New York Is Putting Over The United Socialist Drive!

Fruchter, Henry

New York Is Putting Over The United Socialist Drive! Henry Fruchter DEPORTS coming in from branches on the United Socialist Drive are encouraging in the extreme and the outlook is bright that we...

...i1'"' Ave...
...A copy of MeAiisicr Coleman'* "Eugene V. Debs, A Man I not raid," will be won for the Library of the Flight exhibiting the last current events scrap book (II must lie good there'll be plenty of competition), Sr...
...Not only handicrafts, hut wall and Flight newspapers, ousters, Hags and banners, and scnijibooks me to be Included... such things be...
...Thomas, 71 Irving Place...
...Branch, lilHK Bay Parkwu), Brookly ii...
...flPMRhn of cops surrounded the Social...
...3 vs...
...Sam Friedman and...
...Voting for Delegates By .lame-, Oneal An Issue has been raised liy some parly members resanlliiK the rrqulre-iiii-iiI tor memliers to sltfil their names In ballotlltfj for delegates lo the national convention, Some assume that li K ii departure from the rcKidar pro-eedure...
...Branch, Slit Sutter Ave,, Brooklyn...
...i>i 11.ii...
...2nd A. B. II Fast llulli St,i...
...IHIh Zl-I A. I...
...Investigation i...
...1st Miritihiuurlrrs Sunday night, which was '"ml > iiiiii-.ii reason for most lion-Socialists staying away from the meet ing...
...Marks Ave...
...r.tii A. D. The three branches are»enthusiastically working on the Bronx Center Bazaar...
...Alter F. Flsrlihiif: "Social Struggles In Hi 1>I it-it I limes" Fast Fhitliush Branch, a.'iM !•' nntli St...
...I'.leanui la mil'.n will speak on "While Warfare...
...121111a Till Ave.I...
...Kings, Sunday evening...
...9 VS...
...Sidney llerlzhi rg: "Socialism In Scandinavia"- ITalbush Branch, Kllll-FI Sn\ der Ave., Brooklyn... 5:311...
...Organization meeting at new liinili|mir-ters, Tuesday, April 21...
...Nicholas Ave...
...Tickets at Hand School Book Store or Upper West Side headquarter*, Proceeds for branch activities, United Socialist Drive, and Austrian Relief...
...They have scheduled nitother snll-war meeting for Sunday...
...Old pally April 211...
...There will be numerous prizes distributed ninl nlk-for the single price of admission—40 cents in advance...
...Brownsville Fnlt...
...Discussion on the vvnrk ol the Convention I sib A. 1...
...ilth A. Ii...
...All party members are strongly urged to make this drive their personal task during the next few weeks...
...liy the Dizzy Press Agent Dancing, refreshments, prizes, mtertainment, nnd 50 beautiful losfesses will be the features of he first annual bull sponsored by 'The Comrade," official publication if the Upper West Side Branch, to le held on Saturday, May 5, nt the liallroom at 100 West 72nd St., New York City...
...Albert HerliiiK vv ill be cliairiuan...
...This is not true...
...Crosswalth Fl...
...Mas Rosenberg Was arrested for distributing leaflets during the anti-War strike, amiouncing a Yl'SF nuti-war rally for last Sunday, April ft...
...I'.lue shirts, red "Yoiins Socialist" armbands, red ties that is ihc uniform tor Smiles and females alike...
...Jacob Axelrad: "The NBA and Social-Ism"—22nd A. I...
...Voting lor delegates...
...We are earnestly hoping that the quotas assigned to branches will not on\jf be fully met but in many cases exceeded...
...FRIDAY, APRIL 27 August Clacssens: enrolled voters' meeting- 2nd A. I), branch, Paradise Manor, II West Ml...
...Driiihton Reach (1113 llriglilon Bench Ave.i...
...WKDNKHDAY, APRIL 25 Sidney llertzherg: "Socialism in Scan-ii I mi \ In'' Washington Heights I'oruin, 11311 St...
...2| \oii must read carefully and Implicitly follow May Ha...
...In the I...
...I'pper West Side I Mill West 72nd St...
...anti-war rally nt the (Jueena l.iibor Feiiler, 1.17-IS Jamaica Ave., Jamaica, Friday nlgbl, April 211, at B|Q«, .lames Oneal will s|ieak and lieu Fischer will be chairman...
...Ilela Low : "Democracy anil Socialism" —Astoria Branch, :i»H Slrlnway St...
...Willi mi M. I'clgcnbnmu will lie the speaker...
...Kih A I...
...Max Dullish: "Whal Has the Past Year Done lor Labor...
...April «, Everett Heaii Martin, "Alternatives to Revolutionary Activity...
...Johns lace), Bigu In mi'clliig Monday, April 23, Voting lor National Convention delegates...
...It is The llullclin ol' the National mi lee, September IS, nil...
...7th A. I...
...Brunch I. Branch meeting Tuesday, April 21, al new hriiili|Uiirlrrs...
...Eden Ave., Bronx...
...Tulrhln: "Organizing Parent/ Teacher tiroups"» -StM p. in.—Peoples Kdui iitioual i'oruin, 211115 7th Ave...
...Women's Section...
...City Central Committee meeting Wed iiisday, April 2...
...101 Fl...
...Joint May Bay Celebration, under the auspices ol the Born Park Brandt, YI'SL Circle and Workmen's Circle, Monday evening, April 311, at the llnro i'n i Labor Lyceum, lllh Ave...
...S Jimmie Higgins IT...
...Branch iiiceilng Tuesday, April 24...
...t»r in-clasioa in lllia fid a mo should be milled lo the o(lke ml L««al New York mid should arrive net later than the Srat mail on Wednesday...
...Well-known speakers...
...Brunei.....cling Monday J Voting for delegate* to National Cniivciilioii...
...Fxccllcnt teacher...
...Make reservations not later than April 27 In Mary Hunter, Ilia Fast SI...
...Fileii Ave...
...i nil A. ii...
...April 21, by muslcale and hull it supper at 11(118 Bay Parkway...
...II Is a Inula ¦ lid:- strike and all Socialists and avnipallii/iis lire asked In liovcolt till I theatre...
...As one indication of the enthusiasm which this drive is meeting anionic our members, the following note from the Flatbush Branch of Kings County is significant: "The Flatbush Branch, Kings County, pledged its entire <|Uota of $.'i0 for the National Drive at a single meeting by the comrades who were present...
...Mih A. D. (Burnable Manor, Burnable Slid Harrison Aves.l...
...The Fenlral Coiiimillee of the New York Yipscls meets Saturday, April 2K...
...His: Alliilou Ave...
...lids does mil dlller Hum a show ol' bands and front i ilan a roll call where each name is called nnd the vote is recorded, I have looked over old documents In Verify this...
...Speakers: B. Char-ney Vladeck, Mrs...
...2. City-Wide Party and Handicraft F.ihibit is scheduled for the end of May...
...Branch lueeling Friday, April 27...
...Tin majority and minority resolutions will he discussed liy Fdwln Kopiicl and Slllloti Berlin, Voting lor delegates to the National Convention, BRONX West Bronx Fnlt...
...A subscription list is available for every Socialist comrade...
...Brighton Beach Branch, 1113 Brighton Beach Avenue, Brooklyn...
...Symposium under the auspices ol the Fduciitlonal Committee Thursday, May 3, in the hand School...
...flic Paris (lolllllllllle" vVill be dls-1 iissed hy Dave Atkins, Suudiiv night, April 22...
...Dunce und entertainment Tuesday, April 21...
...SUNDAY, APRIL 12 August I l.ii viol ¦ "A In-., ,1,- of the VRA"-Montgomery...
...Special niectiiig to celebrate "dli nnni-Vcrsary next Tuesday, Apv-11 21, 8:311...
...Branch 2 ISII t Ilea Ave...
...Iltln llauer it.2H Punchball I nun nil, ship II 2 vs...
...It is clear that the need for literature and organization work is very urgent, that the National Office, as well as the City ami State offices are greatly hampered by the lack of finance...
...Orchestra, dramatics and entertainment, Admission twenty-live cents, lliini Kaiilm ovilch will speak on ' "Deinoci 111 y and Socialism" at Ihe llrovv nsv Hie Labor l.yeeuiii, 2I!I Sack...
...if- II II...
...2!l 1...
...dene Delis Fl...
...2 p.m...
...Frances Wriglil III loin Mooiiey it.Hill vs...
...i vs...
...11 International it...
...Branch meets on the Isl and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, A party will he held' Saturday evening, April 21...
...With varying success other branches and members are hard at work throughout the city raising funds for the drive... Die Circle I Jr...
...Business meeting Monday, April 23...
...There is no particular quota established for county organizations, the quotas, being designated for branches only...
...memliers have ......I their names lo the ballots...
...Hut tl|e Yipscls prepared a new leaflet, reprpduciug Ihe one whiell had been confiscated and adding to II the Story, of what bad happened...
...Fsllur I rlcduian mid Kleannr Brttnuoii will speak...
...MANHATTAN Village iI Sullivan St.I...
...ol' F.sllier I i liil ii in ii . 1511 Morton Place...
...Max Tallinn und Viclor l.i via -Far llorkawny Forum, ISal Molt Ave,, Far Bockiiway...
...A jlilnl dance sponsored by 17 and 18 Sr...
...Throughout Ihc lils-Inr.v ol' 11n- parly in national, state anil local rcl'iTi-ndum...
...lor Propaganda...
...a-**Lecture Notes The People's Institute has scheduled the Billowing lecture In lie held In Cooper liilini: April 22, Professor Krnest Slilheclnnd Hales, "The Fujust State...
...ini in...
...Augusl Clacssens: "The Biological Basis of Human Nature" Young Folks League, Hebrew Relief, Royal Mansion, 1315 Boston Boad...
...We are not content with this, however, and a canvass of the absent members will be made in the hope of doubling our quota...
...Sulurdav^Aprll 2H...
...Mi hulas Ave.i...
...Speakers: Mary Fox, Augusl Claessrns, Samuel II...
...4th-14th A. D. Br., Socialist Party...
...mude of tleennu Theatre workers' strike...
...Comrade C. Mo I lux will lead a discussion nil ''Socialism and Inloiilsm...
...Spuiihltn,,, "The Philosophical Implications ol the Biological Sciences...
...Meeling April 2a, 2:311 p.m., in the home ol' chairman, Sacali llules, Kill Linden Blvd...
...Millwood Yipscls will luild a dance and frolic mi Saturday, April 28, at the Howard Arms liallroom, Hill Ocean Ave., Ilrooklyn...
...Emma (ioldman will speak on "The Oeoay of (ierman Culture" a I Webster Hall, Thursday, April 2d, at 8. This will be Miss i.ohlnnn's last New York lecture...
...The World Cncaplionlr Symphony orchestra will plnv...
...Socialist Forum Calendar (All iitmtnga begin at 1:30 p. m, unlets otherwise Indicated ) , SATURDAY, APRIL Zl August Clacssriis: "Social Altilu.l, Towards War and Peace"- Far Ho, k-away Forum, 1851 Molt Ave., Far Hock-away...
...llenjanilu (iebiner: "The Austrian Revolution*'—Cirri* 8, Sr«., YI'SI., At Ion Mansion, 23 Arion Plate, Ilrooklyn...
...i.i vs...
...Sez who...
...1. An Athletic Toarnament lllasrhall — Hoys...
...Regular branch meeting Monday, April 23, 8:3(1 p.m...
...Washington Heights Yipscls are battling liir their righls... St., Ilrooklvii, under the auspices of Circle 2 Sr...
...Women's Herliou...
...West-r healer Ave...
...Henry Fruchter DEPORTS coming in from branches on the United Socialist Drive are encouraging in the extreme and the outlook is bright that we will raise our quota in the greater city...
...Astoria., I I. TUR8DAY, APRIL 24 ¦lucoli Axrlrad: "Socialism and tin NBA" Millwood Forum, room 54, Hill kings Highway, Brooklyn...
...Build the Socialist Party and get suba for The Now loader to help build it...
...The I en lie Is were distributed...
...Ynlinul loi Nallonul Convention delegates, The liraiiili is planning a spring festival and ¦lame Saturday evening, April 28, at Ml Ftleii Ave...
...i22ii Fust liitli SI...
...Third anillversiiry a Its orgaul/alion will lie celebrated Saturday evening...
...Fred Siems will be Hie main speakers nt ail antiwar meeting Friday night, April 27, spun-sored by a newlv -ciiai-tered circle, II Sr...
...12 vs...
...William M. I'eigeiiliaum: "The Burt to Power" Ith .Mil A. I)., Hull Westchester Ave...
...Washington lit laltta fll.'Ui St...
...Ilron'v, al ,'tlal fillel I'lace...
...ll.iini Kantorovltch: "Revolutions ami Counter-He volutions In Kurupe"- Sunny, side In am h. 4915 Ave., Siinuyslit'r, L. 1. MONDAY, APRIL 23 August Clarsscns: "These lulled Slates"—ath A. I...
...Crosswalth 1 lllll The liual championship games will be pla.ved at a cltv-w ide bike, early in June, after further elimination games and seiui-limils...
...iaim SI...
...I - |i- ii-lin: mi conlriliutlons from rlass-cnSsclous workers In the New York ni'hi-ai districts, Yipscls wild the cooperation ol other labor .vouth groups In the city are striving lo raise relief for the Soi'hillst-leil.Camiiliell Solip strikers in F.'uialen...
...For Party member*, only...
...Branch inciting Monday, April 23...
...Mnttentti ii...
...27 vs...
...Branch meeting Sunday, April 22, ill headquarters...
...Woodalde ill...
...We in New York started late, but we are making up in speed for the time lost, Approximately 50M of the total quota of $7,000 set for the city will go to Local New York and the State Organization...
...Munins ballots by members is as old as the Socialist Parly Itself...
...111 ii.7 John 111 own it...
...Marks Ave, Brooklyn...
...2IIII1 Ave...
...Settle lor county hall tickets and bazaar tickets...
...April 22, at H::i(l p.m...
...The ambition of th* New-York mime So, i»Iisis la to have over Ave hundred membera in the Hay Day parade...
...April T2...
...Kings, lllll Kings lllgltway, Ilrooklyn...
...Mem Iters active in boycott ol Brighton laundry...
...The fact is that this United Drive in New York is being conducted on the basig of branch quotas throughout the city, and all monies raised by branch members will be credited to the branch...
...Mother .lones it...
...Fonirade Itnseuberg's' case 'was dismissed...
...Club, 625 Muni, ginnery SI., Ilrooklyn...
...It, iisonlinist Full, Women's Herliou...
...I7H1I Klsmerc Place I. Branch meeting Tuesday, April 21...
...and i.v.i St...
...The oldest I have loinul is fifteen rears old...
...William M. Felgeiihiiuni: "History of Amrrlctiii Labor Movement"—1st lecture, Sheepslieml Bay Branch...
...I.', l.'lrd Ave...
...or, A. 1... the hend-quacler...
...Fried man and lack Altniall, Topic: "Newer Technique...
...which Includes Hie report of the special committee In luvesllsate the frauds 11111>111i11¦<I by the (aumuiinlsts In at '' 111111111e...
...1st A. D. i2i>2 Cypress Ave.i...
...Editor... ('ii)llllte the Niilioual executive Committee,, This report shows Hint parly memliers 'lii iii: 11..111 (In- country sisued their ballots, II shows It was because of Ibis Hint many of the frauds comniltteil by the Communists were delected...
...Anti-Fire Trap Meeting To be Held Monday Mass meeting:, Monday, April ,'tO, <m "Shall the YVilliamsburgh Firctraps Stand... P. S. No, 19, South !Jrd and Keap fits., Brooklyn...
...y.p.s.l notes Mnllll.l/i: FOR MAY DAY, la the alogan of Y.I'.S.F...
...Branch meeting Monday, April 23...
...Organisation and Propaganda Committee Wednesday, April 25, 8:3(1 p.m., ni the Bronx Labor Center, Nil...
...They will be WOrkTnM bard to rarrv out Ihelr slo-Kiin, MOIUI.IZK Foil MAY DAY...
...Do two things...
...Branch meeting Tuesday, April 21, Voting tor deli gales la National Convention...
...Thomas, chairman of the history department at Hlclimoud Hill High School, will be one of the speakers at ii \I'SI...
...M. 11 i 11...
...Other Manhattan branches mjt'y participate on a profit-sharing basis by communicating with the branch secretary at 100 West 72nd St., New York City...
...will) llabbl S. (Sold-stein, Irving lliirshop, Fred Sienis and Harry IdelschnTann as the speakers...
...Dance music will be furnished by the Gloriolians, one of Harlem's snappiest orchestras...
...Stowe Fl...
...I.lemeutary Italian class every Saturday, I p.m...
...Another special meeting Monday, April 23, to continue discussion of majority and minority resolutions...
...i-'ili A. D. May Day dinner Tuesday, Max I, *i:3ll p.m., in the lea room lit Mis...
...The Pieper-tory I'lnyhouse Associates will present four sketches on the stage...
...F.ngels Fl...
...1 (HERNS Jackson HeiKbtB.EImharsl 137 II 82nd St...
...A number of questions have come to us from individual members and branches as to drive details...
...The National Secretary has submitted a list of the incomes sent in by other States and it is evident that there it hardly a State organization in the entire Union which is not hard al work raising money...
...1 Flights Two city-wide projects are under way...
...Kings inecl-iug, I till King Highway, at 8:30 p.m...
...Ilronx on "lulled Front" Sunday evening, April 22, 8::tll p.m., lit 112 Marion St., Brooklyn llumie of Harry Hoblnsonl...
...Speaker and topic to he annoiinccib-23rd A. I... headi|iiarlers...
...Yipscls throuRhoul Ihe cilv are scraping to t-.i-tln i nickels ami dimes so that they can tall in line, fully equipped, on International la-thm- Day...
...Brunch 2, 1574 St...
...BROOKLYN Millwood ill".mi 51, I ml Kings High-' way I. Branch meeting Monday, April 2a...
...Symposium: "Is NBA America's Way Out...
...Fifteen cents...
...iet busy on your evhilOt...
...Enrolled voters' meeting Friday evening, April 27, al Paradise Manor, 11 West Ml...
...lli SI.i...
...Baaeball Karl Marx PI, vs...
...Branch meeting Monday, April 23...
...Kih A. 1...
...Mary K, Simkhovich, Ixmis Waldman... (.amldiis II...
...i.owrr hih A. D. (1137 Wind Ave...
...August Tyler: Topic to he uiuiouni'etl ll.Hi A. 1...
...The New Leader cannot gaarantee the publication at neUres received later by the Party arTice...
...Branch meeling Thursday, April 2(1, K::111 p.m...
...Harry Finkeistein will speak on The Three Internationales" Friday night, April 211...
...lirnvc visions are lieiiiK entertained by the Yipscls for May Hay... 7 B, 15th SI...
...II urn Kaiitnrovileh : Topic to, lie announced Washington Heights "lliaiuli, inn SI...
...lieu Fischer will speak at Circle 18 Falcon Notes (Guides—t) You liiust hand In rc> ports regularly...
...Orsaui/ers will meet at the Hand School on Saliirdiiy, Xpi ii 21, at '.\ p. ill., : In take important steps in the direction '<if carrying mil Ihc Activities Plan, a lar-reacblng change in the methods of Y.r*.s I. organization and propaganda...
...East i l.iii.n-li (5,19 Ii...
...Kings will lie held Saturday, April 21, at 157-1 St...
...Social al ti p.m...
...Eleanor Schachner, chairman...
...m» i ilia Ave., at Cistern Parkway, llallolliig lor National Convention delegates...
...A question of particular interest is the relationship of the various county organizations to the amounts raised by the branches and individuals...
...April 21, I'rufcssm- Fdward <i... Circle I Sr...
...activity far the ntil few weeks...
...Nicholas Ave...
...Only speedy, successful raising of several thousand dollars will enable us to achieve at least in part the ambitious program of activity which we have set for ourselves...
...I'uui'liliall lilrlsl, The elimination games scheduled below iiiusl lie played between*May S and l...
...To assume that It Is a new 'procedure Is ii mistake...
...Celehratiou dunce lor opining ol new hi adi|iiai icrs at iiImivc address, mar ]«7ih St...

Vol. 17 • April 1934 • No. 16

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