HAT UNION Wins Injunction Victory; Bar Slaps Noted Labor-Hating Judge The request of a millinery firm for a permanent injunction against two local unions of the Cap anil Millinery Department...

...The refusal came after hours of heated debate preceding adoption of a report by the association's judiciary committee characterizing Strong as lacking "those qualities of balanced judgement, sound discretion, understanding of the law, impartiality, patience and courtesy which are the fundamental requirements of a competent judge...
...WAITERS' A WAITHF.HSP.H UNION, I..,,nl No 1. A. P I. and II I. T. 266 7lh Ave...
...Abraham Miller, Secretary -Treasurer CAP MAKERS UNION...
...ALLENTOWN, Pa.-- Settlement of the strike in the Bernstein shirt manufacturies in Northampton and this city is announced by D. J. Manos, manager of the shirt makers' local of the ACWA...
...Among others who spoke were Eli Keller, manager of the Associated Silk Workers...
...In the 1933 case, he cited Comrade Matthew M. Levy, counsel for the union, for contempt of court when Levy tried to get the hearing adjourned because he had received only the day previously a 66-page brief filed by the bakery bosses and hadn't had time to prepare an answer...
...Commenting on the decision, in the absence of Waldman, now at the Canal Zone defending Corporal Robert Osman, accused of "Selling military secrets...
...Secretary-Treasurer NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION N...
...A severe blow has liecn dealt at racketeering in the millinery indust ry...
...An interesting incident showed the tenor of the crowd...
...I'hone Algonquin 4-708J Joint P.steutlve Board meets every Tuesday night al 7i86 Board meets every Tuesday night al 8:66 In Ihr of (Ice...
...The crowd which had been augmented by people who had come to hear the speeches cheered him continually and listened most intently...
...Strikers' and non-strikers and their respective sympathizers are aPt to hurl epithets at one another, which not infrequently result in brawls...
...Invariably some lawlessness results...
...THB AMALGAMATED LADIES' GARMENT CUTTERS' UNION, l-oral No 10 I. I. !¦ W li orflre, 60 W. 35th St...
...The United Hebrew Trades and the Labor Committee of the Socialist Party called a huge mass meeting at Union Square which was addressed by Norman Thomas, Morris Finestone of the United Hebrew Trades, Frank Crosswaith, Socialist candidate for president of the Hoard of Aldermen, Nathan Chan in of the Jewish Socialist Verband, Hyman Nemser of the Retail Clothing Salesmen's Union, Joseph Alef of the bakers' union, and the present labor editor of The New Leader...
...After a trial in which witnesses were examined in open court, the charges were found to be entirely without foundation and the complaint dismissed...
...judge found that the firm was paying money to "persons other than its employees" for the purpose of preventing unionization...
...I'.nst of 3ml Ave I'hone Tompkln* Sq...
...Serrclnry, WHITE GOODS WORKERS' UNION, Loral 62 ot I. I- lb W. II...
...Kingdon held the audience throughout his speech and received the greatest applause...
...The d e c i s i o n is also of importance to the labor movement generally, because it demonstrates forcibly thy untrustworthiness of affidavits as a guide for judicial action in granting temporary injunctions...
...Frank Kingdon, main speaker stirred the mass with a speech calling for better and more strongly organized unions, social insurance, and finally a real labor party...
...Although the fact is not generally known, despite the attempts of Socialists to broadeast it, the municipality, which should be a model employer, works its stationary engineers seven eight-hour days per week (a tqtal of 56 hours...
...I'rrsldeiitl In men P. Redmond, Vlrr President...
...NEVERTHELESS SOME PEOPLE, BOTH MEN AND WOMEN, CHOOSE TO DO IT AND APPARENTLY GET SOME Til KILL OUT OF IT Just why, or how, no man can say Probably those picketing do not realize that an attack in force against the weak is nothing lo be proud of, nor that it is the privilege of every American to work in an unmolested manner and for whom and at such tunes as lie may choose...
...The firm, Paylay Hats, Inc., applied for the injunction in June, 1982...
...1. offlcrs, Amallthone Bldg 106 West 14th M.I I'hone Welkin* 6-7764...
...Executive Hoard meets ever* Thursday at the office of the Union...
...The union showed that its picketing was peaceful and orderly and that it were not responsible for any violence...
...Maurice W. Jacobs, Sec'y lo Kiec...
...Chairman of Eiecullv* Hoard...
...very Ul aod Srd Saturday...
...Samuel I. O'Brien, James !'.Hrdmond andJamea J. Buckley...
...Treasurer MILLINERY WORKERS UNION, I Aral 34 Cloth Hat...
...One of the problems which has interested our association," Anddrews wrote, "was that of sevenday workers in our city government...
...Vincent Murphy, N, J. secretary of the A. F. of L., and J. Yanarelli of the Dyers' Local...
...UNIONISTS STAGE MAY DEMONSTRATION IN PASSAIC COUNTY i ¦ ly Olga Socharoff pATERSON.—For the first time in this city organized labor held an impressive demonstration on Saturday, May 12, under the leadership of the Central Labor Union of Passaic County...
...If the exercise of labor's rights is curtailed or prohibited by judicial decree or otherwise, the opportunity to increase wages and improve their economic and social status is materially weakened if not altogether destroyed...
...New York Clly...
...Organiser*, I H. Goldberg, A. Mendelowltt M. Goodman Lucy Opprnhelm...
...Sec'y-Trr**., Alei Roee...
...Stephen Tobasko...
...arm hicks and pleatKHS UNION, IjH-mI lie I.I..0 W.U., / P.mi isih SI Plume a Ik.....ruin 4 36578658 Executive Hoard Mrrli ('.very I Uriel »r Night In llir Oilier of llir Union...
...13th St...
...S. SHOW!, P.iriullvr Supervisor...
...Joint Hoard meets every Weumiiliiy evening in the Council Boom at 2IK W. 4llth St...
...7:i Hi.....dwiiy...
...M Gottfried...
...State Senator Emerson Richards, a Republican candidate for governor, spoke abnut his efforts to pass the anti-injunction bill...
...Joe Abratnowltx...
...Mnrrli Rosenblatt i Secretary af Kterullve Board Saul Hodn* UNITED NECKWEAR MAKERS' UNION...
...N. Y. Meets every 3rd Sunday of month nt Sliiyveannl Illsh School...
...Secretary i P.mll Thenen, Ret...
...Orchard 4 IMSO.-ltegular meatlug...
...What Must Be Shown "To justify the injunctive relief here sought it must be shown that a course of eonduet was adopted by the defendants which had for its object the destruction or at least the crippling of plaintiff's business and that pursuant thereto acts in furtherance of such objects were committed...
...Justice Strong's clnssic opinion in 1927 contained the following gems of liberal thought: "PICKETING CAN HARDLY BE TERMED A MANLY OCCUPATION...
...7 SOU...
...David I. Ashe, an associate of Waldman, said: t"The decision is a decisive victory for the unions because of the bitter fight which this employer has been waging against them for several years and which even the NRA did not cause this employer to abate, and particularly because this employer ran a 'protected shop,' hiring gangsters to prevent the shop from being unionized...
...THE INTERNATIONAL LADIES' GARMENT WORKERS' UNION, 6 West I6ln Street, New York City i'hone Chelsea 3-3146...
...SINl.hK H4IIKIII1IKHKKU iiii kkhs...
...progress of the strike, but the evidence fails to show that they were the result of any conspiracy aJj* the part of the defendants.' Conspiracy to Destroy Must Be Shown, Judge Rules in Upholding Waldman's Contention in Picket Case...
...646 Wllloughbf Ave...
...There is no doubt there were a number of these during the...
...Justice Thomas W. Churchill, who was then presiding at Supreme Court, denied the application for an adjournment, isiued a very drastic temporary injunction (which has been in effect lince) and fined Comrade Waldman $250 for contempt of court in addition...
...phone Wisconsin 7-1176 Rtecullv* Board meet* evarr Tuesday evening, I P M Manager, N Speclor...
...I I. Preedmen, President j Leon Mm lab, Miimisri ; I. A. Barklntky, Sec'y Treat, AMALGAMATED CLOTHING WORKERS or AMERICA, New York Joint Hoard ill Weel 1Mb SI., Nrw York...
...Op and Millinery Workers Inlermillonal Union...
...However, when he began to make what appeared to be a personal appeal, he was interrupted by cries of "no politics, no politics...
...The unions also charged that the corporation ran a "protected shop"—that is, a shop in which the employees were nonunion and the employer, for the purpose of preventing the unionization of its plant, hired gangsters to intimidate his...
...I<°eal 11616, A V of I...
...I'hone, Chelate :i 5756-6757, A. Snyder, Manager...
...It was on the basis of affidavits making unfounded charges of violence and intimidation that a drastic temporary injunction was issued against the unions, forbidding them for the past two years from picketing or carrying on any strike activities...
...I hope something effective can be done'S.n our city government to do away with seveir-day workers at a time when millions of unemployed are seeking jobs and subsisting through charity at the expense of the taxpayers...
...A. J. Emery, secretary of the Federation of Civil Service Eligibles, has drafted a plan whereby competent unemployed engineers now on the civil service list can be given employment, over half a million dollars can be saved to the city for use among the unemployed, and excessive hours among city employes can be done away with...
...SU I' R K M R COURT JUSTICK SELAH H. STRONG, notorious anti-labor and injunctiondealing judge, was this week refuse d the endorsement of the Brooklyn Bar Association for renomination in the Second Judicial District...
...Encouraged by the response to this demonstration, plans are being made for another, probably on Labor Day...
...Loral 2, International Pur Wnrkrri Union...
...One of the purposes of the strike, it was shown, was to rid the millinery industry of racketeering...
...When a motion for a temporary injunction came on to he beard on June .'(, 1932, Louis Waldman, counsel for the unions, asked for an adjournment on the ground that the papers had been served on him only the night before and he had not had the time to prepare the necessary papers in opposition...
...Office ami hcaitquartrr...
...Vlre I'm...
...Bar Slaps Noted Labor-Hating Judge The request of a millinery firm for a permanent injunction against two local unions of the Cap anil Millinery Department of the United Hatters...
...This could be accomplished, Comrade Emery shows, by using four men on an average week of 42 hours instead of the present three working 56 hours at city plants which must operate continuously during the week...
...On this point, Judge Walsh said: "In a struggle such as this, particularly where a strike is 1 pending, as there was here, feeling runs high...
...Phillip Kapp, Ker'y-Treas...
...This has not been established...
...Prrs-t II...
...Slgmuud I'erlmulter, Mgr,Sec y; Louis Stolherg, Asst...
...FIGHT TO ELIMINATE SEVEN-DAY WEEK IN CITY DEPARTMENTS The fight to do away with the seven-day week for certain employees of departments in the New York City government was recently strengthened by the plea of John B. Andrews, secretary of the American Association for Labor Legislation, that a more sensible system be initiated...
...I.Ouga.re 5-5106...
...Can and Millinery Workers International Union (formerly the Cloth Hal, Cap and Millinery Workers Intel national Union), was denied this week by Justice Walsh of the N. Y. Supreme (Joint...
...Downtown afflce, A46 Broadway, phone Spring 7-4548...
...Secretary t Joseph J O'Connor...
...Picketing Peaceful The action finally came on for trial a few weeks ago before Justice Walsh...
...Strong, Who Called Picketing "Unmanly Occupation," Spurned by Lawyer's Association...
...Massing at Sandy Hill Park, about 4,000 union men and women marched through one of the main streets to Pennington Park, where they were addressed by leaders of the unions which had participated...
...Labor cannot willingly submit to a denial of the exercise of its legitimate rights," he declared...
...The firm charged that the unions had conspired to injure its business and had called a strike during which there was "picketing, abuse and intimidation of the plaintiff's employees and various acts of assault and violence...
...sent a telegram expressing his hearty accord with the protest against prohibition of peaceful picketing...
...All inreihigi are beld al Ul Setose Avenue Nrw Vork City...
...The decision supports the contention made by liouis Waldman before the State Committee on the Administration of Justice that the issuance of temporary injunctions in labor disputes on the basis of affidavits must be abolished...
...Julius Horhman, Urn...
...meeting*, let and Srd Monday* President, Robert CI mi...
...Only through fighting and protesting can labor win public recognition of its rights...
...Patrick J. Ilanlon, Vice-President...
...It was for this purpose that the millinery union, headed by President Max Zaritsky, ordered a general stoppage in the industry in March,, 1932...
...The court found that there was no evidence of any misconduct on the part of the unions to warrant the granting of an injunction...
...N V Phone I umpklm Square 8 5460 I...
...4. OfSca and headquarters...
...Frances Gorman, of the United Textile Workers...
...workers and keep them from joining the union and also to intimidate union representatives from attempting unionization...
...Blegel, Chairman...
...P.d Goitesman...
...David Dublnsky...
...Executive Hoard meet...
...President William Green of the AFoL...
...Jiiuie* J McGrath, Rrrrclary T rrasiircr...
...Bualneaa Agent, Morris Relet| Secretary, Samuel Mlinleli Treasurer, Albert fielb...
...I.cnn II...
...Strong is infamous in labor and liberal circle* as the jurist who issued a sweeping injunction last Augtiste against picketing by the bakery workers' international union and who six years before that had granted a similar injunction against the same union, calling picketing an unmanly occupation indulged in by men and women apparently because they got some thrill out of it...
...The Socialist Parly has never abated in lis attacks upon Strong, among other judges, for his notorious anti-union bias...
...Right te Picket On the basis of all the evidence, Judge Walsh found that there had been no overt acts on the part of the unions or their representatives infringing any of the legal rights of the plaintiff, since the unions have the right to conduct • strike and to picket the premises 0/ the plaintiff...
...International Ledlee' Garment Workers' Union, 60 W. 35th St., N. Y. C. — J. Breslaw, Manager...
...Levy, in a statement to the public, and speaking not as counsel for the union but as a labor attorney and Socialist, called upon the workers of New York to protest so vigorously against the use of injunctions in labor disputes that the legislature would abolish such infamous practices altogether...
...Nathan Saperstrln, Chairman of Knee...
...With a little resourcefulness it should be possible to work out a practical plan for spreading the work over a five or six-day week without any immediate increase in cost to the city...
...t. Calalanoltl, Managers...
...When Strong, restraining Locals 505 and 509 of the Bakery and Confectionary Workers' Internation Union from picketing, condemned picketing as a public nuisance, "frequently leading to malicious mischief and sometimes, leading to disorderly conduct and violence," he aroused a storm of protest on the part of labor and the Socialist movement...
...uptown office 80 W 87th Sf...
...34 West Ifiih St...
...or that the defendants authorized or even ratified some...
...every Monday...
...Hoard of Directors meets every Monday rveiiliix...
...7 Fast I61h St...
...Peter Hoedemaker, local secretary of the Socialist Party, presided at the meeting...
...Union Directory BONNAZ...
...I'hone Wis...
...STagg 2 07OX Itrg...
...Such opposition as may develop from a few of the men now working the longer week is in my judgement not justified by history in the labor movement, where the far-seeing leaders long since invented* the jingle': Whether you work by the piece or work by the day, Decreasing the hours increases the pay...
...Regular meetings every second and fourlh Tuesday at Arlington Hall, 16 81 Mark's I'lace Albert It Castro President...
...Local N* I, Tel...
...frank grkol...

Vol. 17 • May 1934 • No. 62

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