NEW LEADER FORUM SPECIAL NOTICE Deaptte repeated aanoanceaieBta ef the limited apace The New Leader ha* for letters, aesM ef our readers tend long communications that ran not be considered,...
...There I have been various arguments against the plan to shorten hours of work through the Industrial ; Recovery Act, but it reiqained for i the commencement speaker at the Eastern Mennonite School here to discover that the scheme is contrary to the Bible, and hence evil...
...i __________________ No Hope From Fascism, Soukup Tells America CHICAGO.—Addressing a huge picnic of the Socialist Party here, Dr...
...Neither Am I By J. T. Shipley ALFRED KREYMBORG'S "I'm No Hero" (Wm...
...Morrow, $2.50) comes with no great flourish of trumpets, and spreads no .grr!-*> wares, so that only he that runs can read...
...We follow the career of Don as he limps his way from Bowery lodging house through cheap coffee-and-chess club to the comparative luxury of a real apartment, and a wife, and a radio contract The poetry Kreymbotg lurks in the bsckground of the novel, slyly dictating a figure here, there a turn of phrase...
...The Maetnillan Co...
...Agriculture is over-developed and the farmers are burled under hugo surpluses...
...e • e Socialism is science applied with knowledge and understanding to all branches of human activity.— 'August BebeL BOOKS IN BRIEF Middle Europe Agriculture By James On eel AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS OF MIDDLE EUROPE...
...This .will come as a surprise to some of us as it has to the writer, but what is jjst as interesting is that these little nations have resorted to much the same expedients as the larger nations In an effort to stabilize production and agricultural prices, and with no more success...
...At the same time, when two opinions emerge in the Party on some issue, we shall always try to have both prevented.—Editor...
...Nationalize and democratize agriculture and there is every reason to expect as short hours of labor and a standard of income, leisure and culture as industry will guarantee to all useful workers...
...From the moment that private poeession in the means of production arose, exploitation and the division of society into two hostile classes, standing opposed to each other through their interests, also began./—Wilhelm Liebknecht...
...Facing cut-throat competition and the survival of surplus and outmoded plants of production thirty years ago, the capitalist class of this country turned to consolidation...
...In 1894 the Single Tax slogan was "On to Delaware," the idea being to capture that state for the Single Tax, and it was this agitation that enlisted my interest in Henry George's philosophy and induced me to read everything I could obtain of his writings...
...agriculture must be organised after industry is taken over...
...An ambitious program for the Rand School when sessions are re* sumed in the Fall depends wholly upon the success of the drive, Noted educators, exciting and interes ting courses in labor and So* cialism and other features of the new educational season can be realized only if the campaign for funds is a success...
...RgANY Socialists of the older generation became Socialists by travelling the Singe Tax route...
...pressure from the capitalists who control his party would force him to drop his plans just as sit forced him to ''lose interest in the thirty-hour week bill...
...Legislation to bring about shorter i hours and higher wages was cal1 culated to overthrow one of the laws of God, he declared...
...He is condemned as a dictator and as an introducer of Fascism...
...This is the net impression left upon us by reading this interesting survey of Middle Europe agriculture...
...Simpson and Mr...
...Rieve, the traditional radicalism of American opinion, the movement towards collectivism, and the benefits of Socialism...
...This large volume of 668 pages, with an Introduction by John Dewey, is an excellent piece of work...
...The institute's contribution was accompanied by a $10 check from Dr...
...J. C. Clemens of Lansdale, Pa., who told his audience of 800 that it would be far better for laborers to work at lower wag 3s six flays a week than to "waste their time in idleness...
...fH Comrades are urged to send their contributions to Mrs...
...STUDENTS of modern agriculture are well aware of the plight of the farmer and of the grain-exporting countries like A r, gentina and the United States...
...The more one learns about modern- agriculture the more does the suggestion occur that a Socialist transformation of industry must oil followed by big problems of Organization...
...iTHE CONTINENTALCONI.RE8SS By T. Williams The speech made by John Simpson, president of the Farmers' Union, to the Continental Congress presents an interesting question | and also a possible answer...
...Their overbuilt Industry is like the sorceror who has conjured a monster that is eating him up...
...but in its solid way is - homely tale of real people...
...It has laid too much stress on the conservatism of American thought, on the trend towards Fascism, and on the faults of capitalism...
...A step in the right direction has been taken by the calling of the Continental Congress...
...The craftsman is also evident, especially in the neat chapters— "Sisters on the Telephone" and nth s, Including the love-scene of Joe and Betty—done entirely in dialogue, with the actions implicit in the conversation...
...Fascists, too, criticise the existing system...
...Here ' is a man, the leader of millions of farmers, expressing beliefs similar to those expounded by Norman Thomas, Yet his followers support the Republican or the Democratic, not the Socialist Party...
...Soukup, who is here as official representative of his country to the Century of Progress Exposition, will speak twelve times in this country at meetings arranged for him by the Bohemian Federation of the Socialist Party...
...this is a scholarly, and valuable work...
...Industry is suffleiently organised to be taken over...
...Instead of this it should stress, as did Mr...
...He declares that no element in the California party "has any intention of flirting with third party movements or entering into coalitions with non-Socialist groups groups or capitalist party wings...
...The farmers, because of their large numbers and smaller holdings, are unable to effect such consolidation and economy...
...If 1 Socialists gain power, it...
...NEW LEADER FORUM SPECIAL NOTICE Deaptte repeated aanoanceaieBta ef the limited apace The New Leader ha* for letters, aesM ef our readers tend long communications that ran not be considered, especi since we began the regular summer issue of twelve pages...
...NEWARK INSTITUTE AIDS RAND SCHOOL S\NE of the largest single doa...
...If so, its sponsors are to be commended for their zeal in making such, a large and useful volume available to those who care to have the Single Tax presented in a single work of such high merit as this one by Prof...
...his attack upon Herbert Spencer, his answer to Pope Leo's Encyclical on "The Condition of Labor^ his relationship with Socialists and his differences with them, and the extent to which the Singe Tax has influenced legislation in many countries...
...The question, of course, ia why...
...We cannot quite believe in the reformed robber who later steals from the bank precisely the sum due Mb '.-iends...
...Readers should remember that The New Leader Is primarily a propaganda paper...
...Reias is a tireless worker on behalf of the Socialist Party and its allied activities...
...Socialists will disagree with some of the conclusions ef the author, but they will concede that ; Finds Short Work Week Is Contrary to the Bible So We Will Give It Up ; HARRISONBURG, Va...
...The answer, 1 believe, is that the Socialist Party has not expounded the dynamic theories of Marx in accordance with "the American scene...
...The few recent letters that have s| peared were received before publication of the summer iaaues and had been in type for several weeks Otherwise, because of their length, they woold not have appeared...
...What I think should be emphasized is: 1. That the President realizes to some extent the need for a "new deal,", but that his realization is not complete enough...
...The MaemUlan Co> S3...
...While contributions are coming in from loyal supporters of the Rand School, many of them at the cost of great privation to the donor, nevertheless they are not enough, Comrade Goebel urged that sub* scription blanks and coin boxes ii the hands of active workers be returned to the special committee ia charge of the campaign, filled...
...Here will be found an informative, even if brief, biography of the founder of the Single Tax movement...
...his influence upon economic thought and its relation to ethical and religious concepts...
...The Third Party Samuel S. White of Bakersfield, Calif., writes trat he agrees with the leading article on the third page of the issue of June 10th, but believes that a minor incident which induced the State Executive to warn the members against third party movements has been magnified...
...Uy George R. Geiger...
...That the Rand School is not out of danger was indicated by George H. Goebel who repeated his plea to Socialist Party members and sympathizers to redouble their efforts to keep the sheriff away...
...But if the large grain-exporting nations are facing this problem, it is no less true that the little nations of Middle Europe—Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Rumania and Yugoslavia—are also facing it...
...Frans Soukup, president of the Senate of Czechoslovakia and one of the leading political figures of his country, told America that economic reconstruction and controlled international disarmament are the two big problems we must face, and that a "solution by dictators ia impossible...
...We suspect that such a large volume offered at such a low price is made possible by some Single Tax fund...
...The truth, of course, is that he is neither, and such criticism can result only in the raising of "bogey" men who may yet haunt their creators...
...tions received by the Rand School in its drive tor 117,000 to avert foreclosure was received from the People's Institute of Newark, N. J. It was a cheek for $100...
...This ia, as here employed, sn effective device —though the novel is of value chiefly because through it shines the color, the friendly intelligence, of the author... exhaustive exposition and interpretation of his views...
...We shall try to run occasional short letters and also excerpts from those that exceed a reasonable length...
...Bertha H. Mailly, chairman, Special Committee, Rand School, 7 E. 15th St, New York City...
...The promulgator of this dictum was the Rev...
...The corporation farm with some modifications provides the model...
...will be as prophets of a new order, snd not as critics of an old one...
...Louis Reias, secretary...
...Despotism can no more exist In a nation until ths liberty of the press be destroyed than the night can happen before the sun Is set—Colton...
...Today Europe does not need revision of treaties so much as economic reconstruction of the whole continent, work for millions, stabilisation of currency, lowering of tariffs and universal and controlled disarmament The revision of the peace treaties is important, but we shall pay too great a price for it if we rely on force of dictatorships...
...2. That if he were willing to carry out radical measures, as he seems to be...
...They closed old hulks and operated modern plants more efficiently...
...but otherwise he's quite a likeable fellow, as— strangely, for a book of our day —are most of the persons we meet in »1!'< simply told and engaging tale...
...Let us keep on the right road...
...Ws who know Europe and want to preserve peace," ha said, "must warn America of certain developments...
...The attitude towards President Roosevelt is typical of the present policy...
Vol. 16 • July 1933 • No. 2