The Socialist Party and The Painters' Union

The Socialist Party and The Painters' Union ABOUT tour weoks ago a group of painters, members of Local jfo. 102 of the Painters' Union, (•pealed to the Labor Committee ,< the Socialist f arty...

...The code provides for absolutely no labor representation...
...A. I. Shiplacoff wishes, through this medium, to thank all the comrades and friends of her deceased husband who have called, written or telegraphed, expressing their sympathy and condolence...
...Secretary, Irving Kraus...
...102, they cast slurs •pun the integrity and the purpose of this committee, even though the names had .ml yet been Selected...
...Secretary, Al Oshkenasy...
...Even the w h o l l y inadequate bosses' code is significant, due 1 solely to the wonderful strike of the men and the splendid organization built up since then, Before the strike, taxidrivers were classed as "salesmen" and therefore entitled to no code...
...a committee reoresenting the union administration appeared before the Labor Committee and protested , Socialist support for one side without t h e Other side being heard...
...On the other aide is the present administration group, organized under the name of the "Progressive Croup," whose organization consists of a combination of Socialists, Lovest one-Communists and Anarchists...
...The opposition, represented by the Meal Painters' Club, agreeu...
...Delegates, Sam Greenspan, Roy Hotttehsr, Loo Months...
...1 /hen they heard that a L a b o r Committee was being organized to investigate conditions to Local No...
...103, a l w a vs faugh t for c l e a u unionism...
...102 was given the opportunity to clear itself of the charges lodged against it...
...Starting with a small group, the last meeting, held Tuesday, March 6th, strained the capacity of the hall in which they were meeting...
...102 of the Painters' Union, (•pealed to the Labor Committee ,< the Socialist f arty of Now for* for aid In their struggle against the administration...
...Bsc rotary, Robert Romans...
...The drivers are proposing an alternative code with a minimum wage of $23 for day men and $25 for night men, a 48-hour week from arrival at garage to leaving time...
...What originally was a spontaneous and unorganized strike, called mainly over the nickel tax money, was turned, largely through the Socialist direction of Comrades Panken, Levy and Norman Thomas, into a battle for a union...
...Taeir first request was for a speaker for a mass meeting of all painters in Local No...
...The p r o b l e m , however, Is not that of a n in d i v i d u a l hut of t h e e n t i r e Admlnlstra linn of P a i n t e r s ' Llllun Local No...
...Dressmakers' League Is Organized by Socialists I N line with the policy laid down * by the Labor Committee, the Socialists in Local No...
...The position of t h e Socialist P a r t y on fat use of t h e c a p i t a l i s t c o u r t s a n d I n - Jsnctlons In l a b o r d i s p u t e s la c l e a r . W e are definitely a n d u n e q u i v o c a l l y opposed It their use, because w e feel t h a t Lalmr fan a n d s h o u l d s t r a i g h t e n out I t s own Souse...
...102 a motion was p a s s ed thiiiikliii...
...The administration of l.<n.-tl No...
...On one side t^ere is an aggressive Communist group, posing under theinnocent name of "The Hank and File" which supports dual unionism in the form of the Needle Trades Workers' Industrial Union, and whose policy it is to rule or ruin Local 22...
...F r a t e r n a l l y submitted, l a c k Alt m a n , s e c r e t a r y , l*ahor Comm...
...Vim Insinuate that t h e o p p o s i t i o n to the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of Local No...
...I In Investigation committee h a s come to tile conclusion that the m e m b e r s h i p , of P a i n t e r s ' Union local No...
...2 2 of the l.L.G.W.U...
...It may In latest your r e a d e r s to know that t he Idea of a l a b o r Committee Investtga I o n was p r o p o s e d by t h e o p p o s i t i on • s e l f , and t h a t both sides have agreed to such an I n v e s t i g a t i o n . F u r t h e r, that Lllie meeting of t h e oppposlUon of «1 No...
...They ask for a b s o l u t e abolition of the blacklist, oppose all discrimination because of union activity or because of race, color or creed, and finally for 100% union recognition...
...102 called by their group...
...Kerkhoff, a p a r t of a series SB "Labor R a c k e t e e r s , " c e r t a i n state Stents, a l l e g a t i o n s ami I n s i n u a t i o n s were •Mule about t h e p o s i t i o n of t h e Socialist t a r t y and i t s p r e s s . For t h e s a k e of fairness a n d h o n e s t y we feel that t he p l o w i n g answer should be p u b l i s h ed as your paper...
...We must make the concert a success...
...In the local there are 27,000 members, seventy percent of whom joined the anion within the last six months, and all groups are striving for their support...
...It refused to accept this opportunity...
...Brooklyn President, Hy...
...The host of well-wishers is so frreat that it is humanly impossible to anwer individually...
...a t k Altaian, secretary...
...It is also significant that this is the first regional code proposed in the United States and again proves the point made by Socialists that codes will only be granted if the workers fight for them...
...orgsnised themselves into the Dressmakers' Socialist l.citgui A number of meetings have been held...
...Abraham Miller of t h e J o i n t Board of Vat Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, Louis Hendln, c h a i r m a n of t he Labor Committee of t h e Socialist P a r t y, SM Jack Minimi, s e c r e t a r y of t h e L a b o r Csiiunlttee of t h e Socialist P a r t y , will w e Into c o n s i d e r a t i o n all of t he marges Involved, a n d will r e n d e r a Just md honest decision based npon t he •Hnclples of d e a n u n i o n i sm a n d t h e • • w r e s t s of t h e t r a d e anion movement Srnerally...
...Sam Orner, president of Manhattan...
...Manhattan—President, 8 am O r n e r ; Secretary, Abromowitz...
...The committee of the Opposition, t h o u g h coming before the i n v e s t i g a t i on c o m m i t t e e to p r e f e r charges against tin A d m i n i s t r a t i o n and a s k i n g lor a de cision against the Officers, agreed t o t he proiMisal of a n i n v e s t i g a t i o n a n d r e p r e s s e d themselves a s w i l l i n g to leave It t o tile f u t u r e a s to t h e effect of a p u b l ic s t a t e m e n t by t h e Committee...
...1(12 c o n t r o v e r sy s u b m i t to a n i n v e s t i g a t i o n to b e made hy the I «!>oi i ,MOO, I n . , the r e s u l t of I tie investigation by t h e c o m m i t t e e to lie published...
...We are a u r a that t h e I n v e s t i g a t i on eninniitti-e chosen by t h e Labor Com M t t r e of t h e Socialist Party, conalsUng tl former J u d g e Jacob PankeCC N a t h an Chimin of tlie J e w i s h Verband, Morris Ibiestone of Ike United Hebrew Trade...
...The Dressmakers' Socialist League, on organising, was faced with the problem of clarifying their position in the coming election...
...The Socialist Dressmakera' League is faced with a peculiar situation...
...The Labor Committee informed the n that if they considered taking the struggle out of the labor movement they could expect no Socialist support...
...that we continue to fight for direct representation in the administration fo the local and carry on our light to build Local 22 into a strong, militant, clean and democratic union Taxici;b Uni n Fights Code Proposed by the Employers 'T'HK Taxicab Drivers' Union of * Greater New York, through their advisors, Jacob Panken and Matthew M. Levy, have severely condemned the NRA code for the taxicab industry proposed by the bosses...
...Delegates, Wiener, Orner and Cantor...
...Socialists can truly be proud of the part they played and are continuing to play In this movement Comrades Panken and Levy have been tireless as legal advisors...
...This group ' rganiaed "The Ideal Paintgay* Club" and were ready to wage Ihii struggle with all t h e means at their disposal, being ready, if peee?«»ry, to go to the capitalist press and the capitalist courts...
...The committee organized Itself a nd proceeded to listen to the c h a r g e s of t h e Opposition against the A d m i n t s t ra t l o n . T h e committee of t h e Arlmlnlsti aUon t h e n said thai tiny w o u l d not a b i d e by a n y decision of the l-alair Committee They claimed that the C o n s t i t u t i o n of t h e International p r o h i b i t e d that...
...Following the meet int...
...T he A d m i n i s t r a t i o n would not sign such an a g r e e m e n t . Only two of the five comp o s i n g the c o m m i t t e e of the Adinliits t r a t l o n - Slsslcmim and Werner were f a v o r a b l e , the rest opposed it...
...All records snd funds will bo pooled, a constitution drawn np and presented to the membership for approval, and stops taken to prevent the intrusion of any racketeering elements by insuring absolute rank and file control...
...T h e r e is liutliiug i n t h e C o n s t i t u t i on t h a t so p r o h i b i t s compliance of a ny member of a local with the decisions of any committee...
...In view of this situation, the Socialist Patty will do its utmost to aid Local No...
...Msrria Ptaeg n e . Lnuls l l e n d l n a n d J a c k A l t m a a v - gggfh •srcea anon by bot...
...Tie following is a copy of the letter sent by the Labor Committee of the party to the New York Evening Journal, which was never published: The issue of your p a p e r of J a n u a ry I t t h was b r o u g h t to t h e a t t e n t i o n of tile Labor Committee or t h e Socialist P a r t y. {Ban article by WUIard N. W i e n e r a n d Johnston 1...
...Everybody knows that educating t h e workers makes for a stronger botiy o f lighters fo their own emancipation...
...cause of the Labor movement the education of t h e workers...
...Delegates, Adolph Satullov, Julius Mnselow, Harry Kills...
...Delegates, Joseph Frsnkel, Maxwell B. Langer, Samuel Tr sen tenberg...
...While it promises to abolish the blacklist, one of the greatest evils in the industry, it permits "employers to exchange information regarding their employees...
...They call for the industry and the city to guarantee fifty work weeks a year, and an unemployment insurance fund...
...Garage after garage reports that no one but union men are permitted to work...
...i s t h e c o n t r o v e r s y In t h e P a i n t e r s ' Union Local No...
...This group, although knowing the meaning of a Communist victory, disregarded this consideration and rejected the offer...
...The committee r e g r e t s that the Adm i n i s t r a t i o n group refused by a ma j . n l l v vote to submit to Investigation, Did In this action laid the b a s i s for o o i i i i o . d strife In t h e local...
...After some confusion, the several borough organizations were united into one city-wide organization...
...The leadership of this group is in the hands of the Lovestoneites...
...2 met on S a t u r d a y , March 3 1»34, at 5 p . in...
...In a d d i t i o n to such world amous artists as Lily Pons, Nino Martini .and Giuseppi Deluca, those who attend the concert will also hear the following Metropolitan stars: Queena Mario, tiladys Swarthout, Rose Bampton, Max Idirem, Frederick Jap-el, Ezio Pima and t h e entire Metropolitan Orchestra...
...i The "Evening Journal," which ksd been playing the usual capitalist pfume o f dividing the workers and attempting t o smash In:onism, had suggested that the Opposition join with the employers in a law suit age in "I the union administration and the union in general...
...It proposes a minimum wage of $12 and a work week of 54 hours from leaving time with taxi to arrival, which takes no account of the hours drivers have to wait for their cabs at the garages...
...Under the leadership of Sam Smith, president of the Bronx local...
...For the sake of the union, a united front was offered to t he Lovestoneite administration...
...F u r t h e r , the Socialist press, long before your p a p e r became interested In Painters' Union Local No...
...The Socialist Dressmakers' League at its meeting Tuesday took up tliis conclusion: Despite the rejection of the United Front offer that the interests of the union are paramount and that they will support the present administration as a unit...
...Comrade Most, general organizer in the Bronx, is largely responsible for the fact that the Bronx has the best organised local in .the city...
...h grow.s...
...She must, therefore, resort to this general acknowledgment...
...The union is prepared to put up a strong fight for a decent code...
...A Trade Union Committee has organized and is supporting the concert in the LaUu movement...
...They expressed willingness to have t h e l a b o r Committee select a committee from the Labor Movement generally to investigate conditions to the local union...
...Sincerely, B j p Hendln, c h a i r m a n , l a b o r Comm...
...t h e J e w i s h Dally F o r w a r d f or Its efforts on b e h a l f of clean unionism...
...Shop stewards are being elected la each garage and a real fighting spirit instilled...
...A Card of Thanks Mrs...
...1112 l o o k to the I Hbin Committee for a solution of their troubles, because two h u n d r ed of the m e m b e r s a p p e a r e d and waited o u t s i d e to be h e a r d. J a c o b Wolner, ii b u s i n e s s agent of t h e union, offered himself to t h e c o m m i t t ee l o r Investigation and a decision...
...In a number of cases where the bosses have attempted discrimination against union men, the men stopped all such nonsense by their fighting spirit and prompt threat to close up the garage...
...I t received t h e c o m m i t t e e at t h e O p uo a t t l o n , conalsUng of Brothers heastri Hubllii, Swerdlotf, Mel t i e r a n d Roahal, a n d receiving at t h e s a m e time a c om m l t t e e representing the A d m i n i s t r a t i o n, c o n s i s t i n g of Brothers Sissleniau, Howb e r g , h u m a n , Gutman and Kainlner...
...1 Since the strike the union has grown rapidly...
...The committee met and issued me following statement: • committee r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of t he jmtr movement a p p o i n t e d by the l*lwn mmmittee »f r h . Socialist Party eon fi*"« »f Judge Jacob Panken, Nathan f m m l n Abratam Miller...
...As soon as elecions are completed the Joint Council will sit, and thua firmly establish a city wide and unified organisation...
...With that unferstaniing, speakers were sent who stressed the need for militant •ad clean trade unionism, and the necessity for labor putting its own house in order without the aid of (he capitalist state or its press...
...Queens— President, George Newman...
...18, for the benefit of the Hand School has completed program a r rangements...
...II y m a n Goldstein, president of Brooklyn, and Amicus Most, general organizer, the union has announced that it will put up a strong fight for the adoption of its own code which it regards as the minimum for decent conditions among taxi drivers...
...They have sent out a letter in which they make the following appeal: "We consider t h e work of the Rand School a real B e r v i c e t o humanity and for this reason we appeal to you to h*'lp this great cause...
...N a t h a n Chauln of the i n v e s t i g a t i on c o m m i t t e e then suggested that both s i d e s in t h e I . H H I NO...
...102 la ••Posed to a n Investigation by t he Labor Committee of t h e Socialist Party Of conditions In that local...
...William Gandali has resigned from the organization and elections for a City Joint Council have already been held in three of the four orfaulted boroughs...
...Comrade Sidney Hertzberg has been chosen as editor of the union newspaper that is shortly to appear...
...These Socialists as well as the leaders of the union are tiroless in their efforts and have spent many a sleepless night in their work...
...RAND SCHOOL CONCERT PROGRAM IS ANNOUNCED The 1084 Concert Committee directing the annual Metropolitan Opera event Sunday evening, Mar...
...The officials who have thus far been elected to the Joint Council elections are completed the Joint are: Bronx — President, Samuel Smith...

Vol. 17 • March 1934 • No. 10

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