In the World of Labor Struggles

In the World of Labor Struggles Fur Workers Seek Gains Under the Recovery Actj CUBSTANTIAL improvement in the wage and working con-' aJtions of 10,000 New Yorirfwrriers, serving as a...

...The fiveday week Is retained...
...Kentucky Miners Rally PINEVILLE, Ky.—Armed with the National Recovery Act's decree that workers have the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, trade union officials are again active in the Harlan and Bell county coal fields—an area which, for tha last four years has been a "dark and bloody ground" for labor organizers in general and those of the United Mine Workers in particular...
...Locked Out for Joining Union UNIONTOWN, Pa.—Because employees of the Richmond Radiator Company here organised under a charter from the International Brotherhood of Foundry Employees they were locked out The members of the union then asked the other employees to back them by striking and as a result the entire plant was shut up, about 400 men being affected...
...i Yea, begiaainfl July 19, Chicago...
...legaf holidays...
...Wo were not consulted wd we shall hare nothing to do *tth them...
...female group, $86.20...
...We are glnd the trying conditions of the past few weeks are at an end," said E, J. Pelkey, I.T.U...
...The son is in a serious condition in Trinity Hospital...
...Los Angeles, Cal.—cities which have developed substantial women's wear markets only in recent years, and where the workers now are eager for organization in the hope that they might share in whatever benefits labor may derive from the work codes soon to be established on a national scale in the garment making industry...
...One hundred and fifty-two affiliated unions filed with the general office resolutions "that our general convention scheduled for 1938 be postponed subject to call by our general executive council, when in their opinion, improvements in business conditions and opportunities for employment, warrant and justify the calling of the general convention...
...The monthold lockout Is all off and 250 members of Local 202, International Typographical Union, are back at work...
...10 weekly wage increases above the present minimum* for all crafts...
...t In 1843 such bureaus were established in Paris, and they are believed to be the first Q.t How did the International Brotherhood of Papermakers originate?—A.: It had its beginning in s social club of paper machine tenders formed in Uolyoke, Mass., in 1884...
...Continuing, Mr...
...Samuel Beardsley, Int...
...We must present a solid and harmonious front in out, joint efforta and struggles to enforce it in letter and spirit...
...The demand for the reduction in the working week ia to take up the alack in employment, as is the move to equalise work during the six-months' dull period...
...those laid off before that date lose seniority...
...Concessions have been made to Alaska fishermen also, it is reported...
...Kansas City, Mo...
...Th\will of the majority must be accepted as the unanimous vote of the union...
...W.U... retained as substitutes on the sixth day shall be considered as competent by foremen... the Stuyvesant Casino, 2nd Ave...
...The deadly "futa-flt-fut-fut" cf mine guards' machine guns has been superseded by the pen-scratching of miners filling out union applications...
...The men who were assaulted were Hyman Hirsch and his son William...
...The present minimum scales, ever which a $10 weekly increase is sought, are as follows: cutters, first group, $50.60...
...There Is a new two-year contract, with wage arbitration possible at the end of the first year...
...This condition, they stated, justifies the demand for the wage increase since wages must be spread over a 52-week period...
...finishers, first group, $38.30...
...Hynes said: "It should be selfevident that the interests of our general membership would be best served and protected during this period under government supervision and control by directing all our energies and resources, financial and otherwise, without interruption, so that our forces may be sufficiently strengthened locally and internationally to insure for our members the recognition, benefits and advantages now available under the Industrial Recovery Bill...
...Q.: When were public employ ment agencies first opened?—A...
...Portland, Ore...
...Suit Case Workers Strike Over a thousand suit case, bag and portfolio workers are on strike in New York, and six hundred in Philadelphia...
...second group, $44...
...second group, $35.20...
...He pointed out that the committee ia ,an "innocents' •emmittee," selected by the Communists and that the A. F. of L. anion was not consulted...
...He said that the union would prosecute to the fullest.extent of its power those responsible for the outrage...
...Last week, at a huge mass) meeting here, 2,000 joined the United Mine Workers...
...William P. Tallon, secretary, Doll Workers' Union, Local 18247, A.F.L...
...The unions are determined to have their demands incorporated in whatever code is drawn up for the industry under the National Industrial Recovery SrVct The A. F. of L onions, representing the balk of the furriers in the industry throughout the United States, will demand the SO-hour week instead of the present 40 hours...
...Fishermen Win Strike SEATTLE, Wash...
...They were assaulted by two thugs who drove up in a motor car, struck them with pieces of lead pipe and then knifed the son- The father has been a member of the Fur Workers' Union since 1912...
...Organizing Drives The International has launched a series of organizing drives in a number of Mid-Western markets to strengthen the existing local organizations and to form new groups in trades where no trade unions until now existed...
...Laundry Workers Organize A series of mass meetings of laundry workers to enlist their help in selecting the workers' representatives on the minimum wage board is to set the wage for laundries under terms of the new state law is being planned by the Women's Trade Union League...
...In the World of Labor Struggles Fur Workers Seek Gains Under the Recovery Actj CUBSTANTIAL improvement in the wage and working con-' aJtions of 10,000 New Yorirfwrriers, serving as a nationwide basis for the entire fur manufacturing industry, has been demanded by the Internatiqnal Fur Workers' Union and the New JYork Fur Workers' Union affiliated with the Amrican Federation tf Labor...
...Wittenberg, himself, has appeared often in court against the A. F. of L. and •n behalf of Communist disturbers One can hardly expect anything Impartial from him...
...About 4,000 striking fishermen are still out in the north Pacific...
...Alexander Mark, general organizer, A. F. of L, and William Karlin, labor attorney...
...William Hirsch, a furrier by day, had studied law at night and had been admitted to the bar...
...He said: "In this referendum, as on all decisions of controverted subjects, there will be a majority and a minority...
...M. O'Brien, general secretary-treasurer, it is submitted that as a result of three years' depression and unemployment, affiliated local unions are nut able to carry on necessary activities and functions without assistance from the International and are unable to undertake the expense of sending delegates to a general convention...
...nailers, first group, $39.60...
...Others oa the committee include some of the younger intellectuals Wo have embraced the Communist cause with all the teal of ¦ovices...
...second group, $33...
...Doll Workers to Organize A mass meeting of all doll and toy workers of Greater New York will be held on Saturday, July 8, at 8 p.m...
...The strike is conducted by the Suit Case, Bag and Portfolio Workers' Union of New York and is directed by Henry Jager, manager of the unicn...
...Seattle Printers' Lockout Ends SEATTLE, Wash...
...The so-called citizens' committee," the union official said, "includes, for example, Philip Wittenberg, law partner of Louis B. Boudin, counsel for the Communistled Needle Trades Workers' Industrial Union...
...Q.: Will the American Federation of Musicians hold a convention this year?—A...
...Regulars laid off since January 1 to reduce the force retain seniority on extra work...
...Th« latest deadly assault against two fur workers, father and son, who were brutally attacked last week at Sutter and Alabama Avenues, Brooklyn, was laid directly at the doors of Communisthired thugs by Shore, who charged that the fresh outbreak of organized terror against bona fide furriers seeking to work under a collective labor agreement is part of a Communist program to drive non-Communist furriers from the shops and to destroy the A. F. of L. union...
...second group, $30.80...
...The ranks >f the strikers held firm while the packers successively offered bigger and bigger prices...
...The immediate effect of this referendum on the agreement negotiations, in all likelihood, will be the stiffening of the deadlock on this question between the workers' representatives and the employers, who appear to be determined to cling to the demand for "regulated" or controlled piece-work...
...The league hopes to set tap a group to check violations of the minimum wage law and to carry on this type of work in each industry as it is investigated...
...In the call for a vote the general officers recommend that the convention be postponed for not less than one year, and not more than two years...
...ionization of latu-rs in the United States?—A...
...The Hatters' Union of Danbury, Conn., 1810...
...ffl The meeting is called by the union to explain the possibilities for the workers under the National Industrial Recovery Act Among the speakers will be Sam Farulla, president, Joseph D. Cannon, manager, Doll ft Toy Workers' Union, Local 18230, A.F.L., Louis Marciante, president, Central Labor Union, Trenton, N. J...
...After an exhaustive investigation by a special committee the City Central Committee of the Socialist Party, by a vote of 51 to 16, voted to help the strikers...
...the elimination of the contractor evil...
...Fifty-four local unions proposed that the city where the next general convention is to be held be changed from Vancouver, B. C, to some centrally located city in the United States...
...The elimination of apprentices is also directed toward alleviating the unemployment problemShore ridiculed the report that an "impartial citizens' committee" had been formed to investigate the A. F. of L.'s difficulties with the Communist clique in the New York fur market...
...Louis and Cleveland putting afield new organizing, staffs and coordinating the drives in a half dozen cities...
...The son is a member of the Socialist Party...
...In support of the resolutions filed with Wm...
...According to General President John J. Hynes, the postponement of the convention will permit the officers to continue to assist and serve affiliated local unions with all available resources in protection of wage scale, working conditions and jurisdictional rights...
...More than 6,000 striking Columbia river fishermen won their demand of 8c a pound after a strike of a little more than a month...
...Q.: What was the earliest or...
...Basic wage is $7.76 for sevenhour days, night wage slightly more...
...operators, first group, $41.80...
...Labor's Forward March Shown by Wave of Strikes The I. L. g. w. u. The cloakmakers voted in a general referendum, for the retention of the week-work system in the cloak shops and instructed the Conference Committee of the Cloakmakers' Joint Board, now conferring with the three employers' associations in the coat and suit industry for the renewal of the collective agreement which expired on June 1st, to insist on week-work "under all circumstances...
...extension of the equal division of work period from three months to six months a year, and the establishment of an adequate anemployment insnranee fund...
...the elimination of overtime...
...Sheet Metal Workers Voting To Postpone Convention WASHINGTON, D. C—Twenty** five thousand members of...
...The settlement was oh a compromise basis, accepted by -the union, 193 to 87...
...Q.: Who is the president of tha Bakery and Confectionery Workers' International Union of America?—A...
...the Sheet Metal Workers' International Association are voting on whether the convention scheduled this year in Vancouver, B. C, should be held...
...elimination of apprentices...
...They are handicapped by lack of a strong union in the industry...
...rules govern the agreement...
...Q.: What is the trade jurUdie^ tlon of the Tobacco Workers' Inter national Union?—A.: The manufacture of smoking and chewing tobacco and paper cigarettes...
...President Dubinsky spent 'ast week in Chicago, St...
...J. B. Matthews, a member of the Socialist Tarty, also reported on the committee, had been previously disciplined by the Socialist Party for Appearing at Communist meetings .without consent of his party...
...Four other A. F. of L. furriers have been assaulted within the past fortnight...
...Jewelry Workers' Union, and Joseph Tuvim, secretary of the Labor Committee, Socialist Party...
...The 1926 I.T.U...
...The demand for organizing assistance is literally swamping the General Office of the I-L.G.W.U., coming from places so widely scattered as Dallas, Texas...
...The vote closea Tuesday, July 25th, and a two-thirds vote is necessary to carry the referendums...
...This division must cease the moment the result of the vote i« announced...
...An indication of the general line to be followed by the union is to be found in the statement issued by President David Dubinsky on the eve of the balloting...
...This union has no president The general executive board, composed of fifteen members, ia the controlling body...
...In most of these places the I.L.G...
...Q : Was there ever a coopersmiths' union in this country!— A.: Yes, it was called the Coopersmiths' International Union, and it was absorbed by the Sheet Metal Workers' International Association...
...The meeting was addressed by President William Turnblazer of District Union No...
...It developed into a national union, and in 1898 was chartered by the American Federation of Labor as the United Brother* hood of Paper Makers of America, with jurisdiction over the papermaking industry...
...Police who have been doing foolish guard duty at the plants of the Times, PostIntelligencer and Star can go back to pavement pounding...
...and 9th 'St...
...Both Peter Luechi, president of the International Union, and Samuel Shore, manager of the New York unions, point out that the fur trade is a highly seasonal industry and that workers are fortunate if they obtain 80 weeks' employment each year...
...will work hand in hand with other groups of the Needle Trades Unions' Block—the Amalgamated, the Cap and Millinery Workers, the Federation of Hosiery Workers—recently formed in New York City of which Sidney Hillman is chairman and Max Zaritsky secretary...

Vol. 16 • July 1933 • No. 2

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