Party Progress

Party Progress Thomas Speech Copies of iIh speech In Nurnian Thomas over thr C. H. S. nation-wide lltKlkup on Ho Sun Francisco general >iilhi may lie obtained on rniuesl ail dressed...

...7, Philadelphia...
...Socialist Icadrrs held, i week cud conference lust Saturday to joiiilny nl tin- secluded C.opsopwlsp Inn it (oei ins noil Lake...
...T.< Ii, Fores...
...The t»mpoitry chairmen uud organiser Is M. W. Mir, llnv I!I2, SlirallUC Lulu Hteaben County...
...Connecticut By Arnold K. Freese Norwalk...
...Pennsylvania Stale executive I ummitlrr...
...IS, Monroe St...
...It la expected thai a number of New Vork City party members will attend...
...Sports events ml mass singing... analysis of a European, South American and .' Canadian fascist movements by Hal Levinson, and news stories j from all over the United States...
...20, at Mi to... - are icing iiiiiile, i iiiuriides with curs ran iclji by giving Hull names to Sce'y iliiiou...
...Speaker for lug...
...Planus will be made to secure an amendment of the present election laws which do not provide for 'printing the names of the candidate* of minority parties on the ballot...
...Paul planer fay* the some historical aspects''of \rsot-iolls1 movement... ,'iMi Main Ave...
...every VVeillies(|ay evening until he end of the campaign...
...lull, 2!», Murine City...
...13, he will spend in Cleveland, speaking at outdoor meetings every night, with the assistance of parly members and Yipsels...
...A. mass meeting will be held at 3:90 p.m...
...North Carolina Undaunted liy IntrrliT* tile Kiiclallsts j are eonvliii-eil Hint they will he utile to gel signuturra ol 10,1100 voters willing to declare "their inti ntliui In tirgiinl/e Die | Socialist Party...
...The Congressional candidate, and a candidate for Sheriff of Fnlrflcld County will be nominated...
...It definitely changes Ihc Intent of the entire sentence...
...i Arthur F. l.urscn, rumliilatc for (iov- j ernor, will speak nl the following e Mies I Aug...
...The discussion entered upon urgaulxetloiiul pioblema I the party In Newark and I'.ssfx, :oimly...
...New York State Saranac Lake...
...6, touring Ihe southwestern part of Ohio for the Miami Valley Socialist League...
...Virginia 'file Slate Cuniinlttee will inn I In j lllrhinoud mi August 111 lo nominate a ' till congressional ticket- a rumlitluU- lor lln U. S. Senate anil ruiidldatc* for all j nine districts in the stair...
...Ave., Iletrolt...
...IB a.m...
...Yipsels, lu cimjuni'liim with party iranches, me plioiiilug for a social In iiptemlier...
...Other speakers will be John S. Martin, Socialist candidate for U. S. Senator...
...I New Jersey I'astaic...
...About 100 prrsons atended a Socialist meeting here on I'ri, lay of lust week, 15 of whom Joined lie putty mid will apply for a charier, lulcinaii II...
...Street Platforms A Inl.llng platlni in for npril nil Mini ] lugs is 111.uiol m lii i nl by a nn hiIii i of , Ilii- Truth Congressional ilish 0 I In ii mil, I ¦» .ii i i.uii i ii ii ill i Illinois...
...In 1932, Arnold K. Freese of Norwalk polled 7,2m vale* for Congress...
...with Mayor Jasper Mcl.evy of Bridgeport, Norman Thomas and Devere Allen as speaker...
...CSM frleudly to him...
...The editorial offices i are at Room 1102, 112 East 19th | Street, New York City...
...and O: C. Cartwrlght were chief speakers...
...The com uiiilei has sent the following Ii 1 lie to the N.K.C.: "The National Referendum on the Hi i lai .linn of Principles carries the Insertion 'not In contravention lo So ciallsl Principles... the talc I'linlc, Aug...
...59% of the women present registered as .housewives, uiel 41% as Industrial workers and professionals, uml all or tills II',, are iiieniliera of sonic union...
...I nt 8:31)
...It was a huge success, the attendance being estimated at 151)0...
...Socialist Day Mass Meeting, 4 p. in...
...Ha>tiinii George i.iiillilis, nohert f.l berti.ii...
...Labor unions and Socialist branches from every part of the state cooperate J each year in making this a great I labor event...
...After Smith's release, over 1,000 share-croppers turned out at a mass meeting to hear him...
...Thomas and Krzycki to Speak at N. J. Picnic Norman Thomas will apeak at the Labor and Socialist Field Day and Picnic at the D.B.S...
...Emil Rieve, International President of t the Hosiery Workers' Union, and J Leo Krzycki, National Chairman f of the Socialist Party... 10:50 u.m...
...20, Sehewaing...
...A new lui'iil Is repol'leil at Augusta...
...The steamer Belle Island leaves the Battery at 10 a.m and Bast URflh St...
...ntnm of the picnic planned lor Sunday, Aug...
...ul lawn party wa* held lust Saturday at Ilia house of lln- branch rhutruiuu, A good number of comrade...
...I G. Strickland 1* working with the C.L.U., and the members are very friendly to him...
...Aug, 21, in llaveratruw...
...Wayne ( ..unl) Nevl W.C.C.C...
...Korklsml Couiiiv...
...Other speakers were Hen Parker, .lolm Somnierbitte, candidate for (invcrnof, and Hubert I...
...Michigan Copies of the State uml Nutloiuil Con ' gicsslouul platform can he obtained liy willing Francis King...
...Four candidate* arc member* of the Central Labor Union...
...FLORIDA CONVENTION By M. K. Etfson A state convention of the party will be held at Lsjktft Wales Sunday, Sept...
...He s scheduled lo leave for Oswego County n Sunday...
...27, Pint 1 linnin...
...Wisconsin Local Milwaukee U sponsoring a weekly radio broadcast over vVTMJ ever* Sunday from 1j!3» to 11:45 p.m., central staudord time...
...23, McGregor: 21, Sandiisky...
...The Stale uiinpulgu i/omnltii'ii Is lo meet at 7 i.m...
...The State Executive Committee of Hie Socialist Parly of Pennsylvania herewith protests against this arbitrary action on the part of your committee...
...Two member* have been added to the committee by unanimous vote, Mara Lewis and Sol...
...Membi ii nl large will lie sealed with a voice and vote, A meeting of the state executive) committee and a conference of local secretaries will be held the preceding afternoon and evening...
...The Committee hold two meeting during the week...
...sml Hamilton Ave, t 8:30 line, Is Andrew 1...
...Miss l.ilihle Volple, Charleston, Is doing fine work among the Unemployed Leagues of southern W. Va...
...I a n u ii (oho, August claesaeps, ilark Starr, John Kdelmau, Dr...
...Free America, Anti-Fascist J Paper, Appears Aug...
...Tile loll.,wing week, Aug...
...ii her ii aior in I Campaign Notes John Sommerlatte, candidate for Covemor, began his campaign the week of Aug...
...Picnic Grove in Metuchen, N. J., Sunday, t August 26...
...Speakers: /ckm Antonsen, lev...
...25, llrown City...
...Augustus llatlen and T. Davli...
...ipeakers: Jacob I'anken, August claee, ' ens...
...Leading articles will be by Norman Thomas, Max Winter of Austria, and Professor Charles A. * Beard...
...For the National Executive Committee to alter the document Is u usurpation of power, a dangerous precedent, and a violation of the i misfitn Hon us well as the spirit of the Party...
...OHIO PICNIC By Robert Dullyea National Chairman, Leo Krzycki, made the pili.clpal address at the annual picnic of the party in Cuyahoga County, Aug...
...tukject: "Worker* lueatlon...
...and plans are being made to start s Vigorous campaign...
...Comrade Volple, Is a type of young organiser, well grounded In Socialist theory, sad with a formal working class education, that our party must develop if we are to gain ground...
...I'll.ns fur a large utteiidanr...
...Herman F. Niess- 1 ner, Socialist candidate for Gov- j ernor...
...i iiiectliig Friday, Aug...
...2K, St...
...Jesse II...
...This phrase does not appear in Ihc Declaration as minuted by Ihr Convention at Detroit ami ran In no way ha construed as a change In form only... noun, ills, usslon| moil to I :.«) p.m...
...Street meetings: I'iicsiIiiv...
...A i itinjil' 0 series of siihjccts have licen jiinngiil fur the new Labor Ixdlcgc, Jlie fill 1 term will cnniniciicu, Sept...
...The campaign uiiiuigi'i has i.slaltllslicil his office il» loom 31)1), People's House...
...the, oakland branch uy a makuftr rote has approved We Detroit Declsrf...
...Subeel "Socialism In Our Time...
...Branch 5. A very success...
...5, at I'lntnar's Farm, Cleveland...
...8»% of the mm regisleieil as Induatrlal or hum worst***, with 49% belonging to a union, and 11% registered a* trade union or Socialist parly officials, professionals, etc...
...Smith, Socialist organizer, wax released from jail here after a local attorney had been engaged to defend him in the courts and a Workers' Vigilantes of 40 men had been formed to protect the lawyer...
...The Unemployed Leagues held a monster picnic In Huntington on Aug...
...Stale Secretary Limbnch, after compiling Inloriiiullon received from delegates lo the Stile Convention, reports the following: Of the I III delegates present, 20';o yitta w.uiini...
...Ilnnhil 1 Killlngii...
...33, in Spilng Vuli...
...It Is anticipated But this meeting will be one of the greatest demonstration* for Socialism ever held In Connecticut...
...State la united and Is prcpmlng 1 in aggressive campaign, lienrge Hold- J sun, of Norfolk, nominee for Congress in the Norfolk District, will undertake ' urgiinl/iitliiii work In S. \Y Virginia ' where the polltloul pot will lioil...
...10, to John 11...
...We hold that changes should have been permitted at the Convention, falling lo do so, only the ineiuhershlp directly, or through .ninthly Convention has such authority...
...21, liny I'm t; XI, Unit Ave...
...West Virginia Nominates By J. F. Hlggins Huntington Socialists have nominated a full city ticket, with O. C. Cartwrlght for mayor...
...The week following he will tour Belmont County...
...Cheney ul Saratoga and Paul 'orlcr were the sneakers...
...Among the special features I will be the first picture of Joseph ' Gerl, heroic young Austrian anti- e fascist martyr, to be published in Jf the United States...
...of 1111] ? i ss ill, of the Pollers' Union, is stale i hah man...
...Broad it...
...Speakers and discussion nnleis...
...I lie parly throughout 1 lii...
...110% were men...
...branch a. The branch has changed the In...
...He will soon have a regular class on Economics and public speaking, made up only of unionists, to unet twice a mouth...
...Fare la $1.25...
...Htata Campaign Committer...
...Miss Volple...
...i at Mnil,,,, I'lfizii...
...mid a program Of i iliuliil 11 illiin in, i in 111 ii t. I Ihc illsciissliiu will coiiinue lit a Inter dale, and a 'I'llulto ilan of action will be Initiate.I...
...A number of active com nulls in Ihe west coast district are raising a fund to employ an organiser and they have made a condensed revision of the "Commonwealth Ptam" lo present to the convention as a congressional platform...
...Bases County...
...Local Norwalk will be host to Socialists at the 4th Congressional District Convention at Holon I'olnt Park...
...attended anil thoroughly enjoyed themselves...
...The committee selected G. August limber campaign manager, provided he finds It possible to accept...
...18 j --- i Free America, national monthly ' organ of the Youth Committee i Against Fascism, will make its ' initial appearance Saturday, Aug...
...I:30 to 4 p.m;, lis...
...Signs will direct all who are nut luiiollni with the pliuli ground...
...TIM party has He greatest strength in this district...
...Camp HotTnung, PipersV Ells-, Sunday, Aug...
...Organiser Willi.nn Dully, who has made his headquarcrs at Corning for the past week, will iriM-eeil ii llin licit this Saturday...
...Some have ' ¦ in-.i.ii hren named l>y district*, lln- parly membership is now more ! Hum two nod a half time* what It wuh - Inst December...
...and In uud wu\ : Aug...
...Ordei from Arthur Slriiirliiirirr, 11132 Newport Ave., Chicago...
...III, Algouiir and Ml...
...South Norwalk, at 2 p.m., Aug...
...21!, Vale...
...Party Progress Thomas Speech Copies of iIh speech In Nurnian Thomas over thr C. H. S. nation-wide lltKlkup on Ho Sun Francisco general >iilhi may lie obtained on rniuesl ail dressed to Comrade Thomaii at 111 liasl lINh St., New York...
...anil 12 Mile ltd...
...St, Socialist Summer hue) Inslitute...
...Starve and Beat Socialist Organizer TYItONZA, Ark.—Halfed and beaten...
...Comrade Kryckl's speech was curried by the Associated Press, along with an account of Ihe picnic...
...annual etate sliclallst ' juYni* h'ehl Sun* day at Pleasant Valley Park, Slat* Campaign Committee...
...Delegates are expected,from all of Ihe locals...
...Illccting Moniliiy, An, 20, at headquarter...
...Free America is four pages of tahliod size...
...Wlliioo I , speaker...
...Branch 1 held a very *uc essful out door inrcling Aug...
...Iloth tnestrogs it N p.m...
...lie is also a .niillil.iii fur Congress uud hus Die , iinllili in i- of in n...../nl labor...
...Dullea, Slate Secretary, who appealed for funds for the Onion Weeders' strike...
...Joseph Schlossberg, General ' Secretary-Treasurer of the Amal- ( gamated nothing Workers...

Vol. 17 • August 1934 • No. 33

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