British Labor Wins New Victory
British Labor Wins New Victory??
THE British Labor Party is] inarching on. Another par-liarnentary seat has been won by the Socialists, making the fifth clear gain since the hysterical election of...
...New Haven, Conn...
...Speaker: August Claessens...
...Admission includes supper, a real Russian proletarian atmosphere...
...In spite of all these disadvantages, the...
...Herman J. Hahn of Buffalo will be the principal speaker...
...Demonstration in Metal Trades Temple, 1,000 Walnut Ave., evening...
...P. R. West, Socialist candidate, a school teacher, was victorious at a by-election caused by the recent death of Mary A. Pickford, Conservative member for North Hammersmith, polling 14,263 votes to 10,747 for the Tory candidate, was also a Communist candidate who polled 014 votes...
...Socialist writers and speakers were voices crying in the wilderness of so-called prosperity...
...High School, evening...
...Socialist movement of America has survived and The New Leader has played a big part in its revival...
...The division which the City Administration announced its intention to kill has been in existence since 1877 and has survived attempts in past administrations to cripple or end It...
...Do two things, build the Socialist Party and get subs for The Net Leader to help build it...
...The Communist then polled 697...
...Yonkers, N. Y. Community Center, South Broadway...
...Huge demonstrations will be held in other countries and in some European capitals the public authorities appears to be apprehensive that there.will he revolutionary outbreaks...
...Irja Nelson...
...New Brunswick, N. J. Amalgamated Clothing Workers...
...Eino Saari...
...In 1931 the Socialist vote was 11,838 to 18, 815 for Miss Pickford...
...The excuse was that the foster parents might not be good Roman Catholics, and that would endanger the sou),s of the children...
...Elizabeth War-pula...
...Let's hope that ten ytars from'now, there will be hundreds of substantial weekly Socialist propaganda papers in fliis country instead of the few tha, now struggle on...
...Viola Manner...
...I Paterson, N. J. Carpenters' Hall, Van Houten St...
...Helmi Serafln...
...evening, Workmen's Circle, 60 Howe Ave...
...Besides the big demonstration in New York City others so far reported to The New Leader are as follows...
...The N. Y. Auxiliary Committee of the Russian Social-Democrats Labor Party has arranged a May Day Vetcherinka for Saturday eve...
...Charles Solomon has undertaken to lead the fight of the civil service employees p.f the Division of Gas Examination of the New York City Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity against the announced intention of the City Administration to eliminate the division in the interest of "economy...
...The inspectors of the Gas Examination Division make tests three times daily at intervals of three hours, at points not less than one niile distant from the source of supply...
...fhut isn't true, and the Dally' Worker knows It isn't true, though It !¦ content to quote from the capitalist press—even from the stupidities of a Hearst reporter— whenever such quotation can serve ltn ends...
...Stanley Sera-fin...
...Solomon declared i hat he has already conferred with Mayor La-Guardia and the Commissioner of the Department and that since he launched his fight on behalf of the gas examiners and the gas consuming public the city administration has begun to give evidences of an intention to abandon its plan to kill the division substitute this plan with one to reduce the peritonei of the division...
...Following the close of the exercises one of the students rose and addressed Comrade Corbnel, saying that all the members of the class were poor am) had very little, but that they wished to give their teacher some token of their appreciation...
...Frank Lampe...
...Hudson County, N. J. Demonstration Sunday, April 29, at Floral Park, 4221 Boulevard, North Ber-gen, at 2 p. m...
...Entertainment, a one-act play and labor, songs...
...According to Solomon, "the reduction of the personel would cripple the service and the proposal represents a meaningless compromise...
...It is admitted that not one of the "National Laborites" could win standing alone, and possibly all of them would be defeated even if the whole Tory strength were thrown to them...
...Demonstration at the Packman Bandstand, Boston Common, 5 p. m...
...Real workers will not be fool..I either by (he story written for the New York American by some Ignorant or calculating reporter or by the Communist organ's prompt capitalisation of that rtory...
...Newark, N. J. 100 Belmont Ave...
...Carl Parsorfs, representing the County Committee, presided, five of the students made excellent short speeches on subjects covered in their coure, Jean Jacques Cor-onel, their teacher, preented the class to William E. Bohrt, of the Rand School staff, who distributed the certificates of graduation...
...At the same time, the MacDon-ald National "Labor" Party is rapidly disintegrating...
...Poughkeepaie, N. Y. Amalgamated Clothing Workers...
...Bridgeport, Coon...
...Speakers: Samuel Heard-ley, secretary of the Jewelry Workers' Union, Mayor McLevy, and a Yip-sel speaker...
...Cleveland, Ohio...
...April 28th, 8:30 p. m„ at 262 Cypress Ave., Bronx (Workmen*' Circle School...
...Arthur Koski...
...William M. Feigenbaum...
...The Socialist vote thus has grown 2,425 while the Tories lost 8,058, a turnover in Labor's favor of 10,483...
...The reports based on such tests are filled with the department for use by the city in fighting for the protection of the interests of gas consumers in the courts and before the Public Service Commission...
...Gertrude Koski...
...We advise the writers for both papers to read the manifesto of the May Day Labor Conference—or the columns of The New Leader—If they want the truth...
...Rest wishes- for the future...
...The Swiss Socialists had arranged to take care of 2,500 children, victims of the brutality Austrian of Dollfuss' murderers, but Dollfuss would not permit the children to leave the country...
...A territory .whose problems are complicated by sectional and racial lines more than in any other nation of the western world...
...The North Hammersmith by-election was the 31st held since the General Election, In every single one of which the Labor Party scored heavy gains, in practically all cases polling a higher vote than the highest previous record of the party...
...IN a letter to Comrade Max Win-* ter, Fritz Adler, Secretary of the Labor and Socialist International, writes that the Dollfuss government would not permit Austrian Socialists' children to leave Austria for Switzerland...
...Bror Nelson...
...He states that the defense of the comrades now incarcerated will cost from $30,-imio to $50,000, in addition to the need for the support of the victims, as Dollfuss has stopped all pensions and payments of even unemployment benefits to known Social Democrats, the wives und children of the imprisoned comrades...
...The Socialist Party and the so-called "right wing" unions won't meet In Madison Souarc Park "to affirm their loyalty to the government?1 and to repudiate all taint of radicalism and Socialism...
...The disintegration of MacDonald's "National Laborism," the discrediting of the MacDonald government, dissentions among the Tories, and the resistless onward march of the Labor Party in strength and in militancy are the most striking factors in England's political life today...
...Walter E. Peck and others...
...On Sunday, April 22, the Rand School class at Port Chester brought to a close its course in the study of Socialism with a very line commencement program...
...Demonstration at Bassick Jr...
...Elizabeth, N. J. Y. M. H. A. Auditorium, 1035 E. Jersey Si root...
...THE NEW LEADER, having been founded at a time when the.Socialist Party was at its lowest ebb, is to be congratulated on having survived for ten years...
...Seven ofi these years might properly be called the worst period in-the party's history...
...more extensively this year than for many years throughout the country...
...MAY DAY will be celebrated...
...Reino Nurmi...
...Socialist Commencement At Port Chester, N. Y...
...Hsmden Socialists will join with the New Haven celebration...
...Another par-liarnentary seat has been won by the Socialists, making the fifth clear gain since the hysterical election of October...
...Alii Manner...
...By Clarence Senior...
...The ert-•elop contained a money gift...
...United Front Lying by Bourgeois and Bolshevik...
...Comrade Adler further urged Comrade Winter to press for the collection bf funds for the Austrian comrades...
...May Day "Vetcherinka" at the Russian Social-Democ...
...The party had been practically wiped out by war and post-war persecution, by the Communist split, by the La-Eollette experience, by prosperity and by the well-financed group to the left that chose to consider our party its worst enemy...
...Speaker, Leonard Bright...
...Vaino Vella...
...The approximately 2,000,000 gas consumers of the city depend for the purity of their gas supply on the policing of this service performed by the 22 gas inspectors operating through 21 gas testing stations located in different parts of the city...
...A third "National Laborite," Holford Knight, K.C., M.P., member for South Nottingham, has been disowned by the Conservatives, and in that constituency ,as in two others, now represented by "National Laborites," the Tories will run their own candidate at the next election...
...New Kochelle, N. Y. Debs Ball, 284 North Avenue, evening, Socialist Party and Workmen's Circle branches...
...The following students completed the work of the class...
...There will be a dance pantomime, "Strike," a scene from the "Machine Workers," and other features...
...Without finances and with a decreasing membership the Socialist party was struggling to maintain a press and an organization which would carry the message of S6cialism in a territory more vast than that which any other Socialist Party except that of Russia I had ever attempted to organize...
...National Secretaryf Socialist Party...
...Those gains, coupled with the sensational victories in the London elections and other local and municipal elections, constitute the answer to the comic-opera fascism of Playboy Mosley...
...Cass Tech High School Auditorium, 7 p. m. Speakers, F. V. Cederwald and W. G. Bergman...
...He thereupon presented Eoronel with an envelop with these fyords, "To our beloved - teacher, waft Jafque* Cofonel...
...Solomon expressed the opinion that the gag companies were probably to be found somewhere in the background of the latest assault on the Division of Gas Inspection...
...Celebrations to Be the Biggest Ever Held...
...Speaker: August Claessens...
...Passaic, N. J. Afternoon demonstration, Pulaski Park...
Vol. 17 • April 1934 • No. 17