New Epoch in Labor History Faces the laboring Masses
New Epoch in Labor History Faces the laboring Masses HERBERT HOOVER is so far forgotten that he appears to be a myth. He was the last of the capitalist party leaders to worship at the shrine...
...The "partnership" became deadlocked and the labor men walked out...
...It consists of six pages,-and the first Issue features an article headed, "BREAK THE CHAINS...
...It provides a guarantee to the owners of industry...
...In fact, according to any authority on economics, it can be easily proven that it would cost more to keep a first class slave in food, clothes, and shelter, and give him medical attention than the above named stipend...
...It is a stirring, clarion call to action, and it ends with the words: "Forward on the new road to the old 5#cialiet goal...
...Workers appear to be alive to the opportunity and in many industries they are taking advantage of it...
...Pore and his wife and two babies, together with his wife's mother and small son, live in a three-room shack on rented land west of Orlando, where they have a cow, a small garden and some chickens...
...To the extent that the working class extends its organisations in the industries will the future be shaped in favor of industrial democracyand freedom...
...Pore told me something of hi) circumstances...
...Some codes include minimum wages that are fearfully low...
...The paper is edited by Wenzel Horn and with Friedrich Stampfer, who was editor of Vorwarts before the Great Madness settled over Germany, as one of the main con-' tributors, and it is designed to serve as the main organ of the campaign of the Social Democracy in exile against Fascism and terror in Germany...
...This morning at daylight my telephone rang...
...When does Mr...
...The total number of slaves in the world at the present time exceeds 5,000,000, more than the population of Scotland...
...During the time we were waiting for the arrival of the new American in the Land of the Brave and the Home of the Free, Mr...
...hence the long walk to the garage and back, morning and night...
...Another collapse some years^later, as severe as the present collapse, with millions eff workers again facing starvation...
...A letter from the editor to The New Leader says that "We pledge ourselves to do everything that lies in our power to fling Fascism from the saddle in Germany...
...If wai not freely chosen by President RooSevelt and his advisers...
...Another "partnership" has been arranged under the National Recovery Act...
...Get out of the way...
...Yes, it's Just too bad about those African and Arabian slaves, and something should be done about it, but anti-slavery agitation (like charity) should begin at home...
...Pore is an upstanding American of English extraction dating back to Revolutionary times, and is not one to complain about his fate (he insisted on paying something for my services), but a look of hopeless despair spread _ over his face when I asked him 'if he would lose a day's work by being off a day to attend his wife's birthday party...
...He was the last of the capitalist party leaders to worship at the shrine of "individualism.*' Through nearly four tragic years he offered soothing words to farmers and workers buried under this rotting wage system...
...devoted work in awakening the class-consciousness of the workers k the need of the hour...
...This struggle will determine whether the trend will be in favor of oligarchy for a few or democracy for the mass...
...We shall try to start them again...
...It was the end of am tpocJi in the history of capitalism...
...The masters of industry eye the workers and the workers eye them...
...The legislation says to the ruling masters of industry, "We guarantee you in your ownership and will help to place you on your feet...
...This legislation has one important aspect...
...Pore has a small second-hand automobile of a well known make, but owing to the government's princely wages and the high cost of automobile tags in Florida he is unable to get a motor vehicle license...
...Disputes have already occurred over codes in various industries...
...The stupid owners will again freely reign over their vast properties...
...Your industries and machines lie idle and you cannot start them...
...Settling the steel strike and recognizing the unions were the rocks on which the conference split...
...Earnest and...
...Sadly, he admitted that he would...
...So industry is recognized as a sick child with the government as its nurseSuppose the government pumps new blood into the ¦withered veins of capitalist industry...
...What then...
...That is the difference between the guarantee given the owners and the opportunity offered the workers...
...Break the ehaiiul FoTwardt" ' An important article is "Coordination of the Spirit," tolling in detail the efforts of Nazi "educators" to fores all German minds into a common moron mold...
...manual labor for nine hours...
...then after a ride of several miles, depending on what part of the county we are working, we go to digging ditches, cutting weeds or other ban...
...It is necessary," he said, "for me to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning in order to get my breakfast and walk four miles to the garage at Kaley Avenue and the railroad, where the government laborers are picked up...
...No doubt many of the good citizens of Orlando especially the mothers, shuddered when they read this, but they probably gave no thought to the fact that slaves are being bred in Florida today, and white ones, at that This writer is a physician, and many times a week people apply to him for medical treatment reeountinfc sad stories of having Practically nothing to eat, and no money for medical care and for clothes...
...Did they...
...As he hurried out of Washington the financial structure of capitalism followed industry into the ditch...
...Pore explained, lately for some reason they have added another hour...
...Well establish codes for you to observe and see that you observe them...
...To that task let us turn with a will...
...One is reminded of the famous "Hindoo who for clothes «Mde his skin do...
...Simply that the government will release its control...
...You have reduced millions of workers and farmers to rags and beggary...
...P. (call it Pore), who has been working for the county four days a week at $1 a day...
...The problem was to arrest the forces of economic decay and save the system that was fast rotting away...
...Roosevelt's new deal for the forgotten man reach Prang* County...
...This is a revolution in government policies...
...Thousands of strikes followed in 1919, including the railway shop crafts, the garment workers, the steel workers, the miners and even the Boston police...
...The more fortunate men work from one to ** days a week, depending oa the Wjnber of dependents, at one dolB* • day for the county or the •** whkh, thanks to tee local government agent's czar-like decision, is all that destitute Americans are allowed, regardless of the opposition of union labor, ministerial associations, and other conscientious people who are opposed to slave wages and autocratic methods...
...The capitalists and the "public" would not concede these demands...
...What you cannot do we shall try to do for you...
...The new Administration recognized that chaos was ahead if a policy of drift was continued...
...You have miserably failed...
...If it were not for these and picking wild berries it would be quite impossible for them to keep soul and body together...
...We have reached a new epoch in American history in this remarkable nursing of industry by the government...
...They were to adopt principles for a "genuine and lasting cooperation between capital and labor...
...The government released its control of industry, the ruling Babbitts turned to a fight against the unions, and the "partnership" of Capital and Labor was at an end...
...As soon as the war ended the policy became "business as usual...
...The government exercised a large measure of control over industry during the World War...
...The basic conflict between the owners of capital and the wage workers emerges out of HHs "partnership...
...The struggle they now enter may well prove to be historic in the years to come...
...This measure provides workers with an opportunity, not a guarantee...
...LIEREWITH is shown part of the first page of the first issue of Neuer Vorwdrls, the weekly issued by the German Socialist Party in exile in Karlsbad, Czechoslovakia...
...It says to the workers, "You have an opportunity to organize in industry, but we will not help you in this job...
...If it is to mean a better life and more freedom •for the working masses it will not be because of anything guaranteed in this legislation...
...t Neuer VorwUrtt is destined to play an Important role in the battle of the German workers for liberty, just as the German Socialist papers published in exile during the period of the Bismarck anti-Socialist exception laws of 1878 and smuggled Into Germany by "red postmasters" by the millions were a decisive factor In the defeat of the Iron Chancellor In his war upon the workers...
...Workers were far from being satisfied with it...
...Instead of restoring your system it threatens to destroy you...
...What then...
...When such stories are told the writer makes ** a role-not to even put their Umea on his books...
...Assume that it again gets on its feet...
...That « also important...
...Indeed, VorwUrte itself was originaly the Sozialdemokrat published in Zurich and brought baek te Berlin only when the exception laws were repealed.' The historic first issue of Neuer Vorw&rtt will he treasured by Socialists to whom the struggle for freedom means everything in life...
...As it is, they hardly exist...
...Despite all the sacred dogmas of the Democratic Party the government stepped into the industrial and financial situation...
...These were among the startling statements made recently by John H. Harris, secretary of the Anti-Slavery Society, •t a public meeting in Glasgow...
...Without such a fight and without this organization the working masses of this country may find themselves under a monstrous oligarchy of corporation control licensed by the Federal Government...
...At the end of that time we are brought back to the garage, and then after walking four miles baek home I figure I have pot to about thirteen hoars, which figures out less thai 1 seats an uoaa," And that, dear reader, under a boiling Florida sun comes pretty near being slavery...
...It was a declaration to the bankers and corporation kings...
...By J. C Howell Enslaving Brown Men and Slave Breeding in Florida THE Orlando Morning Sentinel, Florida, recently carried the following item: "Slaves are actually bred in certain parts of Arabia and Africa, today...
...It used to be eight hours, bift, Mr...
...There was nothing else left for them to do, It was a matter of either government interference or a general smash for the system...
...President Wilson sent invitations to organizations of workers, capitalists and the "public" to send representatives to the National Industrial Conference...
...This is a fight for decent food, clothing and shelter and a fight fpr the organization of the forces of labor...
...The distinction is important...
...and that carries the subhead, "The vanquished of today will be the victors of tomorrow...
...Some of the mothers are sold from one owner to another and rarely see their children again...
...I reached the receiver in time to hear that a long expected baby-case was about to need my attention...
...It is possible that a bundle of copies of this historic first issue of Neuer VorwHrte will be on sale at the Socialist Party picnic July 29th, the proceeds to be sent te the German Socialists to exile te aid theta in their straggle...
...In other words, this new epoch of government control repeats some history...
...The result was the National Recovery Act by which the government serves as a nursm to industry, finance, commerce and agriculture...
...It was the wife of a certain Mr...
...They struck in some industries and President Wilson threatened to send the strikers to the front...
Vol. 16 • July 1933 • No. 2