UNITED SOCIALIST DRIVE IS NEAR THE $6,000 MARK CHICAGO. _ Tennessee is the fourth state to win a place on the "Red Special" in the 1934 United Socialist Drive, Thus all the states that have...
...The 13th to 15th will be devoted to Schuyler and Steutien counties, ami the Kith to 18th inclusive to Cattaraugus County, with Olean scheduled for the 17th...
...Local Oakland was granted permission to run Clarence Bust for the state senate...
...toJtettospl ate*** (Barton as opto at yoidnfti...
...Saturday evening the Stockton local, gaVa a well attended banquet...
...since then tht movement hat grown until now fully 30 locale are In eilttenco, aaa a dozen In active operation...
...C. Edwards...
...The referendum on the new constitution was deferred for a month to that a new draft by Raymond Henderson can Be considered...
...th and 8th at Bliigliumtoii and Endieutt, and will speak ut Wuverly on the 9th, Sayre, Pa, on the 10th, and at Elmiru on the 11th or 12tii...
...Local Bokersfleld was commended for its light against unfair discrimination in 'the use of schools for public meeUrfgs...
...News formerly contained In the bulletin will appear onct a month In...
...Saturday, May S. Debate on "Shall ' the Socio list Party of America Urge the , Entrance of the United States Into the , League of National" Dr...
...A full ticket Is being entered for the General Election, with candidates for congress, state senate, assembly and Freeholders...
...Campaign Paper y' • * Leader b.ttt copies of a special carnpate* s*g«r will ha prUted...
...News Bulletin in New Dress This Issue of The New Leader marka the Inauguration of a new policy of reporting1 state news to the members...
...Illinois, Pennsylvania, California, New Jersey and Ohio hold the next five places respectively in the latest state by state report on the drive...
...The 19th, 20th and 21st will he given to Jamestown, where meetings will be held at the City HaU...
...The drive continues...
...Socialist wornJn's discussion group meets at coanty atdqusrlers, lofc Broad St, ' School wflt lecture on "A Progrtni Socialism...
...Westchester Coanty...
...The SEC hat asked him to prepare a sample...
...KM.-Lane of Dallas was srnwtotsd list* ensntoer...
...The Socialist Party delegates are James Battlstonl, Ernest D. Hauniann and Robert A. Hoffman...
...J. H. Bollen will speak at the Saturday evening forum at branch headquarters, 0106 Hamilton Av...
...A charter wet granted to Ventura, Referenda for the election of deter gates to tha National Convention and Tor the selection of a platform art In the hands of tht local secretaries, to be returned to the state office shortly...
...Branch 1. Party Is planned for Saturday, May 6. Clara Nayswith la in charge...
...a political calendar to guide them In making nominations for tht assembly, congress, etc...
...According to this week's report on drive contributions sent in thus far to the national headquarters the total raised is now near the $6,000 mark...
...The next meeting will be in the vicinity of Los Angeles May M-20...
...Sample copies from 536 W. Juneau St., Milwaukee...
...M. Feigeubuiim of New York was the speaker at a May Day celebration at the Community Center Tuesday evening...
...The First Congressional District convention will meerat a ptonto at AuitUi's Besort, Lower Lake, toon...
...Solution of the state's farm problem will come only when the small farmer and the farm laborer unite against their common enemy...
...The League has been successful in securing for its members more adequate main, tenants and in building up the party...
...Local Glen dale is organizing CWA workers and has formed the American labor League under party control...
...John Packard Is to arrange a teat case in which It Is hoped that Out ordinances will be declared unconstitutional...
...While, .stated .Hat socialists should not take a stand-off attitude ho» cause strikers may be ltd by other Ormade clear that the party is not fighting the small farmer...
...A preliminary conference was held last Sunday and permanent officers will be elected Sunday, May 13, when Leo Krzyckl of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers and Tucker P. Smith of Brookwood Labor College will speak...
...Activities will b« deferred until aftes the national drive It over...
...Attention of members- Is also called to the strike of the Campbell soup workers, and the SBC urges cooperation with the strikers, , t A' number of counties and a few cities have recently passed anil-picketing ordinances...
...Amendments adapted by the stale convention ware sustained by the referendum, The state office will supply totals will...
...E. B. Porter reported on the state lit* erature agency...
...Branch I. The Hev...
...have organized a circle, beglfling with right members, and had It present at its first regular meeting...
...W. B» Starr, Citeoi Thomas i. Burns, Fort Worth, and Lorens Peter, ton, Houston...
...This county has elected Carl O. Parsons and Leonard Bright, both of New Rochelle, as delegate and ultermite to the National Convention respectively...
...Ernest Schlelfer, secretary of the Metal Trsdes Council of the AFofL, comprising 14 local unions, was present at first meeting and will urge affiliation of this group...
...Two new branches started Monday, April 30, on* at White Horse In Hanuiton Township with 15 members and one In...
...William Chambedaln, a visitor free* Michigan and an active LID organiser, spoke to the convention on bis work among the college students, at die James Starr of Cisco who discussed the antlwur work going on at Texas A A IS Planipln urged the organisation 'jk YPSL circles and more work among the youth and railed for tht support of The New leader as welt at the American Guardian and the Challenge, A resolution was passed in protest of the poll tax, in tht collection of which Texas stands as one of the four remain* lug states...
...He is head of the subcommittee on civil'liberties and has personally Investigated the situation...
...They will return rhe latterpart of May and should receive a hearty reception...
...Monroe Sweetland will address the group lata In April...
...Lane was -reelected state organizer sad William Plampln of San Antonio state secretary, The convention was very on...
...Another committee wtt formed to top write the' stole constitution, to be ratf...
...Discussion meetings every Wednesday will bt devoted for the next few weeks to an analysis of the weekly articles on Socialism now annearina In Tha New Leader...
...i Scott Lewis Working on Hand \± Book W. Scott LrwhH chairman of the SEC, felt that there it a need for an Inex* Rensive hand book of facte for party vturert and organizers...
...Ewlng- Township with 11...
...The National Office share should also be send In...
...If they are upheld they will prevent effective activity by organised labor, declares a resolution,of trie SBC...
...mgB cWtn^Me^sheloVaTW*co, Jhe egjjf Waco and Dallas...
...Forest, Monday, May 7. Last joint session before next rail...
...The 13th , Ward Branch and Branch 3 ot Newark still lead with lttfl ' per rent of their quotas raised, while lUooiulleld and Oranges Branches are tied (or second place with 85 per cent...
...Comrades Packard, Henderson and Rogers are to give especial attention to combining good points of the new draft with the one prepared by Rogers...
...YPSL Group Formed in Fresno M, J. Shannon, with the aid of Frank Croswalth...
...Wisconsin continues to be far in the lead with Massachusetts once more in second place...
...in the home of C. P. Svensson, Palmer Ave., Nanuet...
...Jamestown has raised its United Socialist Drive quota and is looking forward to the appearance of August...
...Thursday afternoon...
...It will/In wit two outside pagM too tola valoshJ material, and the inside will be made up of matter from the Leader's Saturday feature page...
...Three-fourths of California farm.land is owned by 7 per cent of the land owners...
...All standard party literature and many books ore available at prices Identical with those of the Nalinn*] nso...
...Wisconsin A sample Issue of the Wisconsin Leader, a new party weekly, will be printed this weekend, and • the paper Itself will be started regularly In about a month...
...Tennessee is the fourth state to win a place on the "Red Special" in the 1934 United Socialist Drive, Thus all the states that have succeeded in oversubscribing their quotes in the drive are in the south—Tennessee having been preceded by Georgia, Kentucky and Arkansas, Furthermore, there is every indication that Arizona will be the fifth state on the "Red Special"—scoring another point for the southern comrades...
...Students from Pacific college served the dinner...
...and 15 In accordance with the new polity of holding-meetings in various parts of the state...
...New York Claessens' Tsur...
...Charles Longhi 1* commission candidate in Belleville, and in Irvington our candidates are E. H. Kacnipf, Fred Haug, August Zimmerman, A. Abramovitcn and Harry Llchtman...
...The committee also requested the National Offlre to communicate with Scott Lewis about the book since It should be of national use...
...This make* five branches in Meroer, and still growing...
...Copies of the official letter stating the party's position on Upton Sinclair's attempt to capture the...
...Isldor Beckman of the Workmen's Circle...
...NORTH CAROLINA, High Point...
...Locals and members are urged to purchase literature from the agency...
...California Party News See article, "California to the Front," on Page 2) OdnWa SEC Meeting at ' Stockton The State Executive Committee met at state headquarters, 511 E. Channel St, Stockton, April 14...
...A study i last haa been started, and social activities are planned...
...Such a book should be revised biennially, The first edition will tie made available anon...
...thuslastic and I expect godO cooperation from Hie comrades throughout Ins ttoto...
...Trade ' union, fraternal, peace and other groups will be invited to send delegates to tns next conference...
...NEW MEXICO, Hageriiian, New Hope...
...MISSOURI, Naylor, Neosho (Jaybird School District branch, Qafcdale School District branch), Seneca...
...Karl Hengsler, 824 Livingston St., Elizabeth, N. J., Is secretary...
...NORTH DAKOTA, Fornian...
...Seldom Osbourne, state organizer working, in Los Angeles county, was commended for his work...
...All comrades should attend the Joint Session at headquarters, 223 "E...
...MASSACHUSETTS, OOuincy (YI'SL)i MINNESOTA, Montevideo...
...Temporary officers are—Chairman...
...Wednesday, May 9. Branch of the Oranges meets at the West Orange Community House, 242 Main St., West Orange, to elect officers...
...Thursday, May 10...
...municate with Alan Clark or the state office...
...Another retiduilon calls ft* the local Charter fee to be raised WJh In return for which locals are to restive booklets lor propaganda purposes...
...Treasurer, Murray D. Lynds of the Young Peoples Peace...
...Tickets", seTflng at 25 rents, include a copy of Berruberg's book, "The Fundamentals of Socialism," with every' two tickets, M. H. Walker, director for the United Socialist Drive, reports the county has raised f Kmi or (Ml per cent of its full quota...
...Jacob Pankrn will speak on "The March of Fascism," Spring Valley branch established at meeting on April 28 with -Max Liebowltz as organizer and M. Zlnieuir as financial secretary...
...The cross-state tour of August Claessens Is to open with a meeting ut Port Jervls Saturday night He will spend (he nth...
...Claessens in a series of lectures at the City Hall auditorium, Rockland County...
...There was a musical program and short addresses by State Secretary Merrill, J. Jay and P. Koss and others...
...Bach organisation will receive about Iwo.thirds as many copies at it hag numbcri...
...Extra copies are available from national headquarters...
...George Pfaus will speak on "The Organisation of the Radical Movement in the U. S." at 1083 Broad St., Newark, sponsored' by the Central Branch...
...The New Leader, and copies will lie furnished to locals...
...Michigan The last state organization conference will be held at Ludingtoa Sun., May 6. Next SEC meeting at An Arbor Sunday, May 13...
...t ¦ > A recommendation by ftim White for •proarotl...
...A Buffalo and Erie county antl-Fusclst committee is being formed...
...John Klllough appealed to the date* (ties lo^ support the United >>claDit drive and urged them to get bktr and forward tot moat...
...Final Convention Agenda The Dual agenda for the Detroit convention will be mailed to branch secretaries May 10 as a national headquarters' supplement to the Milwaukee Leader...
...in this connection, Klrby Page't "Individualism and Socialism'' Is highly recommended to all Dtrty members...
...J. W. Southwlck, candidate for Lieutenant Governor, spoke on flat need for organisation and John Packard on Strikes in the Imperial Valley...
...For Socialist Athletes rThe Workera' Gymnastic and Sport Alliance, member of the International Socialist Association for Workers' Sport and Physical Education, now has twenty-one affiliated groups in the United States and fi making a real effort to Increase the number of Its affiliates...
...Democratic primaries'were ordered seiffto those who aak for them...
...Secretary, John Newton Thurber of the League for Industrial Democracy...
...Those elected were A. If, VonBlm, J, M. Jewel, John M. Klllougb, B. M. Lent and William Plampln...
...OKLAHOMA, Alva, Covington, El Reno, Rush Springs, Waurlka I OREGON, Multnomah, W 111 a in I n a; PENNSYLVANIA, Bethlehem (YPSL), Llneaviliej WEST VIRGINIA, Cedar Grove...
...Members should get their ballots and vote immediately...
...The last speaker was Mllen Dempster, gubernatorial candidate...
...Cooperation Being Distressed There hat been an increasing amount of discussion of the possibility of working out some means of cooperation with other groups that share party objectives, the organisation integrity of the party and ita right to propagandize for Socialism will have to be maintained, and, It deems clear, the Communist party will have to be excluded from tush a scheme...
...The branch and Ylpsel circle held a very successful pre-May Day celebration at party headquarters Monday evening...
...Loral secretaries are asked to tend hews Items for Inclusion In (his column to the editor, Stanley Rogers, 2033 N. Argyie Ave., Hollywood, or to the Stole Office not later than the date of meeting of the SEC each month, TEXAS vly WHIIom Plampln SAN* ANTONIO, TrMS.-The mpsti successful state convention the Socialist Party hat held In Texas since the war which met recently In Wtro...
...The Brookwood Labor Chautauqua played at the Labor Lyceum April 38 under the auspices of the United Socialist Drive committee sad pleased all present...
...Copies maybe obtained from tha state office...
...patted a resolution that Socialism must "cease making a fetish of parllamrntartenitm and rtteiv* |t« right to use all the weapons necessary ip carry out our principles at set out hi flic Declaration of lnAiMj^ncV' m...
...The committee recommends that where necessary locals might supply soholarsnips to their most active memhen...
...Concert and lecture at Community Cepter, Spring Valley, Sunday, May 13, at 3 p.m...
...fled by referendum when completed...
...on "Civil Liberties and the Trend Towards fascism...
...Central ilruncliNewurk conies third with 78 per rent raised...
...The subcommittee It to be augmented by appoint* meat of member* In various parts of the state to assist In the practical work...
...OHIO, Cleveland (Italian branch...
...New Jersey Mercer Coanty...
...i Tuesday, May 8. Voter* In Belleville and Irvington are aiked lb support So' claliit candidate* In local elections this day...
...George Trager ' takes the affirmative and Harry LicTit...
...A reactionary police chief prevented a large May pay parade planned in Newark with tha cooperation of many nnlons, but a large una enthusiastic mass meeting was held with So. delist and labor speakers...
...Other affiliated groups Include the Buffalo branches of the LID and the American Civil liberties Union, Workmen's Circle, Salem Brotherhood, Young Peoples Peace Alliance, Amalgamated Cloihlng Workers, Buffalo Joint Board, Foursquares Club of First I'resJij tcrlan Church and the I'oale-Zloulst organization...
...Meeting, -May 10, at 8 p.m...
...Those desiring tot attend should com...
...A stale executive committee was elected as follows i A. F, VonBlon, Wacot W. D. Montgomery, Sen Antonio i J. w, Hembree, Snilthvlile) Virginia Monk, Dallas...
...Tha principal actions of the SBC Included the following: Alan Clark was made director of the party summer schools to be held in July and August, Boy Burt, national organiser, is to be in California for a month and will give about half his time to the schools...
...Dunkirk and Silver Creek are scheduled for Mav 23rd and 21th respectively, and beginning with May 25th Clueasens will devote nearly a week to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and nearby towns...
...i man the negative...
...George Clifton Edwards, noted Dallas Socialist and lawyer, wag elected atUgate to the National Cofrrentltm tt Detroit, with A. F. VonBlon as alternate...
...NEW JERSEY, Dover (YPSL...
...Tht committee chosen to write tht state platform were Carl Johnson, San Antonio i C. A, Bnrdick, Waco, and or...
...The subcommittee on finance would appreciate the locals' remitting the state's share of' me United Socialist Drive funds...
...New Locals, Branches and Yipael Circle* CALIFORNIA, Ventura...
...A 2S cent supper served by the Women's Committee will precede the event...
Vol. 17 • May 1934 • No. 60