Bridgeport Officials Work to Aid Jobless

Kasplar, Abraham T.

Bridgeport Officials Work to Aid Jobless by Abraham T. Kasplar BRIDGEPORT, Coon.—Old party Dpoliticians have no* as yet recovered from the shock of seeing a payor concern himself so...

...spent but $1300 to receive well over 22,000 votes, setting a new low figure for campaign expenditures of any winning party in recent municipal election history...
...All the malicious propaganda, the vote buying and gifts of liquor and cigars failed to stem the tide of popular sentiment, once an efficient Socialist organisation had shown the people that it was in their power to defeat the old regime and establish a new order of things in Bridgeport...
...Waralag to 1 seals.—Communist pro ¦noted and Inspired antl Fascist groups are sending appeals for support to locals and branches...
...13, Stamford, Con...
...8 Dan Donovan, Secretary of the Continental Congress, will speak at the Co-operative Hall on "Economic Reconstruction," and on Dec...
...Dayton, Ohio...
...Mark Starr of Brookwood IjjlHir College will lead the class...
...8, annual convention Taylor Society...
...Dates may be secured for both Senior tours by communicating with Ethel Davis, 649 Randolph St., Chicago...
...Especially In the eastern part of the stale, this new money scheme Is being widely advocated...
...Socialists fat Arkansas are urged to write him Immediately about organisation work...
...On Dee...
...Classes held Mondays, 8 to II p. m, at 67 Rlverdale Ave, clubrooms...
...The meeting also served to create interest In The New Leader, and some literature was sold...
...1 , At Ave o'clock the same day...
...a dinner >» Welti's honor will be held at the 1 TAV.CA, 59 Chatham St...
...Detroit-Mnrtln Plrttrl...
...2, Essex County, N. J...
...Not content with a mere city victory, the local party is beginning to prepare for next year's state election in an endeavor to place Socialist representatives in .¦¦ the state legislature, and to continue its educational program of bringing home to the people the ¦aessage sf Socialism...
...Bridgeport Officials Work to Aid Jobless by Abraham T. Kasplar BRIDGEPORT, Coon.—Old party Dpoliticians have no* as yet recovered from the shock of seeing a payor concern himself so energetically with the welfare of the ansmnloyed rather than with diesensing patronage...
...lose desiring Crosswalth and Claes1 *''rL^^e»/"« to state office...
...6, orT'-SldcllghU of British Labor Illslory...
...Both gather »>>ks under the auspices of the Lesgue Axilnst Fascism, i "tote IxseaUTS Csxasalttoe.—The com<i xalttee met at Pittsburgh Nov...
...Since hia induction into office, the Socialist . ssayor of this city, Jasper HcLevy, aas devoted by far the major portion of his efforts to an attempt to relieve the unemployment situation...
...8, Trenton, N. J. BURT TO WEST COAST Roy Burt, Cook County secretary, speaks In the following clUes: Dec...
...Minnesota, Robblnsdalei New York, Great Bend, Newburgh, Oswego...
...The party Is collecting food and funds for strikers In automobile plants In Detroit, Flint and Pontine...
...ALLEN TOUR Devrre AUen Is completing a trip through northern New York and Ohio to Michigan...
...1,400 men have already been transferred from the city's unemployed relief list to the C.W.A...
...Branch 1 elected the following officers: Organiser, U Vogelsang...
...New York State Btadr Classes.—Ths number of Band School study classes to be conducted by upstate locals this winter Is the largest for a decade or more...
...James Ones], editor of The New Leader, wUI speak at a party dinner Sunday, Dec...
...14, Alan Clark, "The Cotton Strike...
...New Jersey Frank Manning, Camden organiser, appeared before the City Commission to advocate slum clearance and municipal housing...
...At the same aldermanic meeting, the President of the Board of Aldermen will be chosen...
...Frank Crosswalth will be I 'mired a week In January and August I E?****"1 'or two Weeks In February...
...Breach I.—Waller II...
...Norman Thomas wUI spend Saturday, Feb...
...Applicants apply there or In Comrade Coogan...
...With keen logic and witty expression he delved Into the origin, nature and operation of the NRA, showing where It helps and where It falls...
...Thursday, Dec...
...S, San Francisco, Cal...
...2, at 8:15, on "Money, Power and Human IJTr...
...North Carolina Socialists have voted to push the organisation of trad* unions, farmers and the unemployed...
...S, Pittsburgh, Pa...
...Locals should Ignore appeals that do not carry the name of Edward Levlnson...
...Blurher, secretary of the City Planning Department, will sneak on Saturday evening, Dee...
...2, IxwlsvUIe, Ky...
...I, each speaker covering the same subeet...
...8, at 8 p. m. Tickets for the dinner held earlier In the evening can be had from the comrades of the German branches or from Meta Hlieman...
...18-11, Winslow, Ariz...
...Send to Chester Graham, Grant, or to Francis King, 225 E. Forest Ave., Detroit, at once...
...15, Topeks, Kansas...
...The locals In farm communities bare collected food for workers on strike...
...17, at 8 p. m. Tickets ran be secured by calling Little Falls, 4-1098...
...Tankers.—Rand School correspondence course classes being formed...
...Projects that will provide work for the jobless under the Civil Works Administration program are being prepared as swiftly as possible...
...Massachusetts Fltrhbure.—Enthusiastically greeted by an audience that taxed the capacity of the Co-operative Hall, August Claessens lectured on the "NBA...
...2, on ''Detroit Slum Clearance " Wans Csanty plans meetings In schools to build op Interest and establish new branches...
...Thursday, Dec...
...60 cents for the course...
...13, Hartford, Conn...
...Keep this date open...
...They will also aid In organization of teachers In their light for a living wage, and to support Negro teachers in their demand of "equal pay for equal work...
...Six meetings will be held Wednesdnv snd Friday evenings for four weeks beginning Dec...
...May 15, necessl¦ 5"'**.,he nominating add filing of a I 'o-nplele state ticket, V. S. Senator, I '""gresilonal end Legislative candidates ¦. W April SS...
...Of great' iaspoi -ce h " - annour cement of the general membership meeting of Local Bridgeport on December 20, when definite policies regarding party work for the coming year will be formulated...
...Secretary reported that Pennsylvania will , entitled to, 19 delegates to the National Convention...
...The meeting is held by Local Essex County...
...E. W. MrParland, who will speak on "Public Education In the Present Emergency...
...IS, Lawrencr, Kansas...
...The schools are Lafayette...
...will lecture st the Forum, Odd Fellows' list) Franklin St., Tuesday, Dec...
...Flvs new teachers have been added...
...In the eastern sectloi, Socialists are active among the share-croppers...
...Treasurer, Peter Brewster...
...Non-party members are Invited to th rlectures and discussions, especially economic teachers and ministers, etc...
...Anan rial secretary, George 8. Beckman...
...BROADCASTS A series of coas* to coast broadcasts on the "Economics of the New Ileal" will be sponsored by the L.I.D...
...Washington, Cle Elum, Evrrette, Seattle (Y.P.S.Y, No...
...1, Portland, Ore.: Dee...
...4, Antloch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio...
...NEW PARTY LOCALS Arkansas, Blue Briar branch...
...Speaker at the tabor Forum, Northern High School, Sunday evening, Dec...
...S, at 8:15 p. m., Hoy Burt, "Socialism and Recovery...
...Admission 25 cents...
...Hallet, Cheyenne, Is a one-man committee of correspondence for the Socialists of Wyoming writing to various papers to give readers the Socialist viewpoint...
...V, Los Angeles, Cal...
...A summary of the proposals of the "direct credits" plan, and an evaluation of It from the Socialist viewpoint, list been sent out for branch discussion...
...I Tel.| N«p...
...7, Palo Alto, Cal...
...189 Nrpperhan Ave...
...Mildred V. Erleson has sees elected treasurer of the branch...
...3, at 68 Washington St, Paterson...
...27 and t Stunted charters to two branches and a I '»e«l charter to Schuylkill County...
...3, Cincinnati, O...
...An interesting item pertaining to the recent election is the comparison of the campaign expense accounts of the three major political parties...
...The state executive committee will meet In Cheyenne during the sessions of the Continental Congrrss...
...The unemployment situation has occupied Mayor McLevy's time to such an extent that he has not yet been able to start work on bis message to the new Board of Aldermen, which meets for the first time on Monday night, December 4th, nor has he had'time to lay out the administration's legislative program or his appointments to aldermanic committees...
...Both meetings, starting at 8 p.m., are arranged by the Finnish Socialist Local...
...While the Democrats spent 220,890 to get 16,000 votes, and the Republicans spent $13,630 to apt some 7,000 votes, the Socialist...
...During the latter part of January he will speak In Maryland, Virginia, Norm and South Carolina, then go to Florida, Alabama, and back to Chicago...
...Jean Jacques Coronet...
...14, Wichita, Kansas...
...California 8aa Francises.—Socialist Party forum, 1057 Stelner St, Wednesday, Dec...
...3, San Francisco, Cal...
...3, Is Prof...
...8, 8:15 p.m., al i the Moose Temple, Penn Ave...
...1. PlanSeld, N. J.| Dee...
...Socialist Party Progress National SPEAKING TOURS The enthusiastic reception accord...
...Decided to ash a con'Htiutlon of S3 from each of the 147 jr >nches to defray expense of delega1...
...Local Tyronza has doubled Its membership since November, and la to form locals In the surrounding territory...
...Michigan The executive committee asks locals and branches to consider Hems they want Included in the agenda for the state convention to be held In January...
...The school Is primarily for adult workers between 18 and .15 years old, teaching economics, labor history, psychology, sociology, and cultural subsets...
...British Labor MP., has led the national headquarters Ui make arrangements for a longer tour next year...
...3, at S p. m. Newark.—Fred Henderson will speak In (he Musicians' Hal), 481 Plane St,, Saturday evening, Dec...
...Admission free...
...i Pennsylvania Pittsbargtu—Devere Allen will speak •t the Young Men and Young Women's Hebrew Association, llelleileld Avenue, Oakland, Tuesday, Dec...
...The following officers were elected: Organizer, John O. Cooper...
...S, Berkeley, Cal...
...While realising only too well the inability of a Socialist city administration to do much towards eliminating the ills produced by a capitalist society, the Bridgeport administration has been striving to do all in its power to alleviate the sufferings of the unemployed...
...His dates are: Dec...
...Local Socialists are urged to attend...
...7, Jeanette, Pa...
...Arkansas Renewed interest In Socialism Is reported by Edward and Martha Johnson, national organisers, who have spent two weeks In the state...
...3, Eugene, Ore.j Dec...
...Early primary...
...correspond ing secretary, William P. White...
...4, 8:16 p. m, at 5*5 Main Ave., Passaic...
...57, to outline organization work...
...First class will meet Monday, Dec...
...Carl A. Johnson, assistant organizer...
...Thy topics are "Must We Starve," "War-What ForT" "Poverty and Crime," and "The Tragedy of Waste...
...Wayne County la planning a New Year's party at headquarters, 225 E. Forest...
...7, Rabid {Irving F. Relchert, "What I Saw In Germany...
...Brookwooa Labor College players will present labor plays, skits, mass recitations and songs at aaley Hall, 211 Market St., Sunday...
...Local Tyronza: Illinois, Bradley...
...H. L. Mitchell of Tyronsa Is state representative...
...Secretary, Education Commissioner Jack C. Bergen...
...Frcd Henderson...
...Wyoming R. P...
...Tickets at party headquarters, 1085 Broad St...
...Tennessee The Highlander Folk School, Mont eagle, cooperating with the parly, has opened its winter term...
...The President of the Board of Aldermen becomes acting mayor in the event of the mayor's absence or incapacity...
...Hutchlns, Lodge, r.hadary High, and Foch on Wednesday evenings, and Wilson, Greenfield I'nion, Western High, Sampson, Barbour, and Northeastern High en Friday evenings...
...literature agent, Hugh Dollard: recording secretary, Frank P. Loefner...
...4-11, New York City...
...Camden voters approved setting up of a municipal light plant, but the private utility has carried the rase to the Supreme Court and won a delay of six months...
...Socialists are arranging a huge protest meeting...
...The annual election of party officers and committees will take place at thia meeting The present officers of Local Bridgeport are: Town Chairman, Mayer Jaaper McLevy...
...SENIOR MEETINGS Clarence Senior, executive secretary, will lecture In Ohio the first part of December...
...Amarillo, Tex...
...Martin Plettl, former president of Fed , erallon of German Garment Workers, : *M speak Friday, Dec...
...Oleaa.—Local Olasn has established headquarters at 691 North Union St...
...You are Invited...
...Reuben Hall, assistant literature agent, and an eseciitlve of nine members...
...6, at 8:15 p.m...
...4, Sausslito, Cal...
...17, speaking to meetings of workers...
...General county meeting on Dec...
...13, Albuquerque, N. M...
...His schedule follows...
...secretary, A. Simon...
...3, Norwalh and lUdgefleld, Conn...
...As matters now stand, three Bepublican aldermen have the balance of power in deciding whether one of the 12 Socialist aldermen or one of the 13 Democratic aldermen will be board president for the ensuing year...
...Is 41 Union Square, New York City...
...treasurer, H. Slmklns...
...every Saturday evening from S to 8:30, E.S.T., over the Blue Network of the National Broadcasting Company...
...German Socialist refugee, will speak at Deutsches Hall, Mark snd Maxwell, Wednesday, Dec...
...Assistant Town Chairman, City Treasurer John Shenton...
...Workers' educational class organized with the aid of the Amalgamated and I.L.G.W...
...llterattm agent, B. Granito...
...15, George L. Paine, secretary of the Greater Boston Federation of Churches, will speak at the same Place on "How a Christian Looks at Capitalism...
...Members and non members should enroll in the "Elementary Socialism" course...
...The address of the League Against Fascism, of which he Is secretary...
...Paterae*.—Singing of labor songs precede Monday evening classes In current events and nubile speaking at 6S Washington St...

Vol. 16 • December 1933 • No. 23

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