Johnson Finds Need For Socialism in the South

Johnson Finds Need For Socialism in the South CHICAGO.'—Edward Johnson, a national organizer supported by funds from the 1934 United Socialist Drive, reports the growth of a militantly...

...All locals and branches are urged to send in their quotas at once...
...A conference of party members wes held at Klmlra on May 1. Addresses ware made by L. Alva Tompkins, of Ithaca, and others...
...Thursday evening—John llrrllng will speak at IMS Ilroad St...
...Brunch merle every Friday evening ut s .mi at the above address, aim Vlnsels meet eurh Wednesday evening...
...David G. Ccorge has resigned as state organizer...
...ILLINOIS SOCIALISTS NAME FULL TICKET FOR FALL ELECTION STAUNTON, III.—Walter Meyer, chairman of the Missouri State Executive Committee, opened the Illinois state convention here by picturing the opportunities before the party and stressing the importance of expanding the organization...
...and to work for < a trade union philosophy which will tin in the union member to look for his solvation, political as well as economic, In the organized power of the workers rather than in any individual leader or a so-called partnership with the owning class...
...He reports that locals may be organized at Woodstock and Kaugrtrles, as well ae at Kingston, Rockland County Concert and a lecture by Jacob Panken In the Jewish Community Center, Spring Valley, on Sun.lay, May IS, at 8 p. in...
...M. E. Kirkpatrick, Granite City, and Oscar Sturm, Staunton...
...The State Committee will meet here May 20 to plan for the coming Congressional campaign...
...Tuesday, May It—County Executive (.oniinlttee meets al headquarters, Wednesday...
...a Hth...
...Day after day he •poke to the strikers, pointing out the great power of organized labor which, in this case, finally forced the owners to abandon outrageous sweatshop conditions...
...It Is merely accentuating the basic contradictions' or the capitalist system and Is setting the stage 'for a greater crisis...
...The Norwegian Federation of Labor, like the Labor Party jt controls, is of very radical tendency...
...He wUI be at Cornlna oa the tMh, lion,ell loth...
...Aluhiima, over two months ¦ do...
...Pint, Johnson worked wlUi the laundry and dry cleaning plant workers...
...All interested are urged to act quickly and communicate with Henry Fruchter, Socialist Party, 7 East 16th Street...
...A spontaneous walkout of 400 shirt workers, mostly girls, followed on the heels of the hard won victorry of the laundry workers...
...Topici 'The March of Fascism," Proceeds for Austrian Relief Fund...
...The candidates for the election are: Congressmen-at-large, Harold Butcher, of Bloomington, secretary of the Illinois Farmers' Union...
...The Convention Journal is being prepared by A. Kent...
...Vanden Bosch, alternate) Western section—Robert A. Holt man, delegate, and Herman J, Halm, alternate...
...Edward Kennedy, Elmhurst...
...I have long been a believer in Socialist principles, and now I feel that the time has Some to work actively in the movement as the only one that will benefit farmers," Klock said...
...Students will be housed In tents...
...tale ¦leentlvs CeasalMee.-The Stole Executive Committee Is scheduled to meet at the People's House, Mew York, on Sunday...
...Party RICHMOND, Va.—At the recent state •onvention, Daniel Kllllnger, of HopeWell, head of the Potters' Union, was Iled.-it state chairman, J. Luther Kill er, of Newport News, was unanimously reelected state secretary-treasurer...
...I lie party lineup Is entirely new...
...This Is the first Socialist Party nomination made here in many years...
...Illinois Chios* Jackson Park Branch wiU 5lve a dance and entertainment Suluray, May 10, in the club house...
...and In the evening there will be a mass meeting In Town Hall with Mayor Jasper McLrvy of Bridgeport as chief speaker...
...Plecarpo Is an active party member, secretary of the local, widely known in the district and will make a good race...
...John Fisher, Gillespie: Harold Hatcher, Bloomington...
...The conference Indorsed Win...
...But when this city is in the deep South, and Negro and white workers are in the same ranks of strikers, the event becomes one of signficance to the whole Southern labor movement...
...Johnson Finds Need For Socialism in the South CHICAGO.'—Edward Johnson, a national organizer supported by funds from the 1934 United Socialist Drive, reports the growth of a militantly Socialist proletariat in the southern states where he is now working...
...It is proposed to nominate candidates in the nine Virginia districts...
...Belleville Brunch carried on an active campaign and distributed a very effectlve letter dealing with local Issues Belleville comrades will Immediately launch an aggressive campaign in the Tenth Congressional District, where Andrew P. Wlttel, a member of the Belleville Branch and former Slate Secretary, Is candidate...
...Jamestown 11th, 20ih and Slat..., on "Heorlrntatlon In the Socialist Party...
...The cost will be kept at low as possible...
...School term commences July 1, with a corpa of nationally known Socialist educators, to last through July and possibly the first fifteen days of August...
...Nest came rumbles from the Tennessee Coal and Iron Workers, which reverberated In Washington when W. H. Crawford was sent to Washington hy the steel workers to represent them before the National Labor Uourd...
...To date, about a third of the money needed has been sent to the national office...
...Housing arrangements ate under the supervision of Clara Nayamith...
...Five members of the local expect lo drive out to the Detroit convention...
...Michigan Warn...
...Belleville.- At the municipal election May s, Charles l.onghl, Socialist candidate for Town Commissioner, received 402 votes, a remarkably good showing in view of the fact that it was the first time the i>n11v had a local candidate in the field since 1912...
...Rockland County has gone "over the top" with Its quota of the United Socialist Drive...
...An attempt is being made this month to collect a large part of the 115,000 net fund that must be raised for national organization needs alone If the work of men like Comrade Johnson Is to be continued...
...West Virginia Registration of prospective students for the Summer Labor School is In progress...
...Arriving in a city of 260,000 with a strike orj in which 3,000 workers had tied up fifty large plants," writes Comrade Johnson, is getting to be a common experience in the life of a Socialist organizer...
...All candidates are Inking the speakers' course which begun May 7. May 12 will be candidates' night at the branch...
...Finns are under way for a whirlwind full cumpulgn...
...In the resolution on labor organizations, members of the party within unions were Instructed to oppose racketeering, racial discrimination and dictatorship within unions...
...George R. Kirkpatrick, onetime candidate for the vice presidency, opened the convention, With a characteristic "keynote...
...She is com collating her efforts among the Jobless, helping to organize Unemployed leagues and branches, and securing students im the Summer School among the unemployed Massm huM-tts Boston...
...Arthur McDowell, Chicago, chairman of the YPSL NEC...
...Incut Norwich Is planning a full day of party activities May IS...
...Walter Bergman is chairman of the general arrangements committee...
...The New Deal was characterised In another resolution as decepUon and fraud on the American workers...
...Final meeting planned by the Public Meetings Committee this season...
...delegate, and Augustus G. II...
...i7ih Csngreseleaal District Coafereato...
...Locals of the Western Massachusetts I nidation will meet at Northampton headquarters, 135 Main St,, Sunday May i:t...
...Socialists and sympathizers living in New York and in nearby cities can now make their reservations at the return trip fare...
...Comrades are requested to reserve both dates, Paesate.-I rlday...
...Flury is Educational Director...
...Camden.—James Oneal, editor of The New Leader, will lecture Sunday night at Socialist headquarters on "Socialist Turtles in Review," New York State National Convention.—The following delegates and alternates to the National Convention have been elected outside <.i eater New York: Westchester County —Carl O. Parentis, delegate, and Leonard Bright, alternate...
...The local Workmen's Circle branches and many trade unions cooperated...
...lo fight all collaboration with capitalist political parties...
...Halm Kantorovltch of New York will speak at a general membership meeting at 1 Stuart St., Monday, May 14, at Hp...
...state Organizer Duffy has spent the week In Ulster County...
...The local comrades entertained the 60 delegates and mam visitors In a truly Socialist spirit...
...A she lor the school has been leased In the beautiful Tygart Valley, near Plilllpnl...
...Andrew Juvinull, Savoy...
...Nato Egnor, Decatur...
...Plans were made to put tickets In the Sold In every district...
...Connecticut Norwich...
...A copy of Comrade Berenherg's new book will be given away with every two tickets sold...
...i .unity Organizer Holder busy In unorganized territory, and I Aral Passaic will have three additional branches shortly...
...trustees of the University of Illinois, John Branson, Decatur...
...Sunday evening, May SO—13th Ward Branch of Newark will hold anniversary supper and concert at 10*5 Broad St... make every effort to organize the unorganized and support measures tending toward an industrial rather than a craft type of union...
...Ithaca,—Local Tompkins County baa elected L. Alva Tompkins delegate and m}*f Florence Fulton alternate to the State Convention...
...In this city he was able rapidly In develop intcrrst among worker...
...Tear.- August Claeesens will speak In Blmira tonight...
...A number of resolutions seconded statements In the preliminary agenda of the national convention...
...Morris Blumin, lor Burt, Maynard Krueger and Donald Lotrich, of Chicago...
...Business meeting at 10:110 and a conference to discuss resolutions on the agenda of the national convention will begin at 2 p. in...
...Branch i.—Branch headquarters moved to 1451* Spiiiigardeu, near Chalmers and Seymour...
...Georgia Allbright, Waukegan...
...It is vitally Important that this work be continued through further contributions to the party's National I*'und Drive...
...It once was in fact a member of the Moscow International...
...June • Is the date of ¦ special Essex County local meeting to hear reports ol delegates to the national convention, and June 12 as a local meeting for elec tlon or officers...
...gMpOtli 5«J...
...The new state executive committee consists of Douglas Anderson, Illiopol is, chairman...
...G. O'Kune, Secretary, Summer School Committer...
...May 1st meeting well attended...
...521 Walnut Ave, Fairmont...
...The most important favored establishment of a parly press and one on the FarmerLabor party...
...eT"L chosen executive secretary of the Congressional and Senatorial District committees...
...Mar II, at StO Main Ave., Professor Edward /.ubrlskle of Dana College will lectin r oil "Itussls Today," This meeting Is sponsored by the Ylpseli...
...Hon—Monroe M. Sweet laud, Jr., dele gatr, and John II...
...Since it withdrew from the Moscow organization, it remained aloof from any international affiliation...
...Every voter will be given Socialist leaflets...
...California Stockton.—Joseph A. IMecarpo Is Socialist candidate for State Senator, and candidates will be nominated for other offices in the county and district...
...About SOfl atlendrd...
...May lf> Final open discussion meeting or the Oranges In the West Orange Community House, with Morris Alexander on "How Should Socialised Industries Be Administered...
...Wisconsin Farm Leader Joins Socialist Party MADISON, Wis.—The swing of former third party followers toward the Socialist Party continues, as the state office of the party announced that Ralph Klock, official in the Dane Count* "arm Holiday Association and prominent in the farm strikes last year, had joined the Socialists...
...All comruilrs should make returns as soon as possible...
...Following the recent Slate Convention held at Cle Elum, Washington, at which a stirring platform was adopted, the Socialist Party finds Itself In a stronger position than ever before...
...BsMi County...
...Branch I. Music, entertainment and dancing will be the order of the day at branch headquarters, 220 P...
...created earlier by Norman Thomas and Clarence Senior at atrike meetings...
...Active preparations are being made by the general arrange menu committee for the national convention...
...While the NRA constitutes a departure from old concepts of governmental relation ship to the economic end social life of the country, it has not brought and cannot bring substantial relief to Ibe American masses...
...1507 East 55th St... fWn| all party members to participate in the organization of their trade and for unemployed members to loin and !i . . organisations of unemployed so mat their efforts can be directed towards "•e removal of the causes of unemployment...
...Crawford, who is working hard to organize ail steel workers in this district in one big industrial union chartered under the Amalgamated Association of Iron Tin and Steel Workers, often calls on Johnson to go out to Blue Eagle Hull in Fairfield and talk Industrial unionism to his mass meetings...
...The drive is now well over the lop and will soon come In a close...
...Purest Ave., Saturday, May l'i...
...West Central see...
...Berl Broylrx was circled State Secretary and a State Executive tCommiltee was formed with the following elected: Andrew Hunter, William Perry, W. It Snow, A. Sumner Thompson, William McKee, Peter Woltulwltx, Heiidrlrk Pirtrrnian, S. R. McAlnlne, Jack Hopkins and J. F. McKay...
...Important resolutions were adopted and a new executive committee and a slate of candidates for State offices selected...
...Five hundred dollars was collected for the Austrian Workers Fund...
...Meetings are to lie held Tuesday evenings...
...Batten, alternate: Lusl Central section— Lewi Tonks, delegate, and llrrbegj M. Merrill, alternate...
...Students deslrlug to enroll should send names to...
...New Jersey Peterson...
...Thin wua Ihe situation Comrade Jolut-nii found when he arrived In IK.....-,¦ t...
...for State Treasurer, Morris Franklin, Chicago...
...A party of at least 100 excursionists can succeed in making the round trip for $19.50, spending a few days at the Chicago Fair, at the convention, or both...
...William E. Holm of the Rand School will be the principal sneaker...
...The city campaign Is the hottest ever seen, with an excellent chance for Socialist victory...
...Long island ami Hudson lllver section — Solus W. Chrlstensen...
...However, it has just changed its stand, decided to join the International Federation of Trade Unions and notified the Socialist leaders of their organisation that President Halvard Olsen will represent the Norwegisn unions at tits nest International gathering la Geneva...
...Excursion to the Fair And tile Convention A special call is going out to party members and aympavthizers interested in an excursion trip to the Chicago Fair and the Detroit convention at a particularly low rate of fare...
...Those wishing to make reservations should apply to her at ZK> E. Forest Are...
...Miss l.llihle Vol pie, formerly of Commonwealth College, Arkansas, is doing good organization and propaganda work in Charleston...
...Pennsylvania Philadelphia.--Local Soclulists held a reception for Mux Wilder on Sunday May 0, at the I.mI.hi Institute...
...on "The Menace of Fascism" for the Central Branch Thursday afternoon — Women's Discussion Group meets at 10SB Broad St...
...C. Perry of Clmlrn for Congressman, and Monroe M. Sweetland, Jr., for State Senator In the 41st District...
...Saturday evening — Women's Cohimlttee will serve the usual 2f,e supper at county headquarters between S and 8 p. m. Sunday evening—David P. Herrnberg of the Rand School will speak at county headquarters on "A Program for So rlallsiu...
...Superintendent of Public Instruction, Florence Cttfikis Hanson, Chicago, secretary 5tf the Am erica n Federation of Teachers...
...KilHnger Heads Va...
...Stuart Strachan Is in charge...
...The fiftyeight delegates, with as many alternates present, pledged themselves to make the State of Washington the "Hot Spot" of Socialism In the near future...
...Financial arrangements are being taken care of by a committee headed by Jo*., Bernstein...
...State Executive Committee meets in the morning, Second Congressional DIs irici convention meets In the afternoon both in Workmen's Circle Hall, 31 Fairmont St...
...Resolutions were adopted on disarmament, urging that money appropriated for military and naval purposes be spent •or unemployment relief Instead...
...Ihe convention favored a raferaaouin n. nii„oi, among miners In order *> 10v« them the rluht In Ml* union ,,l their choice...

Vol. 17 • May 1934 • No. 19

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