Socialist Urge Important Changes For The Better in the Election Laws
Socialists Urge Important Changes For the Better in the Election Laws HTHE 1982 L»»TUJ»ture had a comP mitt**, headed by Senator Ulano of Reehetster. to study the Hertion law and recommend...
...I I., I10IT s . I11IU111 hiiiI llir .St Iriuis, h> Thiitnaa W. Davis...
...f„ I ,,, Ink I'laya of Tester, bf I'riet M. Jark Thf Sonata anil ihr s>miiliony...
...Among the courses announced ¦ re the following: I'rliirlples of Korlallsm ami Pnftrain if S'lrihilUti...
...Detailed announcements are included in a 24-page bulletin that has just come from the press...
...A novel feature is the positive assurance that there will la- no collection, no seding of tickels, no kind of money appeal...
...The Socialist Party through Waldman submitted several amendments | to the election law, all of them Intended to safeguard elections gained by many years of expert-1 •nee, particularly In New York I City, and to protect minority parties against old party candidates In the primaries...
...HUtoryWiif Ainrrtraii KoclalUm, Eruiiinilr lllstury In the Ma kins, and The liMsirvrll I'rnMi hid, by Algernon Me 1 rude I iiliuilam In 'I henry anil Practee and Thf American l.sbor Mnvrnrnl, be Nathan Flue...
...Holm, on Tuesdays at the hour...
...indeed, he was a ''prominent and wealthy Chicago corporation lawyer in 1893, serving many of the big railways, when 'Genu Debs led the A.R.U...
...20th), at 809 Westchester Ave...
...eliminating u n c 0 n t ested primsries...
...Shulmsn «ni Morris Kztract sre a committee of the English-speaking branches to rooperste with Dinerstein and Psskof of the National Executive Committee and Kaplan and Schachnsr of the City Committee...
...EDDY ON HITLERISM AT BRONX FORUM Sherwood Eddy, the courageous American Socialist who dared the Hitler terror by denouncing the savagery of the Nazis in a public address in Berlin, win lecture for the Bronx Forum, 809 Westchester Avenue, on January 6th...
...Dsrrow has had a great lime 111 his long life, and he has never ham|>cred himself with any definite principles...
...The committee did not complete Its labors though it submitted a partial report to the legislature of 193:i, and asked that it be continued...
...on "Marxian Socialism ,-crsiis Fascism...
...and "Is the World Going to Hell...
...A larger meeting will be held in February, and intensive propaganda will strengthen the English branches and establlah new branches In New York and other cities... study the Hertion law and recommend amendV hente for it* improvement...
...A|i|iIIi-iiIIoiih of Psychology, li> J.i.i |ih liistmw...
...Dsrrow will debate Dr...
...The builders of the movement, the men and women who did their deeds and went away, the pioneers, will always Ik- held in loving memory...
...Hut in recent years, with the decline of Jewish immigration and with the passing of many older members, it has been felt that non-Jewish workers must be recruited if the organization Is to continus Its growth...
...Long ago he made up his mind that capital punishment is an outrage -upon humanity and does not prevent murder...
...Hillquit Auditorium Friday night (Dec...
...Enjoying life to the full, he is a convlncori pessimist, and he will present the creed, tho doctrine and tbe theology of an atheistic hedonist who makes a principle of proclaiming pessimism the only sound philosophy...
...The price of the luncheon is 55 cents, and persons who wish to come in . after the meal to listen to the speakers will pay an admission fee of 25 cents...
...The Citizens' Union, which Is interested in honest elections, prepared a number of bills to put teeth In the election law and called a conference of interested individuals, and groups, which was held Thursday, Dee... to Senator Cilano...
...Friday evening, January 2d, here will be a debate between buries Solomon, standard bearer if tho Socialist Party In the recent nunicipal campaign, and Lawrence tennis, author of "Is Capitalism )oomed...
...mating with those*, of the League for Industrial Democracy...
...He has therefore defended killers high and low, the Leopold and I/>eb degenerates, the Hawaiian society killers, friendless Negroes in Detroit—anyone whom he can save from ths gallows...
...These clubs will become part of the new nstional English-speaking section...
...The ¦ommittee held bearings in differint part* of the state...
...The recent meeting grew out of a conference two months previously by Branch 650, at which a committee was appointed to call upon the General Office for aid...
...and to require canvassing boards to make the official canvass from voting machines and to compare with returns made immediately after electon...
...John H s y n e e Holmes on "Can Civilization Be Saved" and the subtitles of the d. hate will be "Is Life Worth LI - ing...
...everyone agreed that one of th greatest evils is the appointmen of Election Boards in election dis trictM, but to secure a real chang Would require an amendment t the State Constitution...
...PARTY SYMPOSIUM ON THE ROAD TO POWER The second of the series of cislist Party symposiums will be held on Thursday evening, Js...
...strike, and he promptly resigned all his retainers to throw in his lot with tho workers and to defend Debs on trumped-up charges of conspiracy...
...Miss Jarvls will conduct two twlce-a-wsek classes in Knglish...
...Ti.i- Money Business: Inflation and Labor" is the topic for the > tint luncheon, at one o'clock next Saturday, January 0, and the 1 speakers are John T. Plyiui, Harry W. Laidler, and George Soule...
...uary 4th, at the Rand School, 7 East 15th Street, at 8:30 p. m. The subject...
...80, at 2 p. m. A program for American youth to meet the danger of Fascism will be presented by Norman Thomas Leo Kryzckl, National Chairman Socialist Party...
...The Socialist Party was represented in this conference by Harry W. Laidler and Julius Gerber, members of the State Committee...
...Such a board could reform th* composition of the election district boards by a rigid examination of the inspertora, both a* to eligibility and quality to provide honest and intelligent inspectors...
...In litre* T. Kala...
...The committee was also to study the advisability and possibility of permanent registration avoidingthe necessity of the registration for every election...
...m.iimmI lii luclallal I'sliicatli.ii, 1...
...On Jsnnary 19th...
...Aaron Lsvenatelr ¦will be chairman...
...I.Inks Mei,|ili> hi Atiinlran llUlury ¦ nil Itrvoliitlonary Kiss-ha In Mixlrrn lUtury...
...strengthening the provisions of the law with respect to reports of "hotels" and lodging houses...
...At the hearing in New York City the Socialist Party was rep Resented by State Chairman Ixwis "Waldmen and Julius Gerber, New Turk City Executive Secretary...
...riilliwiiilii of MuriUm, li> llslin Kantorovltch...
...From that time to this Darrow has defended the under-dog...
...The Clash i,r World I'Mlosoplil.., Iiy M.iidiinii I .1,1 .wiai ni American Uterullire, by Vini.t Slllllrtllllirl Hull's...
...Philip Geliebter, educational director of the Workmens' Circle, and Benjamin Levltan of the Jewish Dally Forward...
...i '.rial to the memory of a great man and a great Socialist i» establish* d. The loss suffered In the deatti of Morris H tl I mu 1 • was so great that New York Socialists with whom kt hid worked so long and in t i m a t ely have been left almost stunned and they are only slowly , beginning to realise its magnitude...
...Inlr...In, I 1110 tl, V* lolo|i>, ll> Allii I...
...Winston Dam-is, Natlonsl Secretary of th« T.P.8.L., and Algernon Lee of tht Rand School...
...And Morris Hillquit has taken his place among those immortals...
...Course are available to mcmlm* of the Socialist Party, the Young people's Socialist League, the Work mens' Circle, the Young Clr clc league, and the Trade Unions, Ypsels Hold Mi-Fascist Rally on Saturday Young Socialists will hold an •anti-Fasclst rally at the Rand School, 7 East 15th St., New York, Saturday, Dec...
...When ever two or more comrades come together anywhere and at any time, their thoughts revert to the man who for so many years led and inspired them...
...At the conference last Thursda...
...with Hi van as the stooge...
...Many Fine Courses in New Rand School Term 1*11 K Rand School of Social * Science, at 7 Fast 15th Street, announces more than thirty- new courses for the term beginning January 8, hesides a number of other attractions, among which Is a series of discussion luncheons on Saturdays 1,1...
...At this conference amendments to the election law were suggested, bills which are either pending before the Legislsture on the recommendstions of the Cilano Committee or prepared by the Citilens' Union to be submitted to the Legislature at the coming session On behalf of the Socialist Party, Laidler and Gerber submitted suggestions for the improvement ol the election law, some of which srt embodied in the recommendations while others were referred by thi conference to the bill draftinj Committee of the Citizens' Union State Chairman Waldntan sub milled these recommendations it ex tor...
...Anti-war before the war came, ho made speeches for the war until the Armistice, and then defended Communists arrested as a result of the hysteria to which he contributed...
...They have been constituted Into a Young Circle League, and many of the Circle Clubs have Joined the Workmen's Circle as full-fledged branches, carrying on their work In English...
...A |,|n 1 . Iii M.-11 of Modern I 111 1 111 111 ' , lit Ml...
...liilprnatloiial Socialism Klnrr llir vViirlll War ami The Materialistic < mi111II011 of 111.ioi>, by llela I mm... Mecca Temple...
...Impressive though the Friday memorial will lie, it cannot compare with the mcmoriul that is the memory of his work and hi- beau tiful life... limit the publication of lists of polling places to the City Record only...
...SP| The occasion will be one of the rare debates that Darrow indulges in, and he will meet a msn as interesting as himself, one whose devotion to his ideah is as marked as his own, but who has reached diametrically opposite conclusions...
...Arthur McDowell National Chairman of the Young People's Socialist League...
...Fri-ilrrli-k Si'liolmaii...
...Not one at his clients has hanged, Possibly his most famous case was tho defense of John Thomas Scopes for the awful crime of teaching the principles of science in a slate where such rascality was outlawed...
...The debate will be conducted by ihe Brooklyn Forum for the benefit of the Socialist Party... William K. Holm...
...the first- but not the last—tan giblr 1...
...The lecture will bo on the subject, "The Menace of Hitlerism...
...His switch at that time from his well-paying practice to the defense of the man damned by Darrow's late associates ss an anarchist and incendiary created 11 sensation as profound as if Max Steuer were voluntarily to go to defend a worker arrested on the picket line... Mondays and W dnesdays, the other Tuesdays and Thursdays...
...requiring two copies of the ngister in each district to be in the hsnds of the police...
...It was the General Office that called the last meeting, which was highly successful, several hundred members attending together with delegates from a number of Socialist Party branches...
...Some of those present thought that the ""usion or the Recovery Tarty should have a member on the Board of Flections instead of the Socialist Party, but it was pointed out that such an arrangement would give one party two in ¦-in I >>-1 - on the board and would leave the board bi-partisan instead of tri-party...
...A nation-wide organization of such branches is shortly expected, with its own organization and propaganda work, and possibly with its own officials |n the National Office...
...Everyone acknowledged that if a Socialist was added to the New York City Board of Elections it would change the complexion of the board and would Improve it a great deal...
...The formal dedication of the Hillquit Auditorium in the Bronz tabor Center will be in the nature of a Hillquit memorial meeting, at which men and women representing various phases of the...
...The trial developed into a duel between Darrow and William Jennings Brysn, and It was the most gorgeous and colorful court-room comedy of the century...
...For, contrary to what cynics say, Socialists do not forget those whb have served their cause...
...Tl 1 class is to meet Mo.idays at 7 p. m. There will b- two afternoon classes for hoinekeepin,: w men — one on Socialism and Ho< to (a Its Message, by Esther Friedman and Rebecca Jarvls, on Mondays st 1:80 p. m., and one on America In ths Twentieth Century, by Dr...
...And what is needed is a tri-psrtisan board, and not as at present a board on which the two dominant parties are represented, and may make deals smong themselves...
...He has even been u Democratic legislator...
...S|M*clal I'l.ilil, in, In \1iir, 1*111...
...Frederick If...
...Whenever a comrade calls a party worker a Jitnmii Higgins, he is paying tribute to the matchless peraonality of Hen Hanfurd...
...Clsrence Darrow Is by no means a young man, although you could not guess it from looking at him...
...iiy linvlil I1...
...But in the real sense the Hillquit memorial meetings began the moment the sad news was flashed that he had breathed his last...
...The lecture is one of the series of lectures and debates held by the Socialist Party of the Bronx in HHiQUIT TRIBUTE AT BRONX MEMORIAL WITH the formal and nil,,,.,I dedication j| th...
...Socialist and labor movements will speak briefly of the lata leader's work...
...The Legislature, however, on the plea of economy failed to do so..., at the City ClUb...
...David Kaplan has been selected by August ('lac-sens to take his place as teacher of Public Speaking this season, Claessens htlng on an extended lecture tour...
...The con ference, therefore, felt that th first recommendation as to th composition of the New York Cit Board of Election can be passedand that can be done by law, with out amending the constitution...
...Iiy I1110I1 llrrnatflll...
...But the bills prepared by the committee will come up at the next cession of the Legislature...
...A limited number of new scholar ships In the Workers' ' 1 nine...
...Workmen's Circle Launches * English-Speaking Campaign TTHE first step in an important 1 development of the Work nun's Circle was taken at a con I ference of English-s peaking i branches in N, w York that ! launched a campaign for building up the English-speaking section...
...The Workmen's Circle, a labor fraternal body of Jewish workers, has grown enormously in numbers, prestige and importance...
...TheWorld's Going to Hell,SaysDarrow /\NE of the rarest, most gallant and saltiest personalities in the country, Clarence Darrow, a man who has brought happiness to countless people, is coining to New York shortly to insist before a large audience that life is not worth living, that civilization is doomed and that the world Is going to the ^devii...
...Other recommendations supported by the Socialists were those making it unnecessary for voters to live four months in a county of New York City...
...In recent years a number of Young Circle ciub« have been organized, composed of children of the older members...
...The mass meeting at the Debt Auditorium will be hsld ss part ol the special program heing ar rsnged by ths New York Clt) Young People's Socialist Leagui la connection with the quarterl] meeting of the National Executlvi Committee...
...The Road to Power," will be discussed by Algernon '<e director of the Rand School and chairman of the City Executive Commltte e of local New York...
...Gene Debs, Meyer London, Victor Merger, Charles L. Matchett, Otto Bran-tetter, William Mallly are more than names, they are living realities...
Vol. 16 • December 1933 • No. 27