Campaign Opens at Picnic

Campaign Opens at Picnic Solomon, Thomas and Karlin to Speak '-|j|U>SIC, dancing, singing, movies, Wl ice cream, hot dugs and speech. will combine to make a joyous opening for the 19,34...

...In the evening the Pine Grove Players will present an original play...
...Vesa's baseball team is scheduled to play at the Socialist picnic at Ulmer Park this Saturday...
...Cutters' Union, Local 10, and Cloak and Dress Drivers' Union, Local 102, both of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, will bring out their baseball teams...
...S|M»nkcih: Livenstelii...
...Speakers: lleltwr, Perrln, Cohen, WotStow... noon, at (.ail...
...brooklyn Hensonhuril Branch, W1IK liny Park any...
...lllnlliH-l.e\111 n i - 'it Ave...
...Sandham charges that flirtation with dictatorship has brought "confusing pseudo-Communist jargon which has been rendering every pronouncement of the LL.P...
...Speaker*: l.evrnsteln, marcus l.llcnttiili... - .."ii lloine of rioreiiie l.lfxchit/, ItlH...
...5th A. D. The joint campaign committee of the Fast Bronx, taking in the English and Jewish speaking branches and the Yipsel circles in the 3rd, 4th and 5th Assembly Districts, is headed by Paul Janis...
...Comrades Bruno Wagner and Samuel Orr spoke at the funeral services held at his home on July 30...
...The Independent Labor Party of Great Britain continues to disintegrate as a result of its playing with Communist elements in the past few 'years...
...The purpose of these sensational reports is clear...
...Morris Gisnet was nominated for Judge of the Court of General Session in Manhattan...
...All aboard, young men...
...I'-nsf Third St., neae Ave...
...Those in charge of such activities must send in their detailed snnouncements to the Party Office at 7 East 15th Street for publication...
...Aaaasably Hall...
...The Socialist Party, the Workmen's Circle and the trade unions of the city cooperate annually on this picnic...
...Intervale Ave...
...LIVELY WEEK-END AT UNITY HOUSE There will be something doing avery minute at Unity House this week-end...
...the Social Democratic labor organizations...
...EAST BRONX PLANS A BIG CAMPAIGN Comrades of the party branches and Yipsel circles of the Fast Bronx are not allowing their differences of opinion over internal party matters to deter them from unitedly going into the most vigorous campaign seen in these districts in years...
...The hody was cremated at the Fresh Pond Crematorium on July 31...
...I.l.'ctjoll <>f lilMipillKO •'onilllltfee...
...for State Senate, Herman Woskow...
...1" . slon on euiiipitlH" lirml«|iinrtrra...
...I'llhini too . Take wliil...
...AUGUST 23 IKInl St...
...If he remained in the I.L.P., Sandham declares, he would be forced "to be hnml-in-glove with Communist leaders on the same platform at one meeting and forbidden to resent any insult from the Daily Worker next day," and he will have none of it...
...m«lr»m»l«.l ( oo»»»«ll...
...Speukeri: Win...
...Twenty young women, the fairest members of the Millinery Workers' Onion, huve purchased tickets for the boat ride on thq good shyi 'Doris," which sails up the Hudson for a full day's outing at « private beach, ^~r'" The three-hour moonlight sail home has taken on new significance and overshadows such other features of the outing as the music, iancing and refreshments...
...Candidates for Municipal Court Judge In the various districts are Irwin NuSsbaum, Nathan M. Turkel, Harold Crnske, Samuel P. Punier, Alfred S, Belskin and Maurice G. Miller...
...Fair Millinery Workers Swamp Upper West Side Boat Ride By the Dizzy Press Agent An opportunity for all the sad young men to dissipate their loneliness on Sunday, August 10, has been provided l>y the Upper West Side Branch...
...The Jewish radio program will be given Sunday morning from 10 to 11 over a direct wire from WEVD, followed by the regular Jewish Hour, 11 to 12...
...Funeral services were scriedulcd for Friday, August 17...
...The returning star swimmers, Haapanen and Heikkils, landed in New York Aug...
...SociaJidemokraatti," the leading Socialist paper, published numerous interviews with spokesmen of the American team and their pictures were printed in all the pupers in Finland except the fascist press...
...Nor is there any intention on the part of the German Socialists anil trade unionists to accept an olive branch from the blood-smeared hands of the Nazi rulers, German labor's sole aim is the overthrow of the tottering Hitler regime...
...every Monday eve., Colby Academy, Snyder mill It.-.II..1 <l Avcs, 1 hitid Ashe on Ijibor Injunctions...
...SPILLING THE BEANS Without knowing it one of Hitler's supporters hus let the cat out' of the bag...
...The Young Circle League and the Union City Soccer Club will mix it up in soccer...
...Ili'iiiniii Sul/.man will be missed by his comrades, who had a deep a If ei lion for him as Well as artniiru tlini fox his fine qualities as a So uiulist and as a man... absurd the past two years" while it has also transformed the LL.P...
...The state ticket, headed by Charles Solomon and Norman Thomas, will be formally named at the legal party convention next month...
...tuesday, AUfilST 21 Second nml Illinium Avci,, Astoria...
...State Senators and Congressmen...
...The candidates in the district, all of them hard-hitting, top-notch Campaigners, are as follows: for Congress, Charles B. Garflnkel...
...Hth and the reception was held Aug...
...I nilei taiispices of...
...member of the last Parliament and, until recently, a member of the National Administrative Council of the party...
...WICDNKHDAY, AUGUST 22 llianl St...
...AUGUST 20 llilltli SI...
...Amalgamated Rranrh...
...Coming outstanding events scheduled for Unity House include the Hall Johnson Choir, llut'ano's Marionettes and a three-day Labor DayWeek-end Fiesta...
...His writings appeared in Tim New Leader and the Jewish Socialist press...
...Comrade Saizmaii, who was about -III, was for many years an active, worker in tlu...
...mid Prospect Ave...
...S. IHxriihslon on lie.-lnriillon of Principle...
...It will be bv tin overwhelming majority 'yes...
...Kllciiturli, VYukkow...
...anil Forest Ave., Bronx...
...The sports program includes baseball and soccer...
...The branch meeting scheduled for that night was postponed...
...Thenhike Yniikers litis to Sokol Mull Park...
...He was a m«n of singular charm and bounty of character...
...He resigns in an open letter to Chairman James Maxton in which he scores the leadership for its wrecking of what was once a splendid Socialist organization...
...Molly Pioon, Michael Rosenberg and The Clown (Der Payatz...
...The latest resignation is that of Elijah Sandham, an LL.P...
...nml southern Blvd., Bronx...
...Finnish Socialists Welcome Star Athletes 'file Finnish Branch and allied organizations gave n gala reception and dance to two young American-born athletes who had represented the Vesa Athletic Club in the international contests held, in Helsingfors by...
...111i1 A. d. All young people living in lllii Assembly District, Brooklyn, In tireslcd In I'iiiiiiIiik Ylpsrl Circle urged lo lie nt 1IHH President St., Monday eve., A timed 20, nt !i . Socialist parents pleas* tnke notice t 2tat A. I> Hi 11 in ii in" tini...
...Itt'ith mill Kelly Stf., Broils...
...movement in Winnipeg, coming to the United States several years ago to continue his fruitful Socialist work here...
...For the rest of the day, from the time the doors open at 11 a. m. until the last merrymaker straggles home after midnight, the time will be spent in a continuous round of entertainment and eating...
...Their sole aim is to spread discord into the ranks of organized labor and thus weaken the progressive forces who are destined to replace the hated Nazi rule of tyranny, murder and unending persecutions...
...PARTY NOTES NKW YORK UIT.Y Orjcanizatinn and Propaganda (i.mi.iit «r will ini-rl us iimioI Monday evening, •ooiii fins People's House, nt II...
...In view of the fact that this is one of the poorest Sections of the city, the amount was remarkable...
...Siegfried l.rpsrhlt* on lalest events in (formally next Tuesday eve...
...He was a lecturer for the Workmen's C'.rele and for the Jewish .Socialist Verband, and a -member of the National l\\ei ill i ve of the latter organization: lie was a delegate to the recent New York State convention...
...Speakers: llrllr.IT, Oreiisteiii, I'mikcu, l.i vcnsleln...
...The finals in the handball and tennis tournaments will take place Saturday morning and in the afternoon there will be a carnival of water sports...
...The Park is a few blocks from the station...
...They are "made in Germany" and played into the bands of foreign press correspondents, who transmit them in good faith to their home offices...
...Other films include "The Strange Case of Tom Mooney," a revival of onei Of Charlie Chaplin's old pictures,' "Carmen," and the ever-popular j animated cartoon, "Three Little Pigs...
...line and getting off at 25th Avenue...
...and I-"* SI., Ilrcinx, Speakers...
...Harry W. Laidler Heads^Socialist Party Ticket Headed by Harry W. Laidler for Controller, Socialist designations for all elective political offices in New York were filed last week, to be nominated at the primaries...
...The ail--tar concert program consists of Nino Ruisi, basso, and Agnes Robinson, mezzo-soprano, both of the Chicago Opera Company...
...Ilubln, Panken, Wlllbiieli, (iuillnkel...
...HERMAN saizman DjeT...
...2. Iieiohpmiters km I Men Ave...
...Tuesday, Auk...
...I elucnbauiii '¦nil others...
...lieud(|uarter.1 211 inst hiiii si...
...August It), HttiilPS unit refreshments...
...Frank It...
...The result of the plebiscite is already certain...
...nml Kion* ttirthwiiy, Brooklyn...
...Get your tickets at the Rand Look Store or at 100 West 72nd Street, Room 504...
...In nn enthusiastic comment upon the "election" to he held Sunday Field Marshal August von Mackensen, one of the great German war heroes, wrote as follows: "This is no election battle...
...Moo dny eve., August 2», la Aasotiibly Hull...
...Ulmer Park may be reached easily by taking the West End Express on the B.M.T...
...Another Leading Member Quits British LL.P...
...Only u few hours before his death he was in the office or this p ipi r in excellent spirit*, laughing and joking with the editors...
...ANOTHER LIE NAILED Recent press dispatches from England ijuote the Manchester Guardian as saying that negotiations between the Hitler government and the exiled German Social Democratic Party Executive in Prague, Czechoslovakia, have been opened for the purpose of establishing "neutral trade unions" in Germany, Otto Wels, chairman of the German Social Democratic Party, is repoitcd as favoring these plans...
...Ave., next Sunday...
...The Thirions belonged to the German Branch of the Socialist Party in the Bronx, and to other German Socialist societies...
...The evening progra'm will include dancing by Jacohina Caro, .special music by George Herbert and Ted Sravensa's Marionettes...
...tFrank Thirion, Jr...
...At a Joint membership meeting last week, a preliminary collection Was taken which netted $110 for the campaign fund...
...Two of the Vena's star swimmers triumphantly participated in the contests, The American team included seven American-born Finns sent by various Finnish Socialist athletic societies of America...
...Special in-Hi'ii mi' lini...
...August Claessens will be in the chair...
...will combine to make a joyous opening for the 19,34 campaign at the Annual Picnic of the Socialist and labor movement of New York in Ulmer Park, 25th and Cropsey Avenus, Brooklyn, this jiturday...
...k'l Funeral Parlors, 307 <.i ami Street...
...I.wln.r Confer¦fifio tiwhet rJltierl.rn...
...The chief item on the program of open air movies will he the first showing ever held of the only talking movie ever made of a speech by Morris Hillquit...
...Norman Thomas, Charles Solomon, Harry W. Laidler and William Karlin will interrupt the ftstivities about 5 p. m. long enough to give our fight in state snd city this year a rousing sendoff...
...from the fairest and most democratic party into the pettiest of despotism, a dictatorship which has r|ot even a settled policy on which to dictate...
...for Assembly, Tyrell Wilson, 3rd A. I...
...Crosswaith appears on the ticket as nominee for Congressman in the 21st...
...subway to visiii St...
...At the moment of going to press we are profoundly shocked to receive news of the sudden death of Herman Sulzmun, Socialist write, and lecturer, who succumbed lo a heart attack on a Bronx street Wednesday night...
...Frnnk Thirion, Jr., son of Christine and Frank Thirion, of 1361 Prospect Ave., Bronx, died July 28, 1934, after a three months' illness...
...From 10 to 11 p m., the Pine Grove Concert Series is on the program that will be broadcast over WEVD...
...Friday morning there will be a hike and in the afternoon a reading by Norman .Lloyd, followed at four o'clock by'an athletic meet...
...1 miIi A. I...
...In the evening there will be a gala program consisting of the Compinsky Trio, Rosemarie Brancato, colotura soprano of the Chicago Civic Opera Co., James Phillips, baritone of radio and stage and Belle Didjah, famous dancer...
...DRONX 2nd A. I)., heodinierters I Fast K'./tli SI...
...i Oiuirnhmk spa My.etto Av»»., jawpkhn...
...The Trans Atlantic Information Service is authorized to state that no negotiations of this or a similar kind have taken plucc...
...Knat 17th SI...
...City Kitrutlvr Committee v. Ill unci Aciliifsilny rvenlnif, August 22, in piirlv ill lee, nl 8:30, MANHATTAN Yorkville llran.-li...
...Park open lioni lii:.'io 11.111...
...Speakers to lie linilQIUKMl...
...Frank Thirion was a Yipsel at one time and was always interested in the Socialist movement...
...Important to Branches A great deal of the activity of the various party branches is not receiving mention in the Party News section of The New Leader because the branch of fleers are lax in sending in their snnouncements of street meetings, branch gatherings and other undertakings...
...Meeting Tuesiliis . August 21, to hike up . niiipiilMo buslneas...
...I'lekrlhiK of llughy Theatre noil open mi inrrtliiKS every night...
...Aaron Levenstein, 4th A. D»: Solomon Marcus...
...All tickets dated July 28 will, of course, be good...
...There is no enemy...
...Yorkville Socialists: nml heir Irienils have iinlteil to initio- tlu-lr 'oinioK picnic the finest they huve ever i:hI (luting noil Summer NlKht's I'Vsllval "ill lie helil ul Sokol Hull tiurdrns, {211 Yankee...
...The Shape of Things to Come.1' by Henson Inge, directed by Norman Lloyd, with a Broadway cast as guest artists...
...For the most part, elections this year are confined to Assemblymen...

Vol. 17 • August 1934 • No. 33

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