Socialists Call Upon Workers to Use N. I. R. A. for Themselves

Socialists Call Upon Workers to Use N. I. R. A. for Themselves 'Address to the toilers of America adopted by the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party, Reading, Pa., July 4th. THE...

...Making Headway in ScHBtk Senior declared that the party — making headway in the SoutherStates...
...Much depends upon the administration of the Act...
...The call for an intensive campaign to organize workers into industrial unions, flanked by political labor action through the Socialist Party, came in an official statement on the Act...
...The committee endorsed the league's proposal to stage a large-scale anti-Fascist congress in New York City this SeptemberThe question of supporting an economic boycott against Germany was referred for study and decisioi...
...All agreements or codes are subject to the approval of the President...
...Two such schools have concluded sessions at Monteage, Term., and Grant, Mich...
...A baseball game is scheduled between the Young People's Socialist League, and the Young Circle League, at 12 noon...
...Warning also must be recorded against the possibility of compulsory arbitration of lal>or disputes and the outlawry of strikes, which would strip labor of its most powerful weapon...
...This committee also will consider the nature of Socialist representations against Hitlerism to be lodged with the State Department...
...David Felix of Philadelphia, and Alfred Baker Lewis of Massachusetts...
...The National Industrial Recovery Act is an effort to stabilize capitalism by establishing a "partnership" between the government, the owners and the workers...
...Powers Hapgood reported successes in the soft coal fields of Pennsylvania by ths United Mine Workers of America Joseph Messida, secretary of the National Leather Workers' association, aaid that 26,00 shoe workers and 12,000 leather workers hsve been organized in recent months...
...Senior reported...
...Louis Sadoff of New York...
...The Act instructs employers within a given industry to form a trade association and to negotiate with the organized workers of the industry in regard to wages, hours, and other conditions of work...
...Hereafter there are to be no mail votes to reconsider motions except on the request of three members of the committee made at the time the motion in question is passed...
...Since the present government does not represent the workers but the owners, the Act operates so as to preserve for the owners the privilege of wringing profits from workers through low wages and high prices...
...The resolution Is printed in full elsewhere on this page.] In the development of the program for Socialist cooperation with labor unions, reports were heard outlining present Socialist activities throughout the country...
...Clarence Senior, national secretary, reported to the committee that progress is being made by the party at the rate of almost one new local or branch a day...
...The Government has already anticipated Its own action by circularizing the country on the institution of an eighth school year without making it obligatory...
...These concessions embrace promises of the fixing of minimum wage rates and maximum hours and of the right of labor, at least on paper, to organize without direct interference bv employers...
...Thomas was elected member of the executive of the Labor and Socialist International, to nerve with Hillquit...
...A change ia N.E.C...
...Mooney in a telegram urged that national and local committees call upon theatre owners and distributors demanding that they show and distribute this two-reel film...
...The largest of these schools will be held this summer at the Socialist Park at Sinking Spring, Reading, and is expected to furnish 60 organizers... a sub-committee...
...Organizations can still secure blocks of tickets whereby they can provide their membership with a good time and realize a substantial profit at the same time...
...Now is the time to think clearly and to act quickly and decisively...
...The trade association is permitted to fix prices but is forbidden lo prevent workers from organizing or from forcing thereinto company unions...
...Bitter experience has taught us that when the bosses control the government, the government oppresses the workers...
...II The Socialist Party, aware that a new situation Confronts the American labor movement, believes that the immediate task of workers is to take their bearings ia.this new situation and then to launch a vigorous campaign to organize all the unorganized shops and industries...
...It it not only inadequate but potentmlly dangerous...
...His first communication asked that the committee wage a militant campaign for his release...
...The committee received two communications from Tom Mooney...
...The machinery of compulsory arbitration which migh yield some gains to labor in time of business improvement would operate wholly against labor in time of capitalist decline...
...The first two of five summer schools to be held made available 30 organizers, who will work in or near their home communities...
...Information as to details can be procured at Room 408, 7 E. 15th St., N. Y. C. Socialists Raise School Age The Danish Social-Democratic Minister of Education, Borgbjerg, announces that the Government in planning measures of school reform, including raising the schoolleaving age to 16...
...Many other varied attractions will be announced shortly, including fHancing, open-air movies, an all-star show, with many celebrities of the stage and concert world...
...This feature has always proven one of the most popular attractions at the party picnics in past years...
...Mooney's second communication acknowledged the action of the committee and further charged that "powerful opposition" is at-1 tempting to prevent the distribution of a film dealing with his case...
...Lalx>r must also recognize grave dangers in the N.I.R.A...
...Krzycki praised the work of the young Socialist organizers, and urged that their example be followed in other industries...
...Ia addition a number of other sports features will round out a full program for Socialist sport fans...
...THE National Industrial Recovery Act constitutes an official admission that capitalism can make no recovery without government supervision...
...The line-up of teams who will play the main game will be the Brooklyn All-Stars, leading contenders for the N. Y. championship of their league, against the Union City Soccer Club, affiliated with the Workers' Gymnastic and Sports Alliance, the American section of the Socialist and Labor Sports International...
...And of course, there'll be plenty of good eats...
...This proposal has the support of the Danish trads unions and would undoubtedly help to alleviate unemployment among the young as well as among the teachers...
...A report that 15,000 shlrtmakers had been organized in Pennsylvania within the last four months was made by Leo Krzycki, in charge of the apparel workers' alliance...
...What does this mean to Labor...
...procedure was voted...
...The Socialist Party therefore applauds such steps as have been taken by several unions toward amalgamation and urges other workers to follow suit until in each industry one powerful union speaks for all the workers... continued...
...The test for the receipt of financial aid is to be "active apposition to the Hitler regime...
...The industrial control arrangement of the Roosevelt administration is a far cry from the control of industry that would be established by a Socialist workers' government...
...The fixing of the outrageously low minimum wages in the code for the textile industry now ready for adoption confirms again the Socialist contention that the workers will be given only what they have the power to take...
...It marks i new stage in the struggle of workers against exploitation for profits, but falls far short of giving them the power to obtain their freedom...
...Anti-Hitler Campaign Backed The committee approved the setting up of the League Against Fascism, which will concentrate its efforts for the immediate future in raising funds to finance German Socialist activities against the Hitler regime, and in carrying on anti-Fascist propaganda in this country...
...The rate of increase in local organizations is three times as fast as the increase in the first two months of last year and the same as for the first' two months of this year...
...Eleven were nominated, out of which six are to be elected by a mail vote of the entire -NE.C...
...More than 16,000 workers and Socialists turned out' to hear Thomas, Hapgood and other members of the N.E.C...
...Increase of membership entitled the party to a second member...
...To protect itself, then, against capitalist police and courts and against capitalist domination of the Act's administration, Labor most obviously must join with the farmers to build a mass worker-farmer party for the purpose of capturing the Government...
...The party pledged full cooperation with the Continental Congress...
...The gravest danger of all is that the new industrial set-up may easily become the framework of * Fascist state...
...It means, first, an unparalleled incentive to organize...
...New circles of the Young People's Socialist League total 35...
...If Labor fails to rise to its opportunity, Fascism will be the next step...
...Maynard Krueger and Clarence Senior of Illinois...
...Organization Booming, N. E. C. Reports Show DHADING^ PA—Meeting in the heart of a region which is the scene of the most inspiring trade union organization campaigns in -years, the national executive committee of the Socialist Party last week-end urged that the full resources of the party be placed at the disposal of organized labor in its unusual opportunity under the Industrial Recovery Act...
...The game will start promptly at 4 p. m. Preceding the main contest a preliminary game will be under way at 8 p. m. in which the Soccer Club of the youth organization of the Workmen's Circle, the Young Circle, will participate...
...In a resolution defining its position toward the Continental Congress of Workers snd Farmers, the committee declared its belief that the time is not ripe for the attempted organization of a new party of labor and farmers, but declared this belief would not close the mind of the party to what "future events may make desirable...
...It means also that the unions which will be able to deal effectively with employers' associations representing ivhole industries must be industrial unions...
...Mayor Daniel W. Hoan of Milwaukee was elected chairman of the league...
...If prepared to meet this new situation...
...James H. Maurer and Darlington Hoopes were appointed a committee to represent the party in accordance with the request...
...A committee consisting of Julius Gerbcr, Harry W. Laidler and Edward Levinsen were elected to represent the Socialist Party in negotiations...
...All-Star Soccer Game At Big Socialist Picnic {YN K of the outstanding features ^at the Socialist picnic at Ulmer Park Saturday, July 29th, will be an all-star soccer game, it is announced...
...While employers arc expressly restrained from interfering with the organization of their employees, the only guarantee against interference by police, state troops, national guardsmen, and the courts is the organised political power of the workers...
...This effort requires concessions to labor and an invitation to it to collaborate in maintaining the profit system...
...Labor has an exceptional opportunity to organize itself as a fighting force, not merely to wrest concessions from its "partners," the Government and the bosses, but to capture the former and to destroy the latter as a class...
...Emil Rleve, president of the American Federation of Full-Fashiohed Hosiery Workers, reported on the campaign of his organisation in the Pennsylvania mills...
...Organize at once I Organise, industrially and politically, to fight the capitalist class, to take for ourselves the wealth we have created, to establish a workers' government, to build Socialism...
...New party organizations since the last committee meeting, he said, total 108...
...Morris Hillquit of New York, treasurer, and Edward Levinson of New York, secretary...
...The is*arma_c*tal The committee had before it nominations for delegates to the special congress of the Labor and Socialist International to be held ia Paris beginning August 21ft...
...Those nominated were Norman Thomas, Morris Hillquit, Abraham Cahan, Edward Levinson, Herman Kobbe, Paul Blanshard and Dr... mass meetings held at the Socialist picnic grounds...
...But it doe* offer workers a chance to bwld now a fighting mast organization and to propar* for the race between Faaciim and Socialism that has clearly, begun...
...The committee voted to cooperate with peace, liberal and Communist groups in an anti-war congress to be held in New York early in September, providing assurances are given that there will be good faith...

Vol. 16 • July 1933 • No. 2

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