Socialists Profiles

Claessens, Hilda G.

Socialists Profiles No. 28 - Hilda G. Claessens A WIFE can make or break an active Socialist. It is not necessary to go into too great detail—Socialists active in the movement know what I...

...We have had Socialist -judges who just had to sit on benches and interpret a code of jurisprudence that was and still is definitely set against the workers...
...In the twenty-ninth year of the new century it again fell and it is now rotting throughout the world...
...In the transition from isolation to a world power the Supreme Court handed down Some agonized decisions...
...Europe first fell victim to the forces of decay...
...Factories can be run by girls of 16...
...Hilda was a beautiful character...
...I have known many wonderful Socialist women, wives who have stood by their husbands, who have given them encouragement, loyalty, sympathy, understanding...
...But once at a testimonial dinner to August she frankly and honestly spoke her mind...
...A special congress of the Liberal youth organization has adopted, by a vote of 250 to 13, a resolution blaming the ministry and cdllinsk for the meeting of Parliament...
...Or at least that should be our undeviating process...
...First our Yipsels...
...And yet his reference to it at the Camp Eden conference brought a spirited reply from the writer, and others understood it as I understood It Sam declared he had spent several hours preparing his paper...
...Socialist officials under a capitalist government haven't fared any too well...
...The Con* against the i en's work a and dedans women enH muneration for unemph talist syst* woman frat demns he* * industry" m Suzanne Cd this questioS to work to* right to lifcj woman's rif return to s 1 over this *Jj question of sexes conden the very rade CoTlettt to work M obligation M equal wort *»ntly celeibwiary, and •Weying the •women comm thought...
...A feature of the Belgian Socialist and Labor movement is the high development of workingmeh's co-operative purchasing societies and mutual insurance societies...
...Shall we call the masses to come and feed...
...The era of imperialist conquest that became marked by the dawn of the present century also became a rivalry of the great powers for markets, loot and colonies in the following decade...
...Lea Kissmann, who represented the women's,organisations of Rumania, whid brated their i Gilomen Hd greetings of ( rades, both s "Fascism is s It must be h it is necetsi workers as I organised...
...At I entertainer, I branch givansing exhiimist...
...Its history is one of defeat and advance, defeat and advance again, with new recruits enlisted in every phase of the struggle...
...Secure in their seats of power the capitalist class and their banking allies turned to the building of their capitalist regime...
...T'tlKHE are wonderful engines, wth power plain * To turn all our dreams to magnificent deed...
...The Mayor of New York is, after all, big game...
...But heedl We can set up a system that's safe frcm a smash...
...Discussions on Fascism in Germany, the imperialist policy of Japan and the relations between Great Britain and Russia occupied an important place on the program...
...Many of the newer comrades did not know that Mrs...
...Sam now concedes this in his definition... Europe...
...The Conference thanked the Socialist Party for its constant efforts for full political rights for women...
...Let us fight on and inspire the working class with its historic, mission to create a classless world, the ideal of millions of Socialist workers who fought the good fight and then passed on...
...But in 1920 there came a change...
...Let's consider it...
...This is called "activism" and its advocates call themselves "activists...
...It was a Socialist interpretation that would have been creditable to a Socialist who had studied for twenty years...
...Activism Not Enough IN recent years another idea has been expressed that is similar to the limited snd one-sided "spirit-of-youth" argument...
...She thanked the comrades for the testimonial and frankly said that a wife less devoted to Socialism than she would have been jealous of the movement that took so much of her husband from her...
...Sam endeavors to explain what he means by old and young in the movement He defines it as the spirit of youth regardless of the age of the party member...
...I have a stenographic digest of that lecture...
...Claessens was a talented speaker, but her old friends were not surprised to hear a fine, inspiring little speech...
...The tempo of production was enormously increased...
...There came more years of propaganda...
...It was so filled with errors of fact that it was positively funny, and yet he was terribly in earnest He had not matured...
...In Great Britain The British Labor Women's Conference comprised 1,600 women's sections and reported on a large number of industrial and social problems, among them disarmament, unemployment insurance, nursery schools, feeding of the children of the unemployed and maternal mortality...
...The recent growth of the movement is shown by the following figures...
...Each decree is studied by* a committee, whose report is then considered by the whole body, and appropriate resolutions are adopted to show the people how the Socialist members would have voted if parliament had remained in session...
...Take another case, this time another Yipsel...
...J T was 157 years ago that the ruling classes of colonial America set up a government independent of the mother country... this end the women • men to be » forge the M the death "ny of progand SoWomen *° protested ' which wom«t subjected * « not the e»rk for re• responsible j * the eapi• wrenches *• »nd conjwd labor of " ' m e put it...
...It is not necessary to go into too great detail—Socialists active in the movement know what I mean— but it can be said with positiveness thai those Socialists who serve faithfully and well usually have wives with the completest and most whole-hearted sympathy for the cause to which their husbands give themselves...
...The Yipsel who delivered the funny lecture mentioned above had this spirit but he had not sufficiently matured to render the service the Yipsels should have...
...Nothing mattered but service to Socialism...
...Now we all agree that we must have action if the party is to grow, but we also want to know what shall we be active for...
...The New Capitalist Order In that titanic struggle the old slave masters were defeated and capitalism was supreme...
...In 1922 there was the delightful speaking trip by flivver with baby Sylvia that reached to Colorado, but that was Hilda's last conspicuous appearance as a speaker...
...At best they only proved that the Socialists, too, have able, honest and efficient men and women as party members...
...From the New Knglish Weeklg...
...Within a few decades the capitalist form of production began to appear in New England and by the middle of the nineteenth century the capitafist class of the North was contending with the slave-owning class for the ruiersnip 01 ine repuunc...
...We have heard it frequently in recent years from others...
...In that year the first daughter was born, and then Hilda assumed the role that I am sure she preferred to that of public speaking...
...In honoring the memory of Hilda G. Claessens Socialists honor that grent contingent of Socialist wives without which our movement would be sterile indeed...
...I have heard many a great speech ;n my life, but rarely one that affected me more deeply than Hilda's that night- - And so the busy yeafs passed, until the summer of 1931, when Hilda was stricken...
...The first number under the new editorship contained an article on the suppression of the Communist party in Austria and another on the Tom Mooney case, both written in a manner acceptable to Communists...
...Not that Hilda would not have been able to stand on her own feet as a worthy Socialist worker if she had so chosen...
...For the world of me I cannot get excited over who or what our next city executive is going to be...
...On the contrary, some who heard him left the meeting with some misconceptions of post-war party history...
...With the terrific crash in 1929 the capitalist economy of the world has continued to sink to lower and lower depths and its proud structure in the United States toppled into the ditch...
...By Gertrude Weil Klein War on Fascism Declared by Socialist Women in France and England TTHE persecution and collapse of the Social-Democrats in Germany found a sombre reflection in the deliberation of two important women's congresses in Europe during the last month...
...Socialist activity is hard taskmaster...
...em eft pupils tfore the war nag working named Hilda been an or l i t workers, and she dreamed of a better world...
...The women of Great Britain will suffer no Nazi tyranny," she concluded...
...Alice Pels of Brussels, who had been designated by the International Women's Committee of the I, S. I. to be delegate to the Paris Conference, gave a striking picture of the situation of the International Socialist Women's movement which has suffered a severe blow as the result of the collapse of Socialism in Germany and expressed the hope that the victory of "Rascism" would be only a temporary one...
...Gus Claea most popular cialist works he joined thai first he sent going from I ing delightfi bitions as a years later I shortly then notable care public spealdi mcnt is so is Among ha...
...The United States entered the world circle of imperialist politics following the Spanish-American War...
...There was a home to keep up and a husband to keep in health, and the babies, and Hilda had little time for association with her old friends...
...Our program should be the Communist Manifesto, nrought up to date, with the tacit promise that if elected we would immediately go about ftie job of socializing everything social izaljle and take the risk of being Iwunced out of office by a capitalist governor the day after wo are elected...
...Before the end of the nineteenth century 't collapsed twice, inflicting measureless suffering on millions of workers...
...the main thi-L was to serve Socialism...
...We have got to plant Socialism in the minds of fifty million workers and farmers...
...Whst effecf that had upon the exploitation of workers by bosses and doing away with the ills of capitalism...
...A Socialist agitator must keep crazy hours...
...The creditors, it appears, represented to the government that the suppression of the paper would involve them in heavy loss, and the new rulers found a way to accommodate them and also serve Fascist political interests...
...P°rt«d on **t the right "*»*y as the I To abolUh P would be a •'ery...
...The columnists and the wise-crackers will have lots and lots of blunt and pickly barbs to shoot into his impervious hide...
...For a number of years she was one of the ablest and most devoted workers of the party, but by deliberate choice she decided on the career of mother and wife/l Claessens, a to be his I while he sen as the Unite...
...The whole capitalist world is now shaken by its own contradictions...
...It is these basic views that prompted my disagreement with Sam...
...Two years ago in my home we were trying to organize a Yipsel Circle and a Yipsel was sent to lecture to the young folks...
...As they constitute more than 37 per cent of the whole membership of each house, those resolutions carry great weight with the public...
...But I do not believe I ever knew a more beautiful soul and a more perfect example of the Socialist wife than Hilda Claessens, whose passing in May, 1932, left a wound in the hearts of those who loved her that will not heal...
...the glorious Harlem cam •/ paigns that resulted in a number...
...The list of speakers in each case wss headed by Arthur Greenwood, who was Minister of Health In the last Labor Government All the other speskers were women... elections to the Assembly...
...And in her grave, clear-eyed way she stood forth and did her work...
...Dying middle class sections, allied with criminals and adventurers and led by demagogues, have seized power in Germany and Italy and transformed these nations into slave states...
...The Labor (Socialist) party has launched a petition demanding the dissolution of .parliament and the holding of new elections...
...If he has the spirit of youth that is helpful, but even this is not sufficient unless it is spirit plus something else...
...have a feeling that she would have preferred always to have remained in the background, leaving the center of the stage to her husband...
...An Artificial Division SAM'S statement was sweeping and without qualification...
...and again Hilda stood by While August made his brilliant legislative record...
...As early as 1914 she was known as a capable speaker, end as a candidate upon the party ticket...
...Wben a Socialist official orders out the army and navy to protect private property, however excusable that act may be ethically and otherwise, all the explaining you do will rarely convince a puzzled populancc...
...Equally with her husband— and countless other comrades in the cause—she gladly did what was asked of her...
...There are other Yipsels in our New York organization of the same type...
...CO tee pine amidst plenty and perish...
...Liberty will not descend to s people, a people must raise themselves to liberty...
...That victory whetted the appetite of our bankers and industrial magnates for power, prestige and profits out of overseas investments and loans...
...Poor folk's hunger is only greed, And the bankers say that we're short of cash...
...It was he who transformed the Monroe Doctrine into a big stick brandished over the Latin-American peoples, who made it a doctrine of collecting debts for American ^ind European bankers...
...To follow the strict letter of the law would mean anti-social judgment...
...Quite a number of them in knowledge tower head and shoulders above many adults who have joined the party in the last five or six years...
...Always within the confines of capitalist law, and under the menacing shadow of the Supreme Court... return for the heart-warming and soulnourishing satisfaction of service to a great cause it requires time, energy and sacrifice of i elf...
...On this side of the Atlantic we may have to face a similar struggle with black hordes who would place the masses in chains, but the yearning for human emancipation cannot be crushed by prison, gallows or electric chair...
...Arrested Development {CONTRAST this type with another that may be found in ^ the party... is s blessing that must be earned before it can be enjoyed.—Coltoa...
...In the United States mass production made enormous advances but in the meantime the capitalist world became more and more caught in the financial and economic chaos following the war...
...The latter had 501,000 members in 1931 and 515,000 In ir».12, white the purchasing co-operatives have now 288,000 members and conduct 1,144 retail stores, 413 "people's houses" and 09 well equipped bakeries...
...The United States became a World Power...
...Well, here is the rub...
...The paper retained exactly the same form and make-up as when it was being edited by Willy Muenzenberg, but of course there was a considerable change in its contents...
...As a Socialist educator for many years, I can tell you that the mfnds of folks just do not react readily to our idealistic pronouncements...
...The speaker was giving the history of the party since the end of the World War...
...however it was, it was not long before they were married and to the day of her ever-to-be-lamented death she stood by her husband with the sort of loyalty that men dream of but do not always receive...
...But Gus Claessens literally worshipped her, and from the beginning of their married life he insisted upon letting the world know about her...
...The National Conference of Labor Women in Great Britain and the National Conference of French Socialist Women in Paris both occupied themselves largely with plans for combatting Fascism...
...But let it be clearly understood that we are tired of oppression nor will we lie down eternally under man-made misery...
...At this conference Comrade Gomberg, a Yipsel, delivered one of the finest addresses I have listened to in years...
...Had he said what be now says I would not have made the kind of reply that I did and he would not have offered his definition of last week...
...Stay, good-hearted onet Not so rash...
...Out of tho rivalries of the great powers for dominion came the World War...
...The dues-paying membership of the party increased from 658,000 to 608,000 during the year 1932, and its voting strength rose from 803,000 in 1929 to 869,000 last fall...
...In every local organization throughout the country one may find instances like those cited above...
...they did great propaganda ivorjc, but times were hard and it was difficult to make ends meet >ut of slim collections...
...There's enough and to spare for the people's need-And the bankers sag that we're short of cash...
...Twenty-two federations, representing 3,260 women, were present at this Conference which was the first held by Socialist women of France...
...This is being supported by many Catholic trade unions, as well as by the unions affiliated with the Belgian Federation of Labor...
...There is the possibility that far fewer men would be employed than ever before...
...More[•torn to the 5% of the •dism from NWr,- Com•> "the right 1 *omen the Wal pay for Among the various resolutions calculated to facilitate women's tasks as wives, mothers and Workers, was a measure asking for the recognition of maternity as a paid social function... that remoi was a clean girl out of ti Goldstein...
...What shall we substitute...
...We have had Socialist mayors who laid good sewers, saved mon y for the taxpayers on pavements, eliminated petty g. aft among the lesser civic employees snd built up surpasses instead of deficits in the public treasuries...
...Even among the Liberals, the party >f the industrial and financial capitalists, there are signs of revolt...
...There came dark years, hard, uninspiring, grueling work, varied by an occasional trip South or into the Middle West...
...Socialism had given her a vision of a life better and 'cleaner and freer than that of the shops she lad known as a girl, and always ihe served that ideal...
...One may be in the party ten or more years and not mature intellectually, beyond a certain stage...
...Colossal debts had accumulated and the bourgeois vandals of the victorious powers attempted to make the peoples of Central Europe a generation of enslaved vassals...
...For the rest Gus knew always that Hilda was at home with her understanding heart...
...His theme was the psychology of many collegiates who now play with "radicalism...
...But such things never worried August or Hilda...
...In Belgium The Socialist delegations in both houses of the Belgian parliament are holding regular sessions during the period for which the parliament was prorogued and the ministry vested with power to legislate,by decree...
...A slum's the place for a human weed...
...Even If there were a chance to elect a Socialist Mayor my pulse wouldn't leap in with an extra tempo to hail the event...
...He is a case of arrested development...
...The following is a brief synopsis of a speech by the editor of The New Leader on the Fourth of July at the annual picnic of Baltimore Socialists...
...Soap-Box Season Arrives and With It \ Weighty Questions By S. A. DeWitt POVERTY AMIDST PLENTY T H ^ fields art waving with golden grain, * There are cattle-herds on the open mead, There are thoalt of fish in tht foaming main: There't enough and to spare for the people's need...
...It is not the first time that this artfficial division has been raised in the party...
...I'll summon Sam to the arena, Sam DeWitt A paragraph in his column last week catches my eye...
...Ellen Wilkinson warned the conference that in Great Britain Fascism would not come from the people who supported Sir Oswald Mosley but from people like the Chief of the London Police, whose plan for a caste-officered, casteridden police force and a turning of civil force into a militarized force was going to be the bulwsrk of capitalismMargaret Bondfield, speaking on the problems hi the industrial field, sketched a picture that has become most familiar in industrial America also...
...My answer was that no more artificial division can be drawn in the party than one of the age of members...
...The movement demands as much as it gives...
...Twilight Sets In Comrades of the liberating army of the social revolution: Twilight has set in for the capitalist order...
...The working masses of the nations were conscripted for service in the bloodii st war in all history...
...Action is necessary, hut action for what...
...The argument then cqmes—why bother about running a ticket and conducting a campaign, year after year...
...It was he who conferred with the conspirators and who knew in advance of the conspiracy...
...Shall u>e clear the slums where infectiont breed And build fair dwellings...
...Nothing short of education of young and old members will recover the proletarian soul of the party... the paulhte creed, And the bankers say that we're shorf of cunh...
...He may...
...The age of a party member is no index whatever as to his value and services to the movement...
...Our Statesmen IIII'- have elected congressmen, state sena'ors, assemblymen, *™ aldermen, councilmen, school board members and all that . . . We merely proved to small sections of America that Socialists, too, could act with intelligence and dependability as public officers...
...There was a proletarian undercurrent in the revolutionary movement that endeavored to reap some fruits of the struggle, but they were outwitted by the colonial politicians...
...People are what they are, and they still have the peculiar fault of judging movements by the individuals who belong to them...
...It has been said again and again in conventions and in our literature...
...We may lose a skirmish but not the war...
...A few •peaking, and i began that t teacher of lich the move lebted...
...No one will quarrel with the definition...
...That, august body declared that parts of the Constitution applied to our overseas wards and other parts did not As slave property had dominated the Supreme Court for thirty years before the Civil War, now imperial capital and finance reigned in that body...
...That peace carried out the secret treaties written and signed without the knowledge pf the masses who died at the front During the bloody contest capitalism had enlisted the services of the scientists and experts in industry...
...Those Socialists serve best who have at home understanding, sympathy, cooperation and comradeship...
...It was he who tore Panama from Colombia and then boasted that he acted while Congress talked...
...O. Evans...
...That's our task...
...The Open Season COON it will be open season for hunting one O'Brien all I * ' over Gotham woods...
...The maintenance of this paper is understood to be motivated by a desire to satisfy the "left" element within the Fascist party, which is composed largely of young working people who were Communists in 1932 but swung over to Jlitler at the election held in March of this year...
...Arid there was more sincere and heartfelt mourning over her passing than there had been over many a more conspicuous figure...
...No age or activist ideas will help us to solve our problems...
...Shall we grant to the people, from slavery freed, A share in the plenty around ust O, dash— "No work, no food...
...Unless there is that sympathy and understanding a wife can complain that the movement is her rival for the time and affections of her husband...
...The reactionary nature of the decrees thus far issued, as reported in this paper July 1, is causing trouble for the so-called Christian Democrats, the "left wing" of the Catholic Conservative party, whose deputies voted along with the Liberals and Conservatives to grant the government full power...
...To alter the letter of the law would mean impeachment...
...9 ganizer of ti ti |y August mft him and I sai comrade iphere as big K,l one of the t younger SoI the moment at in 1909...
...Capitalism Is Dying—Build a New World to Take Its Place On Independence Day It la Fitting to Look Back Upon Our History to Road Its Lesson*- A Socialist Fourth of July Address...
...And again August took Hilda with him on his speaking trips and saw tb it that audiences everywhere solid worth to Socialism...
...She held on with the quiet bravery that had always been hers until May, 1932, when she passed away...
...We believe we can secure Socialism by constitutional and peaceful means, which shall also be bold, comprehensiye and speedy...
...Those who have some intimate acquaintance with the party know that in some respects It is a rope of sand in philosophy, program and policy...
...A few years later Eugenie was born, and Hilda had her hands full...
...Far off in the ultimate horizon shines the vision of a majority electing entire Socialist tickets all over the land...
...For example, I sm not an activist for the collegiate "radicalism" criticised by Comrade Gomberg at Camp Eden and which some rnay think is favorable to a Socialist movement...
...1 weapons fo* against this ress, demoa cialism...
...The powers turned to secret diplomacy, armaments and the lunacy game of balance of power politics...
...Commenting on Hitler's "pacific" pronouncements Mrs.Barbara Gould, who presided, stated that no profession of goodwill altered the fact of tha Internal shame and horror in Germanv where men and women are being ruthlessly persecuted lor racial and political reasons and the Democratic, Socialist and tradeunion movements smashed...
...When the struggle was over much of Europe was a heap of ruins...
...Within two years he was to occupy the chair of the presidents and roar the virtues of i women who breed children as cannon fodder for the militarists...
...The Socialist women's organizations gained 17.500 members within the last two years, and the youth organization grew from 23,000 to 28.000 in one year, while the circulation of the party press gained 15,000 in the same length of time...
...Pleasing the Hitlerites and Communists at the Same Time Berlin Communist Daily Appears Under Nazi Rule Filled With Venom Against Socialists—In Belgium Socialists Are on Guard...
...Else our party workers would have to be a celibate sect of picked soldiers...
...So we meet here on the anniversary of the bourgeois revolution that gave birth to this republic with capitalism sinking all over the world...
...Socialism is the receiver of a bankrupt civilisation...
...But she said that she was making her contribution to the cause by staying at home and taking care of her husband's health and well-being and rearing his children to love the cause to which he was giving his life, and that she was content...
...In connection with the conference two great demonstrations were held in Hartlepool snd West Hartlepool...
...And the bankers say that we're short of cash...
...It is impossible to say whether she waa more devoted to the cause of Socialism or to her teacher...
...The trade-union membership has alio grown by 30,000...
...Immediate municipal programs, five-cent fares, Tammany graft, crooked magistrates and racketeering we should leave for Fuslonists, Reform Parties, and the like...
...AIMED AT SOCIALISTS MADISON, Wis.—The O'Malley bill providing for appointment of election officials from the two "dominant" parties only, aimed at excluding the Socialists in Milwaukee, was passed by the Assembly and was sent to the Senate last week...
...She was sitting quietly — as usual — when called upon to speak...
...Let's go back of age and activism as these only confuse while we drift a* one knows where...
...The peace of abominations revealed the true war aims of the hypocritical Allies...
...Contemptible trash...
...every member will accept i t Moreover, it is as old as the movement itself...
...It was carefully written, as carefully written as his later definition, and one is in marked contrast with the other...
...We believe that Socialism can be brought about by democratic and political methods...
...This two-stcps-forward-and-three-stcpshack philosophy doesn't make for progress in Socialist education...
...In 1915 August and Hilda made their first long speaking trip, traveling over the continent to San Francisco where the Exposition was being held, speaking everywhere en route...
...If the activist is also immature in knowledge or is a case of arrested development I shall insist on action in favor of views differing from his...
...rt*llKHE are unemployed millions, still seeking in vain * For tasks thut are done with precision and speed I'll engines that save us from labor and pain: There's enough and to spare for the people's nerd...
...That was harmful, not helpful...
...We all want clarity and solidarity...
...Economic life today, she said, with technological unemployment is going to make an extraordinary difference to the problems of the wage-earners...
...That was her contribution...
...and when that agitator is also a party secretary he has little time for his home life- Especially a man like Claessens, who is an incessant reader and who does most of his reading from midnight to morning...
...So great is the indignation that some of the Christian Democratic leaders have found it necessary to explain that they were tricked into voting for the bill, the ministers having lied to them as to the use they intended tc make of the legislative power if granted...
...So we use the political soap box and rostrum '"ith unceasing zeal...
...Vacation of Autolycus Brings Sam and Jim to Arena for Sparring Bout .By James Oneal AUTOLYCUS asked to be excused this week on account of the heat Bill V Joe were also observed eating ice cream and talking over the Carnera-Sharkey fight, so there was nothing to report of their endless debates...
...The Mailed Fist No other man so incarnated the spirit of the mailed fist of imperialism as Theodore Roosevelt...
...And so high on the roll of honor are the gallant, uncomplaining, devoted comrade-wives who have bidden their men go forth and battle for the cause that is everything on earth to them...
...If the depression is capitalism in convulsions then Fascism is its epileptic phase...
...A great deal of space was given to sensational "exposure" of the alleged misdeeds of the German Socialist tradeunion officials—a clever way of pleasing Communists and at the same time justifying Hitler's government in its ruthle:-8 dragooning of the unions...
...have joined the party at the age of 21 and, although still a young man, his youth does not make him qualified for responsible party service...
...We listened to it carefully...
...But before such a possibility lies the long stretch of fallow ground that must first be plowed, furrowed, seeded and tended with infinite patience and care...
...Even in Belgium," she said, "a masked dictatorship has installed Itself...
...We laugh at the Communists, but amusing as their nmnzing opportunism in vote-catching is, we are little better in some sections...
...This only can prove a remedy for the intolerable overwork imposed upon the women of the working class by capitalism...
...It was a great and enlightening experience for them both...
...The young Theodore Roosevelt could stand in the Republican convention of 1900 and say, "The young giant of the West stands on a continent and clasps the' crest of an ocean on either hand...
...We could build a community stately and tans: There't enough and to spare for the people's need...
...This is a case of youth speaking with mature knowledge...
...The Socialist philosophy has inspired millions of workers in all lands...
...And what difference there is between a Socialist perforniing loyal service to a capitalist State and remaining In or out of the Socialint party is hardly an enigm to even s* muddlcd a scribe as your Chatterbox...
...J_J/:7 VOLK of Amsterdam reports that The Berlin Communist daily Die Welt am Abend (Evening World) continued to appear after the establishment of Fascist rule in Germany...
...It was not a hasty extempore utterance in the heat of debate...
...Not quite so welcome to the old readers of the paper, perhaps, was an article on the intention of the Russian Soviet government to buy more machinery and other goods in Germany henceforth than it had in the past...
...Activity for a proletarian party in philosophy, program and policy or for collegiate "Socialism," or "American Socialism," or "clean up" Tammany, or what...

Vol. 16 • July 1933 • No. 2

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