A Socialist View of the Week
A Socialist View of the Week Roosevelt's Message Upsets Apple Cart rE members of President Boost felt's "brain trust" now in London were tossed in the sir by his startling messaged the World...
...The result is that the huge surpluses are likely to disappear with an upward trend of prices that will bring hope te the farmers...
...Had they done so there would have eben some measure of consistency in the policy however much we might disagree with it...
...Utility Dividends and , The Unemployed Millions UEADLINES to two recent news items * * bear an important relation to each other...
...Charges were made that Grand Chief Johnston negotiated a 10 per cent wage cut for railroad workers, throughout tho, country early in 1982 to bolster up railroad securities...
...For the sake of the organised working class we hope that no union administration will be caught in such a mess...
...Middle class reformers seek to displace It with a "decent" political covering for the ruling banks and corporations...
...We are neither opportunists nor impossibilista...
...However, from a number of sources it is evident that there is seething discontent in Germany...
...It was also malign in that to the extent- that commerce between the two nations was hindered, it affected the welfare of the Russian masses and American workers as well...
...They would economise in the interest of tax-paying property owners...
...The .fact is that the business slump has created wide dissatisfaction in Nasi ranks...
...Tweed waa the ripe fruit of whst it stood for...
...A Socialist View of the Week Roosevelt's Message Upsets Apple Cart rE members of President Boost felt's "brain trust" now in London were tossed in the sir by his startling messaged the World Economic Conference lsst Monday...
...This revolt became explosive at the National Education Association meeting in Chicago this week...
...The Babbitts have cut educational budgets to the bone as...
...Socialist Political Action CITY elections are approaching in some states and Socialists should make it clear what we stand for...
...We may expect this unrest to develop, From Munich also comes the news that the Nazis will establish "cells" la other countries, that Germans in other nations will be organized and represented "in a forceful manner...
...The Railroad Conductors an alleged to be implicated iii the proposed cut of wages of a million railroad workers, tho basis of the charges being a letter from C Stirling Smith, president of the Standard Trust Bank, to Vice-President Van Kleeck of the Chase National, telling him of the efforts of Johnston to meet Brotherhood obligations with the New York bank, Johnston denies the charges and the convention on Monday voted confidence in him...
...Education board: throughout the country are loaded up with Babbitts, their lawyers and politicians...
...What else...
...He declared that he "will crush brutally and ruthlessly every attempt made by reactionary or other circles to overthrow the present order...
...Johnston, of course, is not the author of the letter, and we presume that Smith, the author, will be investigated...
...As the New York Timet points out, it was President Roosevelt himself "who put the questions of foreign exchange and currency stabilization in the forefront of the program of the Conference" in his appeal to the governments on May 16th...
...Between the Black Leg and the reforming pietists there is no choice...
...The statement is significant...
...If we elect men to public office they will not place their feet upon a desk and merely introduce resolutions in favor of the social revolution...
...Hugenberg's Nationslist Party, the Catholic Center and the Bavarian People's groups have been absorbed by the Nazi Party and th'is means the end of all open political opposition to Hitler and his associates...
...The relationship is not so apparent although it is real...
...Flag ceremonials, pompous speeches snd "pstriotic" gestures assure the cattle whom they exploit that Tammany Is "dedicated" to something noble in these daya of trouble and distress...
...we think of it in terms of working class interests...
...we would use police to protect strikers...
...Moreover, it was not sincere or consistent...
...Bat neither are we to crusade for a clean-up of the stable* of capitalist government...
...Argentina and Australia may cut their crops materially...
...points out that the U. S. Chamber of Commerce joined with organized manufacturers in 1917 in persuading Congress to make a large appropriation for vocational education, but this year the Chamber declined to participate in a conference on the crisis in education...
...Reactionaries have not opposed recognition of or trade relations with Hitler'r Germany and Mussolini's Italy...
...The Belgisn Premier cancelled a radio broadcast to the United States and the American delegates were left so confused that they could not talk for publication...
...When mankind obtains social control of our productive powers any such uncertainty will be made a so* eial charge upon all society, thus distributing the cost of a national calamity over many instead among the farmers alone...
...The message declared the President's regret that the conference should "allow Itself to be diverted by the proposal of a purely artificial and temporary experiment affecting the monetary exchange of a few nations only...
...keep the bank from calling a loan of about |400,000 to the Brotherhood by enabling the Chase bank to get more for their railroad securities and to protect their dividends...
...Hitler was to provide two billion marks to create jobs and only a pitiful five million has been allotted...
...A huge hulk of swine, he wriggled out of the mud with a litter of his kind and almost wrecked the city with his looting...
...The conference between Assistant Secretary of State Moley and Maxim Litvinoff, Foreign Commissar for Soviet Russis, on a plan for selling Russia American cotton may be considered the prelude to American recognition of Russia...
...Organized bankers, whose "definition of thrift is to save money and put it in the banks," urge teaching thrift in the schools while lawyers on school boards enforce drastic retrenchments in the name of their business clients...
...That would be romantic futility and it certainly would not serve the workers...
...of fighting capitalist control of education, and Charles H. Judd of the University of Chicago led in the fight against this policy...
...Kclley, Croker, Murphy and their kind developed more refined methods of swindling, but they got the goods just the ssme...
...Pot-bellied snd heavyJowled grafters and racketeers with itching palms, with the loot of yesrs safely tucked away, meet to "consecrate" themselves to the "principles of the fathers...
...It Is safe to say that if all such enterprises were owned by the cities the income would be sufficient to clean up the foul slums in which workers and their families live and vrovide iobs tor millions all tver the nation...
...One reads, "High Gas Dividends Paid in Depression" and the other, "Plan to End Slums Called Vital Need...
...Amazing Accusation at Engineers' Convention DERHAPS the most sensational accu* satlon ever made against a unio.i administration was that made this week at the Cleveland convention of tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers...
...There is no improvement in economic conditions and Hitler has ordered zealous Nasis to stop "petty espionage" in bus!* ness enterprises and thus free them from "paralyzing fear-" This will not appeal to the "radical" Nazis who want more control over industry...
...It is alleged that Johnston and the Chase National Bank of New York agreed on this to...
...we would, to the extent that we could, Jack up taxes if necessary to serve the workers...
...His own representatives were acting on the assumption which he now repudiates...
...However, a system thai makes the welfare of millions of human beings depend upon uncertain weather ia abominable...
...This is made in a report of the bank investigation committee of the convention...
...The grain crop of the United States promises to be the smallest since 1901 and Canada also shows a drop hi production...
...It is a crime against the jobless who vegetate in misery to permit any dividends whatever to be taken out of services that are essentially social in their nature...
...Such social control for the welfare of human beings ean only be effected in a Socialist Commonwealth, Nazi Dissatisfaction Brings Roar From Hitler A SIGNIFICANT event in Germany is the roar of Hitler against what he calls the "second revolution...
...A cable to the New York Times from Berlin declares that it was directed against the "radical elements" in the Nazi Party...
...Teachers are generally deprived of active participation in politics, their main method...
...Carry this concept ef working clsss interests Into every move we make in governing bodies and the contrast between Socialists and reformers is clear...
...Socialist power would set te, work undermining this abomination im the shortest possible time...
...The message was coached in the language of a schoolmaster lecturing a class and It rankled the diplomats not only for its tone but for its contents...
...In the past several decades many of the leaders have combined religious piety with abundant pelf, but throughout the history of Tammany it has never neglected the "patriotic" rscket on the Fourth of JulyToday it is the political holding company of city capitalism...
...Tammany's Fourth A BOUT the most disgusting of the annusl Fourth •** of July celebrations are those staged by Tammany Hall...
...Russian Recognition k Probable Soon AN old American policy which began *¦ with cooperation with England and France in support of Kolchak in Siberia appears to be coming to an end...
...We avoid imposslbilist sterility and the morass of bourgeois reform as well...
...Babbitt Control of Schools Challenged TTHE clammy hand of capitalism per * verts everything that it touches- It conceives of the educator as its paid wage servant and his duty to "educate" human beings into robots to serve capitalism...
...We might as well permit investing racketeers to own the streets and walks and charge a toll every few blocks, for they are no more essential to municipal life than gas, electricity, wster and transportation...
...More power to the revolting educators against1 Babbitt production of robots...
...He now contends that when governments balance their budgets they can then "properly discuss a better distribution of the world's gold and silver supply...
...We will, to the extent we can, clean up the mess, but thst is only incidental to our main purpose, which is to use the public powers in the interest of the workers...
...wages have been cut in their industrial enterprises...
...Following the procedure which disclosed the fat dividend's of the electric corporations, the Public Service Commission has revealed imilar fat dividends of gss companies in these depression years- One company declared 31 per cent in 1981...
...We hope that Russian recognition wilf be a fact soon and that our reactionaries will hide their gold spoons when the first Spviet Ambassador arrives...
...They would use police to "preserve order in strikes...
...Hazards of Fanning and Need of Social Control FARMING is a gamble with weather and market conditions in all countries and it now appears that ol' man weather will do more to pull the grain farmers out of the hole than the statesmen will, All reports indicate that the damage to grains is world-wide and knowledge ol this has produced a bull market on the exchanges...
...The Socialist Party represents the working class...
...We are still confident that German Fascism is sliding into tit ditch...
...This news broke on the same day that it was announced in Washington that the Reconstruction Finance Corporation will authorize loans for about $4,000,000 to Russia for the purchase of American cotton...
...What we have is a rather mediocre man not certain of his own mind and his "brain trust" as uncertain of his views as he...
...The old policy was not only reactionary but stupid...
...This is the basic justification for Socialist political action...
...In its early days Tammany had its proletarian following and leaders, but by the middle of the nineteenth century it had hoisted the Jolly Roger snd ventured on its career of plunder...
...Here the finest collection of moochers in the nation assemble to pledge their homsge to the "ideals" of the republic...
...That is the difference between our conception of political action and that of the reformers- The latter think of public administration in terms of economy...
...It is a threat to the Hugenberg crowd and to those sections of Hitler's following who want an installment of "national Socialism...
...Every conquest of power for the workers in industry snd government ia a revolutionary advance...
...For thirty years there has been a growing revolt among teachers and educators against the degradation of the profession...
...Whether the "forceful" manner will include clubs is not stated, but this policy also follows that of Mussolini in organizing Fascist squads in other countries...
...But we ate living in a hangover period of capital!* individualism where social services are rich pickings tor private and corporate owners...
Vol. 16 • July 1933 • No. 2