Great Start for United Drive at Chicago Meeting

Great Start for United Drive at Chicago Meeting CHICAGO. — "Socialist*, here formally opened the nation-wide UMJ4 United Socialist Drive Tuesday with a rally that filled to capacity one of...

...Meeting at Comrade Davl»* borne, SM N. Highland Ave., Upper Nyack, T h u r . , Mar...
...Instead of the old works councils, each establishment with at least 20 workers is to have a confidential council, to promote good relations and advise the leader (the employer...
...S p e a k e r s : Arnold Freeae, Leonard Bright a n d Car...
...All pretence of free association and collective bargaining disappears...
...I S . L i t h u a n i a n Branch No...
...I t has displaced leading power* of the world in point of industrial production and now stands eeoontf only to th* United Stat...
...C u r t i s Reese, d i r e c t o r of nelghboi i n s A b r a h a m Lincoln Center, u n h e s i t a t i n g l y offered the faclllUea or his building to Crosswalth...
...While other nation* have been staggering under the impact of the depression the Soviet Union has reduced its total of foreign fcligationa by 6 7 % . For the /ear 1933, exports exceeded Imports by $ 7 5 million...
...owand*.—The Jugo-Slav Branch, Catt a r a u g u s County, was the llr*t organiz a t i o n In t h e a t a t e to pay f o r Its quote of 1834 c o n v e n t i o n a*s**ament stamp* a* well a* t o m a k e the llrst r e m i t t a n ce f o r t h e United Socialist Drive...
...l i t held a d i n n e r d a n c e a t Bohemian Hall on Satu r d a y , Mar, S. Speakers were Richard Nayemlth, Arthur Kent, a n d Stuart S t r a r h a n . B r e a c h 1.—Loach Boa Social, Sat., Mar...
...That committee is to consist of experts, three-fourths of whom must be selected from nomination lists submitted by the German Labor Front, the others selected at the discretion of the Labor Executor...
...N e w b a r t h . — L o c a l N e w b u r a h I* scheduled to hold Its first open F o r u m meeti n g neat Mon...
...11, a t th* Rita Bali Room...
...Th* c a r r y i n g of t h e a i r m a l l la p u b l i c buai >!<•«» a n d should be r e n d e r e d t h e publli at c o s t , " the local s t a t e d . At t h e e a rn t i m e . It h e l d , t h e a i r m a l l s h o u l d not la n*ed to s t r e n g t h e n military forces...
...S t a t e C h a i r m a n Ansell announce* that only the State Secretary T r e a s u r e r . 1. L u t h e r Klbler, P. O. Box SM...
...For the purposes of the regulation of their working conditions and the general conduct of the establishment, they must subordinate themselves to their "leader," who Is the employer or his representative...
...30 Broad Street New York City...
...eve., Mar...
...Among the farmers," said Thomas, "and the workers of America there is realization of the need for an economic system that will do more than hold out to them the prospect of endless joblessness under capitalism, or the meagre bones of employment offered by the CWA...
...The lect u r e s In o r d e r : (ileim T r i m b l e . "A New l * l i o r P a r t y " : Harry Malta, ''Freedom i n the World Today": Alfred llakei I.cwle, " T h e rtoosrvelt P r o g r am Can II W o r k T " | Itev Donald l/estrr, "I .essoin t o lie L e a r n e d ." New York State United Socialist Drive.—State Secret a r y Merrill has urged every local foi l i e own aske t o r a i s e the q u o t a assignee t o it for the United Socialist Drive Organizing work In the *tute will de pend to a l a r g e extent on t h e success ol t h e Drive...
...The budget of the U. 8. 8. R.I* balanced with a surplus...
...Schenectady.—Officer* rice...
...Worker*' E d u c a t i o n a l Claa* meet* r«*> u l a r l y on Monday eve...
...talks not only on the need for financial support of Socialist organisation in this country, but also in commemoration of the heroism of Socialist comrades in Austria...
...Socialist*, here formally opened the nation-wide UMJ4 United Socialist Drive Tuesday with a rally that filled to capacity one of the "Loop" theatres...
...FOB THE FOHE8IGHTED 1NVESTOH THE foregoing facta serve to emphasize the dr«lr*biHty of Soviet Government 7% Gold Bonds...
...Ylpaela meet each Wednesday eve...
...The leader will draw up works regulations, fixing the working hours, wages, fines, and so on...
...Commenting on this Code, President Green of the American Federation of Labor says: "The working people of the United States cannot understand, in fact they cannot comprehend, how i t has been possible for the German working people, who had always extolled principles of democracy, to submit to snch enslavement and such autocrat ic control...
...e v e . Mar...
...The bonds, issued in denominations of 100 gold roubles, are priced at par and accrued Interest...
...of I .oca Schenectady a r e a* follow*I Chairman Dr...
...W o r k m e n ' s Circle Ilium lies a n d several T r a d e Union* of Passaic are p l a n n i n g a mas* m u t i n g t o be held on F r i d a y eve,, Mar, 111, a l K a n u i r s A u d i t o r i u m , to raise fund* for A u s t r i a n comrade...
...Nazis Announce Slave Code for Workers FURTHER light ia thrown on Hitler's plans for a feudal State by the February issue of the British "Ministry of Labor Gazette," which contains a detailed summary of the "Regulation of Labor Act," to operate from May 1. The workpeople in a factory' are to be known as "followers...
...nfinom TMCA Denies Seelallrt HI, hi t . H P «I < h l , « » » . (hi F r i d a y n i g h t , March loil the Wabaah Ave...
...Circular »1 /ullv ilcarribtni thru hondi mill ht writ u/wt roawrt...
...Lewi Tonka | Secretary, John Urad • h aw T a y l o r ; F i n a n c i a l S e c r e t a r y . T r r ae Nina .M...
...When ('.roaawalth a r r i v e d to a p e a k on t h e a n nounced subject of "A P r o g r am for Negro A m e r i c a , " he a n d the p e o p l e w ho came to hear h i m were told that the m e e t i n g had been called off...
...The n a m es chosen are to be submitted to a secret ballot of the followers...
...St, a t Grotto Audit o r i u m . S. P . Ncleaner, I . p. c a n d i d a te f o r Governor, will also apeak...
...eves, s t a r t i n g Mar...
...B r a n c h I ( H e a d q u a r t e r * SMS Hamilt o n ) . - S p e a k e r at t h e Open F o r u m , Sat., Mar...
...a l l e r n a l e , Hernial J . Hahn...
...Among Socialiat local and state groups throughout the country, the IH'M United Socialist Drive activities are being pushed this month The nation-wide cans/ass to get "A Day's Wage for a Year's Program' from every Socialist party mem he i who is employed, is now well undei w a y . The State of Georgia has already overpaid its quota to th« support of the national organization...
...A gold rouble contain* 0.774234 grama of pure gold...
...S, a t MS Mala Ave...
...O. P a r s o n s. Waatchaster Ceanty Committee...
...Columbus, Ind...
...I t t l i m i i u . — L o c a l Kalamaaoo r e p o r ts a s p l e n d i d meeting for F r a n k Cross w a l l h at t h e i r New Socialist P a r t y Hall...
...K»caland Co*nly...
...With a gold production in 1939 of more than $50 million and a gold reserve In the issue department of the Bute Bank of the U.S.S.R...
...These will be largely binding...
...10, a t S Socialiat Party Branches, Ylpsel...
...Lout* I. l i t , lecture on F e b . M . At a banquet given the p r e c e d i n g even i n g la T h o m a s ' honor, t h e St...
...J a m es A. P a l r l r y. P a r t Cheater.—Finnish b r a n c h : Enter t a i n m e n t held a t New I.ebenon Hall l a s! Sal...
...We w a n t t h e n a m e s of a l l So' r l n l l s t s In Michigan, whether party I m e m b e r s or not...
...There is no provision for effective objection by the workers, much less any power to strike...
...Here Is a bond whoae principal and interest payments ere based upon a ftxed quantity of ajoid, payable in American currency at the prevailing rata of exchange...
...Total proceed* 23...
...OUa*.—I .oca I Olaan has n o m i n a te i for d e l e g a t e * t o t h e n a t i o n a l convention d e l e g a t e at l a r g e , Herbert M. Merrill Schenectady j alternate, Elisabeth C Roth, Buffalo...
...S p e a k e r s at laat two meeti n g s were N a t h a n Pine a n d Rev...
...The First Five Year Plan involved an expenditure Of $20 billion at par for the national economy...
...He is to have for consultation purposes, an Advisory Committee...
...T h e Mount Vernoi ! F o r u m met laat F r l . eve...
...e v e . . Mar...
...Norman Thomas will s p e a k on " I * t h e New Deal a MIs-DcalT on Frl...
...Subject, " T he Menace of W a r . " PI r a t Annual Dance and Entertainment Sunday eve...
...W a y n e Ceaaty.—Parte Commune Ball le to be h e l d a t MeColllaler H a l l , Porest and Cass, Mar...
...B r a n c h 1 ( H e a d q u a r t e r * I0.10* Mark) I'lana being made to hold gala evening at Forester Hall, 7714 Mack...
...In order t o insure long-term marketability, the State Bank of the ' J-8.8 R. has agreed to repurchase these bond* on tternatvl of the holder et par and accrued Interest at any time after one year from date of purchaee...
...New Reehellev—Westchester Open F o r urn...
...General meeting of U>-tl Pasalc at M Washington St...
...14, open discussion o n "Your Money** W o r t h . " Sat...
...Soviet American S e c u r i t i e s Corp...
...Where 1 locale c a n n o t b e formed we w a n t m em i b e r a at l a r g e . Please c o m m u n i c a t e at ones w i t h Guv Lockwood, State Organi s e r , It S, Kalamaaoo...
...Regulations s p p l i e d by the "leader" will be subject to guiding principles laid down by an official known as a Labor Executor for the area...
...These achievement* are due directly to the State Planning System— in control of every factor affecting Soviet national economy...
...If they reject these names, the Labor Executor is to appoint the council...
...Loots d e c l a r a t i o n. Louisiana The government ebould t u r n t h e a t mall over, not to the War h u t to th Poatofftre d e p a r t m e n t , Local New Or l e a n s wired President Roosevelt...
...The local ha* u o m i n a l c d I,ew Tonk* for d e l e g a t e a n d Herbert M. Met rill for a l l e r n a l e t o Ihe Nut Convention Meaat Vernon...
...Paterson, Mar...
...Missouri now boast* of a m e m b e r s h i p of over sou w i t h m o r e t h an M local* a n d branches s c a t t e r e d over t h e a t a t e. A fine a u d i e n c e , e s t i m a t e d b y t h e p r a e* a t I M...
...We .Socialists must do it...
...FACTS about the Soviet Union — of special significance to the Foresightetl Investor ECONOMIC BTAMJTY Throughout the sixteen years of It* existence, the Soviet Union has met all of its obligation* without resort to moratorium*, "stand-still agreement*" or reduction* of any kind...
...Rhode Island ••<»Tia.n.r I'l.r Socialiat I...
...If the Kingflsh w o u l d drop in en Wall Street some afternoon, certainly the bankers would hove no objection to rectifying this minor discrepancy...
...An effort will be m a de I to r e a c h every locality where t h e r e la a p o u l b l l l t y of forming a local...
...leaflet It being p r e p a r e d hi national h e a d q u a r t e r s for d l s t r l l u i t l oi In connection with meetings called In April 0, the a n n i v e r s a r y or Ainrrlcai mi, int...
...1 hat a r r a n g e d for a series of (our lectures t o be held at Swedish Worklngmen'i Hal), M Chestnut St., on conseeuHve Wed...
...D e p a r t m e n t of the YMCA, S7S4 S. Wabash Ave., cancelled the hooking previously granted for a p u b l i c meeting In Its b u i l d i n g , because nl t h e p o l i t i c a l affiliation of t h e s p e a k e r. F r a n k Crosswalth waa scheduled to s p e a k under the Joint auspices of the Socialist Party and t h e I n t e r n a t i o n al Negro Youth Movement, which la a c customed to meet In t h e YMCA...
...Great Start for United Drive at Chicago Meeting CHICAGO...
...There is no one else in America today to do the job of organizing these tremendous forces...
...Its commercial Indebtedne**, about $250 million, is less than even the funded debt of any one of several American cities...
...The members of this council are to be appointed by the loader in conjunction with the Nasi Works Cell Organisation...
...17, N o r m a n D r a e h l e r e n T h e F u t u r e of Our Y o o t b ." Virginia T h r o u g h It* legislative committee, t he Socialist p a r t y h a s presented a eomprehenaivc p r o g r am of social l e g i s l a t i o n to the general assembly of Virginia...
...J a c o b Pankei d i s c u s s e d " F a a c U i n . " Norman Thorn* . la scheduled for Mar...
...Newport New*, ia a u t h o r i s e d to receive contribution* for a n y expense account* of t he p a r t y . New Jersey J a r My city...
...Norman Thomas, Mayor Daniel Hoan and Clarence Senior gave inspiring...
...T a y l o r ; l i t e r a t u r e Agent, lien F. T a y l o r : Publicity Agent, Charles W Noonan...
...Two r e g u l a r weekly meetings a r e n ow being p l a n n e d and the s t u d y class will be reorganised...
...However, Dr...
...Following Mayor Hoan's example, pledges from the audience came in quick succession until a total of approximately $1,200 was raised toward Cook County's quota of $3,000 in this drive...
...Paeaalc—Branch 1 present* Nathan Pine In the l a s t of a aerie* of lecture* on Problem* of the Socialiat P a r t y a nd t h * American Labor Movement, F r l . ev*., Mar...
...the w a r . T h e leaflet will re view briefly the s t a n d ol t h e p a r t y 01 w a r . and will contain a verbaUiu tea of t h e l » n St...
...The following local groupi have also exceeded their goal Royalton, III...
...w i t h J u d g e Jacob P a n k e n of New York speaking an " F a s c i s m . " T a n k e r s . — M u r r a y Baron of New York, business agent Local S3, I.G.W.U., M to • p e a k on A u s t r i a n and German Fascism a t t h e Y o n s e t * F o r u m , M Pa It s a d * Ave,, on Sun...
...1 1 , H a r r y W Laid l e r o n " I n d u s t r i a l F e u d a l i sm or Indus t r i a l Democracy f" at Deb* Hall, SS4 N o r t h Ave...
...delegate, w e s t e r n d l a l r l rl Robert A. Hoffman...
...Their cost in American currency is based on the daily quotation of the dollar In term* of gold...
...Business meeting Mar...
...The abolition of t h e r e q u i r e m e n t that voters meet pay a p o l l - t a x t o q u a l i f y I* o n e of the major .Socialist demand* for Imm e d i a t e action...
...Interest I* paid quarterly at The Chase National Bank of New York...
...and t he crowd marched ever t o t h e Center In a body, Michigan The State Executive Committee has • t a r t e d out t o o r g a n i s e the s t a t e thoroughly...
...Wesley Maorer of the U. of M. on " P u b l i c Opinion a n d Recovery...
...10, Prof...
...Mayor Hoan gave real impetus to the national drive at the meeting when be presented to Secretary Senior a check for $2,000 as a payment from the Milwaukee County Central committee on Wisconsin's quota...
...P r om t h e l o w - w a t e r m a r k of m e m b e r s h i p In K M w i t h only M dues p a y i ng member...
...Loot* o r g a n l z a t i o n r a i l e d a good portion of It* q u o t a In t h e 1SS4 d r i v e . Senator Huey P. Long ssys there's .lothing wrong with capitalism except that a few people own almost all the wealth...
...of $416 million, the total bonded gold debt of the Soviet Union I* less than $11 million—lea* than that of the average small American City...
...15, a t S p . m . | MISSOURI | T h e unceasing round of Socialiat a c t i v i t y all over the Slate of Missouri la p r i m a facie evidence of t h e vigorous g r o w t h of huclallein i n t h e " S h ow Ma" S t a t e , according to a communication f r om State S e c r e t a r y Martin B. Lechner...
...Nom l n a t e d Morris Herman delegate a t large t o national convention, and Carl O. P a r s o n s , a l t e r n a t e at large...
...Goldfield, Colo., and Columbia, Mo New Leaflet t— April • A specie...
...March SI...
...g r e e t e d Norman Thomas at h i * St...
...Naturally, any further depre elation In the dollar would enhance the value of these Oold Bond...

Vol. 17 • March 1934 • No. 10

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