Pittsburgh Unemployed, Led by Socialist, Demand and Get Action

Limbach, Sarah

Pittsburgh Unemployed, Led by Socialist, Demand and Get Action By Sarah Limbach PITTSBURGH.—Last Sunday more than 1,600 Pittburgh unemployed, 400 of them women, called upon the director of...

...Twenty-eight years ago the branch established Its own paper, the "Proletarec," now owned by the Federation, Washington George R. Klrkputrirk Is touring the state and doing line work especially In the eastern section Walla Walla, Dayton and Spokane...
...Tickets are 35 cents each and can be procured from Willie Goldberg, 1331 Portia St., and llyiuim Sheanln, 2022V4 Pennsylvania, or from any members of the League, Virginia By David George Richmond, Vs.—The Socialist Party has increased its percentage of the total vole grrutly over previous years...
...He is now In the Puget Sound section...
...The more urgent cases were acted upon immediately...
...August Clatssena will speak Handay, at two meetings In metropolitan Boston, at the Wellington Hill Auditorium Forum off Morton Street, at 11 o'clock in the morning, and at 3 p. in...
...slons at 1109 N. Hamilton St., High Point, N. C Courses in trade union tactics, public speaking and English elementary economics, labor history and economic history, Xeniiessea The state executive committee has approved the extension of workers' education by means of labor chautau-quas, community libraries and study circles under the auspices of the Highlander Folk School at Monteagle, Illinois Chicago.—Branch 1 of the Jugoslav Socialist Federation recently celebrated Its 30th anniversary...
...The effectiveness of the demonstration was evidenced by the attitude of the authorities...
...2 meets each Tuesday and Friday at their new headquarters, Mack and Bewick...
...In Hopewell, Daniel Killiugcr, So-elnllsl candidate for House of Delegates, polled 147 votes against 520 for the Democratic winner...
...New York State . State Executive Committee...
...Louis St...
...There will be an entertainment Suturday night...
...Ills subject Is "National Security anil How It May Be Obtained...
...The apeelal committee on Inunction conference reported that Ihe legislative hearing had been successful, that the parlies interested would Sle brief* *nd a model Mil will b* Introduced In Ihe Stale Legislature, Substantial progress has been made toward closer cooperation of organised labor and the parly...
...Charter* were granted lo locals at Oswego and Newhurgh...
...A drive to double the membership of Branch One and to Increase Ihe number of subscribers lo party papers Is now under wly...
...The party vote has Increased where the vote Is normal, while the percentage has Increased evrn where few votes were cast, as In Richmond and Ihe central part of the state Pennsylvania Pittsburgh...
...Bafalo.—Dan Donovan, national see...
...Oiii..nil, Ansell polled 472 void against 920 for the Republican nominee lit Roanoke our vole was: Ansell, 300 Thomas got 71 last year In a muck greater total...
...Coal deliveries began immediately after the demonstration and continued all day Sunday, and were still being made at 3:00 A M. Monday morning...
...German labor leader and president of the International Federation of Clothing Workers, will speak Friday, Dec...
...Central Square), Cambridge...
...1, at S p. m. Organisation* are requested not lo run conflicting affairs...
...I. P«t there are many activities for the Continental Congress which will in no way interfere with the activities of the S.P.A...
...State Secretary Merrill reported that the average party mem bershlp upstate and In Greater New York for the len months i.i 1(33 was considerably ahead of the average for 1932...
...Last year Hoover re-reived 5 600 in Richmond against 395 for Thomas...
...The conference will continue Sunday with Comrade Clacsscns as the principal speaker...
...Wisconsin— Sproce...
...26, 8:15 p. in...
...Hempstead.—The Hempstead Forum was opened last Tuesday evening by James Oneal with a lecture on "If the NRA Falls...
...California Us Angeles...
...The speaker Is Dr...
...Candidal**' BtiUasents...
...Pittsburgh Meeting...
...The Branch will meet at the horn* of Organiser George Freeman, 32 S. Spruce St., West Hempstead, Tueoday evening...
...Pearl Braden, Harry Scull, Edward Thomas, Edward Kane and Bill McNeJius...
...and without any clothing and coal, a letter from a hospital social worker, demanding clothing for a consumptive child (the social worker had made her request November 6. By November 18 the request had not been granted...
...Before long, the corridors of the city hall were crowded...
...Mason Is the reader's guide at the Carnegie Library...
...Sunday, Dec...
...Locals and state organizations should designate comrades and set aside funds to carry on and assist the Congress in carrying on educational and economic activities...
...Educational meeting precedes business meeting...
...County and Assembly caiull ¦Isle* (lie with County Election Boards oiil.l.le of New York City, rlly and (own candidate* with city and town clerks, respectively...
...In Hi...
...He will also appear In Belllngham, Everett, Tacoma and l-oug view...
...League Against Fascism...
...New Jersey Newark.—Suturday, Dec...
...In addition, individual complaints, which had not reached the league's executive committee, were given him...
...With 50 counties and cities missing, and Incomplete returns from 74 counties and cities, the leading Socialist candidate, Herman 11...
...The total this year will not exceed 150,000...
...A Workers' Educational Class Is Jbjjri each Monday evening, commencliflT Nov...
...Wnldnian elected chairman of a committee lo prepore legislation for Introduction In the Slntc Legislature...
...The program will Include the YJ'.S.L...
...Sunday, Dec...
...Registration being taken for study classes In essentials of Socialism, economics of Socialism, public speaking and organization problems, with a special class for Ylpsels, Pittsburgh Forum...
...Complaints were presented in writing by the chairman of the Unemployed Citizens League, Robert Lieberman, local Socialist, Peter Dougherty, Peter Wack, Jos...
...for Attorney-General, received 2.K91 votes...
...to carry on an active nropaganda !»>r Socialism and for the building I of the Socialist Party, which should .make unnecessary the organization |ff a new party of labor and ¦armors...
...Sessions will be held al Odd Fellow's Hall on Ihe flrst and ililr I Tuesday evening* of the month...
...The usual tales of woe followed: families, with members ill...
...The banquet will he a commemoration to the late Morris Hillqult and will be handled entirely by the Ylpsels...
...The demonstrators approached the director's offices from different Streets in contingents of 80...
...Pittsburgh Unemployed, Led by Socialist, Demand and Get Action By Sarah Limbach PITTSBURGH.—Last Sunday more than 1,600 Pittburgh unemployed, 400 of them women, called upon the director of relief, George P. Mills, to demand more efficient and prompt distribution of relief...
...8, «t Moose Temple, 628 Fenn Ave., Pittsburgh, under the auspices of the Western Pennsylvania Section of the League Against Fascism...
...In 1932, Thomas received only 2,382 in the entire state In a total of 3110,000, while the vote lor Governor In 1929 was 4611 In a totul of 275,000...
...McCarthy, Mrs...
...on Ihe ground that It closely resembled the Fascist salute, and asking thai It be abandoned...
...Ills subject will be: "The Socialist Analysts of the NBA...
...Nathiiu Miller, Professor of Economics, Carnegie Instl-lue of Technology...
...27, at 585 Main Ave., with David Saposs and Murk Starr of Brookwood Labor College in charge...
...Speakers are Judge Jeffries and Hurry Rlscinnn...
...Joseph Bearak Is giving a course on Soclallsm-at the meetings...
...A week end conference on "Socialism In a World of Chaos" will be held a! the headquarters of the Citml/ritlge local beginning at 3 p.m., Saturday...
...Fltchbvrg.—AugustClaessens will speak In Fltrbhurg Monday night...
...Henceforth, however, this section must be , trtetly enforced by every local and state organization if the Socialist Party is not to be sabotaged and greatly weakened, if not destroyed from within...
...Socialist Stand on Continental Congress In line with the resolution passed St the Reading meeting, the N.E.C...
...Devere Allen, editor of "The World Tomorrow," will speak on Tuesday, Dec...
...6 meets on Friday evenings at Wilson School, 7735 Lane Ave...
...of the Socialist Party shall be subject to expulsion from the Socialist Party...
...Detroit—"The Story of Birth Control" Is the subject for discussion this Saturday evening at 225 E. Foresl Ave...
...On a motion by Gorman Thomas, it was decided that the newly fo.-med Farmer-Labor Political Federation and the League for Independent Political Action were organizations membership in which violate the above resolution...
...The Dorchester branch meets Tuesday nt I tin f-li 111 Ave., Dorchester...
...We believe it would be unfair rigidly to apply this rule to any offense of the past because of the general lack of knowledge on this question...
...Chulrinan, Algernon l.ee of the Rand School...
...It said, however: "The Socialist Party is the political expression of the working class and has no interest other than that of the working class...
...The stole committee granted a charier to new branches in Wlnchendon, South Iloyl-ston and North End, New Bedford...
...Branch No...
...3, William J. Van Essen...
...Admission 15 cents...
...Weekly meetings of the Boston Central branch are held on Friday nights at 1 Stuart St...
...will hold lis fourth annual banquet on Sunday, Dec...
...10, at 7 p. m, at the Socialist Verband, 126 N. St...
...Everyone Is Invited...
...6, 8:15 p. in., at the Young Men and Young Women's Hebrew Association, llellfleld Ave., Oakland, for the Socialist Party of Allegheny County...
...New Leader readers Invited to both functions...
...Party Notes New Locals Massachusetts Athol, Chelsea, South Royalston and Wlnchendon...
...The Y.P.S.L...
...TheUnemployed Citizens League, through its chairman, Robert Lieberman, stated that relief machinery had completely broken down, particularly in the distribution of coal...
...Massachusetts The Eastern Massachusetts Federation of Socialist branches recently held a conference on "Socialism hi Action...
...The Rand School study class in Socialism will begin soon...
...K. Krouse is class secretary...
...10, Dr...
...6, which provides that any member of the Socialist Party who shall aid in the organization of another political party or in the nomination of candidates other than that of the Socialist Party without the consent of the N.E.C...
...The City Controller was called in and arranged immediately to purchase clothing for children and deliver coal...
...Six p. m reception and supper at Socialist headquarters, 1085 Brood St., and tit 8:15 In Musicians' Hall, 401 Plane St., lecture on "Dollars—Power—and Human Life...
...I lie third meeting of the Socialist Sunday evening Forum will be held Sunday, Nov...
...New Mexico A resolution lo support the strike of the Farm Holiday Association was passed by the slate executive committer...
...North Carolina Lawrence llogan, Hasel Dawson, last Flee and Alton Lawrence ar* "p—tna a Carolina School ferWirt sr...
...In Richmond our legislative ticket polled over 300 votes against a Republican low of .156...
...We stand ready to cooperate with the workers of this country should they ever demand the organization of a labor and farmers' party...
...Walla Walla and Dayton meetings put the Party on the map, while the Spokane meeUngs Injected new life...
...Michigan A ilisinsli.il outline on municipal problems, based on the nutlonol executive committee report last summer, has been sent out to locals by the state office...
...Nov 28...
...Business Hireling and election of branch officers and executive committee oh Nov...
...As a result, the administration's attitude on relief was completely changed...
...The Detroit Labor Forum Is sponsoring a debate Sunday evening at Northern High School on "Is Inflation a Way Out...
...at the headquarters of the Cambridge local, 631 Mass...
...chorus, a play and many musical numbers, entirely by members...
...Socialist N. E. C. Rules on "Third Party" Moves THE National Executive Committee adopted the following statement on "third parties": "The National Executive Committee calls attention to the important provision of our party constitution Art...
...Ylpsel entertainment Friday, Dee...
...The committee met at People's House last Sunday, with State Chairman Louts Wald-iiiiiii presiding...
...Ill, Sec...
...i.coup meetings were held on seven aspects of the party's work, followed hy a mass meeting In which II C. Ledyard spoke on "Knergy and Enthusiasm as Socialism Builders...
...relary of the Continental Congress, (poke at Labor Lyceum under auspices of l-oeal Buffalo Tuesday evening...
...While this section was not 'n-tended to prevent party members from discussing this topic among themselves or at regular meetings of party members, it is our conviction that for party members to go outside the party councils and publicly advocate the formation of or the adherence to r.ny third party movement, not only aids in the organization of another political party but commits an act of grave injury to the Socialist Party and is in direct violation of the above section, and Fuch members should be expelled by the local or state organization...
...Martin I'll III...
...The committee, however, proceeded to present its complaints...
...The large demonstration came as a surprise to Relief Director Mills, who tried to put off the hearing...
...A motion was adopted disapproving Ihe clasped hand solute of the Y.P.S.L...
...The duty of members of the S.P.A...
...Max Wershow, <well known Detroit plvslclon...
...Another conference on the general subject of "Socialism In a World of Chaos" will be held this week-end, Boston.—Alfred Baker Lewis, state secretary, reported lo the state cominlttre last Sunday that during October more dues stamps were sold than for any month since July, 19.12...
...But lit ir neither the purpose nor the function of the Soticlist Party to sdvocate and propagate the idea J* the organization of a new party...
...from there he will invade Oregon...
...Branch No...
...The meeting will be held In Cooperative Hall, 817 Main St., under the auspice*, of this society...
...Ansell heat the Republican nomine* for second place In at least six counties and one city...
...C. W. Mason will speak on "Adult Education and Socialist Change...
...again expressed its support of the Continental Congress of Workers and Farmers in its economic and educational work...
...Monday U Ihe last day for candidate* for public offlce In file statements of receipts and expenses...
...The committee voted that In locals hereafter organised a portion of the initiation fee lie applied to three months' subscription lo The New Leader...
...Copies from Francis King, secretary, 22S E. Forest Ave., Detroit...
...2: Fred Henderson, noted debater and British M.P...

Vol. 16 • November 1933 • No. 22

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