Wave of Strikes Continue Despite Roosevelt Appeal
Wave of Strikes Continue Despite Roosevelt Appeal r[E wive of strikes and of labor organization continues in every line of industry, despite the amazing statement by the President several days...
...The workers at Falk after ' these two refusals of the employers to recognize their derision, have I complained to th National Indus...
...The party will furnish free .ega...
...Shipyard Labor Hocking to Unions As part of a campaign to organize metal trades workers 100 per cent in the New York metropolitan area the Metal Trades Council of New York has opened drives among shipyard employes along the New Jersey and Brooklyn water fronts, with results which leaders say are "meeting every expectation.'* Headquarters have been opened in Hoboken and Brooklyn to keep np with the demand of workers for union repre.*entatk> , and branches will be established in ether sections as rapidly as possible...
...The strike against the Howard Clothes continues despite a sweeping injunction, in which Supreme Court Judge Steinbrink prohibits picketing, A mass meeting of all retail clothing salesmen has been called for Tuesday evening at Irving Plaza Hall...
...Linker is holding meetings with the individual sliops, and reports an attend-1 ance < f about 300 last week at a j general meeting...
...They 1 do not in any way cover the field, j bat they do show the va.st extent af the drive of the workers...
...Alfred J. Bell, Anton Torfa, Ezram Zoub, F. J. Ryd mark, and William Murawsky, Executive Board Members...
...According to Powers Hapgood, secretary of the Labor Committee of the Socialist Party, labor must be on guard to see that any employer using the NRA Isbel complies with the following conditions: Children under 16 are not to be employed, except that children between 14 and 16 may be employed for three hours per dsy in other than mechanical industries...
...Delegates elected to the Central Trade* and Labor Council were chosen on the issue of independent and progressive working-class political action...
...operators, $40...
...These agreements are subject to the provisions ia the law requiring eoUectiv* bargaining, outlawing the yellow dog contract and permitting employees to join any labor organization they choose...
...turners, slipstitchers, label sewers, finishers and machine taekers, $27.50...
...The union has opened an office at 121 University Place, New York City.' Louis Fuchs Denounces Sweaters gWEATSHOP manufacturers who evaded their responsibility to labor in the men's neckwear industry are seeking to dominate the manufacturers' association in the trade, I/wis Fuchs, manager of the United Net k wear Makers' Union, rharged at a meeting of the Men's Neckwear Manufacturers' Association...
...Bat not for one moment did the activity of the workers slow up...
...Auto workers in Lansing stsrtsd holding weekly meetings in the Socialist Party kalal ia the middle of June...
...White-collar workers are to rereive between $14 and $15 per week, depending on the size of the city...
...2. t'S an active unit, is cei -) tainly pleasing since this is one of the oldest locals of the Hosiery Federation in the country...
...Socialists To Fight Code Violations CHICAGO.—Certain employers hsve already signified their willingness to sign the President's reemployment agreement without any intention of complying...
...PAINTERS TO START DRIVE UNDER NRA POUK thousand workers in the * painting and allied trade* will crowd into Mecca Temple Saturday at the behest of the District Council and the 18 affiliated local unions for the mot elaborate general membership meeting the union has ever hold...
...The union is asking for the 50-hour week, unemployment insurance, elimination of sweatshop and slum tenement competition and the following scalps: cutters, $)8...
...Practically the entire progressive group was elected, including J. W. K nispel...
...Interest la unionism grew apace and last week's snooting saw 106 row meusbers added to the new union at the single meeting...
...Sentiment for organization is strongly evident ia Pontiac and Flint according to members of the Lancing union but it is outspokenly sentiment for Industrial unionism with no division by crafts...
...H. Koch of the Pattern Makers' League Association was made secretary...
...This is true whether they are paid on a weekly, hourly, or piece-work basis...
...Demands upon the employers of the industry to be incorporated in the code under the National Industrial Recovery Act will be voted upon and prominent speakers will address the assembled painters, decorators and paperhsngers...
...Samuel K. Beardsley, secretary-treasurer of the International Jewelry Workers' Union, and Morris Feinstone, secretary of the United Hebrew Trsdes...
...He urged pnlightened employers to reject this domination, and denounced those who "seek to stabilize poverty...
...Members will also vote upon measures empowering the district council to maintain a nominal initiation fee during an organizing period of at least three months and to munch at once a vigorous organizing drive in the trade...
...Philip Zausaer, secretary-treasurer of N. Y. District Council No...
...boxers and trimmers, $17.50...
...Hundreds of workerb wrote in the names, but the foreman assigned to count the ballot* threw them out and three names were announced, although the vote totals were withheld...
...Paul H. Bell, Trustee...
...The Wayne Knitting Mills here are making a [ desperate effort to force through a company union...
...The prospects for | the revival of Fort Wayne Branch No...
...Fight Company Union FORT WA YNK.lnd...
...Merger Convention Postponed Because the two headgear workers' union concerned are busy with extensive orgsnization work throughout the country, the convention of the Cloth list, Csp and Millinery Workers' International Union and tho United Hatters .if America, called for the purpose of merging the two bodies, has been postponed for four weeks...
...Neil Barrett, J. W. K nispel and William Murawskl, Central Trades & Labor Council Delegates...
...Fuchs rharged a conspiracy by the newly formed Men's Neckwear Manufacturers' Institute of America, Inc., composed almost entirely of non-union employers, to dominate the Men's Neckwear Manufacturers' Association which has dealt with the union for years...
...Following enactment of the National Recovery Act applications began pouring into the offices of the various metal trades locals in such volume that it was decide,, to revive the Metal Trades Council, which had been inactive for several years...
...W. 1. Bussell, Trustee...
...then came the rerrgustion of Miss Mary Van glsek from her government postj an jnst that issue and then the ptat—i ii) by William Green opposing the ban on strikes...
...Union officials and the man aguusu't were aided in reaching: the agreement by the Department af Labor...
...He said these non union employers, some of whom pay weekly wsges as low as $.'i and $4, are attempting to write the rode for the entire industry...
...It was supposed to open Monday...
...When* necessary, the pay must be raised to maintain the total average weekly pay for each employee...
...Knispel joined the labor movement in 1907, joining the Waiters' Local, and for over 10 years thereafter was active in Portland, Ore...
...15 was selected as president, and It...
...Those now receiving an mare tana the aswve minimum* are to receive a proportionate increase...
...trial Recovery Administration and I will gi ahead and affiliate...
...M. L. Potter and Paul H. Bell, State Federation of Labor Delegates...
...It takes effect September 1, at the expiration of the present annual contract Negotiations affecting the 6,000 skilled union workers in the automatic machine branch of the industry will take place shortly...
...The agree! niini provides that the company j shall give preference to union members and that a new employe who is not a member shall join the | union within thirty days...
...F. of L...
...Despite attempts to hog tie them to agreements not to strike, despite fair words from Washington, delate the carefully workt d up atmsinhr rr of a vast, nationwide Rotsry club luncheon with Hoy Scoot features, the workers are on the march and are engajjed in organizing in every lin" of industry ! Mgardless of the desire of the emplsyirs not to have strikes Too items herewith listed are f only a few culled from that vast ataeam flowing in to this office...
...The Pjted election gave exactly th-> ¦mue result as the first and a third r------was ordered in which the names of the trade union officials were not allowed to stand...
...Factory employee may work iQ hours per week for «r total of six weeks before December 31, 1933...
...A code drawn up by the union calls for 97c par hour and a 36hour week, annual vacation with pay and abolition of group insurance...
...The meeting will msrk the first Lime that all of the members of the 18 locals affiliated with the district council will assemble in one hall and indicates the seriousness of the task union officials hsve set for themselves...
...Vice-President Falk of the comP«ny called the workers together and forced them to hold a new •section, declaring the company would close its shop before it would '•cognke union officials as repre••ntMivei of its employees...
...I Philadelphia Doll Workers' Strike • PHILADELPHIA.—Three hundred men and girls left their beaches in the famous Schoenhut 1 toy and doll factorj here this week and struck for higher wages and shorier hours and recognition of,' Bw Dcil and Toy Workers' Union...
...advice to any worker or workers* organization as to the entire National Recovery I.aw...
...18,242, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, with the International Lumber Company was ended by recognition of the union and the adoption of an agreement regarding wages, hours and workt ing conditions, and tho settlement of grievances through the ma* | chinery established in the agreement, s strike being declsred a j number of weeks ago...
...Knipsel Heads Union J. W. K nispel, old-time progressive trade-unionist, wss chosen President of Local 32, Building Service Employees' Union, at the recent election...
...From responses already received, the organization committee feels that this meeting will mark a turning...
...tto Jiro'towie, business agent of the Machinists' Union, and J. F. Priedriek, recording secretary of the Federated Trades Council all Socialists...
...Corp., leading MilWauKce industrial interest...
...and Pay Raise PHILADELPHIA.—Three hundred seamless hosiery workers returned to wort Friday under terms af an agro-merit between the American Federation of FullFashioned Hosiery Workers and the Sport Wear Hosiery Co...
...J. Fuller and Peter Pagan of the Socialist Party have taken s leading pert in stimulating the auto workers to get together...
...Alfred Peabody of the Machinists' District Council No...
...Something *"* over 000 auto workers In this city have organized tho Lansing Automotive Industrial Union...
...in representing labor in its fight for prison reform, abolition of capital punishment and other humane measures...
...Bottle Blowers' Union Wins Pay Increase ATLANTIC CITY—A 20 per cent increase in wages was secured for 4,000 men in the hand-blown department of the Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the United States and Canada in negotiation with representatives of the National Association of Glass Bottle Manufacturers here...
...Sawmill Workers Win INTERNATIONAL tAI.Lfl, Minn.—The controversy of Sawmill Workers' Union No...
...For a day there appeared to be amazed consternaK «n the part of countless work an that they were being led into s: Kjhsiass'' agreement...
...Employers are not to reduce the total weekly pay of those now receiving more than the minimum, in spite of the fact that hours are reduced...
...Ren, Olds and the Motor Wheel winch supplies wheels to most of the large producers ar* the important Lansing firms, although there are a number of accessories manufacturers...
...Sthoenhut closed down the op ' and started moaning to the newspaper boys how tone disease was ! la nV air that caused his workers to strike...
...Milwaukee Workers Hit Beaten' Union Milwaukee metal workers staged a successful rebellion against company unionism in the Falk Machinery Mfg...
...Among the speakers will be Laurence P. Lindelop, International president...
...This lattsr provision includes the Socialist Party...
...Clothing Salesmen Active The Retail Clothing Salesmen's Union was officially installed as Local 717 of the Retail Clerks' International Protective Association (A...
...Robert Jensen, Vice-President...
...M. L. Potter, Secretary-Treasurer...
...Manual workers sre to receive 40 rents per hour with certain exceptions, but never leas than 30 cents per hour in any case...
...Wave of Strikes Continue Despite Roosevelt Appeal r[E wive of strikes and of labor organization continues in every line of industry, despite the amazing statement by the President several days ago that he hoped the workers would agree with the employers not to strike during the days of faped-for recovery under the NRA jf appear* as if the stateaaent' fjmsd by the President, apparent |p a* a trial-balldon to test sentiaaant is the matter of cutting out jiflm fall flat...
...Socialists Aid Auto Workers to Organize IANSING, Mich...
...Samuel W. Van Sickle, Alternate Delegate...
...Thereupon two of three men elected resigned on the grounds that they were not the genuine choice of the men...
...Carl Linker, Hosiery Federation representative, has I een successful in preventing J the completion of these plants and i has a eonsiderabh number of the | Wayne Knit workers in the Ho- ¦ siery Workers' Union The General Hosiery (Company also 1-jcated in Fort Wayne, is practically 100% unionized, as is also the New Haven Silk Hosiery Company in New Haven a few, miles from Fort Wayne...
...The Falk company had called for elections for a company union, but the Metal Trades Council had been busy and the results of the election showed that the Falk Workers had overwhelmingly elect -d a* their representatives J. J- Handley, secret..ry-trcasurer of the Wisconsin Federation of Labor...
...Hugh Frayne, A. F. of L. organizer, and Morris Feinstone, secretary of the United Hebrew Trades, spoke...
...Fuchs warned that the union would spend every dollar in its treasury, if necessary, to combat the sweatshop interests in the trade...
...The Union is independent although ita members have largely indicated their willingness to affiliate with the American Federation of Labor if the Federation will give a definite promise not to try to introduce craft unionism in Lansing...
...Union recognition is (ranted a 35 per cent wage increase obtained and the M hour week established under the pact...
...Max Zaritsky, president of the International union, was in Washington this week presenting the demands of the workers in connection with the code submitted by the employer...
...Use of the NRA label* without fulfilling these conditions should be immediately reported to the district and State Recovery Boards and to the National Office of the Socialist Party...
...Neil Barrett, Recording Secretary...
...Wages during the last year have ranged from 50c an hour down to as low ss lie per hour...
...Write to the Labor Committor of the party, 549 W .Randolph St., Chicago...
...No one is to work more than 8 hours in any one dsy...
...Among the demands to be made upon the employers,according to Zansner, are the 80hour work week and a uniform wage scale for all types of work ia the painting and decorating industry based upon the wages prevailing ar the beginning of October, 1929...
...William P. Tallon, district organiser for the Doll Workers' Union in Trenton, is it town helping the Schoenhut employe** to form their organ inaikm 300 Win Uoio...
...Hours are limited to 40 per week for white-collar workers and 35 per week for all others...
...with the labor conditions...
...9; Eugene McNamara, president of the council...
...Restoration of the 1932 scale, which was reduced last summer, was thus completed...
Vol. 16 • August 1933 • No. 6