Top o' The Leader Tower With Readers 'n' Boosters
Top o' The tcsiht Tower With Readers 'n' Boosters By the Editor CALIFORNIA TO THE FRONT BUILDING the Socialist Party is the main function of a Soilalij publication, and The New Le&der has kept...
...Fascism of xvhatcver type is the tnemy of the whole working doss and to single out the religious aspect of a given type of fascism and to argue against it on that basis is for workers to play into the hands of the enemy...
...He would have them pledge loyalty to "a capitalistic system" which would provide "reasopjible reward for work or enterprise...
...What is a "reasonable" reward for one and for the otlwr...
...Be precise, James...
...Top o' The tcsiht Tower With Readers 'n' Boosters By the Editor CALIFORNIA TO THE FRONT BUILDING the Socialist Party is the main function of a Soilalij publication, and The New Le&der has kept this primary need \ mind throughout the period of its publication...
...The fact is that capitalism heaves the shrewd gambler into power, not the man of intellect, and those with intellect will not rule till Socialism displaces our bourgeois swine...
...All power t( The New Leader...
...This is a year of congressional and state elections and we must do our ulniost to get the most out of this drive...
...The constitution makes GqA the partner oflJollfuss and his fascist squads and puts the...
...About half the pamphlet is devoted to an invaluable, account of the conference of Left Parties in Paris...
...From week to week Milwaukie Local supplies itself with a small bundle of The New Leader through the state office, and we are beginning to feel tbe urgency of placini...
...Some states will unable to carry on an effective campaign unless they are aided...
...Working people shoitld di-]ilav the satne intelligence... will obey orders...
...Not a week passes that press dispatches do not carry some reference to the religious or church asjjects of fascism in one or more nations abroad...
...Work is for workers and enterprise is for owners...
...Some More Letters Our Labor Section has made hit...
...It will not vote or strike...
...Christian" seal on the bayonets of his gangsters...
...To soft-pedal the difference between the Socialist and Communist point of view is to invite disaster...
...It is important to stress this matter as we lia\e ocia-ionally received material that is tolerant of Protestant fascism and opposed to the otlur and tulcrant of the other and oppo.sed to I'mtcstant fa-cisni...
...What of the intellect of our ruling Babbitts who again and again in the past several years have announced that "the worst is over...
...The Socialist movement fof' the moment is crushed but not defeated...
...There are big corporations in this colm-try whose^directors include Catholics, Protestants , and Jews and they act as a unit in framing labor policies...
...Tke Sociali&t Drive TTHJC terrible poverty so widcsj^read tlirougiiout the nation afTtxts the Socialist Party in its effort to raise the funds that are so essential for its educational work and yet de.<pite this handicap the United .Socialist Drive is heing carried on ¦with vigor in many states...
...The Catholic capitalist will sanction the breaking of a strike even though he may know th;it he is reducing the s'tandard of living of workers of his own religious faith...
...In Germany a large section of the Protestant faith is fascist while in Italy and Austria the ruling fascism is of the Catholic type...
...It is active and fifed with the determination to destroy the ruling cliques «nd thek The Ehirlich Pamphlet AN interesting pamphlet on the international Socialist movement is publisJied by the Bond Club of New York, "The Struggle for Revolutionary Socialism," by Heinrich Ehrlich of the Jewish Socialist Party of Poland...
...For this reason the P'rntcstaiit worker should )>e,the first to denounce (iirnian fasii>ni and the Cathnlic worker should lie tilt fir.'^t to deiumnce .\u>lriaii or Italian fas-iN'm...
...feed house and clothe their families while enterprise may be rewarded] anywhere from ten thousand to tens of millions of dollars a year...
...It takes some time to organize such a drive and reach the circles in all the states, but returns are already coming in from even as far as the Pacific Co»8t...
...They j)crmit no religious differences tp interfere with these policies...
...Capitalism and Intellect JAMi:S p. WARBURG of the Bank of Man-hattan Company this week offered some 300 hankers a political platform...
...He begins by presenting the confusion that has developed in the International since the rise of fascism in Germany, and this is the main theme of the pamphlet...
...Forward to-powerful party organization in California...
...we don't know what you mean...
...The brainless slave...
...The sanw is true of the Protestant expliliter and it is notorious that, in the needle traded many of the worst exploiters of Jewisli workers arc Jewish owners of needle tr.idcs shops and factories, . The experience of the working t^iasscs in all countries shows that however much piety diei exploiters of labor may profess they do li&t permit their religion !o Ix- the nrain con(;ern... will not think a thought not approved by its owners...
...Comrade Ehrlich presents an interesting account of the Paris Congress of the Labor and Socialist Intei;national and is caustic in hisi criticism of the German delegates and the International in general... will be the ideal worker, the most perfect slave in all history...
...Bertha Mailly of the Ran School writes that "It is a mov< that every reader ought to en courage not only by financial sup port but also by pushing the cir culation, especially among laba organizations...
...Louis and Los Angeles, and by the middle of this week the total of new subs from this drive numbered 126...
...Fif st the hand, then the eye, and now the brain is being mechanized...
...The New Leader embodies many fine features, but your clear-cut analysis of the Communist position is especially important at this time...
...Perhaps, by the end of the century the robot will displace most all human effort...
...John H. Bates, Publicity Directs of Milwaukie Socialist Local... dealing with the workers...
...The landlords, capitalists, bankers, militarists and clerical butlers ofcapitalisni are cemented into this "constitution" for the time being...
...Most workers' reward is enough wages to...
...Give till it hurts...
...Comrade Kantorovitch, one of the translators of the pamphlet, also supports it in his introduction...
...The ideal of capitalist civilization I The '^Christian State" THE much advertised "Christian State" Of Chancellor Doll fuss emerged in Austria on Monday with the adoption of a "constitution" by "parliament" which also approved 471 government decrees of the past fourteen months...
...Hf perience has taught us here it Milwaukie that the issue canno* safely be ignored...
...What is a "reasonable reward" for work and for enterprise...
...a copy in the hands of every alert Socialist...
...Then there is the assumption that the man with large holdings is of "superior strength or intellect...
...John J. Kinsley of Massachusetts is of the same opinion, and Charlei H. Cormack of Kansas writes Ha* it is "one of the best papers poll-lished in the cause of the SooiaVit Party...
...The "dilTerential analyzer," as the machine is called, is said to solve in fifteen minutes a problem which required five government experts four months ^ find the solution...
...Th^t is to say that the resolution ii confused and adds to the confasios ¦whleli Comrade Ehrlich discusses is the pamphlet...
...A few of the large 'cities we have already heard from include New York, Philadelphia, St...
...The undersigned disAgrees with it and ¦tat«8 his reasons for this dissent MiJi^ »» this iisu* Ev«»^ Kantorovitch admits that thi resolution suffers from "lack oi clarity," that "certain expression...
...Through this arrangement we reach practically every party member in that state, and we gre« the California comrades with the hope that our cooperation will hel to build a powerful and disciplined party organization that wi produce good results before the end of the year...
...They act in accord with the interests of their class...
...Fascism and Religion INTELLIGENT workers who observe the rise of fascism in Europe know that it has a religious content...
...The Communists hav designated us Socialists as tl.ei worst enemies, and to ignore thi issue is merely to practice self deception...
...for each to denounce the other type would hr an r.vicrsicr in liypdcrisy and a desertion of the ihiss idial that should unite all U'orkers in a common solidarity...
...C. F. Zachary of Califomii thinks "The New Leader is O.K and I don't want to miss a singU number...
...In the latter two countries' fascism has restored the union of Church and State...
...No matter what type of fa>ci>m rHle^, it places the workers of ri'li faith> under tin b(|(.ts of the class that lives liy the expliiitatinii of labor...
...Eli Bourdon of New Hampshiri sends a sub and a dollar for tit Labor Edition Fund and declari that the Ldbor Section "alone i: worth what we pay for The Ne» Leader...
...A Big Sub Drive Nearly three weeks ago a conference with representatives of the Workmen's Circle resulted in a planned drive throughout the country to add 5,000 new readers of The New Leader...
...Whatever ma^-k it wears, fascism means chains for all workers...
...Through the state organzation of the party we have ma^ arrangements to give the California comrades a special column onj each month for reporting their activities...
...Out in California tj organized Socialiats recognize this service performed by The Leader...
...Protestant fascism is not the special eileniy of the Catholic worker and Catholic fascism is not the special enemy of the Protestant worker...
...This phase of fascism has the possibility of dividing workers in a way that would play into the hands of fascism in general...
...The Brainless Slave yyriTH the machine robot and the electro eye displacing labor, one need not be surprised to learn of the machine marvel that will displace thousands of mathematicians...
...What of Jim Fisk, Daniel Drew, Commodore Vanderbilt and others like them who could hardly write their own names...
...From an Oregon Local Let me add my ysvrd of appreciation for The New Leader...
...If there is a dilTerenct between Communist and SociaUsi thought, consistency demands thai the difference be made clear...
...This new state reduces the working masses to mudsills but not for all time...
...Whether a ruling class annexes a Protestant or Catholic church, a scientific or athiest cult, for its own purposes should not divert the attention of the working masses into a futile debate over the faith or cult that is so annexed...
...We urge every one of our readers to give whole-hearted support to the drive...
...E. K. Barnard of Steten Island is of the opinion that "The New Leader is improving all the time...
...The confusion and chaos of ideas at this conference are almost incredible, and yet the "8,plinter parties) assomted with it live in the ho'pe of replacing the other internationals...
...This week a thousand copies of The New Leader go to tli California locals and branches...
...This is a fine beginning and we are confident that from these aarly returns the WorkitteR's Circle will make good, as it alwayis has in any cooperation that it undertakes with any other organization or institution...
...Comrade Ehrlich supports the minority resolution on the Struggle for Power that was defeated at the Paris Congress of the L.S.I...
...All workers nui>t oppose it no matter what church it annexe^ and opjMise it with the econoinic arguments that a])p!y to all its forms...
...Copies of it can be obtained at the Rand School Book Store for 26 cents...
...This .system would recognize "tliat to t)e horn with superior strength or...
...The Leiuler leads then aU...
...intellect or material advantage carries with iti an obligation to use such strength for the general welfare...
...No matter what religious or other phase fascism takes, it is the ally of the ruling class and the enemy of the iworking" plass...
...J- 0...
...Parts of the ma-chin* are on exhibition in Philadelphia...
...should be changed," that the "cat-cept of proletarian dictatorshiii^ requires "greater clarification," bit that its "spirit" is accepUble...
...In this country wc have seen Jewish bankers singled out for condemnation, as though vye ¦would be satisfied if all bankers were Americans...
Vol. 17 • May 1934 • No. 18