"A Nous, La Liberte! - Revived at Little Carnegie

"A Nous, La Liberte! — Revived at Little Carnegie Rene Clair'. Socud Stir. Third of tha Revivals Following the successful ran of «Sou« Lee Toita de Peril" end "Le Million," the Little Carnegie...

...There were no wars, no business and work consisted of spearing fish and gathering pineapples and cocoanuts...
...Headlining the bill ia the radio broadcasting trio Do, Re and Mi, who this week are making their first appearance on a Broadway stage...
...Hergesheimer's stuff moves, it has color, and it deals with the problems of grownup people, not silly boys and girls" sgaid Irving Cummings, director of the film...
...New Meckel Film at Rosy, 7th Ave.—Dave Schooler, Others hi Stage Revue It's Great to Be Alive," aewest Fox Film musical picture, is the featured screen attraction of the new program at the original Roxy Theatre...
...The Wee and Leventhal cast, which includes besides Augustin Duncan, Barry McCollum, and others of the original cast, presents in the play's major and minor roles also Louise Beaumont, Howard Hall, Angus Duncan, Lillian Savin, J. K. Ktflly, Edward Favor and Arthur Mack...
...Mack not only wrote and directed this film but also plays one of the leading parts in the production...
...Other acts include Jones and Hull and the Wing Wah troupe...
...Theatre Personalities Shown in Library Exhibit An exhibit is on view at the N. Y. Public Library, 68th St...
...The Woman I Stole" has its setting in a semi-tropical oilfield and oil-port, and deals with society folk and roughnecks...
...Rolls France...
...Monday evening, July 17, the firm will revive at the Waldorf J. B. Priestly's "Dangerous Corner," which piled up a run of 206 performances during successive engagements last season at the Avon and Fulton Theatres...
...As in "Sous les Toits de Paris" and "Le Million" but in much, lighter vein, M. Rene Clair has again taken a simple tale—this time one of two convicts—and by the magic of his camera and the application of music, sound and movement turned out a fine comedy, a fantastic, witty, ironical, tuneful musical farce motion picture that moves, that amuses and holds its spectators...
...The Woman I Stole" is now showing at the Rialto Theatre...
...The Fox stage show, in addition, lists the Seven Trojans, "Desert Knights...
...Here he found wars, business and little food for .the average worker...
...a novelty titled "Dough, boy Parade...
...These consist chiefly of portraits and' drawings in character of famous contemporary actors of the stage and screen...
...Samarang" Director Tells of Filming in the Far East Ward Wing, director of the adventure film "Samarang," now playing at the Rivoli Theatre, introduced to this writer by Monroe Greenthal, of the United Artists' exploitation staff, told of several very interesting experiences that occurred to him during the filming of this picture...
...John Ervine's play, "John Ferguson," due for Broadway the third week in July at a theatre yet to be chosen, will be directed by Augustin Duncan, who staged the original presentations for the Theatre Guild 14 years ago...
...branch, of the works of the artist and illustrator, Robert Benney...
...Notably Joseph Hergesheimer...
...Even some of those writers who are designated as highbrows create ideal stuff for the movies...
...I Love That Man"—"Teatro del Piccoli" at the Paramount Edmund Lowe and Nancy Carroll play the leading roles in "I Love That Man," drama of a woman's devotion to a man she knows is a good deal less than trustworthy, which opens at the Paramount Theatre todav...
...Others in the cast include Ben Alexander, Bryant Washburn and Minna Gombell...
...The rainy season consisted of a daily rain of one hour after which the sun shone for the remainder of the day...
...Hergesheimer Novel "Tampico" on Rial to Screen as "Woman I Stole" Without aiming directly at the motion picture screen, certain American novelists write in such a fashion that their works almost automatically lend themselves to picturization...
...What Price Innocence?'' Remains for Third Week "What Price Innocence...
...The Roxy stage show this week features a variety of talent recruited from radio, stage and screen...
...Among tine featured payers in this film are Gloria Stuart, Edna May Oliver, Herbert Mundin, Paul Roulien, Joan Marsh and Dorothy Burgess...
...and Lexington Ave...
...A fine cast of actors are in "A Nous, La Liberte," headed by Henri Marchand, Raymond Cordy and Mme...
...the Gae Foster Girls in new precision routines, and the Fox Rhythm Band...
...The initial presentation of the Ervine piece was given at the Garrick Theatre, May 12...
...Wee, Leventhal to Revive "Deniero« Corner" — "Another Language" to Cloaa Wee and Leventhal's revival of "Another Language," current at the Waldorf Theatre, will end its stay July 15, after a run of ten weeks...
...A discussion of the Hergesheimer novels as screen material arose recently at the Columbia studios, while his "Tampico" was being put into celluloid under the title of "The Woman I Stole," with Jack Holt, Donald Cook, Fay Wray, and Raquel Torres as the chief performers...
...Bene Clair, the famous French director, wrote the scenario as well as supervised the production...
...He has infused into it that .gay spirit which he alone among all of the young European directors of the motion picture industry seems to have captured...
...Mickey in a Walt Disney cartoon called "Ye Olden Days," and Zane Grey as the author of an adventure film from the Grey scrapbook described merely as "Primitive...
...Bright Shawl" and "Java Head" were other notable films from his novels...
...Hergesheimer, lest it be forgotten, wrote the classic "Tol'able David," which started Richard Barthelmess on his road to fame...
...Wing declared that he visited one island where everyone lived in absolute peace...
...He contrasted this with the city of Singapore in which he claimed everything was reversed...
...Lambert!, juggler, and the dancing team of Jack Holland and June Knight are also featured in this show...
...the Willard Mack film, which stars the new Hollywood find, Jean Parker, remains for a third week at the Cameo Theatre, starting today...
...It's Great to Be Alive" is aa original by John D. Swain, who used to be a New York newspaper man...
...John Ferguson" Due Soon The Wee and Leventhal proposed revival of St...
...Its Great to Be Alive" at Feat Brooklyn—Vautba de Leath, Eddy, ia Stage Show With Vaughn de Loath, Lucille Page and Wesley Eddy aa its stag* headliners, and with a worldpremiere film, "It's Greet to Be Alive," on its screen, the Fos Brooklyn Theatre this week la offering Brooklyn theatregoers a well rounded program...
...Such cinema favorites as Harry Langdon, Mickey Mouse and Zane Grey also are part of the scree a fare, Langdon starring in a short feature titled "Tired Feet...
...The music is by William Kernel], and the ensembles were staged by Sammy Lee...
...The Gae Foster Girls are seen in a series of new modernistic routines, while Dave Schooler continues to offer popular and classical melodies with his orchestra...
...Third of tha Revivals Following the successful ran of «Sou« Lee Toita de Peril" end "Le Million," the Little Carnegie will offer, beginning tomorrow, the third in the revival* of Bene Clair's Urns, the brilliant social satire, "A Nona La Liberte...

Vol. 16 • July 1933 • No. 2

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