Party Notes 11A 1 r—V 11; oh ssnMDDnci' In ,n, I., ™ and* friendly urganltfttlont should not miunm anything on these dates, and comrades should keep these dates free: riid.r. J.n It. ...

...Mag* ' >•¦'' UIHie ,i...
...Ilrrslaw, 1 Manager...
...Philip Uellebter- "The Hoad to Power*1 Siiciallit Purty Forum, Rand School, 7 Bust i nil St., Manhattan...
...Local 35, liiternatioual I .nil...
...New York City...
...1Mb SI...
...QUEENS KIsnliarst-C<ji'«na...
...A F of I. J I,ml ISth SI I'hnnr Algnnnuln 4 708J...
...Humanity at the Crossroads" ISIb A. n , Hranrh t, losi...
...SI nun I...
...All Interested In Joining a ehorua, *r»d In your name...
...C. Vladrck, l<,nl< Walilnian, Abe 1 Miller, Win...
...Iicprrscnla< lion li.isril on thr niinihrr of <lur*i stmiipH purrhiifU'il for tin- year iJiinuuryl)iT<Miil>rri...
...Mark Stnrr: Subject to lie anuemnced Ml,I in mix Forum, FUtmere Hall, 170th SI...
...7N9 Rltmere Place, Hroni...
...Halm Kantorovltch will live four lectures: "International SoBlallani on the F.ve of the War" "The tntrriiattoiial Stgnllicance of the Husstan Hevolutloii,'* "The Third Internatlonal,M 'Democracy and Dictatorship...
...Socialist Forum Calendar (AH me*Until begin at S:M p m, uiileai othcrwlK iodlratM...
...every second and fourth Tuesdny at Arlington Hall I* SI Murk's IMnee Albert I Cnstrn President...
...On Jhii...
...M. Felgenbaum will lead discussion group on "Hoots of Socialism and (apHaliam.' Monday, Jan...
...AngiiNt Tyler: "Socbiltsm or (.......mi- I iilnm...
...Don't misunderstand me, please, and don't throw that rock...
...M..in ii.1.1 J Cili, i,......i I M »i in k ' i - . Al.i ,li hi Mill- f Secretary-ireaturri CAP HAHhHH UNION...
...STngg 207'iH Hrg men ' tngs lit anil Sril Monday• President, I Itulieri i.iiiii: Vice Pre*., Stephen Tobasko...
...1. 1680 President St., Brooklyn...
...Miriam IJebowltZ, recording secretary...
...BROOKLYN Dewatewe (187 Montague St...
...WHITE (JOOD8 WORKERS' UNION I .ii'iii S3 of I 1.(1 W I - 8 Wr.i tfllh SI...
...The proceedi go to Ihe Party, lull for your allotment of tickets now at the Party office...
...I nm i k ii m t lug Series of rducattoiial lectures at new headquarters, Foster Ave...
...A TIMELY HINT It) OUR PARTY MEMBERS By 8. H. F. Trill- is the grand and glorious holiday season when • happy citizenry goes about singing carols, chanting hallelujahs and giving each other gifts...
...I U ofT Office: 2S9W ' llli SI Clly Lornl SSI mcels on 3rd , §Thursday of the month at lleetlievrn Mull 311 - Rail Fifth St Executlv llnurd meets nn Ihe 2iiil ind III, Thursdays al He...
...Office mill lieiiili|iinrlrrt, 21 Weal 10th SI., N. Y. Meet* every nrd Sunday of month al Stuyvrmint High School...
...I've wandered a little from the theme of this little reflection on holiday joy and holiday giving...
...M. Feigeiibaum, Jot...
...FRIDAY, DECEMBBR 8* (".- Tyler: "luflaUon aud the Work er»" in...
...and i llli Ave., Ilrooklyn...
...J llanlon Vice-President...
...Union Directory BUJSJHA&, BlN.l.LH L.41IM...
...Joint Ex reullve tloard meets every Tuesday ntghi al 7:30 Hoard meeU every Tuesday nlghl al 1:00 In Ihe offlre Ril Collet mnn Secretary Treasurer NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION N...
...Gala New Year's Kve Farly Sunday night at 13718 Jamaica Ave...
...brglniiliiK with the New Year...
...S Went ISIn Street...
...I hi «i No IV I. I. I. W. I, Oinrr IN \V...
...James P.Hrdmond nnd Jamet J. Iliiekley...
...Meeting positioned to Wednesday, Jan...
...Samuel Mlnitel: Tregsiirer 1 Allien llelli | TDK AMAI.I.AMATKII 1 | A III KH t.AHMKNT CUT I Kits UNION...
...Secretary o! Exrciillve Ilnnrd Soul Undo* Mil K WAI.'ON DRIVERS UNION , Loral Ml...
...iI Hi mil: "The Theatre u* a Social Force" Heniuiiihiiril Forum, OKIS Hay i 111 i...
...No collection, no tax...
...will apeak on "The Knd if an Epoch...
...Ah for liquid refresh men ta, bring your own...
...business Agent...
...in., tit the llmni School...
...New Elementary Dsnre (iroup, Wrilii, ..In st 8. Art Croups: Life, Thursday at 8. I i.....-i-ii Group: Thursday at 8:30...
...William M. Felgenbaum: "The Hoots of Socialism" -Upper Wett Side Hrancb, Kin West 7an<t St., Manhattan...
...1 I I I ii lulim...
...Y.P.S.L NOTES V.l'.s.l- mnveiillou opfni Sunday, Jim...
...brglniiliiK with the New Year...
...Wlnklrr Mid llmni I i.i urn, Uhinere i 11, ul11...
...381b St.| Phone Win ; sum .' I'.in-uiivr IUuimi nir.ii every riiursdn) I at Hi' offlre ol Ihe tnlun Mnurlre W Jacobs...
...DA It HOW - HOLM ICS DEBATE All Party branches and Part) mem liers are requested to keep open Friday, Jan...
...141k si sad Psrfc At...
...3, s .in, People's lloute, 7 Fast I '.ill St...
...President , AMAI.I.AMATKII I LI I HOtillAPIII IIS OF AMERICA, New York l-ornl No...
...I know that a lot of that holiday-giving sentiment is just pure hunk...
...I^on Hosser l-an...
...C. Vladrck, l<,nl< Walilnian, Abe 1 Miller, Win...
...Herbert M. Merrill: "Technology and SocIhIIbiii" Wlllliiniiiburg Sorlullst Foi inn, 107 Tnmpklnt Ave., Brooklyn...
...Hlrgci, Chulrman...
...Rmll fhenen, Iter Secretary: J., ¦eon J O'Connor...
...Um.'«I » Ml Ulllie Hiid ......i'i........i i.i . si,, l ..i'll LycCUM SIS Wllluuglib) Ave...
...Comrailrt and sympathlier* (Party or V.P.8.I...
...i M i¦ s1111111...
...18th A. I)., Jiii.i...
...6 Music, prizes, entertalaj...
...18th A. I)., Jiii.i...
...New York City Phone CI'rNea .1 R7MI 5757 A Snvder Msnsgrr S SftnnP Rteeiltlve Siinerrlanr REPEL ARTS "ACTIVITIES Dunce Groupai Rlenientnry, Tiieadny st llSO mill 7:.Ill...
...Special educational meeting Tuesday, Jan...
...Menace of I»» .-Inn" in.I A. II., 2IH Sackmaa St., Ilrooklyn...
...Asst Mgi { ."He...
...in., tit the llmni School...
...Max Llrhlrr.Sec'y-Trras HII THAI YOUR MII.K MAN WEAK...
...Tlinmus lirrcii...
...FRIDAY, DECEMBBR 8* (".- Tyler: "luflaUon aud the Work er»" in...
...The unit system will I,,- fully explained at this meeting...
...I've wandered a little from the theme of this little reflection on holiday joy and holiday giving...
...M" Iiegl i j JOC...
...Illb A. D. Meeting Tuesday, Juu l, 8:4*1 p. in., at SOI Washington Ave...
...President St., Ilrooklyn...
...Meeting Friday...
...Iicprrscnla< lion li.isril on thr niinihrr of <lur*i stmiipH purrhiifU'il for tin- year iJiinuuryl)iT<Miil>rri...
...FRIDAY, JANUARY t Debate: Alfred R. Hltigbnm Jr...
...M by Nornum TaomseJ Mldwead limi king* Highway 1. Flrtl business meeting In January Monday...
...Not only to help exercise and liquidate that old devil Debt, not only to pay <ifT old obligations, but primarily to keep the office and organization going and to push on to more intensive work...
...The mrelluK night will be rhaiiKed to Sunday, 6 p. ID...
...1. 1680 President St., Brooklyn...
...fiariiienl Workers Union, Ml W. STith St., N. V. C. .1...
...snd fth Ava...
...Installation of officers 1'uesdny, lull...
...WrlliiV (Irnup: Monday at 8:30...
...M. Feigeiibaum, Jot...
...Frank S.kol Fin Serretary...
...Siegfried IJpschltr: "tier-many Under lllller" 4tb-14lli A, II., 211 So...
...4, 8:30 p. m...
...near 1'ith St., lo begin Sunday, Jan...
...Ainm^.'inriiK* liro hrlllK nintir for noniliiHtloim for executive und financial ¦ecretnrlei of the League...
...Thursday, Jan...
...S. ''¦ Eaei Fletbash I539 East (Slh St...
...Ilruiwh will meet dtnd and 4th Thursdaa each month st Its new headquarters...
...Samuel I'rrlmuller Mgr ' Set...
...I I,'nii,,r I -'vliisini: "Labor In Palestine" Zlrd A. 1)., Drowntvllle Ijibor Lyceum, 219 Sackman St., Urooklyn...
...19, for Ihe debate between Clarence Harrow and John llaynes Holmes at Mecca Temple...
...13rd Ave...
...Sherwood Rilrly: "My lriiprrsslont of I lllller (iermoiiy''- Ih-uux Lnlior F'orum, 8(19 Westchester Ave., llronx...
...fair but la set meeting Thursday, J,D n rioted meeting for members only Nun 11 nation and election of of Beers Jam I. Lecture Jan...
...Sigiiiiiinl (iolilttelii: " Id-v,I ul nn i I'nst, Present, Future"—4th A. II., 120 Helanrey St., Manhattan...
...Jack Karro will be inaHtci- of reremontes...
...SI nun I...
...Henry J. limner: "FVonomlc Develop' iiniii ol l,Multallaiu"- Mldwood F'orum, Mill Inn.-- Illgliway, llriaiklyn...
...7th A. D. (789 I'.ltmere Place).— Following new branch officers elected: Samuel Stelnsallz, organizer...
...To edtbrate...
...FRIDAY, JANUARY t Debate: Alfred R. Hltigbnm Jr...
...Frlilny at 7; Ailvmieeil, I i ii In \ at H; reglalrntlnn for elementary will toon be closed...
...And • know as well as you do that there are thousands of good pimple and honest workers—even class-conscious workers—who out of a genuine religious sense, or because of family feeling or old cuitom, give little gifts...
...Louts Stalberg...
...illy gcod food and comradeship...
...27th to Xlve romnilttefA time to meet nnd ndri|ti:ililv prepare their reports...
...nankin, ) l-:tlit-l s. i,,,, I,in i, Halm kantorovlli'h, Algernon Ik, I i.i > I'LJ liililnsk) lleill, h ! Hun of the lllll,lull Memorial Hall, t llronv I .,ii,i F'oriun, SOS Wetb*hester Ave., I,i in | S. ii,.miml...
...of .rents will J.r rlmrgnl i<»r carh di'lfgntf...
...rlrclea Ih> iioiliinl in to tin- number of repre¦trntallvea they are rnlltted to...
...0 7170...
...A drlrgule fee...
...And 1 know only too well that there are millions who couldn't give a puir of old pants if they wanted to Leeause this glorious system of ours, in the 20th century of (' Mian civilization, hasn't given them a chunce to live like decent human beings...
...worklinr nn perforinsnce dances...
...Not only to help exercise and liquidate that old devil Debt, not only to pay <ifT old obligations, but primarily to keep the office and organization going and to push on to more intensive work...
...Hcnsonhurst Forum, 0018 Hay I'iirkwuy, Ilrooklyn...
...Rleetlon of officers Tuesday, Jan 2, 8:30 p. in...
...11 "Menace of Paarlam"— i In i.IiIi.ii l„ ii, h Forum, 1113 Brighton I Heacli Ave., Ilrooklyn...
...I know that many people give because it's gond business or a habit or because they're grateful for past favors with thai gratitude which Johnson (Samuel not Hugh) defined as a lively expectation of favors to come...
...James I, Mffiralb, Secrelsry-Treaturer j Samuel J, O'llrlen...
...Henry J. Hotnrr: "The New Deal Today" 8lli A. II., 220 Rust 10th St., Miinbiittiin...
...mint and I,nil, t supper...
...M Coodman l.uri Opprnhelm...
...Inrnl No...
...nnd Morris Ave., llronx...
...Chslrinsn of Rxcrutlvr llonril Morris Rosenhtatt...
...4th St., Ilrooklyn...
...feiituiing a play, dancing and rabaret atmosphere...
...AngiiNt Tyler: "Socbiltsm or (.......mi- I iilnm...
...THURSDAY, JANUARY 4 -«1111 ...-.I ii 111: Algernon I^e, l.eilihii...
...The liiislnt'ss of the Jlrnt srHHlon will t-onslrtl 111j11111>r of rr|>orts of ofllcrrn of thf league ami Ihe elertkm of convention coiuniltteefi...
...MANHATTAN ith A D. (220 I-ill I "Hi St...
...Yark City...
...Bronx Labor Centre will lit the scene of ¦ merry evening New Year't F!ve, when a dance and cabaret will uther out the old year...
...i i . -Id ul . Leon HjIImI...
...No admission eharKe...
...8 and every Monday there...
...i, Ilrooklyn...
...St., Manhattan...
...i, Ilrooklyn...
...Menace of I»» .-Inn" in.I A. II., 2IH Sackmaa St., Ilrooklyn...
...It's this: when you're making up yoilr list of "beneficiaries," when you're tightening your belt with the glad thought that you i/otla it'wv only once a year, remember that the party needs funds desperately...
...St., Manhattan...
...3. ISth A. Ii . Breach 1 (1080 President St...
...M. Gollfrlrd...
...It's a little late for a Christmas or Chanukah gift, but dig down and send the party a New Year's message accompanied by a gift...
...1 lirilrei, Anialllhmie HI,l« 30S Weal Mil, St : Phone Wat klm u 7.r,i Regular meeting...
...7N9 Rltmere Place, Hroni...
...A drlrgule fee...
...and i llli Ave., Ilrooklyn...
...Circle 4. Cr., Kings, hut plannetl for n series of Youth rorums with prominent Socialist speakers for February and March...
...11 "Menace of Paarlam"— i In i.IiIi.ii l„ ii, h Forum, 1113 Brighton I Heacli Ave., Ilrooklyn...
...2, 8:30 p. m. 1-ow.r «th A. D. (1038 Rati 172nd St...
...A. Ii I2S n. i«n...
...Phone Chelsea 3 2H^ I David lliililnsky...
...William M. Felgenbaum: "The Hoots of Socialism" -Upper Wett Side Hrancb, Kin West 7an<t St., Manhattan...
...rlrclea Ih> iioiliinl in to tin- number of repre¦trntallvea they are rnlltted to...
...TUESDAY, JANUARY 3 Herbert M. Merrill: •'Technocracy mi.I Socialism" 2ml A. II., Jew lib, .179 I in uioiit Ave., Ilrooklyn...
...TUESDAY, JANUARY 3 Herbert M. Merrill: •'Technocracy mi.I Socialism" 2ml A. II., Jew lib, .179 I in uioiit Ave., Ilrooklyn...
...A. Vander Car, financial secretary...
...lad A. D. (New l.,,K Hrancb, 331 Slief...
...FLU UKtbatKa UNION Local a, in hri,himmi, 1-ut Workers Union Oilier ¦ and hradqiiiirti rs toll Wlllmigiiby Ave...
...Now York City City Central Committee meeting, Wednesday, Jan...
...but the more ipirited will be the feeling that sutfuses the party office and the more effective will be your message...
...i ,11>iu Alguiiquiu I Jlwi MM Imihiuu board Mrcls i . ,,y lui» slay Ni.l.l Hi lilt lllli.i ul...
...The mrelluK night will be rhaiiKed to Sunday, 6 p. ID...
...Tickets on sale at all Purly branches...
...William Lumbers: "HiKhllghts In Ihe A in,., n ,in Soclallit Movement"— 7th A: I...
...A swell meal, a leal rebel program of music, poetry and dancing...
...The lirsl Hesnlon will then he ndjournrd until Jhii...
...Hcnsonhurst Forum, 0018 Hay I'iirkwuy, Ilrooklyn...
...n.ij.iii- Vicel'i'— , Charles 111.i urn Fin Sec > ( Millun Hovi.ii.il, Hec...
...I Morrli Cohen: "ftinmla'i New r'orelgn , Policy" Slh A. II., 22A Kail 10th St., Manhattan...
...Class In s.i...
...A. Ii I2S n. i«n...
...8, 8:30 p. in., regular branch meeting...
...tS, dinner I. Na tlaaal Exacatlv* Ommiiu at I'srk Palac...
...i t . Si ' i 11 a i y I i t.t.iul ' i fjmi in Aims UNION...
...Play Is Hriino Fischer's MYe Revolution Oimeth.1Harry lleraog's 30-foot mural will ba Aulshed...
...Remember it's not the amount, it's the spirit that counts...
...nankin, ) l-:tlit-l s. i,,,, I,in i, Halm kantorovlli'h, Algernon Ik, I i.i > I'LJ liililnsk) lleill, h ! Hun of the lllll,lull Memorial Hall, t llronv I .,ii,i F'oriun, SOS Wetb*hester Ave., I,i in | S. ii,.miml...
...Mnurlre in.nl in...
...Y.P.S.L NOTES V.l'.s.l- mnveiillou opfni Sunday, Jim...
...And 1 know only too well that there are millions who couldn't give a puir of old pants if they wanted to Leeause this glorious system of ours, in the 20th century of (' Mian civilization, hasn't given them a chunce to live like decent human beings...
...St., New i..ik N. V. I'll.,in lump knit square t, i ihii I...
...Janice I'.Iledmoud, Vice-President...
...Johnny licsulck, house steward...
...Send your gifts to the Socialist Party, 7 Knst 16th Street, Ne-• York City...
...Ejection of officers and all standing committees...
...Dorothy Jnffe, financial secretary...
...FJtmere Hall, 170th SI...
...Henry J. limner: "FVonomlc Develop' iiniii ol l,Multallaiu"- Mldwood F'orum, Mill Inn.-- Illgliway, llriaiklyn...
...Send your gifts to the Socialist Party, 7 Knst 16th Street, Ne-• York City...
...Don't misunderstand me, please, and don't throw that rock...
...Henry J. Hotnrr: "The New Deal Today" 8lli A. II., 220 Rust 10th St., Miinbiittiin...
...HnllhMb Ilr AMI nil A New lurk J..h.I li.i.n.i 'i Weal I .u...
...7. to continue four successive Sundays at 8 p. m. t inl*-1 the beading of "Socialism and ¦ 'mi.....iIsm...
...Siegfried IJpschltr: "tier-many Under lllller" 4tb-14lli A, II., 211 So...
...The lirsl Hesnlon will then he ndjournrd until Jhii...
...Morris W Jacobs, Chairman nl I Exec Board...
...Circle 4. Cr., Kings, hut plannetl for n series of Youth rorums with prominent Socialist speakers for February and March...
...Organisers I II Cnldhrrg A Menilelnwllj...
...uptown office SO W 37th Si phone Wisconsin 7-1270 Executive Hnurd nieels eeery Tuesdny evening t P M Mo linger N Spedor: Scc'y-Tress Ale» Rose...
...Treasurer R MI1.I.INKRV WOKKKR8 UNION 1V1 I ."'"I'.ii Cloth Hal Cup anil MIDI tin v Workers Inlrrnallonal Union Downtown afflre 040 llrouitway phoni Spring 7-4548...
...but the more ipirited will be the feeling that sutfuses the party office and the more effective will be your message...
...Drama Uroup (One-Actrrt) I Thurnlsy at 8:30...
...K. Holm "Is n Thlnf Purly Neces»aryt"' Hrighton Hearh Forum, 1113 in inliili'iii lleach Ave., Ilrooklyn...
...Itinera Hall Jin P. Fifth Street...
...BBONX New Yeer'a Rve Afalr...
...Bronx Free Fellowship The dramatic group from Brookwood l-jilxir College will present several oneact plays at the Bronx Free Fellowship, 1M)1 Boston Hoad, Sunday evening, Dec, 31, Preceding this program...
...THURSDAY, JANUARY 4 -«1111 ...-.I ii 111: Algernon I^e, l.eilihii...
...Philip Uellebter- "The Hoad to Power*1 Siiciallit Purty Forum, Rand School, 7 Bust i nil St., Manhattan...
...On Jhii...
...Hint Morrli Ave, Hroni...
...IU( all n i. Mi.-, aaa mm kMB I.NIUN Local ttt, II..O rt.l., i haal idtb at...
...t per person Is the free Mmrge...
...Humanity at the Crossroads" ISIb A. n , Hranrh t, losi...
...Rejuvenation Revet In kiddle costumes at branch headquarters, Saturday , >r* ulng...
...Wlnklrr Mid llmni I i.i urn, Uhinere i 11, ul11...
...Remember it's not the amount, it's the spirit that counts...
...Ilii-lng iininiitrrlpl to read and dltcutt...
...It's this: when you're making up yoilr list of "beneficiaries," when you're tightening your belt with the glad thought that you i/otla it'wv only once a year, remember that the party needs funds desperately...
...I .run H. House...
...II, Hl:3ll ii...
...i,, 11», 11 under Henry Jager •tiirta Jan...
...lad A. O. (I West 1078 St...
...President St., Ilrooklyn...
...Iji'.i of 2mt Ave...
...Joseph Slsvlt: "What Means This Crli.lt...
...I I,'nii,,r I -'vliisini: "Labor In Palestine" Zlrd A. 1)., Drowntvllle Ijibor Lyceum, 219 Sackman St., Urooklyn...
...I know that a lot of that holiday-giving sentiment is just pure hunk...
...II, Hl:3ll ii...
...Joseph Slsvlt: "What Means This Crli.lt...
...Ainm^.'inriiK* liro hrlllK nintir for noniliiHtloim for executive und financial ¦ecretnrlei of the League...
...110th 8t...
...A TIMELY HINT It) OUR PARTY MEMBERS By 8. H. F. Trill- is the grand and glorious holiday season when • happy citizenry goes about singing carols, chanting hallelujahs and giving each other gifts...
...Phone Tompklin Si...
...It's a little late for a Christmas or Chanukah gift, but dig down and send the party a New Year's message accompanied by a gift...
...Held Ave...
...1. A. F. L. and U. I. T. 2110-7lh Ave...
...Hranrh amitiiiiicet neimanetll quarters at 3741 Kltnd St^ ho ks'in Hi ik-iii...
...Sam de Witt, master at ceremonies...
...hittallatlnn of new nlll,i-ii Julius llrelhlalt, organlier...
...William Lumbers: "HiKhllghts In Ihe A in,., n ,in Soclallit Movement"— 7th A: I...
...krt...a Claraaca Darraw a ad Jaka Hayaaa Halatts...
...Upper Wast side i Iiiii Wett 72nd St...
...I.i.iiI No I, lei...
...iI Hi mil: "The Theatre u* a Social Force" Heniuiiihiiril Forum, OKIS Hay i 111 i...
...Second dance of the srtiMin Sunday, Jan 14, at 323 Fast 82nd St...
...business Agent, Mori is lleiim...
...Mnurlre in.nl in...
...Branrh Plashing Is running a real New Year's Dinner and Celebration at Warren's Dining Hall, 40-11 Main St...
...Socialist Forum Calendar (AH me*Until begin at S:M p m, uiileai othcrwlK iodlratM...
...Maiirl.-e tiordln: "Humanity at the CroinroHils" - - lloroiigh Park Forum, Itiirnugh Park Ijibor Lyceum, 42ud St...
...The liiislnt'ss of the Jlrnt srHHlon will t-onslrtl 111j11111>r of rr|>orts of ofllcrrn of thf league ami Ihe elertkm of convention coiuniltteefi...
...FJtmere Hall, 170th SI...
...I Morrli Cohen: "ftinmla'i New r'orelgn , Policy" Slh A. II., 22A Kail 10th St., Manhattan...
...Mark Stnrr: Subject to lie anuemnced Ml,I in mix Forum, FUtmere Hall, 170th SI...
...Sigiiiiiinl (iolilttelii: " Id-v,I ul nn i I'nst, Present, Future"—4th A. II., 120 Helanrey St., Manhattan...
...I know that many people give because it's gond business or a habit or because they're grateful for past favors with thai gratitude which Johnson (Samuel not Hugh) defined as a lively expectation of favors to come...
...Qsiaans I<ab»r Centra, Ontral Queens* new home...
...Uall> turpi Saturday 11„iii A M i. '. i M tVguiur .....111iks every 11...
...the In.up Ii Ii glvlnK a party Saturday, Jan...
...K. Holm "Is n Thlnf Purly Neces»aryt"' Hrighton Hearh Forum, 1113 in inliili'iii lleach Ave., Ilrooklyn...
...nnd Morris Ave., llronx...
...Herbert M. Merrill: "Technology and SocIhIIbiii" Wlllliiniiiburg Sorlullst Foi inn, 107 Tnmpklnt Ave., Brooklyn...
...4th St., Ilrooklyn...
...Sherwood Rilrly: "My lriiprrsslont of I lllller (iermoiiy''- Ih-uux Lnlior F'orum, 8(19 Westchester Ave., llronx...
...Anna Meyer, recording secretary...
...Maiirl.-e tiordln: "Humanity at the CroinroHils" - - lloroiigh Park Forum, Itiirnugh Park Ijibor Lyceum, 42ud St...
...2. Discussion on convention agenda...
...evening I m.i in, i,in I'm j Al...
...Orcbard 4 immiii,—llegulai meet ingi ever) In and 3rd Saturday bxrtuiivt M.i.<iii meets every Monday J' All meeting* are in hi a| US Second Avenue Niw vork i n> CI.OAK...
...are urged le attend...
...27th to Xlve romnilttefA time to meet nnd ndri|ti:ililv prepare their reports...
...Hint Morrli Ave, Hroni...
...ii.uk r Lull, li»j»ulil . A ii.II i* .11 ml UUSJIIitl Agent AMACGAMAIkl) CIO IIII Ml...
...Farxeard Ball at tk* 7i.i Rariasiat Arsaary...
...Mushtug, at 10:90 P. M., Dec...
...Creak Breach eoiiUnuliig weekly meet lugs at Creek labor Centre, 112 West 28th St., Tuesday evenings...
...And • know as well as you do that there are thousands of good pimple and honest workers—even class-conscious workers—who out of a genuine religious sense, or because of family feeling or old cuitom, give little gifts...
...of .rents will J.r rlmrgnl i<»r carh di'lfgntf...

Vol. 16 • December 1933 • No. 27

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.