Two-Day Conference Will Precede Socialist Convention

Two-Day Conference Will Precede Socialist Convention ?HIOAGO.—A two-day conV ference of party officials and active Socialist local workers will be held in Detroit May 30Jl, immediately...

...Wyoming, Hoik Springs...
...und I'll 11 Sehaller, llarilson...
...If, Don't Inrael Hie Parly ami Lxlilblt June 23...
...The Slate Secretarv calls attention oi local* to til* desirability of tiling the names and addresses nf delegates and alternate* on or Inline June 1. SJtat* Ortanlisr...
...Publication ofliee, Wl'l Webster St...
...Pdroit Culls for May ure out...
...Study topics are: May ill By popular ii 'to...
...Viinnn Mil,lull will wind up It* sliccessilll lecture*, debutes and pintle* mi May T.< with a debate nil "line* America Need a New Third Party...
...Mount Olive...
...Arizona ami North Carolina hit tin- llfth mill sixth slate...
...All flight flag...
...Hie lied falcon* are ready In help the light against lusi Ism...
...Nebraska Thi' latest entry Into tile list of Socialist papers of tin.....untry is The Leader of Oinahii...
...Branch 1. Ihe Dual Saturday eve uiug entertainment program Is scheduled for May III a picnic al lllver linage I'nrk...
...Till' Culilcs' course, which meet* every Tliursihiy at H p.m...
...HH your chart this week...
...August i laessi ns, although running into rnld and rainy weather, ha* held, si.....• giaal meetings Ihe past week...
...West Virginia...
...Round-table discussion will be on publicity, financing local activity, youth work, women's work, cultural activities, farm work, racial and nationality group work, anti-war and anti-fascist activities, problems of state secretaries and problems of foreign language federation secretaries...
...Meeting* will continue...
...He was one of the first physicians on the staff of the Medical Departmen...
...Here la a real definite coal to aim at with six mouths to bring your flight up lo llii'ia requirement... drive winkers uulcss they have decided In prolong their drive activities over n louder period and Rave reported to that cliect are urged In turn in all receipt stubs ami unused forma to the parly's national headi|uartei-s at once...
...Margaret Congun, Vonkers...
...Attendance was oil the whole good und consisted of u large group of mm Socialists...
...held a'eil Hireling I'rlda) night In art on charier applications, arrangements fur the Slate Convention and oilier matters...
...As part id Hie' lullform girls will weiif ri'ikherels...
...New Locals, Branches and Yipsel Circles xrkansos, Tvrnll/a iDllhh* llriinehl...
...Iowa, Muscatine...
...Serrelury, Solly /ahrwnbriill/er...
...We will— und we'll show them that here, ns In oilier countries...
...Branch S. Speaker al Saturday open forum, May HI, K. Ilerlalsky...
...Inquiries and subscriptions should he sent to Ylarlorlc Ivlpp, ill 1...
...rations, picket store* selling goods made In fascist countries, light against the break ing mil ol' fascist movement In this country...
...Kansas I'.itx flvisl Side »r.I, Webb <:iI> : Montana...
...Hnhii uml Algernon Lee eiich gave two lecture...
...llulh Chapman ami Joseph Cglafall.t New Hochelle, N»w Knrhrlle...
...Algernon Lee on World Socialism III the lust at live lectures In the Him.I School extension enures at Debs Hall, Ml Nnrlh Ave., Simduy al H p. ill...
...Trade union and unemployed organization problems will be considered at the first day's general sessions, Wednesday, May 30...
...7. On July I we have been Invited lo take purl In a huge Picnic and Outing by all Ihe Anll-l-'aarlil Herman organl/.illnns In New York City...
...Colorado, liriml Jimiitnu...
...This request comes in preparation tin- a direct mall appeal will he made In many stale* liy the national organization...
...Hie ullhuiujlve, Ihe rollHllillee evpecls thai llrb* Hall, -'ii fast Isl St., will be sold out ami asks comrade* lo purchase ticket...
...New Haven (Central lie.I...
...New Hochelle...
...Hiintf tennis rai|uets and baseball equipment...
...Thursday sessions will be taken up by discussion of the efficient functioning of the party machinery...
...Ilii",!' state*, together with Georgia, Kentucky, \t Kniisiis uml Tennessee, are llsteil mi Hie "Red Special" In a report mi Ihe drive released from nuHmiiil heiid<|uarlers tills wiili...
...Brioches may accept, revise or amend any of the three, or submit their awn proposals...
...New York State Slate r >ei u 11»* I uniniltlit Tile S.L.C...
...Capacity audience, and many turned away lor hick oi room ale In nearby restaurant* and returned lor the speeches...
...The branch will hold its annual spring social and entertainment Saturday evening, May III, at the home of Mrs...
...West Virginia Ihe state convention suggests that a lonfereuce he held oi publishers and editors of part) pipers for Ihe ills Mission of plans looking forward to the consolidation oi the press so as to eliminate waste and duplication...
...repeat talk by Matilda Icinne Alexander ou "My fcanerleure in Leningrad and Moscow...
...Chicago Socialists are arranging a round-trip bus excursion at reduced rates for delegates who wish to see the World's Fair...
...Organizer William I. Dully has been working In I later anil I .Irene Counties Ihe pasi week...
...Bereuherg will tuke Ihe uegullve and Allied VI...
...Sis delegate* anil lour alternates lo the state convention were elected: J. Jay and I...
...W. Huntington are editors...
...J Alexander, graduate of the Hand School...
...In the Hand School, started off with a bang Inst Thursday, Later topics, after the present series on hiking preparation* und Ihe How and Why of Nature Callectliin* have been completed, will be announced...
...The first day's sessions will include all delegates and visitors, who will spend the time between 10 a. m, and noon, 2 and 5 p. m., and from 7:30 p. m. on, discussing problems of working with trade unions and unemployed Organizations...
...nullah' Hiillalos haiMliiel lor Ihe lulled Drive was a greal success...
...eic„ In be down, la-urn Ihe snugs on the special sung '.heels...
...Dav id I...
...A group of Socialist women have been .......Bog every Thursday afternoon since .Inniiui \ al the Socialist Party W......u's Hound fable Discussion Club...
...Director of the Jewish Center, on "Social Services tinier a Declining Capitalism...
...Helen Beese, fl...
...the !!!i1h to the 2111 Ii, Inclusive, at Hull.11., anil vlclllll...
...Youth Organizations Against Fascism rhhsitu...
...Western delegates who wish to take advantage of this excursion are asked to buy their longer tickets to Chicago instead of to Detroit...
...New Hochelle...
...tares blue berels...
...lie al heaibiuai lei s, I',, loresl Ave., al I p. ill...
...I. Beipiliciui'iils fur a Simulant Arrows flight have been iHscidril on definitely lie Hie nest sk month period...
...Green devoted the maj t part of his life to the Socialist and trade union movements, both as a lecturer and a worker...
...FALCON NOTES I. All out lor the No Mure War pallida Saturday...
...GREEN CHICAGO.—The Chicago com' rades and members of the Workmen's Circle and of trade unions will gather to pay their last tribute to their beloved Comrade, Dr...
...The Inliil sum sent In no far by locals ami hranrhes for I Insupport hi national organization work Is «>,;.oii...
...Illinois comes tciii'Hi and New Jersey lillli An effort is being made to make a iiual check-up mi payments in the drive...
...Box lunches will be disposed oi...
...Megular meeting of Ihe branch Wednesday evenings at 1*1 II", Hamilton Avenue...
...South Carolina Once again police have decided Unit Mali Secretary S. V. Kelllilsoll Is causing loo much trouble, Alter searching tile statutes lor something to keep 111 ¦ 11 quiet, Ihe) have decided that passing out Socialist literature to winkers Is u form ol "advertising without a license...
...R. B. Green, at the unveiling of a monument Sunday, May 27th, It the Wai saw Benevolent Association Cemetery, Waldheim...
...Koss, Mt...
...Two pieces ol literature have already lieen prepared h> the organization, a leallet "fight fascism" anil a iMMiklel "The Menace of fascism...
...The New World...
...Websler Springs...
...One In a Presbyterian church at Itnck Glenn was particularly Claesseus will pul in nest week in i 11 .< 11 In a 111 oi and l.rle Counties...
...A series of biweekly lectures were also held, In which some of Ihe outstanding party speaker* lectured...
...Representatives of the Socialist Party, the Chicatro Federation of Labor, the Federation of Jewish Unions, the Forward Association, the Jewish Socialist Verband and lilt...
...Westchester lllelllberi met at Debs Hull last Sunday In consider alternate resolutions to come helore the iMitlonal convention, Question* discussed were all A, Trade Unionism, The Itouil to Power, L. ami S. I., W'ur und fuse lain, and Lnbor Party, Carl f...
...H. Ihe nlleiidaiiee at the lust flight Leaders' Council was poor- where wag the flhdil Leader of vntir flight...
...John Shelllon, illy treasurer, and I red Schwiirt/kopl, city clerk of Bridgeport, will discuss Ihe Socialist administration of the elly...
...Alio sketch, "l» a Hussion Village Station," III peasant .ostium May )ll Card party...
...We have no money," they write, 'hut our lighting finalities will average about two tons each...
...Although devoted to his profession as physician and surgeon, he always found time to battle for the cause of Socialism and labor...
...All sessions will be held at the Hotel Fort Wayne...
...I., i hi ing at Jamestown on the jnih and 21st, Dunkirk an the illlrd, and Sliver Creek "H th" Zlth the James'nwn I series, beginning tonight, I* arhrduled In nil I,ii, nan auditorium, l.iaessens will spend I'r...
...Leonard Bright...
...I'he branch has lis nwu headquarters that lias heroine Ihe labor center of ML Vernon, Colons, Workmen's Circle, and unemployed organizations make II their meeting place...
...reaperlively, to over subscribe tlii'lr <|Uotu* In Ihc ilCII I lilted Socialist Drive...
...Union St., Chicago...
...Ihe brunch has successfully conducted a series ol six classes of the Hand School Lxlciishlll Course...
...Mute t'antcallan...
...The State executive Committee decided to submit to all brunches three drafts ol a tentative state platform...
...The llrst Issue, containing the party platform, sketches of candidates, and the official statements of the California Socialists, will he leulv soon...
...The suggestion Is uuiile that a single niillonal paper lie set up with regional edition*, Michigan Local tiladstolir has assisted In the establishment of a cooperative store which Is illIIIIktill with the Northern States Cooperative League...
...Connecticut llantden...
...John II...
...New Jersey Newark...
...The Youth l'.oinniillee will he an Individual membership hotly, and dues will he puid at the rate nf l.*i cents lor six mouths to support nalioual work...
...A Youth Committee Against fascism has been tormcd composed ol representatives ol the Young People's Socialist league, the Young,' (.irele League, the Young I'oule /Ion, Pioneer Youth, and the Student League lor Industrlal Democracy...
...May III...
...of the Workmen's Circle...
...Special rules lo I lights :t...
...Pennsylvania and Massachusetts vie In the struggle lor second place, with Massachusetts taking rile lead this week...
...Workmen's Cricle will participate...
...Six States on "Red Special" Chicago...
...Sneakers: 'fucker P. Smith...
...New York...
...Channel St...
...National Leo M. Krzyckl, and Comrade George C, Brlncklirr, vice-president nf Ihe Aeronautical Workers' I nliiii, Ml...
...The second day's sessions Will start with a general meeting In the morning, in which the local, state and national machinery will be described and studied...
...The Bed falcon section meets I :.'W promptly al 7 Cast l.'dh SI...
...The follow ing Saturday, May 211, Mela Mlseinan will speak on "Women and the Socialist Party...
...Parsons Is Hie delegate I nun Wes'fr llesler...
...Nathan line, Dr...
...In the order given: Curl 0. Parson...
...Beginning May ,1 al 2 p. in., the Cluh holds two one-hour sessions, one devnled to cue rent events, and one for study directed by Matilda Terrace CHICAGO WILL UNVEIL MEMORIAL TO DR...
...Tentative oil leers were elected • huh num...
...In adn dition to these general conferences, small "round table" conferences, to be held at meal times, are planned on a variety of subjects...
...lord, Willie 1'hilns...
...California At least four issues will lie published this year of a special campaign paper...
...Cray 111 nils and II...
...Ihe fjlucallnual Committee plans far the lull a more comprehensive series of events...
...lie i|ulrles should lie iiddressed to the Youth Committee Again'I i-'aselsm, Moxlcv lildg...
...Into June and are open to the public...
...Ilrnoklvn (Last flat hush Jewish Bronchi...
...Otto A. Iliegeliuaii, Vonkers...
...New Mexico Socialists oi I'ortales and \iclnlly are going to pot a lull count) ticket in Ihe Held this fall...
...Two-Day Conference Will Precede Socialist Convention ?HIOAGO.—A two-day conV ference of party officials and active Socialist local workers will be held in Detroit May 30Jl, immediately preceding the convention...
...Wisconsin Is still well In the lead ol' all other states...
...Then the group will divide for the afternoon, one section taking up "work in metropolitan areas" and the other "work in town and rural areas...
...W MIDI* St...
...Lillian Ottosnu...
...Local groups will distribute anil -fascist literature, arrange mass meetings and demon...
...Next Might Leaders' Council lakes place June 0. al which we expect Hill per cent ul......e...

Vol. 17 • May 1934 • No. 20

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