The Basic Principles of the Modern Socialist Movement
Berenberg, David P.
The Basic Principles of the Modern Socialist Movement By David P. Berenberg This is one of n sfrictt of iirticIcK—ki'/ fp-ouii^ nf six artichu vdch—to ujipeur in The Xew Leader in cooiterution...
...April 27, 1934... the unending attempts to substitute slavish, company unions fur the free unions of the workers...
...fore has American business bf«8 as firmly intrenched for prosperity as it is today...
...Whereupon the Duee smirked and said: Behold, my beloved people are behind me almost to a man...
...J » After which the free and independent citizens of Italy marched forth singing Giovani:za and cast their unti^mmeled vote for their beloved Henito to the tune of 10,t)41,i"J7 aKiiinst 15,2(i5...
...And the sermon of the hierachs terminated patriotically with the following injunction: "Now everybody will know how to fulfill his duty, which is to vote the '.Si' ballot, not only for his own but in the superior interest of Imperial Italy of the Duce...
...Nor, on the other hand, can it be denied that a few members of the ruling class.slip back into the ranks of the workers...
...NE of the weapons that the capitalist cias...
...His sunny disposition captivated the newsjiaper men...
...When the names of the Socialists were rejected by the government, the workers refused to elect any substitute, saying that there was not a traitor within the factory...
...FROM a cable despatch to La Vangiiardia, Buenos Ayres Socialists daily, interesting light is shed on the reason for the overwhelming number of ".Si" votes in the recent Italian "totalitarian election...
...Ill Wiisih the percentag.' of orjfanized is larger—58, and in Tientsin smaller—l.'S [ler ci'Ul... the oflicial rejxirts of the KnoniintanH government in China, there are now 800,000 Workers in Shanghai and 202,108 of them, (jr 2.')';, l)elong to Labor unions...
...The small manufacturer cannot compete with the grett^factory geared to mass production...
...August Jansen, controller...
...Naturally, if there are no classes, there can be no struggle between them...
...At another factory a ''patriotic" meeting had to be called off because of hostile demonstrations by the workers...
...B. L. Workers* Fire Ins...
...Charlie was intervieweil by the reporters upon his recent arrival from abroad...
...The Xew Lender han enlisted the OHsintance of the Rand School of Social Science, whose Ktaff have undertaken to helj) readers who wish to yet the utmost value out of the seriex, lin answering questions that may arise in their minds as thcji read, and directing them to sources of iii-formntio...
...The elector must then deliver the ballot to the chairman of the board, who will deposit it in the box...
...Anil this huge ))opulation owns two per cent of the nation's wealth...
...Within a short time these three classes will become two—the class of the workers, great In number, great in possibilities, will stand face to face with the class of the exploiters, small in numbers, but great in prestige and by virtue of its wealth Between these two forces the irrepressible conflict will be fought out...
...advising them us to further studu, oul so forti...
...How large it is finally estimated to be depends on whether you include in it the farm laborers, the working farmers and those who are classed as "white c(j|lar" workers...
...Organ-izer, Harold W. Glasgow...
...hecembe, 1, 19.'i0: "Though 1 get dei)res.sed and blue sometimeij^ I know that our normal trend is ujiward an I r.nward...
...the mall retail storekeoiiers, who likewise do day-labor in their stores...
...It is possible for the son of a farmer or of a workngnian to become President, or a multi-millionaire...
...The chain store and the department store are crushing the small retailer...
...What did he think of the depression...
...The main purpose of the school will be to train young men and women workers for progressive la-iKir leadership, giving them courses in economics, Jabor history, strike tactics, unemployment, public speaking, social science and psychology, oi^anizatlon methods...
...If you do—and they ought to be included —then the proletariat consists of between (iO and 7i' pei' cent of the peoijle...
...Richard Pohle, recording secretary...
...He said he W«S uiitimistic and believed that the/ depression, "the worst we ever had," was en<led and that the country was really back on th« solid road leading to pi-osperily.— New York Times...
...He oozes wisdom from every pore...
...when he sees Sacco and Vanzetti slain, and the Scottsboro boys railroaded to the gallows while a Harry Thaw, an admitted murderer, buys his way to freedom...
...Ludwig Schmidt, John BaHing, Emerich iStelnberger, Adolf Grodinger and Jack Melhado, members of the Board of Directors...
...our " present master class) uses in America—and an effective weapon it is—is to deny that then' an' classes...
...The colors of the "Si" bailor were visible even after folding...
...The almost uanimous and automatic opposition of the press to all strikes is proof enough of that...
...There is a vast class of men and women who possess no property but their own bodies—the iimperty-less woikers, the preletariat...
...The chairman can ascertain "whether the vote is affirmative or negative by the simple fact of the 'signature of authenticity.' Hut there is a further control, of almost mathematical certainty, of the identification of the vote cast by the elector, due to the fact that on leaving the booth he still retains one of the ballots...
...liquidated prices of many securities are a sign of too short perspective and too excitable temperament...
...This is very clever—and altogether dishonest...
...In these days the middle class has lost its economic power and is rapidly losing even the small remnant of political' power that it still retains...
...Classes exist, they say, in the old countries of Europe...
...The cable was from the official Itafian government news agency...
...Frank Ji...
...October 25, 1!»2»: "In my lon)i association with the steel industry, I have never known it to enjoy a greater stability iir more promising outlook than it does today...
...Between these two there is u large ami bewildered middle goup broken uj) into many fragments, thai turns first this way, and then the other, but that on the whole sides with the capitalists...
...His fore-clUt^Tor years have been treasured l)y "thoughtful persons...
...Both* ballots are ' "a u t h e n-ticated" on the outside with tlie signature oi an election ofliiial...
...It is itself dominated by alM)ut 150 men in whose hands are the great banks, the railroads, the snpjjlies of basic metals, and hence real power, political and economic...
...realize their existence as a class because It was relatively easy for them anti particularly for their children to find a way out ol the working class and into the middle class...
...Assistant Camp Sup't, J. R. McNeil...
...Secretary, G. G. O'Kanc...
...Trager of Johns Hopkins University...
...Even the professionals are being crowded out by legal'aid societies, title companies, hospitals, :linics and the growth of all types of social service...
...those farmers who own their land without mortgage, or who have a reasonable expectation of being able to pay off their mortgages...
...Assistant Educational Director, L. P. Malone...
...There are no legal titles of nobility, but phrases like I'the four,hundred," "the best people," "class advertising," "residential districts," "the diamond horseshoe" tell their story...
...In the evenings nationally known figures will give addresses...
...Ladies and Gentlemen, Charlie Schwab...
...As a punishmeiit a number of workers were dismisseii from their jobs...
...The owning famer is being chahged into a peasant tenant...
...No one denies that a few exceptional men and women born in the working class rise out of it into the ruling class... the crooked fight of the Motor Industry against unionization...
...The America of 177(3 was composed in large measure of people who would today be put into the middle class...
...In a large textile factory in Lower Austria, Dollfuss' "Patriotic" Front attempted to hold a meeting of workers...
...Charlie knows...
...The mornings will be devoted to study and class work, while the afternoon will be free for swimming, games, hiking and conferences...
...Shanck of Wilson Teachers' College, Wash., D. C, and Prof...
...It is aliout ended and — But, let Charlie speak for himself over the years...
...Camp Sup't, W. E. Annon...
...Neumann Marquer, executive secretary...
...If more proof were needed, it lies in the dastardly campaign against the Child Labor Amendment, in the per-"listence with which the capitalists sabotage the labor provisions of the NBA codes...
...Referred to the Strategists of Tammany Hall Iti^to Can GIvt Cards .and Spades 4e the Most Ingenious flecfieH Creek Thaf iver Came Out of the Wiawam in the Gentle Art of Winning Elections...
...2. Are There Classes...
...e., doctor.s/ lawyers, denti.sts, architects, accountants...
...Four men turned up...
...It consists of not more than two per cent of the whole I'opulation, yet it controls (!.') per cent of all the pi-operty of the nation...
...After the Crash December 10, 1929...
...Never bfN...
...Oetober 1, lO.'il: "The over...
...the professional groups (i...
...Shortly before election a call was sent out to all regi.-tered ¦ voters by tVe fasci.n political secretaries to attend a meeting (and none dare (Jecline such a summons...
...This is no longer possible, even for the most gifted of the children of the workers...
...They will know it through their own oxperience...
...Now turn to the Scriptures, Hebrews, l.'i: 8, for appropriatf comment...
...Before the Wall Street Crash March 5, l!»2!i: "I do not think that there is any danger to tht public in the present .situation...
...Flury to Head West Virginia Party School Dr...
...These groups once dominated America...
...Only a short while ago It was difficult for th< workers of America to...
...Reports Big Year Declaring that ^n spite of adverse conditions the membership of the Workmen's Furniture Fire Insurance Society had increased aijd a financial surplus was evident," Executive Secretary N. Marquer delivered a favorable report at the annual meeting,of the society...
...In America, they say, all are born equal, all are equal under the law...
...As this new fact is realized by the )vorkers the struggle of the classes will grow sharper and more evident...
...In spite of legal fictions, in spite of yjroteste on the part of those who would pull the wool over our eyes, there are classes in America...
...Soon It will no longer be necessary to prove to the workers that a class struggle exists...
...Thei'e will be no discriminatMW on account of color, race, sex 0* religion...
...But to argue from these facts that classes do not exist is brazen effrontery...
...Then the struggle will enter its final stages...
...Science wiU cure unemployment...
...The insurance values amounted to $79,665,470...
...Naturally, if he has retained the 'Si' ballot that proves that he has voted 'No' and in that event the rebel, besides being subject to immediate and exemplary punishment, will be denounced by the militia before the Commission for Confinement in the Islands of Deportation for his bad, subversive and anti-national conduct...
...Words of Wisdom from Our Own Charlie ^NE of our most celebrated ^ philosophers and economists, Charlie Schwab, steel king, bars just returned fiom a pleasant sojourn abroad...
...Here, since we do not permit titles of nobility, to speak of classes is nonsense...
...FIGHTING SPIRIT liAS NOT BEEN DULLED In the Siemens factory, the largest electrical machinery works in Vienna, the workers unanimously elected as their shop stewards the Socialists who had been ousted by decree of the Doll-fuss government...
...The proletariat consists of the huge mass...
...Joel I. Seidman, Brookings Institute...
...Robert T. Kcrlin of Ke.v-.ser, W. Va...
...Some ot those expected to address the students are Norman Thomas, Harry Laidler, Frank Crosswaith, Marx Lewis, Jim Maurer, August Claei-sens, and George R. Kirkpatriok...
...Tlie class of the capitalists is small and powerful...
...Those who are interested should get In touch with Secretsry O'Kane at an early 'tiate...
...J October 10, 1930: "Ixioking ta the future, I see in t le further acceleration of science continuous jobs for our workers...
...Following the report, officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Bruno Wagner, president...
...Drecmher liO, lt»;n : "I am jUit as confident jis ever that we will ultimately emerge to a period ftf prosperity and happiness as great, if not greater, than any we hav* ever seen...
...The surplus," Marquer pointed out, "would allow the Board of Directors to maintain the 10c rate for each $100 of insurance carried by members...
...The faculty will be a combined academic, and practical one consisting of Dr...
...Ellss-beth Oilman, well known Soclalllt worker in Baltimore, is cooperate Ing in getting aid for needy students...
...Look t(^ Charlie for the right tip ^n economic conditions...
...John Hoffman, treasurer...
...Each voter was handed two ballots: the one marked "Si" (yes) being printed with the n a t i onal^ colors a n d i the fascist ' emblem, while the "no" ballot j was printed on plain white paper...
...Bryan Pulks of Arkansas State College...
...Inquiries should he addressed to the Rand School, 7 KasI ]5f/i Street, Xeu' York, and if jtossil>le a few postaije stamjis should lie enclosed, so as partlii In juni the cost... will become a struggle (or powc...
...The fascist militia on guard at the entrance to the polling place, 'to guarantee order and freedom in voting,' demands that the voter show his un-cast ballot...
...There ^« a small class of men and women who own antlTContrnI industry—the capitalist class...
...Bebween these two aie the groups that make up the middle class: the smaller manufacturers, who work in their shops side by side with the workers they employ...
...The assets of the society are $1,037,048.83...
...The Basic Principles of the Modern Socialist Movement By David P. Berenberg This is one of n sfrictt of iirticIcK—ki'/ fp-ouii^ nf six artichu vdch—to ujipeur in The Xew Leader in cooiterution with the Committee on Education of the Socialist I'aittl...
...Students will have to provide their own subsistence unless it is provided by relief agencies... listen to "important and urgent eomniunications...
...Henry Flury, founder and first president of the University of Pennsylvania Chapter of th* Intercollegiate Socialist Society (now the League for Industrial Democracy) in 190H, has been elected Educational Director of the First Labor Summer School of West Virginia to be held near Philippi, July 1 to 31, by the State Executive Committee of the Social, ist Party...
...The Board of Directors are BS follows: Chairman, J. F. Higglni, State Secretary, Socialist Party...
...Equality before the law is a beautiful phrase, but every worker knows how hollow it is when he fights a case for damage against a great corporation...
...There are classes...
...Two per cent, as against sixty-five per cent...
...The following is a resume of the official statement of the government: "The voter will take both ballots to the booth, where he will fold one, after the manner of a tele-g:ram, into a small rectangle, which, besides its transparency, bears the signature of authenticity...
...There is opportunity for rich and poor alike...
...Membership as of December 31, 1933, numbered 63,265...
...In the lerce hatred shown by capital for all labor organizations...
Vol. 17 • May 1934 • No. 18