No Gain for Workers Under the NRA

No Gain for Workers Under the NRA WaldmanShows Up "Myth" of Improvement UMSHINGTON. — The myfh " t h a t NRA has resulted in Economic gains for the working cUss was nicely punctured...

...The NRA rules ha.i not been working well...
...Now more than half of them have been discharged and the remainder will be idle by May Day...
...March Mh, at th* m s m heat...
...S a r a Ginsberg, t| Miss Alice lleiiluini, I; Miss P.hbing Lanscn, 2 ; Miss Tracy, 2 ; H. Lebost, 1; Mis* Smallhelser...
...Pack-horses -have work and we have been packhorses for the barons long enough...
...I ; J a m e s Bat l l s t o n l . 1; T . Itoaen...
...SM, 1M...
...a . n t a N*w I . . a . . *ha**h FrMar...
...l i n g e r . Ml...
...Geographical sections were seeking economic preference for themselves to the disadvantage of other sections...
...Fux, Mi Mr...
...If representatives of the group responsible for the Madison Sqaare Garden outrage of February 16 were present they were wise enough to keep discreetly quiet The meeting was In no mood for a repetition of that scandalons performance...
...That is the substance of President Roosevelt's address on Monday to the general conference of Code Authorities and Trade Association Code Committees...
...No dim...
...How Heialer Helped AilARTIN B. HKISI.ER Is one of the flneat and most devoted Socialists in the country...
...Throe weeks ago the free trade unions were dissolved...
...It was by all odds the most inspiring meeting the New York Socialists have ever held...
...We art not to go back to the old ways of getting it...
...t m i d s t leu...
...General Johnson's promise to consider such...
...Of course, that is not the way that the President put it... that is pleasant to do, that is not done under compulsion, that requires only a few hours a day, that is amply rewarded, and we want no ruling barons with power to give or to withhold emp!o> rrtent...
...the jobless in the cities will in some way be maintained...
...5; F a n ny Mabel, 1; Algernon a n d Matilda Lee...
...The Blue Eagle is here to stay...
...And when later Waldman announced the sum and declared he would acorn to send less than an even two thousand I dollars, $345 more was quickly contributed, making the meeting's contribution (outside of admission fees...
...Our class does not want alms...
...S o m n e a l o n , I; Leonard Miller, 5; Ahe B r l a k r , 12.50...
...Louisa Wall s t r o m , I Mrs...
...17th t o F e b . 3Sth: Collection, S36...
...Placards appeared on the balletscarred walls of the Socialist apartment houses saying, "Have patience...
...the trial of Karl Rentier, Karl Seitz and other Socialist leaders will also be conducted in the seme "Christian' spirit...
...O r o m a n , 1; Mr...
...Where no union exists in the industry, the labor advisory board should designate the labor members...
...Funds are being received for relief and for strengthening tha Austrian workers snd within a few months some pamphlets and books will give more comprehensive accounts of the insurrection and the events that led up to it...
...In coaiMering living costs it is important to distinguish between the • J p t they have made on t h e wage P P M and the lower-salaried Workers, who spend the bulk of their income on food, and those *ao earn higher salaries, to whom food costs is a relatively small H "Food costs, according to the Department of Labor, have risen •luring the past six months about U par cent, and has absorbed practically all that the workers May have gained in increased **ges...
...Solomon, 1; Karl Koemer, f>| Ll nest Kchne, 5; R u t h Catlln...
...S ; Members 1 W W Ms...
...t "These facts cannot be glossed •»« with safety...
...AmS h i r l e y Kaufman, 1| B. Brealaw, 1) A r t h u r I l u e s s r l i n a n n , 5 ; II...
...1; Abe Klelman, S | J a m e s Ot.eaf S | Dr...
...Great bitterness ig reported among the workers over this "Christian" decree of the clerical Fascists...
...Green, .BO...
...The new decree carries a preamble stating that it is inspired "by the spirit of Christianity, social justice and love of country...
...A man of warmth and human love, a true Viennese Socialist, he brought the beautiful spirit of his party to tho masting...
...The decisions shall not be compulsory so as to prevent labor from exercising its own remedies...
...2—Section 7-A shall be construed to outlaw any union that is not affiliated with unions in the same line, or chartered by bona fide trade union organizations...
...reduction when the necessity for it Is argent, and unless granted soon' will destroy any employment gains registered so far, is not equal to the emergency...
...l ' e u s l e r , 2 ; S. Ahramowltz, 2 ; Mr...
...General Johnson's statement that the NRA has furnished Jobs to 3,000,000 people is refuted by the reliable statistics of t h e U. S. Department of Labor," Waldman declined...
...l i n e n s . I t Margaret L a m e n t . 25: W. Gottlieb...
...I. M. Iluber, 50...
...It was not a memorial...
...l l Henry Got llffe, I t N a t h a n Reich, t ; Solomon Sag- 1 n e t s . 51 Koppel S. Pinion...
...Comrade Winter leaped to his feet, and thje two heroes of Socialism embraced, tears streaming down their cheeks, while the audience went wild with enthusiasm, shouting and singing the Inter national and waving their rod flags...
...irvSng Knobloch, 1; N a t h a n Dargo, 2 ; Anonymous 1. J . Singer, flO...
...Red Falcons, 8} Beryl Nash...
...E r n s t Thar m a n n , 2; R . G . B a r n a r d , Hi...
...Reckless asseruww of increased employment and Purchasing power, made te bolster »P a defense for the NRA when jwrtors operating independently of ft h , v « been largely responsible wr the grossly inadequate gains » « have been achieved, will be of M avail...
...Novark, Ml...
...8—Labor should receive not merely advisory jurisdiction, at General Johnson suggests, but equal representation on all code authorities...
...I ; Anonymous, .M...
...He thereupon sent a case of M do sen of hla best eggs to The New leader to be sold to comrades, tho fall proceeds to be turned over to the Anstrlsn Relief Fund... single-industry communitiei "stranded workers" will be shifted to—nobody yel knows where...
...1.50: P l e k h a n o * Oronp of I t u s . l a n Social henna-rats...
...Labor and Socialist activity is reviving everywhere, and between the lines one could read much that the censors of Dollfuss do not want the outside world to know...
...The man who for 6,000 Austrian schillings betrayed Kalomon Wallisch, Socialist mayor who led the fighting in Styria, to the hangman has been executed by the Socialists...
...I. Mitchell, 2 ; J e w i s h Br...
...1, l l B. Sokoloff...
...Cities were recklessly offering inducements to manufacturing plants to move away from other cities...
...I; Mr...
...From the moment Chairman Algernon Lee called the meeting to order to the last stirring words spoken by Norman Thomas close to midnight the atmosphere was tense with excitement...
...T—Wages shell be substantially (Continued on Page Bight) Qf6 COMMUNflBT WHO LEARNED A LESSON r / 0 " A n t o n ' o Bilbantin, only ^ m u n i g t in the Spanish Cortes, C**™ from the party be2J* h e ""id its opposition to Sog ™" was prejudicial to the proK*** affording to • United • P "> fateh from Madrid...
...S l l v e r h e r g . 1.25...
...I si he I S Gross...
...B. F r i ed man, .Ml...
...Wholesale and retail prices advanced much faster than wages...
...Within a few hours the supply was oxhsnstod, snd a check was mad* oat I* the Relief Fund...
...2; A l a s I ' l c h a n d l e r. 5; D r . A. F . Oreen...
...The myfh " t h a t NRA has resulted in Economic gains for the working cUss was nicely punctured by Lonjj Waldman, co-chairman of the Public Affairs Committee of the Socialist Party, in the public hearing held before General Johnson Wsldmaa, who received the undividtd attention of all at the tarings, showed how employment ass declined and how purchasing powsr has decreased since t h e NRA cine into effect...
...8—Strengthening of the compliance machinery by having others than the employers, many of whom a r e among the worst offenders in their failure to comply, serve on the compliance boards...
...A l d a , .50: Mr...
...He used to be secretary of the Buffalo Socialist local, but now, runs a chicken farm at Alden, New York...
...G o t t l i e b , S| C l a r a H a w a t h , .50...
...No one) dared attempt to interrupt the proceedings, no one tried to "capture" it...
...The following is r e p o r t of c a s h received far A u s t r i a n relief from Feb...
...12th l«th was by no meant the end of the Socialist struggle against Fascism...
...5 ; collected b y Brians l i n r l a l r , SSJS...
...No Gain for Workers Under the NRA WaldmanShows Up "Myth" of Improvement UMSHINGTON...
...I j i n d . a n , .25...
...It is our interpretation of his address...
...A. I ' u t t e r e r . 8 | Dr...
...In the capitalist jungle beneath the Blue Eagle, sabotage and chiseling had continued...
...Local 1», A.C.W.A... was a dedication...
...Self government In In duslry is Impossible while the governors of the industry retain autocratic powers...
...It was a moment that will never be forgotten by those who were there...
...There was no sorrow, no mourning for the dead...
...Splvnk and I c o n F r e e m a n , 2 5 ; B r i g h t * Beach Branch, S. P . 10...
...This latest development has brought a claiih with Leopold Kunschak, leader of the Christian Social unions, who Is an enemy of Fascism and the Helmwehr and who at thj last meeting of tha Vienna City Council before the rising had advocated cooperation with the Socialists for th* nreservation of the Republic...
...They hsve over 500,000 members...
...He followed his prepared speech with words in German, understood by the bulk of his audience, and when he concluded with the shout of "Freiheitl Freihcit...
...appoint all officers of the Fascist "unions...
...It is quite obvious that the battle of Feb...
...Waldman proposed the following changes and modifications: 1—All industries shall have industrial boards on which labor and the employers shall be equally represented, the board to choose an impartial chairman...
...Waldman also ridiculed the no tion that the rights of labor will be safeguarded by the voluntary consent of the employers...
...Jacob A s r h - a d , I S . D. Ilerstelii, «I0...
...1 ; John Koslm...
...What, according to the Roosevelt view, was going on in the old days...
...WrleV 1; Geo...
...Read from manuscript, his English somewhat faulty, his speech was beautiful In its simplicity and electric in its effect...
...The government had absorbed 4,000,000 jobless for CWA winter work at an enormous cost...
...The robber barons had brought the system into the ditch and for their own good, it is reasoned, they must submit to new rules...
...Practically all Socialist lawyers are arrested and some gcod "Christ i a n " Fascist may offer to "defend" them...
...BULLETINS from the Labor *"* and Socialist International and the International Federation of Trade Unions are filled with messages and activities of Socialist and Labor parties and trade unions on the Austrian*rising...
...Total sash collection (not c o u n t i n g 1 p l e d g e . , e t c . ) . S2.MS.tS...
...Smeared with the blood of men, women and children, Chancellor DollfusH has announced that ha will proceed with the organization of a "Christian" State...*ai « I * I . I u P.M...
...Bronx, S. P., 1 J S | C l a r a G u n d l a r h , 10...
...11 V. P S . I...
...nothing but pride in the deeds and the heroism of those who placed liberty and justice above life and who showed the world how Socialism can inspire men and women...
...The methods of the barons brought collapse and NRA control became a necessity...
...we are coming back with more munitions...
...P . l l Geo...
...5—Reduction in the work hours per week...
...Working people of the nation: If we knew our power and how to use it, there would be an end to this endless anxiety, dependence and suffering...
...That will be a New Deal worth while I Max Winter Given Magnificent Welcome at Carnegie Hall y i TH songs on their lips and with cheers for International Socialism and for the fighting Austrian workers a vast audience that packed New York's Carnegie Hall from pit to dome gave a welcome of passionate warmth to Max Winter, former vice-Mayor of Red Vienna and beloved friend of the children of his great city at the Socialist Party's mass meeting Sunday night...
...WEVD New Leader Speaker W I I I I s b M. .....l.i...
...The peak of the meeting waa reached well past II, when Martin Plettl, honored leader of the German clothing workers, driven Into exile by Hitler's hangmen, pledged the fraternal cooperation of the German workers to the Austrian workers In the common fight for freedom... all other cases the bona fide trade union should choose them...
...Baner also declares that the Socialists committed some errors in policy in the past few years and admits his share in having- misjudged some situations...
...L e v i n , Ml...
...2; collected a t J e w i s h DsiUy F o r w a r d . MS...
...J . M. J a m e s . K: J o h n Zoeller, t | H a r r y S l a v l n . I . Mary Foe...
...We want industrial freedom through ownership of production and distribution, the reign of Socialist democracy, the end of capitalism itself...
...Claw and fang were still weapons...
...George Baron, 11 Helen B. Gel m a n . I | John G. C. Sohli, 1| M. MarsMn...
...Max Kaufman, 1; Klnga County, 8. P., 2 5 ; Brighton Beach, 2 | Al Meyer, 7 | Morris I , H u r t , 5; 4 A. It...
...This view is not Miiprsing...
...collected at Brook wood Labor College, II.IM...
...M a r c h ' 1st t a March 7 t h : George H I .eon a i d , t r . o . W i n i f r e d La • . T v e r . S; Mr...
...When it was told that women and children, widowed and orphaned by the Heiaiwehr mm J V.J " " « • • h a r k into th faces of distributors food sent by Dollfuss (and containing fascist propaganda), the walls of the historic old hall shook with cheers...
...The government will try something else...
...The gates of employment remain closed to them...
...March l«th...
...There were many speakers, and every one outdid himself in the inspiration of tho occasion...
...Lucy l l a y n e r . I t ); Gunner Jacobaon, Ml Anton Zornieh, 2 25...
...The appearance of Comrade Winter was the occasion for a demonstration that brought tsars to the kindly eyes of the guest of honor...
...We want work, but we want even more than work...
...Lines in Austria Daily Become Sharper Bauer Publishes Pamphlet I'RAGUE, Caechoslovaklav—©tte Kauer, refugee Austrian Socialist trader, has published a pamphlet describing events that led to the civil war in Austria...
...St, J» Louis Well, S; Branch H a r r i s o n , N. Y . S. P., ItLMi Loral Westchester, S. P., | | F r e d Walter, 5; G. W. Bowman, I; Mrs...
...So the barons of steel and coal, oil and copper, and other commodities to the number of 600 were told that Uncle Sam will continue to expand, extend or modify the NRA rules so that the baronage of capital may be restored to health and the serfs of the barons may return to the service of the ruling nobility...
...J . T u s h a k , Sf David a n d tlettlna Sinclair, 10...
...There was a defiant spirit, a fierce determination to carry on for Socialism and for freedom in the spirit of our Austrian comrades that electrified the thousands within the hall and the tens and hundreds of thousands who come within the rsdlus of their influence...
...When he read the news from Austria he waa deeply atlrred and he determined to do what he could to ahow hla aolldarity with tho comrades there...
...Norman Thomas also delivered a fighting speech, as did Morris C. Finestone, Joseph Schlossberg, Jacob Panken, James Oneal, Aaron Levenstein, Charles Solomon and B. C. Vladeck...
...Barons of Industry to Rule Under the Blue Eagle To be or not to be Pack-Horses for the Ruling Baronage is the Basic Issue Facing Workers of the Nation I J E N C E F O R T H those who live on the labor of the working masses must get their plunder under the terms of the NRA...
...W Downing, 2 ; New Leader collection, 7JW...
...Under those conditions the total volume of purchasing power decreased, rather than increased...
...I l l , , , . / Th* N « l . . . d . r Will ft* t h * « p . . k . r «f Th* H*W I »•«!», p e r i o d *t K t . l l . » WKVII (I I N He) fthi...
...The Heimwehr "unions "of the "Christian" Dollfuss will be under the personal direction of Odo Neustaedter-Sturmer, Minister of Social Welfare, who wil...
...That he does not want the Buffering and misery to continue may be granted, but it is also true that he wants to preserve the class structure of capitalism as it is...
...O. P...
...On Tuesday carefully guarded despatches came through the ecusorship indicating increasing activity among the Socialists of Vienna and throughout Austria...
...It ia significant that the meeting was held without the slightest disorder...
...I n the scramble nothing was done to "avoid the pitfalls of overproduction" and foisting "articles on a gullible public" which did not need them...
...Moreover, General Johnson's Statement that there has been only SB insignificant increase in the cost of living, is likewise refuted by ths hast statistics available...
...This: "Individuals were seeking quick riches at the expense of other individuals...
...Bertha Weiss, i j Mrs...
...Here were 3,500 representatives of the American nobility, the upper section of those who own the industries, with a few others representing the workers...
...We wan...
...Of s e n , 1 ; Brighton Beach, 1X\ David M. Happaport...
...B. P e l g e n h a u m , | 5 ; 23 A. I ) . Man...
...And when l.ouii Waldman called for contributions for the Austrian relief fund, more thsn $I,H00 was quickly raised...
...The reorganization must be permanent for all the rest of our lives...
...2) Minna Biiblnsteiii, 1; Nellie H. Roaalsky, 5 ; J. H. liange, l ; Algernon Lee, 10...
...The meeting was Lut the inauguration of a mighty campaign of the New York Socialists to acquaint the public with what occurred in Austria and to raise funds for the relief of the women and children of that bleeding country...
...The theory of the employees voluntarily choosing the union to which they should belong while they know the employer has a preference for one, cannot be sanctioned in practice... his was t Iso a fighting speech, determined and valiant...
...In his psmphlet the Socialist leader also speculates on what might have happened had another course been followed in a number of situations, and he believes that the general strike should hsve been called last year...
...Capitalism requires control...
...i | T h o s e statistics reveal that into April until September, 1933, there was a steady increase in employment, while in September, 1933, when General Johnson him f*U laid the effects of the NRA first began to be felt, employment has remained stationary or has •Mined...
...i Wis...
...close to $2,200...
...S 6 | ft...
...We are not beggars...
...I 'm It H u s e m a n n . 2 ; Mrs...
...Fnikeitl" his fist in the ah;, the audience went wild with enthusiasm...
...The decree of three weeks ago ordered workers to join the Christian Social unions, but late last week these unions were also ordered dissolved and the new "unions" are to be under the direction of the Helmwehr leaders...
...The Helmwehr "unions" have little more than 10,000 members and these are largely composed of scabs and a scattering of .gangsters...
...That bird will watch to see that the new rules for obtaining workless incomes are not violated...
...The meeting was called as a memorial to the heroes and heroines who had given their lives on the barricades and in the grent apartment houses shelled by the Little Asassin's big guns, ss a welcome to Max Winter, who had arrived a few days before to tell the' story of his comrsdes to the American working class, and to render practical aid to the victims of the Dollfuss brand of Fssclsm...
...Friedman, 10...
...M. F r i e d m a n , .60...
...4—Provision should be made to restrict the disproportionately high salaries that executives vote themselves, the effect of which la to create the impression that the purchasing power of the mssses has, increased when, as a matter of fact, it is the purchasing power of a few who do less purchasing of the important things that the, people produce...
...The barons have not been taking" on these idle workers...
...H.mufl II PrUdaMa *f Th* N*w I r . i i . r BdlUrlal Beard, a*>d Ml** C . . , t r u i l . M. . ' r . 4 , will pr...
...S. P., 10: c a s h collection, C a r n e g i e Hall m e e t i n g , I.i.,2.50: Nina H i l l q a j t , 2. Corn e l i a s Maivony, 1 2 5 ; W. C. Br...
...S A. D. Man...
...An effort will be made to make suffering families i - rural sections self-supporting...
...Young People's Socialist l e a g u e , 126...
...He combined his deflation of General Johnson's pretenses with concrete suggestions as Is how the NRA might be improved 10 that it may really mean something for the worker...

Vol. 17 • March 1934 • No. 10

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