganda...
...Will rriinnieiicr series of open air inc.Tings Thursday, May III, K. 17th St...
...Downtown, Kings, tin...
...Itegiilar branch meeting Thursday, May 21...
...In their letters of application they should give age, birthplace, schooling, occupational background, record of activity in party and unions, references and anyi additional remarks...
...Hlli A. I) iLnwrr), Bronx, tN.Mi...
...Jnckson Heights - ElmhurM...
...Siegfried Lipschitz, former American correspondent of the German Socialist newspapers, and Samuel A. DeWitt...
...According to Trans-Atlantic Information Service, however, the boys are now in jail awaiting decision by the Nazis i's to whether they should be tried for treason or thrown, without ceremony, into a concentration camp...
...With the election for delegates to the convention completed, a greater interest in the trip to Detroit is manifested everywhere...
...2 p.oi...
...The following comrades will participate: Jack Afros, Jack Altman, William E. Bolin, Leonard Bright, John P. Burke, August CJaessens, Frank Crosswaith, Larry Davidow, Nathan Fine, Esther Friedman, Samuel H. Friedman, Julius Gerber, George II...
...MAY 22 Herbert M, Merrill: "Socialism Mini Syndicalism" Mldw.....I I'oniln...
...linpoiTiint no-cling Monday, May 21...
...The program follows: Morning session—1...
...r Certainly the Communists were lot naive enough to expect agreenent to such a proposal...
...KHI8 baV I'urkway, llrmiklyn...
...ird A. II., Bronx, (2.110...
...discussion period, Lena Tulchini...
...The Y T.N.I, has been arranging for a demonstration of protest against the actions of members of the Veterans of Koieign Wars and of the National (iuard who last year brutally attacked several Yipvels who had picketed a war monument in Mitchel Square...
...The representative of the Young Communist League, Johnny Marks, insisted that his group should appoint the chairman, inasmuch as the representatives of the Youth Committee for Memorial Day were merely applying for affiliation with the organizations represented by the American League Conference...
...ul the above mid less...
...5th A. II...
...Chillies Solomon will be the...
...County bxecutivo C.onuniltee and Coiinlv O and P Committee Wrdncsdav...
...The meeting ended with a declaration by tlie Youth Section of the American League that if it changed its position it would notify the Memorial Day Conference before 7 p. in...
...BROOKLYN Downtown 11...
...In the face of the logic of this position, Marks was forced to back dcwn and accept a compromise chaii man...
...hut observers, who politely invited the conference to disband and the constituent organizations to send delegates to a confer erne called by the Youth Section of the American League Against War and Fascism for May 13th, for the purpose of arranging the annual May 30th "National Youth Kay" demonstration of the Communists...
...Then arose the problem of slogans...
...Finally, their purpose became clear when the speaker for the Youth Section of the Trade Union Unity Council rose and said: "We are READY TO ACCEPT YOU INTO OLR CONFERENCE...
...And now the Communists showed their colors...
...Of course, those who do not wish to apply for scholarships—the Institute is open to noii'iiiemhers of the party— may attend by the payment of $5 covering tuition, and maintain themselves...
...n| I'li-rrrponl SI., lo raise b dunce of i|Unhi I'oi- I lilted Drive...
...Inquiries are coming in rapidly about this projected excursion trip and reservations, too, are already being made...
...Ilraui'h expresses its ilrrpesl sorrow ut Ihr unllinrly death of (.oinraelr David Wallach, niriulier of I lie branch for live years he lias always lieen lov >l, ilevoteil ami generous where the welfare of the Socialist cause was concerned...
...The Y.C.L...
...Max PI...
...When the names were presented, they argued that specific slogans were not suitable for a demonstration...
...Seven p. m., May 16th, came and went and no message had been received...
...Suiiiiyside Branch, t'l.'l...
...Z.'lrcl A. I> . Kings, 112.311...
...On May 13th this committee, headed by Hen Fischer, managed, after some difficulty, to get the floor and made its proposal...
...MAY 25 Speaker and topic to be aniioUlH'rd— 22oil A. I...
...Last KTatbush (Silt) bast 93 th St...
...Wuoilt'iiw bond, llugeiiot Park Matin Island...
...Sunn)side, 111.70...
...iih A. I), iMl...
...Monday, May 21...
...It is of the utmost importance that the organizers and secretaries of such blanches should immediately circularize then membership with a view of falling in line...
...The Young People's Socialist League of Willitiiiishtirgh 111 Srs.l calling conference within Ihr next few weeks of all l> 111x brunches in and around IMdgcwood section to form permanent Antifascist organization...
...ANTI-NAZI MEET IN RIDGEWOOD MAY 25 An anti-NaEi mass meeting has been organized to be held in the heart of New York's Nazi territory, the Kfdgewood section that straddles the line between Brooklyn and Queens County...
...The following is ii lint of the Minis which rami* In since our last published report: 2:ird A. II., MhiiIihIIihi...
...in Mrs...
...Charier parlv 01 bed falcon group Saturday, May 2li...
...The scholarship people leceivc tuition and maintenance free, l.ut have to supply transportation to and from New York...
...As if there had ever been any unity on National Youth Day...
...Why .hen take such a position...
...Organization meeting Tuesday, May 22, 11.17 Ward Avr...
...The impression was given that everything had proceeded smoothly until the (piesion of the name arose, and that in the name, and the name alone, he "Socialist-renegade clique" had iroken the united front...
...Siegfried l.lpsrhilz: "Socialist Hrj orlrubitliiu mid Ihr Lessons of rasrisin" I pper West Side, lllll West 72llil St...
...Split on a name...
...And, incidentally, in discussing the drive and the Detroit convention, I want to call the attention of our comrades to the excursion we are arranging to the Chicago Fair and the Detroit Convention for the round-trip cost of $10.50...
...Frances Lowrie...
...Strawberry festival and card party May 22...
...C. L. Wilhird will argue for deimiciaey in a drh'itr with .1...
...Together with the Spartacus Youth ('lulls (Trotzkyites) they invited the Communist Youth Opposition, the Youth Section of the Communist League of Struggle, the Young Circle League of America, the Young Poale Zion, the Student League for Industrial Democracy, the Youth Committee Against Fascism, the New Yoik Conference Against War, the National Student League and others to a conference on May 5th, out of which grew the Youth Committee for the Memorial Daj Demonstration Against War and fascism...
...David P. ben 11 berg: "A Program for Socialism' Astoria branch, :Mi:i2 Slciuwa> St...
...MM) Weslcbesler Avcilllel...
...al 2 p.m...
...National Cnnvenllon...
...Yillugr branch...
...Special meeting of the County Committer will be held I'rid.iy...
...Cars and busses start from the Rand School at 8 a.m., May 20...
...was approached by the Spartacus Youth Clubs for a joint demonstration for the defense of four young workers deported into Nazi Germany while attending an international working class youth conference in Holland...
...The few hundred dollars already turned into our office is, of course, inadequate in relaton to the amount which must still be raised...
...in Ihr Party iillicc, 7 Hist 131 h Strrrl...
...Besides an opening Getting Acquainted Banquet, there will be three morning classes daily for at least five days: (1) Our Message to the American People...
...The United Drive, as it affects New York, is closely related to the convention and the importance of New York delivering not only a large delegation in visitors and friends but in substantial sums of money to help cover the convention as such...
...A difficulty arose because of the attitude of certain prominent organizations in the American League, which by their actions and statements had placed themselves on record as opposed to united action in defense of the four deported youths...
...Goebel, Phil Heller, Louis Hendin, Philip Hochstein, David Lasser, Algernon Lee, Edward Levinson, Marx Lewis, Bela Low, James Oneal, Joseph Schlossbcrg, Charles Solomon, Norman Thomas and Louis Waldman...
...The evening will be given over to general jollification and entertainment with the Rebel Arts Players, directed by Nadja Abeles, putting on a number of one act plays, including a new home made satirical musical...
...Nth A. I)., Manhattan, till...
...Abraham Lefkowitz...
...j. Seliafrr Jackson Heights ITnihurst blanch...
...11711 S2nd SI., Jackson Heights...
...Ik'er parly and dance, Saturday...
...Shortly afterward (Wednesday evening) the Daily Worker appeared on the streets with a double column headline: "Y.P.S.L...
...Two large comfortable Lincoln limousines...
...brunch I, hiugs, *2...
...h SI...
...The train will leave New York at 8.30 a. m., May 30th...
...principal speaker ul enrolled Mitels' inn ting 1 Tidily evening...
...Discussion, Prul,Inns faring Ihr National Convention...
...Strrrl inrrtlng Monday, May 21, SI...
...His group had not changed its position...
...Afternoon session—Socialist Education of the Youth, Gus Tyler...
...Branches Completing Their Quota in the United Drive By Henry Fruchter ¦TIIK Unified Socialist Drive is * now in full swing, with several branches having met their quota since last week's report...
...3rd A. 1...
...First they argued that the names of the youths were not known...
...Schater on the subject, DeniociHi y fcii...
...I. TUESDAY...
...Siegfried Jungnitsch, editor of the Neue Volkszeitung...
...BRONX 2nd A. I...
...istli A. ii., Branch 2 (Hit I lien Ave), business meeting Tursday, May 22, S::i(l...
...liruiicli meeting Tuesday, May 22...
...All interested in going to the National Convention in Detroit write Comrade Chapman, care of The Labor Lyceum, 2I!I Sackinau St...
...regards you |the secretary of the committee for the defense of the youths| as an enemy of the working class...
...We must have a party of at least 100 delegates and visitors...
...Kill A. II, Manhattan...
...Sunday at 7 :JII p.m...
...The students will have ample opportunity to contribute and exchange ideas among themselves and with the discussion leaders...
...The Communists, however, insisted upon their name even if it meant a split...
...meeting al heaibtual del v I'.ntire ineoibeiship Willi attend bnl.be lecture at Hand School at S p.m...
...William E. Bohrr will serve as chairman...
...This the conference naturally refused to do...
...Once again the "united front i-om below" has resulted in the lisruption of true unity...
...the following day...
...T:.'||I p.m., 2lin.'i 7lh Ave...
...Of the enornous concessions the Memorial Day Committee had made to preserve unity, not a word was said...
...The National Student League" (Communist) sent, not delegates...
...Sarita Lee Heals...
...I' to coolinae through June...
...i. business meeting Tuesday, Mav 22...
...They must have been members of the Socialist Party for two years and between 23 and 35 years old...
...Again, the Y.P.S.L., the Spartacus Youth Clubs, and other organizatiens affiliated with them in the Memorial Day Committee, decided not to break the united front by insistence on this point...
...Of the ultimatistic tactics of the Communists from the stra,t no mention was made...
...Special mi cling Tuesday, May 22...
...May IS, at branch lirudi|u triers...
...7 Montague SI...
...Ilr.incb, 8111 Stiller Ave., Brooklyn...
...It is clear that at no time in the history of our movement was there such a need for straining every effort to extend our educational work among the farmer and industrial elemen/.s...
...Card party Thursday...
...MAY 21 Del...
...The grounds on which William L. Patterson, national secretary of the I.L.I)., refused cooperation, according to a letter of April 11th, were that the four German youth "still remained free from jail and torture...
...Ills passing is a distinct loss to the branch and the movement as a whole...
...I ::iu p.m...
...PARENT - TEACHER MEET ON SUNDAY Last minute registrations are still being received for the Socialist parent-teachers' outing conference Sunday at Butler, N. J. (Comrade Chaikin's home) on "The Child and the School...
...Duval, I.ill/, Findlcv, Knopmmi...
...The break had ;ome because the most generous iffer the Communists would make n order to gain unity with the Memorial Day Committee was to £iant the latter the privilege of narching under Communist leader-, •hip, and for all practical purloses, as Communists...
...Young Falcons, Phil Heller...
...A successful drive, with thousands of dollars available for the National Office, will go far toward meeting the needs of the day...
...The Cry of the Children, Dr...
...At next meeting, organizer and recur.ling secretary In be elected...
...Morningside Heights iHooin 7. lilKI Wril 123...
...The Socialist Parent, Esther Friedman...

Vol. 17 • May 1934 • No. 62

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