Socialist Party Progress
Socialist Party Progress New York City < uniimltee on Cooperatives At the first meeting of the So^fcirM party's Committee on Cooperatives, comrades everywhere were wci to communicate...
...28, 8:15 p. III., in Room A, International House, 500 Hiversldr Drive...
...7. Midwood (1101 Kings Highway, Room 54).—Business meeting Monday, Nov...
...7th A. D.—Branch and Y.P.S.L...
...26, at 3 p. in., al Irving Plata Hall, 15th St...
...Probable sneaker, Norman Thomas...
...Business meeting, I Inusiiiiv evening, Dec...
...First Thursday euch month, business meeting...
...10— Symposium: "Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism...
...16, are being formulated...
...5, Actors' Dinner Club— ¦ketch...
...Fred Henderson's Dates In New York City Party branches and sympathetic organizations still have an opportunity to book Fred Henderson, eminent British Laborlte for Sunday afternoon, Dec...
...Ten Days That Shook the World" and a comedy will be shown at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, Tit, Wl-niiiii St., Brooklyn, on Saturday, Dec 2. All this in addition to Hie dance and social held by Circle 2, Sr., King...
...Women's Hertion has decided to In elude, as part of Its educational program, trips to places of educational interest...
...Between 4(1 and 50 women turned out und two or three men—brave souls...
...2, at 241 So...
...1. Executive committee meets Monday at head quarters...
...24, at 5 p. m., •t Hand School, 7 F.ast I St...
...Dinner and dance...
...Sunday, Nov...
...25 al 1 p. in., at Hand School, 7 East 15th St...
...4th St., Brooklyn...
...8 p. in., Taylor Society...
...11, at 8:30 p. m.—Commodore Hotel, Beach 127th St...
...Thanksgiving Kvo Dance of the Bronx IjilMir Centre, 809 Westchester Ave...
...NOTES The organlgatlon of Ylpsels into the Rebel Arts is going along at a great rate...
...Arrangements being made for lectures second und fourth Thursday, starting Dec...
...27—4:30 p. m., Muslcale: Edith Clemens (mezzo soprpno), Charlotte Tonhazy (violinist), Carlo Lun/i lotll (bass...
...It is a line hall that has been decorated and will seat nearly a hundred persons...
...Watch for announcement ot Inline trips...
...10, Opera Tidbits...
...18th A. I...
...Emily I-illhIth, Julius Utnaniky, Abe Witsotsky and (ius (ierber...
...Third Thursday, reports of canvassers, etc...
...Wednesday, Nov... Hand School...
...18th A. D., Braneh t (844 Plica Ave...
...Downtown (157 Montague St...
...Monday, Dec...
...Is Nudism Healthful...
...The speaker will be Michael Rlsowsky of the LI l» Placet 27 Alton Place, Brooklyn, lime: Sunday, Nov...
...7—3:15 p. m., Columbia Socialist Clubs...
...10:30, Concert Hour: Eugene Byron Morgan (baritone), Joe Llppman (tenor), 1.1 Minn Hoy (coloratura soprano), String Ensemble...
...On Dec...
...II is a double celebration...
...6, at 8 p. in Mill A. D. Branch, Burnable Manor...
...Wear uniforms...
...27, at tt p. m., at 7 Kast 15th St...
...Interesting discussion was recently held on "The Majority and the Minority Hecent Paris Conference Report...
...M. Felgcn-bnum will speak on "Democracy or Dictatorship...
...The People's FUlucatiotinl Forum of the branch will be re-opened shortly...
...30—8:45 p. in., Foreign All'iilrs Forum—talk...
...Question and open forum to follow...
...There will be an official opening later and lectures will be held...
...Monday, Nov...
...27, al 809 Westchester Ave...
...Esther Friedman was engaged to conduct a class in Socialism at headquarters...
...Crosswaith vs...
...hours there we derided to come again in order to cover more thoroughly the exhibit of eleven divisions...
...Circle 4, Sr., are giving an entertainment and dance Saturday evening, Nov...
...Tuesday, Nov...
...New groups are being organized...
...Admission 10 rents...
...The V.P.S.I, group is being given a birthday party bj the branch, and the "Comrade, our -........uuihli magazine, is coming out, with Its iirst issue ready Dec...
...MANHATTAN Caper West Hid* (100 West 72nd St...
...Friday, Dec...
...9 2 p. m., New York County Forum...
...28-5:30 p. m., "Oil," Upton Sinclair—sketch...
...26, at 4 p. m...
...Thursday, Dec...
...The branch is having a Thanksgiving Eve Party at Monroe Court Community Room, 4313 47th St., Sunnyslde, Wednesday, Nov...
...26, Professor Allan Nevins, "The Press and Democracy...
...Youth Rally under the auspices of the Y.P.S.L., Circle 8, Internieillute, Kings, at Arlon Mansion Clubrooms, 21 Arum Place, Brooklyn, Sunday, Nov...
...Circle 10, Sr., Bronx...
...The first lasson will start Wednesday, Nov 29, from 1:30 to 3 p. in., al 6618 Hay Parkway, and continue every Wednesday...
...City Executive Council, Saturday at 3 p. in All i".....illiiti must be prepared to report...
...25, at Socialist and Labor Centre, 809 West rhester Ave...
...1'rnner Brockway...
...Mass meeting for Terzunl on Sunday, Nov...
...I'«m liiissendeii...
...Question of starting local paper in bunds of committee for Investigation...
...Jacob List...
...Organization plans wllr be adopted...
...2nd A. D. (9 West 170th St...
...Debate: Fred Henderson vs...
...The committee is preparing a survey of the cooperatives In the city and also of all organizations which have at their purpose the protecting of the interests of the consumer...
...5, at 8 p. m.—Brighton Beach Branch, 1113 Brighton Beach Ave...
...27, 8:30 p. m. Forum every Tuesday evening at 8:30...
...Features of the Week on WEVD Sunday, Nov...
...Tuesday, Nov...
...Hoy Clark llunuway—debute...
...Aesthetic and Moral," auspices Ingersoll Forum, Sunday at 8, in Pythian Temple...
...Ksdio Symposium Over WEVD from 10 to 10:45 p. as.- Speakers: Dr...
...28, meeting at 789 Elsmere Place, 8:30 p. m. Amalgamated Branch.—A course of 12 lectures on Socialism by Esther Friedman will be held every Tuesday afternoon from 1:30 to 3:30 In the Workman's Circle School, '1990 Saxon Ave...
...Branch meeting, Tuesday, Nov...
...22 women were present lust Tuesday, the first day of registration...
...10:30, Hull Hour with Shakespeare: "Julius Caesar," Edward Doize and players...
...Jamaica meets Thursday evenings, the first and third being educational and the second and fourth business meetings...
...Members are William T. Hade (chalrinani, Mrs...
...Course of 12 sessions costs 11.50...
...All delegates must attend...
...Lecture Notes Rev...
...10:15, "Author Reviews Ills Hook...
...Wednesday, Dee...
...Thursday, Nov...
...28, Win...
...Branch is also sponsoring un Ivast New York Forum...
...I'siiy Commutes aa I mini will meet Friday, Nov...
...8:45, Eva Miller, contralto...
...10, Houdsidc Singers...
...Astoria (2nd and Woolsey Aves...
...AJI interested in working »lll> the •jnuiniltee are asked In semi in their names...
...The first meetings of the new groups will be held' as follows: Monday, Dec...
...8:36 p. in., fast Flat-bush Branch, 2nd A. p., 539 East 95th St., near Church Ave., Brooklyn...
...Three delegates of each organization constitute a committee In charge, with Hobrrt Koeppirus as chairman and Hanley Clapp, 123-07 85th Ave., Richmond Hill, secretary...
...8:45, "What Young America Is Doing and Thinking," John Chamberlain, literary critic...
...Wednesday, Dec...
...New Year's et* Dinner.- Reserve New \ear's Eve for a full dinner, dance and entertainment at the Bronx IjiI.oi Centre...
...BRONX Special Meeting of All Bronx Organisers and Financial Secretaries on Monday, Nov...
...He is scheduled to speak at the following places: Monday, Dee...
...Tuesday, Dec...
...What Should It Be...
...26—8 p. in., Modern American Composers...
...Jack Altman and Alex Hetzkln, oul on bail for carrying a red flag, will go on trial...
...The branch meets Monday nights at head • ihhiOis On Saturday night, Dec...
...Discussion on Tuesday, Nov...
...Branch 1.—Meetings Tuesdays at headquarters, 1686 President St, 8:30 p. m. Forum Friday nights...
...The Party will, If necessary, take the case to the highest court...
...7, Drama Group (actor, and stage settings...
...I. Ik on "The Organization of Labor" by Comrade Diamond, organizer of I >'i nl Hi of the Hotel and Restaurant Workers' Union of the A. I\ of I., mh 21st A. D. 12005 7th Ave...
...Meet g| Pelham Bay station at 10 a. in...
...28, at 8:30 p. in Discussion at last meeting will continue...
...will be held at the Rebel Arts hWauarler...
...Mirnrva, Paul Zulu's Httsslan Gypsy Orchestra...
...4, Art aad Camera Groups...
...Price of the series, (1.5(1 All women Interested should register at once...
...County Committee Meeting, Thursday, Nov...
...Saturday, Dec...
...The speaker will be Benjamin Grimier...
...22 East 22nd St...
...Everyone welcome...
...Tuesday fw t, Music Groups (vocal and orchestral...
...Branches Jamaica aad Richmond Hill, with the Ylpsels, have opened joint headquarters at 13718 Jamaica Ave., which will be known as the Queens I iiimi Centre...
...Saturday, Dec...
...8, "King und Queen," musico-comedy...
...and Irving Place...
...6, Writers' Qr^L' Thursday, Dec...
...Amalgamated Cooperative...
...1—4:30 p. in., Lalior News: New Lcuder period: 5:30, Harriett Itiilliui (soprano) anil string ensemble...
...Moved into spacious new headquarters at 864 Sutter Ave...
...Has Government Rcguliitiuii of Public Utilities Failed...
...John I. Knudson (chairman), Herbert M. Merrill, Dean Edward J. Allen, Prof...
...Communicate with Socialist Party office immediately regarding a date...
...Circle 10, Sr Kings, on Saturday, Dec...
...Organizers' Meeting, Monday, Nov...
...10—8:30 p. m„ Brooklyn Forum, Brooklyn Academy of Music...
...8:30 p. m Hand School, 7 East 15th St...
...The feature will la the opening of the lecture season...
...The first trip to Museum of Science and Industry, 220 Bast 42nd St., proved a great success...
...This meeting is Important I Please be prompt...
...28, Professor Richard McKeon, "Science In Antiquity: The Aristotelian Tradition...
...Plans for a barn dance and housewarming Saturday evening, Dec...
...Boxes for col-collection of funds for Terzunl Defense Committee distributed...
...Halm Kantorovlch will spruk on "The Russian Revolution" at the meeting of Circle 1, Sr, at the new Bronx lalmr Centre, 809 Westchester Ave., on Sunday, Nov...
...Central Committee of Workers' Unemployed I fugue will meet Saturday, Nov...
...2—5:15 p. in., "Lubor Marches On"—sketch...
...Charles George, "Memory Press Hook...
...8:30, Music Hall Progrum: Helen Steele (contralto), Conrad und Tremont (piano duo...
...1(1:30, "Around the Samovar": ill Spivttck (gypsy baritone), Mile...
...BROOKLYN Brooklyn Forum...
...New Year's Eve affair—dinner, entertainment and danee at headquarters...
...2, members In cooperation with the liar lem Workers' I'nemployed League will give a benefit dunce at headquarters Proceeds go to branch and League Comradeship and excellent music are assured...
...Attend and bring some friends...
...24, I ah it Dean Martin, "Revolution and Romanticism: Prevailing Philosophies of a Revolution...
...Admission 25 cents...
...Richmond Hill meets Tuesday evenings, and the Yipsels on Fridays...
...Admission 25 cents...
...Morning-aide Heights...
...Keep Monday night, Dec...
...Subject: "What Can Labor Expect From Governments...
...There will be a League Hike on Thanksgiving Day, Nov...
...Friday, Dec...
...Subject: "What Is the Socialist Party...
...26, 7:30 p. m. A number of speakers ara scheduled...
...Branch meeting, Monday, Nov...
...QUEENS Sgnnyslde...
...29 — 8:15 p. in., Oswald Garrison Villain, publisher of The Nation —talk...
...Secretaries must bring meinh/r-shlp books...
...8:30, "Psychology clinic or the Air': Dr...
...James D. Sayers will lecture on "Esperuiito and its Relation to the Socialist Movement," and Throdor Weder, noted Esperantlst authority, will speak on "The International Aspects oi the Esperanto Movement...
...The Museum supplied a guide...
...26, at 9 p. m. Circle 8, Sr., Kings...
...After spending 2...
...Subject: "la Socialism Superior to Cupltullsm...
...8—6 p. ni., New York UnlversHy...
...Meet Tuesday nights at 8:30...
...26, 8 :30 p. in., at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Ijifayetle and Flathush Aves., I i aiik It...
...Entertainment by the "Three Troubadours" and Circle 8 Symphony Orchestra...
...1, at the Special Sessions Court, Tremont and Arthur Aves., Charles Solomon will fight for the right of workers to carry the red flag, the symbol of solidarity and Socialism...
...Program of People's Institute, Cooper Union, lectures are as follows: Nov...
...27, 8:30 p. m., at headquarters...
...and Boulevard, Hockaway Park, L. 1. Auspices: Him kuway Park Forum...
...A good time is assured... mission, 25 cents...
...Burnslde and Harrison Aves., Bronx, Topic: "Rebirth ot Mankind...
...Price: 11.50 per person...
...4, 8:36 p. m.—6th A. D. Branch, 167 Tompkins Ave., Brooklyn...
...Ilsly Borne will speak on "Shall We Go Naked...
...We must also nominate a candidate for Stale Senator In the 21st District...
...4, open...
...All lawetiDg...
...22nd A. I...
...Bensonhurat is arranging a class in Socialism undrr the auspices of the | Hand School with Esther Friedman as Instructor...
...Red Falcons of America City (.tildes' Council, Saturday at 4 p. in...
...Sunday, Dec...
...These give the history of invention and industrial progrrss...
...8:30, Hunter College Muslcale...
...Friday, Nov 24, at 8 p. ,m...
...8, lntcruationiil Exclmngc Concerts, direction of Henry Cowell...
...Socialist Party Progress New York City < uniimltee on Cooperatives At the first meeting of the So^fcirM party's Committee on Cooperatives, comrades everywhere were wci to communicate immediately with the committee 11 they art- planning to organize cooperative enterprises...
...Labor and the Law...
...Topic: "Rebirth of Mankind...
...prominent speakers...
Vol. 16 • November 1933 • No. 22