40,000 at Ulmer Park Picnic
40,000 at Ultner Park Picnic J he Robins and Gras Case By Joseph G. Gloss WHEN the recent general strike -of hotel workers ended, two prisoners were left in the hands )f the enemy—Harold...
...At least 50,000 copies will he distributed...
...Alertnew" Courses At the Rand School Beginning Sept...
...vill.ii.' Ilranrh, ani Sullivan St...
...AuapIrM of VPS!, lirnup...
...at Minmsi.l,- hnnli|iMirti-rii, 4S1S «rd Ave...
...tit headquarters...
...ul (olliy AfiMlflliy, Snyder A lied ford Ave...
...sional Committee for Non-Partisan Labor Defense to launch a real defense committee...
...AI4.I HT 27(h liulluiid Itiiiid and ilni-knss n> Parkway, li'klvn - Spi-akers In Ire uitiiotini-cd...
...The plans call for a minimum weekly distribution of ten thousand copies of a campaign newspaper lor a period of eight weeks...
...But the labor movement would ¦"five up so easily...
...Industrial Democracy (Norman gliomas, director), Provisional Committee for Non-Partisan Labor Defense and the Socialist Party...
...Party Notes Inipiirtanl Notr All lhn«e wishing tc> assist In nihlresslmt envelopes from the new enrollment llsla ore urged In com iiiunlv.itr willi Hie City Office...
...I'iiesiln\ eve., Auk...
...Waiters' Union, Local 1, Hotel and Restaurant Employees and B.I).I.A...
...Ili.'lrd and So...
...lie hide on Declaration of Principles, Monday, August 37...
...The Advance, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America...
...UII7 Wind Avenue...
...BRONX 6th A.I) Lower...
...Joseph Schwartz, County Chairman and manager of the tie workers' union, says: "Dissatisfaction with the corrupt political Democratic and Republican party candidates presents an excellent opportunity to buJkL Socialist sentiment...
...Moreover, this chef had at one time worked for months tofether with Gras, yet he did not identify him as an assailant until weeks after the event...
...Philadelphia Socialists are preparing a vegirous campaign for the fall elections...
...Joint Board, Dress and Waist/makers' Union, International LadieB* Garment Workerss' Union...
...Ilio.ikbn linger Cornell, I-'IiikhIi- I Islikln mill iillu-r.s...
...Robins' identification, too, was an extremely dubious business, made with Robins alone present, instead of picking him out of a line-up...
...The Labor Committee is raising the cost of printing from the unions...
...therefore appealed to the Provi...
...In both cases the anion officials had talked to the non-union man, and this fact was Mired upon to give circumstantial pliusibility to an out-and-out frsnie-up...
...ami Dllinins Ave*., Astoria .lean J. Coronet ami others, 11, di .nil and So, ard M„ llruokl) u Henry .Inner and others...
...In line with the usual police tatics, Robins had been repeatedly Wested on one trumped-up charge liter another...
...The occasion marked the opening of this year's campaign, and tho addresses delivered by Norman Thomas, Charles Solomon, Harry W, La idler, William Karlin and August Clai-ssens were enthusiastically received by the hugo gathering in the athletic field...
...Then came the frame-up...
...mid Myrtle Ave., Hhlgewood Walli'i's, Welner, (UisKrnvr, <: i ¦' ut/1 nun...
...They set up one of ~**T typical closed corporations f. » defense committee, i.e., the W.LR., etc...
...Abe Belsky, party organizer, is preparing a set of four leaflets to appeal to the organized workers...
...even II is only fur an hour or two...
...Among,the many features were included a baseball game in which the Cutters' Union Wal 10, I.L.G, W.U., won the honors from Local 102, I.L.G.W.U., by a score of 7 to...
...oxrntNs Ilrgulnr monthly meeting Ourens iniimiv 4 iitiiinltlrr Friday, Aug...
...Wyonu and New J,ots Ave., Hruoklyn - -Work, dayman, l.over...
...We are printing 50,000 copies each of lour leaflet.s for distribution among trade union and unorganized industries...
...The only unfortunate incident occurred when the truck which Was to have amplified the speeches and the concert program broke down on the way to the park, which made it difficult for the speakers to be heard and for the artists to appear...
...and Wash Ales., lhNilis.— I rvrlisteln, Oreiistein, A. tavrnsleln...
...Hroni—Ellen Inch Orelisleln, (ilirllnkrl...
...Social at heiid<|titirlei'h Sal., Aug...
...Campaign Gets Good Start at Opening •TH K gteatest attendance in many * decades gave the Socialist standard bearers a magnificent send off in their campaign opening at the lllnier Park picnic lust Saturday...
...Ilense ciinie in...
...The principle for which we are fighting Is one sacred to all workers and workers' organizations the right to strike without victimisation...
...II Martcllo Group, Organization Committee for a Revolutionary Workers' Party, Paole Zion Left (Jewish Workers' Party), League for...
...The artists scheduled were Molly Picon, The Clown (Oct Payatz), ballad singer WEVI), Nino kuisi, basso, and Miss Agnes Robinson, mezzosoprano, the latter two of the Chicago Opera Company...
...i inili eili.nk SI...
...In the current case, however, it wag brought out at the trial that Robins' talk with the man had refilled that he held a position which made him ineligible for onkm membership...
...in 1915, when eight onion officials were acquitted of killing a scab...
...her 10,000 Socialists and trade unionists and sympathizers jammed nil parts of the huge park, ami enjoyed the features arranged for the occasion...
...Ittllh SI...
...40,000 at Ultner Park Picnic J he Robins and Gras Case By Joseph G. Gloss WHEN the recent general strike -of hotel workers ended, two prisoners were left in the hands )f the enemy—Harold Robins, irgani/.cr for the Amalgamated roo(l Workers, and Andre (iras, ; cook and an active striker...
...I'liukrn, Woskow...
...The first issue of the paper is planned to appeal for an increased registration of Socialist voters...
...K, Jul St., Imme of (Ion i em I e I ipsehiit/ llth A. I)., USB President SI...
...Package Parti and ,Sm lul al hpadijunrlrrt...
...t-lTth A. D., 310 Sumner Ave...
...But what they didn't understand was that this was a labor case...
...The turnout was so far in excess of all expectations that early in tho evening the arrangements committee ran short of food supplies...
...tl.'i Ave, II...
...Ave., Ilrnni Speakers In Ur nmviiiiirrd...
...BrlfktoN ll»»ch Branch...
...The circumstances were in many ways similar to those of the famous case of the I.L.G.W.U...
...s p.ni., lint id Kaplan on •• theory of Socialism.' Mldwnnil Branch will meet Mnndny, Aug...
...Our attempt to secure a certificate of reasonable doubt, enabling release on bail pending appeal, was refused by Justice'Louis Valente last week in a decision which was as outrageous as Judge Corrign's...
...All of them will be concluded by Jan...
...The Robins-Gras Defense Committee was set up with affiliations by the following organizations: Amalgamated Food Workers' Union, Central Executive Board (the parent body of the hotel workers' union), American Workers' Party, Communist League of America, Communitst Party Opposition, Central Defense Committee (I.W.W...
...The Hotel and Restaurant Workers' Branch of the Amalgamated Food Workers and the I.L.I), refused invitations to affiliate with the committee and continue their own paper committee despite the fact" that they are not authorized by Robins and Gras, and despite | the appeal by Robins and Gras to them to disband their committee, affiliate with ours, and cease their disruptive activities...
...Mum IlioiisiiniU ill I'll vi'luprs must hi' addressed mill the inslstiinre of every volunteer is liulisiiiiisiiluV...
...As the appeal date nears, it is imperative that the labor press fiublicizes the issue and that every ahor organization backs the fight...
...The game drew an immense audience who rooted for their favorite team, and was umpired by Joseph Tuvim and Philip Kliglui...
...But they were waling with Judge Corrigan, notorious for his handling of labor ewes, with the result that Robins Jnd Gras were convicted and senwnced to Sing Sing, Robins for |*o to four years, Gras for one to two years...
...TIKHDAY, AlKiUHT 2Sth Serum...
...New York Joint Board, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America...
...Illvd,, llrnnt-lliihiii, Wtllharh, A. Levenstelii, lfilst and I'riaiptvl, llmn\ I'nrlier, I'ankeii, Marcus...
...WEDNESDAY, AIM.UHT lllh liny Parkway and tiHth St., Brooklyn I i-im-iiliiiiiii, I'rimnff, Neniser...
...The case was such a transparent fraud that the union took it for granted that the case would be thrown out of court...
...liruiii'h meeting Mull, eve...
...iiteliel mid A, C. All-sell lues., Aug...
...ilium • Fischer, speaker...
...and So...
...Orgiini/iilliili mill I'ropiiganda Coinllllllee llleeta lluolll jJOg...
...Funds are urgently needed...
...These courses will be given from 4 to six in the afternoon, and each will consist of fifteen two-hour sessions...
...Labor and Politics," "Thirty Hour Week...
...Mull., Aug...
...In short, the determination of the Hotel Men's Association to niake an example of workers who oared to strike is the real-clue to the Robing and Gras case...
...Mmnlai nl *'¦ MANHATTAN Oh A. I...
...I'm A Prospisrt, Mmiiix—Driller...
...Gras, too, had been arrested during the strike...
...Millings i very Monday rrriiliig...
...27, nt I'm...
...The picnic had tho joint cooperation of close to 300 organizations comprising all phases of New York's Socialist and lalior movements...
...So it is heartening to report that the following unions have endorsed the case: Local 22, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union...
...The truc,k arrived late in the evening, and did render the movie show scheduled, which was immensely enjoyed by a huge audience...
...The following courses are announced: Historic Highlights in Music, by Adele T. Katz...
...Introduction to Sociology, by Alter E. Fishhof...
...UHth St...
...Diacussinu on Detroit Deeliiniiinn ssllh (ii'urge II...
...The topics covered include "Why Join a Labor Uniofi," "Unemployment Insurance...
...CO 1S Hay l''wuv...
...at Center...
...Al (.1 KT .lOlh Cliili iiiiint P'wu.v and Wush...
...Even conservative lawyers who read our papers had agreed that there was no serious excuse for not granting bail...
...IIHOOK I VS 2lit A. I...
...Write ns for speelul appointment...
...Social and Political Philosophy, by Abraham Edel...
...The Socialist Lawyers' Association is preparing the appeal to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, October...
...Plana for hlggrr Im/uar being rorniiilateil lirnrral ineeliiig ul loniiillllre will be held Wediu sdiiv eve...
...regular hrmich iiiietiiig...
...The Provisional Committee called in every section of the local labor movement...
...therefore, the anault three days later could have no purpose conceivable for the anion...
...The school has taken this step In response to many retiuests from teachers from all over the city...
...Ilrunrli meeting Tuesday, Aug...
...All the artists advertised appeared as per schedule and were disappointed at not being able to perform...
...Robins and ".»* Ill" Ibej would gel We)Xi with such a set-up and Broad mass backing is essen-1 tial for the welfare of Robins and Gras...
...The blaWj record of the legislative and congressional candidates has aroused labor...
...The Hotel m Restaurant Workers' Branch "the Amalgamated Food Workers' "mon was at this point "captured" "f Partisans of the official Com•wnist Party...
...24th the Rand School will offer five courses for teachers, for which they will receive "alertness" credit in the New York public school system...
...STREET MEETINGS SATURDAY, AUGUST 25th .Mheriilnrle lloml mid llilll.usli Ave...
...Long lines <>f peopli continued arriving to the park ufitil practically the closing hour at midnight...
...Illvd., Iln.iu lleinj l;euehler and others...
...United Hebrew Trades...
...plainly the police stre out to hamper his work in the strike leadership...
...and So...
...The Life of the Mind, by Joseph .Listrow ; The Appreciation of Literature, by David P. Berenberg...
...Robins and Gras were arrested md charged ,with beating up a son-union chef...
...thirteen weekly street meet, ings and eleven indoor mass meetings throughout the campaign...
...Ilinsnnliiir.il Hranrh...
...Dos Ion llnail and Wilkins Ave., Ilrinix Ollieker, Mnll/er, Cohen, I'niiin Hi lot St...
...Those interested are asked to apply at the office of the school for further information...
...llillnl and Prospect, llrnns — i>veiisleln, Willlmih, Wilson, I...
Vol. 17 • August 1934 • No. 34