Chicago Labor Rallies To Back Rand School

Chicago Labor Rallies To Back Rand School •Special Despatch to The Mew leader) fttUCAGO, 111.—A permanent ^ committee for the conduct of the nation-wide drive in this city and the Middle West...

...Any new party would have to have socialisation of industry for the use of all for its platform, or it would be but a futile gesture...
...Sam Lederman, manager of the Pocketbook Makers' Union, active chairman, and Gus...
...Well, we know a bright young lot of "Georges," hundreds of them Yipsels, many of them students (correspondent or resident) of the Rand School, some of them with whiskers like Jim Maurer and August Claessens, who don't fall for baloney, regardless of whether it's the Al Smith kind or the "radical" alibi type...
...Whatever small percentage of the present membership might be enticed away, the main body would bid them a tearful farewell and remain loyal to the party whose martyred heroes we revere...
...This committee is the result of the recent tour fo Mrs...
...A score of mushroom parties have sprung up and died, and yet the Socialist Party has plodded on...
...Bertha H. Mailly, member of the board of directors of the Rand School, the purpose of which was to raise funds to relieve the serious condition of the school and to present the work of the Rand School to Socialist Party organisations, Workmen's Circle Groups and bodies of organized labor...
...Patterson, secretary...
...That would be fine if it were possible: but in no group are the brains of the rank and file so geared together that a chairman or executive committee can pull a switch and swing them all into line...
...This committee has for its purpose the raising of a substantial sum toward the goal of $17,000...
...Ite foremost speakers and writers have peered into the future and foretold the coming of the condition that is now worldwide...
...Chicago Labor Rallies To Back Rand School •Special Despatch to The Mew leader) fttUCAGO, 111.—A permanent ^ committee for the conduct of the nation-wide drive in this city and the Middle West to lave the Band School and the People's Bouse is now functioning under the secretaryship of Gas Patterson...
...As 'Gene Debs once said, "Less boose and more books," so we say, "Less free advice, less destructive criticism, more faith in the ability of the workers to emancipate themselves, and more bull-dogged determination to read and think and equip ourselves for better service...
...Its headquarters are at Sll South Ashland Boulevard, Chicago...
...Oh, yeah, I said, going to leave George do it, eh...
...The capitalists would be well pleased, for when the workers split up and fight each other, they are no great menace to the caiptalist system, and the game of exploitation goes merrily on...
...What say you who read this...
...H. Goebel Met one of those "tired radicals'* the other day—the kind that's looking for an alibi for lasiness, or hardening of the arteries, or mental old age—said "no hope now in voting or that kind of piffle—got to use guns...
...Why a New "Third Party...
...The response1 was warmly expressed...
...Its heroi: leaders have been scorned, persecuted, imprisoned, murdered...
...In each group there would be probably a minority to break away and Join the new party, but prejudices of years are not to be easily overcome, and the majority would cling to their old party group...
...Oaks Grow A rank weed may spring up and flourish for a season and die...
...What we have said about the Socialist Party applies to each of the others.- Nona of them can be herded 100% Into any new party...
...Then, why t now party...
...Contributions by the Joint Board of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, the Cutters' Union of the A. C. W. A. and the Women's Branch of the A. C. W. A., the Joint Board of Cloakmakers of the I. L. G. W. U., the Federation of Jewish Union and others have already been received...
...Let Not He With a Mouth Say to Another, 'Blow!'" By Geo...
...The present committee is headed by John Fitspatrick, President of the Chicago Federation of Labor, honorary chairman...
...WhenT Why not start now...
...Do you give even ten minutes a week to solid reading...
...By W. H. Richards •THERE is talk of forming a * new labor paty, uniting the seven or more minor parties into one for the overthrow of capitalism and establishment of a new order...
...Fitspatrick, the federation hour over Radio Station WCFL was put at the disposal of the committee and a stirring appeal for funds was made by Celia Rotter...
...Some not yet Socialists who might have joined by election day, probably would also be led into a new party...
...It is certain that the rank and file of the Socialist Party could not be stampeded into any new party line-up...
...Wished you had seen his face...
...When parties that have been in the field ten or 80 years make bat a small showing, what chance has another new party...
...An oak takes a century to mature —but it becomes AN OAK...
...Like the oak, its growth has been slow but soliu and straight upward...
...The Socialist Party has been struggling along for many years...
...Just for devilment, asked him if he was going to use a gun...
...Woods Flourish...
...Mailly was ably assisted by Celia Rotter and Jennie Segal, organiser of the Neckwear Makers' Union, where the rapid increase of members makes the problem of organisation and education one of desperate importance, was the reception of the Rand School message cordial...
...Do you sit down even ten minutes a day in solitude, forcing your mind to concentrate on some definite problem until you know it is clear in your own mind...
...The abolitionists agitated for a hundred yearn before the Republican Party was elected on sn abolition platform, and it set the Negroes free and held power 24 years, until capitalist greed had so prostituted that power that it was driven out by votes of a people who knew they were dissatisfied, but did not know the remedy they sought...
...Further Division Likely The result would be, not the forming of one solid party, but further division of forces by putting one more minor party in the field...
...Especially in Chicago among the needle trades unions, where Mrs...
...Through the courtesy of Mr...
...Said certainly he was not going to use a gun...
...Edward N. Nockels, secretary of the Chicago Federation of Labor...
...Even a half way sensible moron would not walk to Washington as long as he had the price and three lines of rail still ran into it...

Vol. 16 • December 1933 • No. 23

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