Socialist Party Progress
Socialist Party Progress Dr. R. B. Green, prominent Chicago Socialist and labor leader, left June 30 on a speaking tour of the northeastern states. Colorado Victor and Goldfield locals...
...carrying on general activity...
...8th A. D.—Meets Thursday, July 13, in Burnside Manor, Burnside and Harrison Aves...
...send reservations to h e a d q u a r t e r s . Branch meeting, Monday, July 10th...
...23rd A. D.—Jones Beach outing Sundaymorning, at 7 o'clock, from Labor Lyceum...
...and Main St...
...Branch meeting Monday, July i. East Flathush Branch (486A East 93rd St...
...Colorado Victor and Goldfield locals have adopted a joint resolution opposing a united front with the Communists and opposing the Cleveland referendum proposing this front...
...Comrade Steinberger will, lend discussion on the National Recovery Bill...
...It urges youth organizations and trade unions to work for prohibition of child labor under 18 years in the industrial codes now being worked out...
...Meetings are held every Thursday evening in the home of Comrades Oneal, 9516 111th S t. NO SUMMER SLUMP FOR THE NEW LEADER FE those who realise the importance ef keeping The New Leader In the field there if no summer slump...
...Scattered throughsat the country is an army of workers who realise that the strongest weapon forged by the Socialists of this country is The New Leader...
...Street meetings every Friday night at the corner of Little Main and Front Sts., Hempstead, 8:30 sharp...
...22nd A. I)., Branch 1 (331 Sheffield Ave...
...Ypsels Demand End of Child Labor in U.S.A...
...Haim Kantorovitch, from July 24-28, will discuss "Revolution and CounterRevolution in Europe...
...Mid wood.—The branch has been obliged to give up its headquarters for the summer months and will meet at Comrade Epstein's office, 15th Street and Ave...
...General Party Meeting...
...Don't hold ( the subs in your pocket...
...Make reservations by communicating through the Lyceum with Comrade Weisberg...
...Executive committee meeting at • p. m membership meeting at | p. av 18th A. I)., Branch 1 (1686 President St...
...and Barrow St., Monday, July 10th...
...No military training for youth...
...Drive on to get the members In good standing...
...W. Noonan, James Folan, Hawley B. Van Vechten, Dr...
...Make reservations with Comrades Knobloch or Diamond, 0 West 170th Street, Topping 2-6560, or by mail...
...John T. Flynn, Aug...
...Can't Find Jurymen Unconvinced of Strikers' Innocence JAMESTOWN, Tenn.—Because public opinion is so firmly on the side of .the strikers, selection of a jury proved difficult when the trial of seven strikers charged with shooting two scabs May 29 in Wilder, Tenn., began...
...Hempstead Branch.—Next meeting Tuesday, July 11, at 32 South Spruce St., West Hempstead...
...OVER 700 WEEK-END AT CAMP TAMIMENT /%NE of the most successful Fourth of July weekends in the history of Camp Tamiment, Tamiment, Pa., attracted more than 700 guests who participated in a varied four-day program, which included a musical revue, a three-act comedy, a ' cabaret and floor show and a carnival of sports...
...Branch meeting Tuesday, July 11th...
...A. Sidebottom, treasurer...
...Mexican Workers Strike in L. A. President William Green of the American Federation of Labor has just received a communication from Eucario Leon, general secretary of the Mexican Federation of Labor, with regard to the strike of nearly 5,000 Mexican workers in Los Angeles County, California, caused by the refusal of their Japanese employers to pay more than fifteen cents an hour for their labor...
...Lewi Tonks and William Turnbull... also asked to specify conditions under which Socialists may engage in such united action...
...Abraham Wolfson on "A Philosophy for Our Time...
...Only one of the strikers has been able to furnish the $6,000 bond...
...Tuesday, July 18th, 71 Irving PIMorningslde Heights...
...Eleanor Clarke, secretary...
...The executive also resolved "that the week of July 22nd to 29th be »et aside for demonstrations and mass meetings to further this demand for the abolition of the exploitation of children for profit in these United States of Americs, •nd that these demands be addressed to Hugh Johnspn, Administrator of the Industrial Control Aet, and to Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, in whom Congress has vested all sufficient power...
...Delegates to State Congress for Economic Reconstruction will report...
...The local will conduct at least four open-air meetings weekly from now on...
...are assisting the Amalgamated Clothing Workers to reorganize the clothing manufacturing shops of Buffalo...
...We hope that as you always have done, you will lend your cooperation for the success of this cause which in our judgment is noble, equitable and justifiable...
...Bellamy Club (904 Prospect Ave).—Rent party, Wednesday, July 12th...
...August Oaessens will speak, QUEENS Comrade Travis elected organizer, with Daly and Koeppicus as assistants...
...It is these comrades who realise that The New Leader is a true measure of the extent of education and organization for Socialism...
...Branch meet* Tuesday, July 11th, International House, 560 Riverside Drive, near 122nd St, meeting room A. Dan Lids will sneak on "Unemployment It* Social Significance and Solution...
...The campaign committee and enrolled voters' canvassing group will meet Monday evening after the brnnch meeting...
...National Executive Committee adopted a ringing resolution at its Reading session calling for a fight to eliminate child labor from American industries...
...12th A. D.—Branch meeting...
...Comrades will gather at headquarters, 9 W. 170th St., 8:30 a. m. sharp Tuesday, July 11th, regular branch meeting at headquarters...
...Fentress Coal & Coke Co...
...The party membership of Now York City is summoned to a general membership meeting in the Debs Auditorium, Wednesday evening, July 10th...
...2nd A. D.—Outing to Tibbets Brook, Sunday, July 9th...
...The United Mine Workers of America, to which the Wilder strikers belong, is in charge of the defense...
...Turners Sever Tiea With Nazi Turnerbund ELKHART LAKE, Wis...
...The"*following additional lectures have been1 arranged: July 10-14, Dr...
...For twenty years they have been inactive in political matters, but the resolutions show that Hitler is despised by the modern generation of Turners...
...distribution of literature starting soon...
...Appeals will be made by the official State Committee...
...Now it is the turn of those who have failed to make the effort to increase our cirpulation...
...Isidore Corn speaks every Wednesday evening s t Broome snd Canton Streets...
...The resolution declares that at the Continental Congress the Communists were denied admission and that their tactics are like Judas Iscariot's...
...Rhode Island Providence...
...Comrade Hirsch will speak on "Events Abroad and Their Interpretation...
...The nomination of a Socialist candidate for Associate Judge of the Court of...
...lawyerwa are prosecuting the case...
...They have been true to their ideals...
...A program of sportB, group singing and music ia being arranged...
...Branch is holding two street meetings a week...
...Every resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote...
...The first day on which petitions can be filed with Election Boards is August 15th, the last .day August 22nd...
...Ourdoor meeting at Main and Passaic Aves...
...Program: Y.P.S.L...
...Chautauqua County.—Convention at Dunkirk last Sunday organized a county committee with E. W. Sherman of Dunkirk, county chairman...
...Tonks, near the Saratoga Road...
...Elias Tartak, "Problems of Life and Literature," July 31 to Aug...
...Class in Socialism, Jed by Andrew P. Wittel, growing larger...
...One denounced Hitler for his suppression of all civil rights and the other instructed the executive board to sever all connections with the German Turnerbund under the dominion of Hitler...
...7th A. D. (789 Elsmere Place).— Branch meeting Tuesday, July 11, at headquarters...
...July 8th...
...UNITED TRADE UNION CENTRE FOR INDIA When the Indian trade union movement was disrupted five years ago and the Indian Trades Union Federation was set up after a short period of uncertainty, this body took from the outset the standpoint of "free" trade unions...
...No child labor under 18...
...Hear Comrade Crosswaith explain the workings of the Industrial Recovery Act...
...It is no doubt due to this fact that now, after many vicissitudes owing to purely political considerations, there has at last been an amalgamation of organizations which not merely call themselves trade unions, but have done actual practical work in clearly-delimited organizations...
...Six-piece orchestra...
...County executive committee will meet in the middle of the month...
...Band, August Claessens...
...Fred J. Smith of Jamestown, county organizer...
...6th A., D.—Albert Breslow and Irving M. Knobloch, candidates for Aldermen, and Abraham Wisotsky, candidate for Assemblyman, will speak at branch meeting Tuesday, July 11, at I'd park Palace, Lydig Ave...
...entertainment and social evening...
...Leon in his communication says, "In the name of the labor movement of Mexico we earnestly request your cooperation in the strike of our brother citizens in the County of Los Angeles, California, against the Japanese agriculturers...
...The court adjourned after a day in vain search for a juryman unconvinced of the miners' innocence...
...Local Providence, the Verband and the Ladies' Branch of the Workmen's Circle will hold a picnic on Sunday, July 16, at Vasa Park, Warwick...
...Frank R Crosswaith will speak on "The New Deal and the New Day...
...The others have been confined in what is termed an "unspeakably filthy" jail...
...1, subject to be announced...
...will be in hands of local Yipsels...
...1 6th A. D. (48 Avenue C).— Branch meeting, Monday, July 10th Mb A. D. (144 Second Ave...
...They have done their bit— and more...
...The Turner societies in this country were an important factor in helping to organize trade unions and carrying on Socialist agitation in the nineteenth century...
...Increased educational funds...
...28 to Sept...
...Edward Levinion will speak on "Modern Tendencies in Socialism " A roof garden party will be held at Greenwich House on Friday evening, July 7th...
...Buffalo.—Both the local and the Y.P.S.L...
...An ambitious program of lectures has been planned for the Camp Tamiment season, the profits of which go to the Rand School...
...New Rochelle...
...Speakers, following short business session, George McMullen, Louis Painken and Alfred Belskin, candidates for Aldermen, and George I- Steinhardt, candidate for Assemblyman, on the municipal campaign...
...The years of depression have not quenched tha fires of enthusiasm en the part of those who feel that our paper must be kept in the field at all costa...
...August Claessens will speak at North Ave...
...Sympathetic labor and fraternal organizations are invited...
...Herman Vogel, treasurer...
...Next lesson Friday evening, July 14, at the Amalgamated Clothing Workers' Hall, 585 Main Ave...
...Executive Committee.—Wednesday evening, July 12th, in the city office...
...Some of them have literally gone without bread in order to save The New Leader from going down with the crumbling structure of capitalism...
...William Bohn, "Sidelights on American Life," Aug...
...this Saturday evening...
...D Monday night...
...They are the ones on whom The New Leader will have to depend if we are to hold and to increase the circulation that is so Vital to sound education and thinking these im- ' portant times...
...Send them ( in as rapidly as they are given to you...
...Astoria.—Branch meeting Monday, July 10, in the open-air garden of the Bohemian Hall, where future meetings will be held...
...MANHATTAN * tXth A. D. (126 Dolancey St...
...Beer party and dance Saturday...
...The Y.P.S.L...
...The committee elected the following comrades asa officers: J. M. Coldwell, chairman...
...Caroline Marx of Silver Creek, secretary-treasurer...
...Already Herman Epstein has been heard in a series of three lectures on music...
...Card party and ice cream festival Saturday, July 16...
...Richmond Hill...
...It was reported that the Central Labor Council of Jamestown has voted to send representatives to the State Continental Congress...
...Branch meeting Tuesday, July 11...
...Entertainment, dance, refreshments...
...No more labor camps...
...Individuals and organizations wishing to cooperate are urged to get in touch with the arrangements committee, Arthur Kent, Wayne County organizer, 225 East Forest Ave., for further information or tickets... permit state committees and locals to enter into united front arrangements on issues coming within their respective jurisdictions...
...Louis Waldman and William Knrlin will lead the discussion on The National Industrial Recovery Dill...
...July 17-21, Walter E. Peck will speak on "Life in 1933...
...Meeting Tuesday, July 11...
...Branch is holding open-sir meetings...
...Michigan Wayne County will hold a picnic at Mound Park on Mound Road, between Seventeen . and Eighteen Mile Roads, Sunday, July 16...
...4; Siegfried Lipschitz on "Contemporary Events in Europe in the Light of Socialism," Aug...
...tnd White Plaina Road...
...Discussion of Industrial Recovery Bill will continue...
...Civilian re-employment only for unemployed youth...
...Local and slso New York Speakers...
...Branch meeting Friday, July 7. August Claessens will speak on "Wages and Prices— A Lesson in Economics.1* Next Friday, July 14, celebration of the chartering of the branch...
...Upstate locals should advise State Secretary precisely how many blanks they require for the designation of candidates...
...New Jersey Passaic.—Branch One continues its weekly activities Saturday, July 8, with "Yipsel Night...
...This is another of the meetings arranged under the auspices of the Educational Commlictee...
...The Indian Trades Union Federation, consisting of about 70,000 members, has combined with the strongest and most active Indian union, the National Federation of Labor (railwaymen) with about 100,000 members, to constitute a united organization to be known as the Naitonal Trades Union Federation...
...The American Turnerbund (German Gymnastic Society) at its 34th convention here adopted two resolutions condemning the Hitler regime in Germany...
...A third resolution favors American recognition of Russia...
...Branch has adopted a resolution calling on the N.E.C...
...Washington H e i g h t s (4040 B'dway)—Auto ride aad picnic Sunday, July 16th, 10 a as...
...David S, Goldman of the Typographical .Union will speak on the need of industrial organization...
...BROOKLYN Sheepshead Bay (2321 Ave...
...Nassau County has indorsed Edward Marks of Kreeport for Assembly in the 1st Assembly District, and Katharine K. Smith of Massapequa in the 2nd...
...And then ask for more...
...Local Schenectady elected a platform committee consisting of Chas...
...Without these devoted comrades who hammer home at all times the importance of a Socialist Patty press The New Leader would languish and soon die...
...Start the drive for subscriptions among the members of your branch . or local, among your friends and neighbors, in your labor union and ' fraternal organization...
...County Automobile Outing, Sunday morning, July 16th, at 9:30, in front of headquarters, 9 West 170th St., west of Jerome Ave., to the Fruchter estate at Mohegan Colony, near Peekskill...
...Comrade Reins of Spanish Branch, and Max Hurwits will discuss Spanish situation...
...entertainers, Bob's Bavarian...
...All willing to offer and drive their automobiles that day in order take on additional people should let us know...
...Dates for official Judicial District conventions for the nomination of candidates for Justice of Supreme Court will be set by the State Executive Committee at its next meeting...
...New York State Designation Petitions can now be legally signed...
...BRONX Jack Altaian has been elected County Organizer...
...they have made sacrifice after sacrifice...
...It was also decided to hold a picnic in the near future at the country home of Dr...
...This instruction is significant, as the executive ooard had chartered a steamer to take Turner delegates to the German gymnastic tournament to be held this month in Stuttgart...
...The N.E.C...
...Organization work in progress and new members are being obtained for a branch in Richmond Hill...
...L. J. Rotenberg, treasurer...
...Algernon Lee, "Some Diverting Interludes," Aug...
...Village Branch—Next meeting at Greenwich House, 7th Ave...
Vol. 16 • July 1933 • No. 2